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FedNow: A Field Guide

for Banks
Accelerating compliance for a
new era in real-time payments

A Long Journey Finally Reaches the Starting Line
2021. For their part, non-participants need to keep
abreast of what these solutions look like and how
After many years of inertia over real-time payments,
they perform, if they are to launch their own FedNow
during which much of the world leapt ahead, change
services on time, with maximum impact and minimum
is coming to the U.S. with the introduction of FedNow,
investment. It’s been a long time getting to
a “flexible, neutral platform that supports a broad
variety” of real-time payments and the nation’s third
this point, but soon more U.S.
real-time payments service.
This will give rise to some tough decisions. Real-time businesses and consumers
payments are almost certain to undermine traditional than ever before will be able
revenue streams around fees. But, as indicated by the
to experience the benefits of
momentum — and investment — from the Fed, change
is necessary. We can expect a significant push for
real-time payments, including
The FedNow service — a real-time account-to-account
adoption intended to drive the new scheme deep into improved financial inclusion,
(A2A) payments service — is the Federal Reserve’s
the consumer and corporate markets. reduced fees, improved cash
first major new payments system in four decades. A
pilot consisting of around 100 financial institutions,
flow and increased access to
and a select group of solution providers (including ACI capital.
Worldwide) has already started and will run through
2022, ahead of national rollout in 2023. The network is
expected to significantly advance real-time payment
schemes in the U.S., leapfrogging forward on the
development journeys seen in other markets around
the world to deliver ubiquitous A2A payments and biller
Request for Payment (RfP).

That means banks in the U.S. are suddenly under

pressure to act. Payment technology experts say
that pilot participants should be expected to start to
prepare their environments for FedNow by the end of

2 FedNow: A Field Guide for Banks

Part One
Three FedNow Readiness Scenarios…
• What do you and your customers need or
So, what do banks in North America need to expect from real-time payments now, and
know and do to offer FedNow services to their how is that likely to evolve in the future?
customers, and how does it play into their wider
payments modernization projects? This is unlikely • What do these expectations mean for
to be happening in isolation, after all. Many banks you when it comes to identifying which real-
may already be connected to Zelle or the TCH RTP time payment schemes to connect to, when
network and many will also be part way through and how?
migration projects to the ISO 20022 messaging
standard for wires and SWIFT. Where and how does • Do your conclusions mean advancing your
FedNow fit into the bigger picture? real-time payments strategy requires
tactical or strategic investment?

As we work with customers to advance their And among customers we see three common
FedNow readiness by answering these questions readiness scenarios emerging.
and more, we see conversations filtering into three
broad sets of considerations.

3 FedNow: A Field Guide for Banks

…Which Best Describes You?
Hit the buttons below to jump to the section most
relevant to your organization. There you’ll find
considerations and recommendations customized
to your current scenario.

1. New to Real-Time Payments 2. Established With Real-Time Payments 3. Advanced Provider of Real-Time Payments

Prompted by FedNow, you’re interested in a rapid Your organization has figured out how to generate Your organization is in the process of modernizing
activation project to enable your first real-time steady and growing revenues from real-time its payments infrastructure leveraging a payments
payment services with — as far as possible — payments. You do not have complex integration needs hub environment, to which it intends to add FedNow.
existing solutions. Your goal is to maximize current as you look to add FedNow to your existing real-time Due to increasing complexity of managing both
assets and minimize costs on the way to standing capabilities. Instead, you need a quick, simple and legacy and next-generation payments, you are using
up a real-time payments capability. lower-cost way to connect to — and remain compliant participation in a new domestic real-time payments
with — all U.S. real-time payment networks. network to further evaluate your payments
modernization strategy.

Jump to Section Jump to Section Jump to Section

4 FedNow: A Field Guide for Banks

New to Real-Time Payments
Making FedNow Your First Real-Time Payments Service

As consumer and corporate expectations swing

You’re here because FedNow has
decisively towards real-time payments, this is a
prompted interest in a rapid activation
critical juncture for your organization. Your needs
project to enable your first real-time may not be complex — yet — but the decisions
payment services with — as far as made now can either head-off or give rise to future
possible — existing solutions. Your complexity that could prove costly.
goal is to maximize current assets and
minimize costs on your way to standing To assist you, the following pages offer an overview
up a standalone real-time payments of key considerations that should feature highly
in your planning. These insights have been gained
from ACI’s significant experience standing up, and
driving adoption of, real-time payment services in
Go Back to Part One the U.S., around the world, and across borders and

5 FedNow: A Field Guide for Banks

What do you and your customers need or Banks that are new to real-time payments will be will suit many, but they must be confident that they
expect from real-time payments now, and how understandably keen to find solutions that meet have fully understood customer requirements and
is that likely to evolve in the future? these needs for a minimum of investment and with market developments. The age of digital disruption
maximum technological simplicity. is littered with tales of incumbents that invested
New entrants to real-time payments are likely to be time and money in delivering the bare minimum
statewide or regional banks with a strong heritage What do these expectations mean for you when only to be overtaken by customer expectations.
in providing essential banking services to local it comes to identifying which real-time payment Ultimately, receive now only provides a better
consumers and small-to-medium-sized corporates. schemes to connect to, when and how? service to other banks’ customers, not yours,
This customer base has historically prioritized the who may also wonder why they can receive funds
ability to make payments as cheaply as possible For banks starting their real-time payments journey, instantly but not send them.
while still receiving certainty over when the funds this is a relatively simple consideration to address:
will clear, even if not immediately. FedNow is the perfect scheme with which to begin
offering real-time payments. It’s offer of ubiquitous
However, while the needs and expectations of this A2A, C2B and RfP payments — and the previously
customer base may appear to move slowly, they will still mentioned changes in consumer and corporate
move towards real-time payments. Because as FedNow expectations — means banks that aren’t already
adoption grows, these customers (whether corporates or offering real-time payments should prioritize
consumers) will experience greater exposure to real-time becoming compliant with FedNow. Not to do so
payments either via their peers, suppliers or partners. carries a high degree of risk around continued
Their banks will inevitably be called upon to offer them customer relevance. FedNow does offer the option
similar services, in the shape of P2P payments and C2B of being a receive-only bank, which will resonate
payments for bill paying, and even RfP. with those banks that are heavily predisposed
towards simplicity. This is a legitimate decision that

6 FedNow: A Field Guide for Banks

Do your conclusions mean advancing your The first step is to consider whether you already
real-time payments strategy requires tactical have the baseline capability on which to add
or strategic investment? FedNow in place and engage the relevant partners
to understand how to activate their components
When entering the real-time payments market for in compliance with FedNow. In the event those
the first time with FedNow, whether as a receive- solutions aren’t present, or your solution provider
only or send-and-receive provider, costs must be can’t support you or lacks the experience, then
kept to a minimum. re-focus your search on hosted solutions from
experienced providers. These will enable you to
That includes ensuring significant re-engineering of invest strategically but at tactical expense levels,
infrastructure isn’t required again in two years’ time funding real-time payments provision on an OPEX,
as volumes increase. Therefore, your organization per-transaction basis that offers maximum agility
must focus its solution search on platforms that when it comes to volume processing.
can grow with your business or change with your
customers — in whatever direction that growth or
those changes might take you.

7 FedNow: A Field Guide for Banks

Fraud Protection for New Entrants
to Real-Time Payments
can tightly track the level of volume — and therefore chosen solutions must do more than solve for these
revenue — you’re generating with real-time challenges from a technical point of view. They must
Your FedNow services will need payments. But at the very least it means choosing also enable fraud teams to exert tight control over
immediate and complete fraud protection vendors with open and extensible solutions that their fraud strategy in terms of the amount of risk
to become a source of dependable can bridge the gap between modern and legacy they take on in their models. That allows banks to
systems. also maximize control over their revenue and their
revenue. Fraud will hit from day one — as
it does with all new payment types — and Automation is essential because protecting real-
it will hurt more because of real-time time payments requires instant decisions, which Depending on your internal resources and
payments’ thinner margins. can only be provided by machine learning. Here, capabilities, that may mean leaning heavily on your
AI 2.0 technologies — such as federated and solution vendor’s expertise or it might mean doing
hybrid machine learning — are enabling banks so rarely. But either way, given the propensity for
to share information about fraud risks to develop real-time payment volumes to grow suddenly and
So, what does that look like? At the highest level community-level protections through network explosively, it should not be a static relationship.
it requires three things: flexibility, automation and intelligence, without compromising IP, data privacy Through a combination of their technology and
control. or compliance obligations. Unlike traditional consultancy, their support needs to be able to flex
consortiums, whose models are dominated by the and scale with your fraud protection requirements,
First, flexibility. That means investing strategically data from the biggest players, a network intelligence whatever they might be now and in the future.
in solutions that meet you where you are now community allows organizations to access fraud
— whatever your real-time payments maturity scores for real-time payments customized to their
level — and that grow with your requirements size in a community and their unique risk appetite.
(and ambitions). That may mean the cloud, where And that brings us to control, the final feature of a
solutions can be funded on an OPEX basis and costs complete real-time payments fraud solution. Your

8 FedNow: A Field Guide for Banks

ACI: Your Strategic Guide to Growth With FedNow, From Pilot to Production
ACI Worldwide currently supports 18 real-time
ACI Worldwide is proud to have been selected by
domestic schemes globally, including Zelle and TCH
the Federal Reserve Banks to participate in the
RTP (both of which are supported in the U.S. via
forthcoming FedNow Service pilot program.
our hosted PaaS platform). It also processes 50%
of all FedWire payments, and approximately 50%
of the U.K.’s Faster Payments, the core processing
infrastructure for Malaysia’s Real-time Retail Payments
The FedNow Pilot Program will enable thousands
Platform and STET’s real-time payments platform for
of financial institutions across the U.S. to provide
PSPs in Europe. ACI also serves on the ISO 20022
secure real-time payment services to consumers and
Real-Time Payments Group and the EPC Instant
businesses. ACI Worldwide will help shape the FedNow
Payments Technology Group.
Service’s features and functions, provide input into the
overall user experience, ensure readiness for testing
and be the first to experience the FedNow Service
before its general availability. In the initial advisory
phase, participant input will help to further define the
service and adoption roadmap, industry readiness
approaches and overall real-time payments strategy.

9 FedNow: A Field Guide for Banks

Established With Real-Time Payments
Accelerating Delivery of Sustainable Revenues

As consumer and corporate expectations swing

Your organization has figured out how to
decisively to real-time payments, the decisions made
generate steady and growing revenues from
now will be crucial to turning your early adopter
real-time payments. You do not have complex
advantage into sustainable real-time payment
integration needs as you look to add FedNow
revenues, and long-term customer relationships
to your existing Zelle and/or RTP Network
through added-value services.
capabilities. Instead, you need a quick, simple
and lower-cost way to connect to — and remain
To assist you, the following pages offer an overview
compliant with — all three U.S. real-time
of key considerations that should feature highly in
payment networks.
your planning. These insights have been gained from
ACI’s significant experience standing up, and driving
Go Back to Part One adoption of, real-time payment services in the U.S.,
around the world, and across borders and continents.

11 FedNow: A Field Guide for Banks

What do you and your customers need or Corporate demand is there for quicker and more cost- What do these expectations mean for you when
expect from real-time payments now, and how effective transfer of funds, and for the richer data that it comes to identifying which real-time payment
is that likely to evolve in the future? real-time payments provide. (Added-value banking schemes to connect to, when and how?
services built off of this data can drive deeper insights
into financial performance, automate processes and It would be remiss of any bank already offering real-
Most banks that have already successfully launched
enable alternative payment methods.) time payments via Zelle and/or the RTP Network to
real-time payment services will have well-established
P2P send-and-receive functions. They will also have delay connecting to FedNow.
FedNow’s support for ubiquitous A2A transfers and
good and growing awareness of these services
RfP will also enable you to boost consumer adoption, Although it’s reasonable to consider the impact of
throughout their customer base.
and therefore transaction volumes, through support FedNow’s launch on customer demand for existing
for a wider variety of use cases. With richer payments services, it’s extremely unlikely that products and
If that sounds like you, where does your biggest real-
data you can provide yet more services that customers services based on Zelle and the RTP Network will need
time payments opportunity now lie — B2B, B2C, C2B
want and will value highly. For example, in many cases to be phased out. Far from it, in fact, because as real-
— and how should that need drive your strategy?
the information that goes with a payment is just as time payments become the norm, customers won’t
Real-time payments are a volume play, so for many
important as the funds. choose which network to use. They will simply expect
the priority will be increasing the breadth of customers
they can serve with real-time payments and the ways their bank to be able to reach any beneficiary. Banks
in which they serve them. will need to support all networks to guarantee ubiquity
— or risk losing customers to competitors with better
FedNow’s broad functionality can drive this. If you’re reach. Besides, product upheaval is costly, disruptive
mostly offering limited real-time payment services and risky. And we can also expect the introduction
today, it will allow you to better serve corporate of FedNow to prompt a burst of innovation from the
customers and drive new revenues. incumbents.

12 FedNow: A Field Guide for Banks

Do your conclusions mean advancing Because as payment types proliferate, keeping costs
your real-time payments strategy requires down in the long term will require a multi-payment-
tactical or strategic investment? type capability that uses common processes and
common technology.
The fact that you’ve already invested in real-time
payments doesn’t automatically mean you want In that context, FedNow is an opportunity to further
to spend more on supporting FedNow. In fact, consolidate and centralize payments technology
the opposite is true as you look to drive ROI and (converging on the ISO 20022 messaging standard
sustainable revenues from these services. and possibly supporting any ongoing wires upgrades)
and avoid the mistakes of the past that may have given
That means investment priorities will straddle the rise to today’s technical debt troubles.
tactical and strategic. It is advised that you focus your
solution search on tactical “bolt-on” modules that can Ultimately, the ideal future state is a single integration
integrate FedNow capabilities with the infrastructure point for all three U.S. real-time payment networks,
you’re running today. They should be lower cost to with fast onboarding and minimal disruption to existing
allow you to get into the game quickly. But they must systems. This is potentially, but not necessarily,
also be strategic. Don’t waste your money on achievable via cloud-based or managed services.
short-term solutions that can’t grow as the payment
types grow. Instead, invest in solutions that can serve
as foundational building blocks and catalysts for your
future journey to a payments hub.

13 FedNow: A Field Guide for Banks

Fraud Protection for Established Providers
of Real-Time Payments
can tightly track the level of volume — and therefore chosen solutions must do more than solve for these
revenue — you’re generating with real-time challenges from a technical point of view. They must
Your FedNow services will need payments. But at the very least it means choosing also enable fraud teams to exert tight control over
immediate and complete fraud protection vendors with open and extensible solutions that their fraud strategy in terms of the amount of risk
to become a source of dependable can bridge the gap between modern and legacy they take on in their models. That allows banks to
systems. also maximize control over their revenue and their
revenue. Fraud will hit from day one — as
it does with all new payment types — and Automation is essential because protecting real-
it will hurt more because of real-time time payments requires instant decisions, which Depending on your internal resources and
payments’ thinner margins. can only be provided by machine learning. Here, capabilities, that may mean leaning heavily on your
AI 2.0 technologies — such as federated and solution vendor’s expertise or it might mean doing
hybrid machine learning — are enabling banks so rarely. But either way, given the propensity for
to share information about fraud risks to develop real-time payment volumes to grow suddenly and
So, what does that look like? At the highest level community-level protections through network explosively, it should not be a static relationship.
it requires three things: flexibility, automation and intelligence, without compromising IP, data privacy Through a combination of their technology and
control. or compliance obligations. Unlike traditional consultancy, their support needs to be able to flex
consortiums, whose models are dominated by the and scale with your fraud protection requirements,
First, flexibility. That means investing strategically data from the biggest players, a network intelligence whatever they might be now and in the future.
in solutions that meet you where you are now community allows organizations to access fraud
— whatever your real-time payments maturity scores for real-time payments customized to their
level — and that grow with your requirements size in a community and their unique risk appetite.
(and ambitions). That may mean the cloud, where And that brings us to control, the final feature of a
solutions can be funded on an OPEX basis and costs complete real-time payments fraud solution. Your

14 FedNow: A Field Guide for Banks

ACI: Your Strategic Guide to Growth With FedNow, From Pilot to Production
ACI Worldwide is proud to have been selected by
the Federal Reserve Banks to participate in the
forthcoming FedNow Service pilot program.

The FedNow Pilot Program will enable thousands

of financial institutions across the U.S. to provide
secure real-time payment services to consumers and
businesses. ACI Worldwide will help shape the FedNow
Service’s features and functions, provide input into the
overall user experience, ensure readiness for testing
and be the first to experience the FedNow Service
before its general availability. In the initial advisory
phase, participant input will help to further define the
service and adoption roadmap, industry readiness
approaches and overall real-time payments strategy.

ACI Worldwide currently supports 18 real-time

domestic schemes globally, including Zelle and TCH
RTP (both of which are supported in the U.S. via
our hosted PaaS platform). It also processes 50%
of all FedWire payments, and approximately 50%
of the U.K.’s Faster Payments, the core processing
infrastructure for Malaysia’s Real-time Retail Payments
Platform and STET’s real-time payments platform for
PSPs in Europe. ACI also serves on the ISO 20022
Real-Time Payments Group and the EPC Instant
Payments Technology Group.

15 FedNow: A Field Guide for Banks

Advanced Provider of Real-Time Payments
Taking Next-Gen Payments to the Next Level

As consumer and corporate expectations swing

Your organization is in the process of modernizing its
decisively to real-time payments, FedNow is your
payments infrastructure by leveraging a payments
opportunity to consolidate your position at the
hub environment, to which it intends to add FedNow.
forefront of the future of payments.
Due to increasing complexity of managing both
legacy and next-generation payments, you are
To assist you, the following pages offer an overview
using participation in a new domestic real-time
of key considerations that should feature highly in
payments network to further evaluate your payments
your planning. These insights have been gained from
modernization strategy.
ACI’s significant experience standing up, and driving
adoption of, real-time payment services in the U.S.,
Go Back to Part One around the world, and across borders and continents.
This section also ends with a customer story from Bank
of Montreal, which has leveraged ACI’s solutions and
expertise to modernize its payments infrastructure in
record time.

17 FedNow: A Field Guide for Banks

more cost-effective transfer of funds to lower costs biggest test yet of your ability to offer multiple payment
and improve cash flow. The richer data associated types through common processes and technology.
What do you and your customers need or
with these payments can also, for example, drive Critical success measures will include how effectively
expect from real-time payments now, and how
deeper insights into financial performance, automate this can be achieved while maintaining compliance
is that likely to evolve in the future?
processes and enable alternative payment methods. with legacy and existing payment mandates and
continuing to simplify your payments infrastructure.
As a mature provider of both consumer and corporate
Our experience gained elsewhere in the world Key non-functional requirements of your payments
real-time payment services, your existing connectivity
demonstrates that the introduction of new real-time hub, such as availability, scalability and security, should
serves a diverse customer base with both domestic
payment services and accompanying overlays will roll up to deliver the ultimate goal: flexibility and speed
and — in many instances — cross-border payments.
result in improved customer relationships. This will lead when adapting to changes — whatever they might be.
to uplift in their levels of business — from increased
The advent of FedNow, a third real-time payments
account holdings to higher volumes of transactions —
service, is an opportunity to offer new products and
as they no longer have to work around your systems to
services to your customers by introducing new digital
satisfy their demands.
overlay services (i.e., services over and above the core
payment processing, such as RfP, in-app payments,
QR code-enabled payments or automated invoice What do these expectations mean for you when
reconciliation). These products rely on the real-time it comes to identifying which real-time payment
rails to make them effective and drive customer schemes to connect to, when and how?
demand. The volume and revenue potential of these
offerings are vital to providing a return on your Whether a pilot participant or not, as an advanced
significant investment in getting to this point, and for provider of real-time payments you’ll be looking to go
getting out ahead of the expectations of digital-native live with FedNow services from day one of its industry
customers with offerings such as RfP. launch. Accelerating compliance with a new real-time
payments scheme is precisely the kind of scenario for
It is similarly important to increase the volume of which your organization will have invested in a payments
corporate real-time payments, and FedNow will hub environment in the first place. And the ease with
satisfy demand from these customers for quicker and which you’re able to integrate FedNow will be the

18 FedNow: A Field Guide for Banks

Do your conclusions mean advancing
your real-time payments strategy requires Customer success story
tactical or strategic investment?
Bank of Montreal: Modernizing payments in record time
Becoming compliant with FedNow is an opportunity
to expand and modernize your strategic payments
With many pending changes in the North American payments
hub by working with a partner that brings together all
the capabilities needed to bridge the gap between
landscape, ACI Worldwide customer Bank of Montreal (BMO)
legacy and next-gen payments. That might be in the chose to modernize its payment systems to implement a
shape of a plug-in module from a globally experienced more agile and efficient way to meet the evolving demands of
vendor, or via that vendor’s proven professional customers and create a platform for future innovation.
services resources with a track record of successful
modernizations at similar organizations.
The resulting payments hub has delivered significant savings,
variously achieved through the modernization of existing legacy
That experience will be vital given the complexity
of your wider integration needs and the need for
technology, the rationalization of technology in both Canada
deployments that can evolve with you, without and the U.S., and the reuse of assets in future technology
creating or exacerbating technical debt. Whether this developments.
solution lives on premise or in the public cloud can be
defined by your infrastructure strategy; what matters Read the full story here >
most is that you maximize control over your payments
strategy in the long term.

19 FedNow: A Field Guide for Banks

Fraud Protection for Advanced Providers
of Real-Time Payments
intelligence, without compromising IP, data privacy or
compliance obligations. Unlike traditional consortiums,
Your FedNow services will need immediate and
whose models are dominated by the data from the
complete fraud protection to become a source of
biggest players, a network intelligence community
dependable revenue. Fraud will hit from day one — as it
allows organizations to access fraud scores for real-
does with all new payment types — and it will hurt more
time payments customized to their size in a community
because of real-time payments’ thinner margins.
and their unique risk appetite.

So, what does that look like? At the highest level it

And that brings us to control, the final feature of a
requires three things: flexibility, automation and control.
complete real-time payments fraud solution. Your
chosen solutions must do more than solve for these
First, flexibility. That means investing strategically in
challenges from a technical point of view. They must
solutions that meet you where you are now — whatever
also enable fraud teams to exert tight control over their
your real-time payments maturity level — and that grow
fraud strategy in terms of the amount of risk they take
with your requirements (and ambitions). That may mean
on in their models. That allows banks to also maximize
the cloud, where solutions can be funded on an OPEX
control over their revenue and their growth.
basis and costs can tightly track the level of volume —
and therefore revenue — you’re generating with real-
Depending on your internal resources and capabilities,
time payments. But at the very least it means choosing
that may mean leaning heavily on your solution vendor’s
vendors with open and extensible solutions that can
expertise or it might mean doing so rarely. But either
bridge the gap between modern and legacy systems.
way, given the propensity for real-time payment
volumes to grow suddenly and explosively, it should
Automation is essential because protecting real-time
not be a static relationship. Through a combination of
payments requires instant decisions, which can only be
their technology and consultancy, their support needs
provided by machine learning. Here, AI 2.0 technologies
to be able to flex and scale with your fraud protection
— such as federated and hybrid machine learning — are
requirements, whatever they might be now and in the
enabling banks to share information about fraud risks to
develop community-level protections through network

20 FedNow: A Field Guide for Banks

ACI: Your Strategic Guide to Growth With FedNow, From Pilot to Production
ACI Worldwide is proud to have been selected by
the Federal Reserve Banks to participate in the
forthcoming FedNow Service pilot program.

The FedNow Pilot Program will enable thousands

of financial institutions across the U.S. to provide
secure real-time payment services to consumers and
businesses. ACI Worldwide will help shape the FedNow
Service’s features and functions, provide input into the
overall user experience, ensure readiness for testing
and be the first to experience the FedNow Service
before its general availability. In the initial advisory
phase, participant input will help to further define the
service and adoption roadmap, industry readiness
approaches and overall real-time payments strategy.

ACI Worldwide currently supports 18 real-time

domestic schemes globally, including Zelle and TCH
RTP (both of which are supported in the U.S. via
our hosted PaaS platform). It also processes 50%
of all FedWire payments, and approximately 50%
of the U.K.’s Faster Payments, the core processing
infrastructure for Malaysia’s Real-time Retail Payments
Platform and STET’s real-time payments platform for
PSPs in Europe. ACI also serves on the ISO 20022
Real-Time Payments Group and the EPC Instant
Payments Technology Group.

21 FedNow: A Field Guide for Banks

ACI Worldwide is a global software company that
provides mission-critical real-time payment solutions
to corporations. Customers use our proven, scalable
and secure solutions to process and manage digital
payments, enable omni-commerce payments, present
and process bill payments, and manage fraud and risk.
We combine our global footprint with local presence to
drive the real-time digital transformation of payments
and commerce.


Americas +1 402 390 7600

Asia Pacific +65 6334 4843
Europe, Middle East, Africa +44 (0) 1923 816393

© Copyright ACI Worldwide, Inc. 2021

ACI, ACI Worldwide, ACI Payments, Inc., ACI Pay, Speedpay and all ACI
product/solution names are trademarks or registered trademarks of ACI
Worldwide, Inc., or one of its subsidiaries, in the United States, other countries
or both. Other parties’ trademarks referenced are the property of their
respective owners.

ABR1388 08-21

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