Giáo Án Anh 6 - ISW - Unit 3 (Thu )

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Period: 19

Lesson 1 (p. 22)
I. Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
a. Language knowledge and skills
 Vocabulary: gain vocabulary items below
(n): glasses; summer camp
(adj): slim; blond; stripped
 Structure : use the present simple and present continuous tenses and conversation
skills – “See you soon” and “Talk to you later”
 Describe someone’s personal appearance.
b. Core competencies and personal qualities
 Raise motivations and interests in learning English as a foreign language
 Develop communicative and team-working skills through learning activities
 Illustrate problem-solving and critical-thinking skills through learning activities
 Establish responsive and independent characteristics to be a long-life learner
II. Teaching aids:
- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB
software, projector/interactive whiteboard/laptop/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.
III. Procedures:
*Activity 1:
a. Objective:
- to help students to remember some words about personal appearance.
b. Content:
- tall. blue, glasses, slim, red, blond, long, brown, short.
c. Product:
- Student can describe a person by using these words.
d. Steps:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
Warm up
Play a game: Jumbled words
- Puts the words on the board. Lets -Look at the board, discuss with friends
students find out the correct words from to reorder these jumbled words.
these jumbled words.
- Call students to come to the board and -volunteer to write the answers on the
write the correct words. board.
- Give feedback -listen to the teacher, correct the
* Jumbled words
1. ihar => hair
2. obyd => body
3. rewa => wear
4. ltall => tall
5. uelb => blue
6. nworb => brown
7. nglo => long
New lesson

*Teach new words. (10’)

- -Uses real things and pictures to -Look at the teacher, listen carefully the
introduce new words: teacher to understand the meaning of
New words: these new words.
1. -glasses (n)
2. -summer camp (n)
3. -slim (adj)
4. -blond (adj)
5. -stripped (adj)
- -Has students listen and repeat each new -Listen and repeat the new words after
word. (chorally – individually) the teacher. (chorally – individually) Try
- -Corrects student’s pronunciation if to learn by heart.

*Checking new words -students look at the Vietnamese, speak

+ Checking vocabulary English.
- Shows the words and the table on the
*Fill in the table
- -Has students work in pairs, fill in the -work in pairs use the words given to fill
table, use the words given. (exercise a/p. in the table.
-Plays the audio again. Has students -listen to the tape and check the correct
listen and check answers.
- -Teacher checks, corrects and gives

body hair eyes

Tall Red Blue
Slim Short Glasses
Short Blond Brown
*Speaking (exercise b/p. 22)
- -Teacher makes example sentences with -Listen to the teacher. Make the same
these words. sentence, describe students’ selves.
- -Asks students to do the same -volunteer to present in front the class.
(individually), then present in front of
the class
- -Teacher checks and corrects.
- I have long hair.
- ………………………………….

e. assessment:
- T moves around the class, to check if students can give correct answers and gives
support if necessary.
- T correct students’ pronunciation if necessary.
-T corrects and gives feedback.

*Activity 2:
a. Objective:
- to help students to listen a short conversation and get the information correctly.
b. Content:
- tall, long blond hair, stripe T-shirt, blue short, brown hair, wearing glasses.
c. Product:
- student listen to the conversation and can catch the information.
d. step:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
B-Listening. (10’)
*listen and choose correct answer
- -Teacher shows the picture of Mary and -look at the picture, answer the
Jane, asks students some questions questions.
about it. (exercise a/p. 22)
Suggested Q&A:
- -How tall are they?
- -Do they wear glasses?
- -What do they look like?
- -Has students listen to the dialogue -listen to the dialogue, try to catch the
about a girl trying to find her friend at information, give out the answer.
summer camp, then tick the person she
is looking for. (listen the 1st time)
Answer: A
- - Has students listen again and circle -discuss with friends and decide whether
True or False (listen the 2nd time) they are true or false.
- -has students listen again and check -listen again and check the answers.
their answers.
- -Teacher checks and corrects.
1. 1.True
2. 2. False
3. 3. False
4. 4. True

* Reading -
- -Teacher shows the dialogue, students - -Students work in pairs, ask and answer
listen and repeat. as modeling.
- -Teacher has students play role, read the - -Some pairs present in front of the class.
dialogue. (hands-out)
- -Teacher explains that we often end a -listen and try to remember .
friendly conversation by saying "See
you soon." or "Talk to you later."
A. Hi, How are you?
B. …………………………………………
A. ……………………………………….
B: ………………………………………
A: ………………………………..
B: Alright. See you soon.

e. assessment:
- T moves around the class, to check if students can give correct answers and gives
support if necessary.
- T correct students’ pronunciation if necessary.
-T corrects and gives feedback.
*Activity 3:
a. objective:
- to help students to use the conversation skill.
b. content:
-Homework: Make a dialogue yourself, use conversation skill.


Period: 20
Lesson 1 (p. 23)
I. Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to use the Present Continuous
to talk about ongoing actions.
II. Teaching aids:
- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB
software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.
III. Language focus:
- Vocabulary:
- Structure : Present Continuous - be + V-ing
- Structure: pronunciation: sound /bl/
IV. Procedures:
*Activity 1:
a. Objective
- to help students to know how to use the present continuous.
b. Content:
-the present continuous tense: S + am/is/are + Ving + O
c. Product:
-student know how to use, when we use this tense.
d. steps:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
Song: Friends Song
- Plays the music, the whole class sings and -sing and dance together, ready
dances together to power class before starting for the new lesson.
the lesson.
New lesson
+ What are you doing now? -answer the questions to lead in
+ Are you listening to music? the new lesson.
+ What are you wearing?

*Grammar. (10’)
- Shows the conversation on the board. -look at the conversation , silent
- Teacher explains the Present Continuous that reading.
is used to talk about ongoing actions. -learn the present continuous
- T shows example sentences and elicits the way formation by heart.
to use The present continuous and reminds Ss
that “am/ is/ are” are all the forms of “BE”.
I am
He/ She/ It is + V-ing
We/ You/ They are
- Asks Ss to give example to make sure they -make some examples. Share
catch the point. with friends.
- -Introduces the situation of the dialogue. -work in pairs, practice speaking
- -Has students listen and notice the the dialogue.
pronunciation feature. - try to learn by heart the
- -Plays audio again. Has students listen and conversation.
repeat with a focus on the feature. -volunteer to present in front of
- -Calls some Ss to repeat before the class. the class.
- -Gives feedback.

e. assessment:
- T moves around the class, to check if students can give correct answers and gives
support if necessary.
- T correct students’ pronunciation if necessary.
-T corrects and gives feedback.

*Activity 2:
a. Objective:
- to help students to understand and know how to use the present progressive tense.
b. Content:
the present progressive: S + am / is / are + Ving + O
c. Students: recognize and choose the correct answers.
d. Steps:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
*Read and circle (b/p. 23) - -work in pairs, practice the dialogue.
- -T has students practice in pairs, read - -The first three pairs show the answers
the sentences and circle the correct on the board.
- -Teacher checks and gives marks.
Answer: -check and correct answers .
1. 1.Are
3. 3.are
5. 5.are
6. 6.Are

e. assessment:
- T moves around the class, to check if students can give correct answers and gives
support if necessary.
- T correct students’ pronunciation if necessary.
-T corrects and gives feedback.
*Activity 3:
a. Objective:
- to help students can answer yes/no question and Wh-questions.
b. Content:
- the present progressive.
c. Product:
- Students can use the present progressive to ask and answer .
d. Steps:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
* Look at the photo and write -
Simon’s answers. (c/p. 23) -
- -Teacher sets the scene of the dialogue. -
- -Has students practice filling the - -Students exchange the answers to cross
dialogue (pairs) check.
- -The answers are shown through a
Suggested answer:
-check and correct answers if necessary.
1. No, he isn't.
2. No, he isn't.
3. wearing a blue T-shirt
4. black pants

- -Teacher checks and corrects the

- .
Practice reading the dialogue (d/p. 23)
- -Has students practice reading the - -Students practice reading the dialogue
dialogue in pairs in pairs
-Teacher checks their pronunciation and - -A pair presents in front of the class.

e. assessment:
- T moves around the class, to check if students can give correct answers and gives
support if necessary.
- T correct students’ pronunciation if necessary.
-T corrects and gives feedback.
*Activity 4:
a. Objective:
- to help students to pronounce the /bl/ sound correctly.
b. content:
-the / bl / sound
c. product:
- students can speak the / bl/ in the right way.
d. steps:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
- -T has students work in groups of 6 to watch a - -work in groups of 6 to watch a
video. Then write all the words you can see from video, try to remember all the
the video. words which they saw.
- -The team with more correct words will be the - -write the answers on the board.
winner. -
- Watch a video: - -
v=eSGqD3reVCA -
- -
Answer: -
Block; Blue; Blouse; Black; Blonde; Bless; -
Blink; Blow; Blimp; Blah -
- Teacher leads in new lesson. -
A-Pronunciation. (10’) : -
How to pronounce: /bl/ -
- -Teacher lets Ss practice the sound /bl/ together.-
- Practice reading the sentences with partners. -
- -Students listen and repeat,
work in pairs to practice
speaking .

e. assessment:
- T moves around the class, to check if students can give correct answers and gives
support if necessary.
- T correct students’ pronunciation if necessary.
-T corrects and gives feedback.

*Activity 5:
a. Objective:
-to help students to use the present progressive to write sentences.
b. content:
- Homework: Make your own sentences, use The Present continuous.


Period: 21
Lesson 1– (p. 24)
I. Objectives:
-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to use the Present Continuous to
talk about ongoing actions.
-Students can ask friends something about the appearance.
II. Teaching aids:
- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB
software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.
III. Language focus:
- Vocabulary, the present progressive tense.
IV. Procedures:
*Activity 1:
a. Objective:
-to help students can use yes/no question and wh-question to ask about the
appearance of someone.
b. content:
-what + do/does + S + look like?
-What + be + S + Ving?
c. product:
-student can describe someone they want to meet.
d. Steps:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

* Practice the conversation, swap
roles & repeat. (10’) - -A pair of students play a role & reads
- -Teacher asks students to underline aloud the conversation
some words that can be replaced. - -A pair of students replace the
- -Has students practice in pairs, role play underlined words with words given as
the conversation. models.
Example: -
A: I’m looking for my friend. -
B: Is your friend a boy or a girl? - -Another pair makes a conversation with
A: My friend is a girl their own ideas, then
B: What does she look like? present in front of the class
A: She is tall and has black hair.
B: Is she wearing glasses?
A: No, she isn’t.
B: Is it Mai?
A: Yes, she is.
- -Teacher corrects the student’s

e. assessment:
- T moves around the class, to check if students can give correct answers and gives
support if necessary.
- T correct students’ pronunciation if necessary.
-T corrects and gives feedback.

*Activity 2:
a. Objective:
-to help student improve their speaking skill.
b. Content:
-what does he / she look like ?
-what is he / she wearing?
c. product:
- student can ask and answer about someone’s appearance.
d. steps:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
*Speaking – What do they look like?
- -Has students work in pairs, share their -work in pair, practice speaking: ask and
ideas. answer the questions about someone’ s
- -has students write where they are under appearance.
their picture.
- -Has some students present in front of
the class. -volunteer to present in front of the
- -Teacher checks, corrects or gives class.
- -Has students swap roles and do the
same as the one before.

- *Look at these pictures and describe

their appearance.
-work in group, each student gives a
question, the others answer.
-volunteer to present in front of the

e. assessment:
- T moves around the class, to check if students can give correct answers and gives
support if necessary.
- T correct students’ pronunciation if necessary.
-T corrects and gives feedback.
*Activity 3:
a. Objective:
-to help student improve their writing skill.
b. Content:
- Homework: Write a short paragraph to describe your classmate’s appearance

Period: 22
Lesson 2 (p. 25)
I. Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to invite someone to do an activity.
II. Teaching aids:
- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, IWB
software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.
III. Language focus:
- Vocabulary: barbecue (n); mall (n) ; center (n) ; invite (v) ; free (adj)
IV. Procedures:
*Activity 1:
a. Objective:
-to help students to learn new words.
b. content:
-go shopping, play badminton, have a party, watch a movie, make a pizza.
c. Product:
- students review new words and know how to use them.
d. steps:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
T asks Ss some questions: -Discuss with friends.
+ Do you usually use the invitation? -Listen and answer the
+ In which occasions do you use the invitation? questions
+ On the weekends, do you prefer to stay at home or
go out with your friends?
+ What do you and your friends do together?
New lesson

A-Teach new words. (10’)

New words: -look at the pictures, try to
1. -barbecue (n); ( visual) guess the Vietnamese
2. -mall (n) ; ( visual) meaning of the words.
3. - center (n) ; (visual)
4. -invite (v) ; ( explanation) -Listen to the teacher, try to
5. - free (adj) (explanation) remember the meaning.
6. -pizza (n) (visual)

- -Has students listen and repeat each new word. -listen and repeat three times
(chorally, individually) , try to learn by heart.
- -Corrects student’s pronunciation if necessary.
- -T checks Ss’ vocabulary.

*Fill in the table (exercise a/p. 25)

- Put the words in the correct groups.
- -T tells Ss to do the task individually. -students do the exercise by
- -T calls some Ss to write on the board, then checks themselves.
their answers. -share and compare the
-Give feedback, T explains to Ss which words go result with friends.
with each verb.
go play have watch make -check and correct the
shopping badminton a party a a answer.
movie pizza
swimming video a pizza TV a
games cake
to the a a
mall barbecue movie
to the a cake
* Add some more words to the table. -work in groups, add some
more words to the table.

e. assessment:
- T moves around the class, to check if students can give correct answers and gives
support if necessary.
- T correct students’ pronunciation if necessary.
-T corrects and gives feedback.

*Activity 2:
a. Objective:
-to help students read and fill in the blanks.
b. content:
- fill in the blanks some words to make them meaningful.
c. product:
- students know to use the new words .
d. steps:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
*Reading. (10’)
- -Teacher shows the dialogue, sets the -listen to the teacher carefully.
scene of the dialogue.
-Play a game: Who is faster? to do -ready to join the game. Prepare the
exercise. answers.
- Teacher gives instructions: I have here -quickly run to the board and write the
the messages of Lisa and her friend with answers.
4 missing words. The class is divided
into 4 groups, 4 members of each group
will come to the board to write down the
missing words (1 person 1 word only).
Who writes correctly and faster is the

1. 1.having
2. 2.going
3. 3.going
4. 4.playing

- T comments if necessary.
- Teacher asks Ss to underline some
words that can be replaced.
- A pair of students replace the
underlined words with words given as
- Have Ss practice in pairs, role play the

e. assessment:
- T moves around the class, to check if students can give correct answers and gives
support if necessary.
- T correct students’ pronunciation if necessary.
-T corrects and gives feedback.

*Activity 3:
a. Objective:
-to help students write a short dialogue by themselves.
b. content:
- Making similar dialogue to the dialogue in exercise b/ p. 25


Period: 23
UNIT 3: Friends
Lesson 2 – Grammar (p. 26)
I. Objectives:
-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to use the Present Continuous tense
for fixed future plans.
-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to identify the sound changes in
speaking and listening.

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, IWB
software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.
III. Language focus:
- Vocabulary:
- Structure: The present Continuos tense
- pronunciation: What are you doing …. ?/wɒdəjədu:ɪŋ/
IV. Procedures:
*Activity 1:
a. Objective:
-to help students use the present progressive for future.
b. Content:
-the present progressive : S + am/ is / are + Ving + O
c. Product:
-student know how to use the present progressive for the future.
d. Steps:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

-T gives Ss a game. -Students give answers.
Brainstorming: -share the answers with friends.
+ Play:........................
+ Go: .........................
+ Have: .........................
+ Watch: ..........................
+ Make: ……………………………….
-teacher gives feedback.
New lesson
- Teacher explains that The Present
Continuous tense to describe plans for -Listen to teacher.
the future. T points out contextual clues, -Talk the use of this tense again.
such as use of adverbs of time.
The present continuous for future
I am
He/ She/ It + is + V-ing
We/ You/ They + are
+ We can use the present continuous to
talk about future plans.
+ Adverbs of time: this evening, -Learn by heart the adverbs of time for
tomorrow, tonight, ... the future.
-Teacher gives some examples. -Give some examples

*Listen & repeat ( a/ p. 26 )

-Has students listen to the lesson for -Listen and repeat. Try to learn by heart.
three times. -work in pairs, practice ask and answer
with friends. Students can move around
the class and ask anyone in class.
e. assessment:
- T moves around the class, to check if students can give correct answers and gives
support if necessary.
- T correct students’ pronunciation if necessary.
-T corrects and gives feedback.

+Activity 2:
a. Objective:
- to help students to know how to use the present progressive .
b. Content:
-exercise b / p 26.
c. Product:
-Students can use and correct the mistakes if necessary.
d. Steps:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
* fill in the blanks, using the Present
Continuous (b/p. 26)
- -T reminds Ss to pay attention to the -tell the use of the present progressive
“BE” verb and to the spelling of verbs again.
ending in “e” such as “make”; “have”.
- -Has students work in pairs; fill in the -work in pairs to do the exercise in
blanks using the Present Continuous. students’ book.
- -Teacher asks some pairs to show their -give the answers on the board.
answers. -students themselves correct the
*Answer answers, then teacher.
1. going
2. 2.are _doing
3. making
4. 4.Are _ having
5. going
6. 6.are playing
7. 7.Is _ watching

- -Asks some students to check the

- -Teacher checks again and gives

e. assessment:
- T moves around the class, to check if students can give correct answers and gives
support if necessary.
- T correct students’ pronunciation if necessary.
-T corrects and gives feedback.

*Activity 3:
a. Objective:
- students can write full sentences , using the given words and the present
b. Content:
- the exercise c/ p26
c. product:
-students can write the simple sentences using the present continuous.
d. Steps:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities.
* Write full sentences using the given
words and the Present Continuous
(c/p. 26)
- Teacher explains the exercise clearly. -Listen to the teacher’s explanation
- Before starting the activity, put Ss into carefully.
groups. Ask Ss to choose a -work in groups with friends
member of group. - - Some students who finish quickly go
- -Teacher checks and gives feedback. the board to write the answers.
Answer: - -Others check and correct the answers
1. 1.He isn't having a picnic this Saturday. by themselves and then the teacher.
2. 2.I am having a barbecue today.
3. 3. Emma and Jane are not watching a
movie on Sunday.
4. 4.We are making a pizza this weekend.
5. 5. Is David playing badminton this
6. 6.Is Maria watching TV with her sister

e. assessment:
- T moves around the class, to check if students can give correct answers and gives
support if necessary.
- T correct students’ pronunciation if necessary.
-T corrects and gives feedback.

* Activity 4:
a. objective:
- to help students can pronounce the whole sentence correctly.
b. Content:
-Exercise b/p27
c. Product:
-students can read the sentences fluently.
d. Steps:
Teacher’s activities Students‘ activities
*Pronunciation. (10’) -
- -Teacher shows examples to class, - - listen to teacher carefully.
speaks louder for students to recognize - - Listen and repeat
the difference. - - Some students say again.
- -Teacher gives more explanation, gives - - Students practice reading the words in
more examples to make it clear. pairs, pay attention to the sound
- changes.
- -Has students listen and repeat, focus on
the underlined words (b/p. 27)
What are you doing …. ? /wɒdəjədu:ɪŋ/.
- -Has students listen and cross out the -listen to the tape for three times.
one with the wrong sound changes (c/p.- -give the answer. Ask teacher for help if
27) necessary.
-What are you doing on the weekend? –
Wrong. No connected speech.

*Further practice: -read the sentences with friends.

- Teacher gives some sentences for - Some students read loudly
students to practice

e. assessment:
- T moves around the class, to check if students can give correct answers and gives
support if necessary.
- T correct students’ pronunciation if necessary.
-T corrects and gives feedback.

*Activity 5:
a. Objective:
-to help students can write some sentences about plans for next week.
b. Content:
-Homework: Write the sentences about your plan for next week. Use the present
continuous for future.


Period: 24
Lesson 2 – Pronunciation (p. 27)
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to
II. Teaching aids:
Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB
software, projector/interactive whiteboard/laptop/TV.
Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.
III.Language focus:
*Activity 1:
a. Objective:
- to help students to have a chance to practice a conversation.
b. Content:
-Practice the conversation, swap roles and repeat .
c. Product:
-students can confidently speak English with friends.
d. Steps:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
Checking old lesson
-Has students write sentences about -work in pairs, do the exercise.
Mai’s plan for next week. Use the -compare the answers with friends.
present continuous for future. -
- TThings
movesto -
do the class, to check if students
around can give correct answers and gives
test -> Yes
support if necessary. -
- cooking
T correctclass -
students’ -
pronunciation if necessary.
-T > corrects
No and gives feedback. -
museum -> No -
BBQ -> Yes
*Activity 2: -
a. -
to help students can speak English confidently with friends, ask and answer
- -She istheir
about taking plan in near future. -
a test.
- -She
b. isn’t going to her cooking class. -
- --Sheuse isn’t visiting ainmuseum.
the sentences conversation above- to ask friends about the thing they are
- -She istohaving
going do foranear
future.with her -
c. Product: -
New lesson
-students can speak -
to each other confidently.
- d. Steps: -
*Practice the conversation, swap roles-
and repeat (10’)
e. assessment: -
- T moves around the class, to check if students - can give correct answers and gives
- -Teacher asks
support if necessary.Ss to underline some -
-words that can
T correct be replaced.
students’ -
pronunciation if necessary.
- Have
-T Ss practice
corrects in pairs,
and gives role play the -
conversation. -
Example: 3:
*Activity -
+ on
a. Saturday – this weekend
Objective: -
+ having
-to a barbecue
help students – playing
improve - -A pair of Ss plays role and reads aloud
in theEnglish.
in writing
b. content: the conversation.
talk to you later
Write – see - -Ayour
you soon to invite
a conversation pair friend
of students replaces
to your theparty.
……. underlined words with words given as
- Teacher corrects student’s pronunciation model.
if necessary.
……………………………………………………………………………………… - -Another pair makes a conversation with
……………………………………………………………………………………… their own ideas, then present in front of
………………………………………………………………………………………. the class.

e. assessment:
Period: 25
Lesson 3: Literature (p. 28)
I. Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to describe someone’s
II. Teaching aids:
- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB
software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook.
III. Language focus:
- Vocabulary: (adj) helpful; selfish; kind; funny; friendly; lazy
- Structure :
IV. Procedures:
*Activity 1:
a. Objective:
- to help students to study some new words.
b. Content:
-new words: helpful (adj) , selfish (adj) , kind ( adj) , funny ( adj) ,friendly (adj) ,
lazy ( adj)
c. Product:
-students have some words about people’s characters.
d. Steps:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
- Reviews words of activities friends do
- Has Ss play a game: Network.
- Teacher writes the word “Activities” -Work with friends to give the answers
on the board and asks Ss to call as much as possible.
out words related to activities friends
often do together
- Teacher gives feedback
Answer: go shopping; play badminton; -check the answers.
watch a movie; make a pizza; go to the
mall; go to the beach; have a party;
have a picnic;…
New lesson
*New words. (10’)
-Teacher uses pictures to elicit the -look at and listen to teacher to learn the
meaning of new words. new words.
- -Has students listen and repeat. - read aloud and try to learn by heart.
(chorally – individually)
- -Teacher checks and corrects the
pronunciation if necessary.
New words:
-helpful (adj)
- selfish (adj)
-kind ( adj)
-funny ( adj)
-friendly (adj)
-lazy ( adj)

*Alice wrote an essay about her best

friend for homework. Does she like
everything about Simon?
- -Teacher shows the essay, sets the scene -read the essay in silence, catch the
of the essay information.
- -Has Ss look at the question: Does she
like everything about Simon?
- -T asks Ss to read the assay and answer -give answer, give some details to prove
the questions. the answer.
- -T checks
Answer: No, she doesn’t.

e. assessment:
- T moves around the class, to check if students can give correct answers and gives
support if necessary.
- T correct students’ pronunciation if necessary.
-T corrects and gives feedback.

*Activity 2:
a. objective:
- to help students remember the new words
b. Content:
- exercise b/p28
c. product:
- students can remember the new words carefully.
d. Steps:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
* Match the underlined words with
their descriptions.
- -Teacher elicits the request of the task.
Play a game: Pass the ball ( exercise b/
p. 28) -Students should pass the ball around
- Guides Ss how to play the game: the class. When the music stops, the
While the music playing student with the ball must give the
- T checks, corrects and gives feedback. answers.
1. 1.lazy -Write the correct letter on line.
2. 2.helpful
3. 3.funny
4. 4.friendly
5. 5.selfish
6. 6.kind
*Do the words have a good (G) or bad
(B) meaning?
- -T explains the exercise clearly.
- Then asks Ss to do exercise c/p. 28, Ss -work in pairs and give the answers
work independently. -compare the answers with their friends’
- -Teacher checks and corrects the -look at the board and check the answers
1. lazy - B
2. helpful - G
3. funny - G
4. friendly - G
5. selfish – B
6. kind – G

e. assessment:
- T moves around the class, to check if students can give correct answers and gives
support if necessary.
- T correct students’ pronunciation if necessary.
-T corrects and gives feedback.

*Activity 3:
a. Objective:
-to improve students’ listening skill.
b. Content:
-exercise b/ p28
c. Product:
-students can listen and catch the information
d. Steps:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
-Listen to Harry talking about a book. -Listen to the tape 3 times.
Does he like the book? -Try to catch the information.
Answer: Yes, he does. -give the answers
- -Has students explain why
- - has students listen again to check the -listen again and check the answers.
answers (a/p. 28)

*Listen and draw lines.

- -Has students listen and draw lines. -listen again and draw line.
(exercise b/p. 28)
- -Teacher gets the answers from
students. -listen to teacher, check the answers.
- -Teacher checks, corrects or gives
1. Grandpa – funny
2. Verucca – selfish
3. Mike – lazy
4. Charlie – friendly and kind
*Useful language
- -Has students look at the Useful
Language box. -listen and read aloud.
- -Play the audio. Has students listen to -try to learn by heart.
the useful language.
- -Has students practice the useful
- - Has students practice using other -practice speaking: ask and answer
vocabulary from New Words.
- What's he like?
+ He’s very kind but a little lazy.
- What's she like?
+ She's friendly and funny.

- Game: Friendship Flower (optional)

-In groups of four, each member writes -choose the one in class and write about
in the flower petal two adjectives for his or her character.
personalities which you like about the
-Compare and discuss which two words
best describe each person.

Minh: Hoa is funny and kind girl.
Hoa: Lan is kind and funny.
Lan: Huong is the kind and reserved
Huong: Minh is helpful boy.
e. assessment:
- T moves around the class, to check if students can give correct answers and gives
support if necessary.
- T correct students’ pronunciation if necessary.
-T corrects and gives feedback.

*Activity 4:
a. Objective:
-to help students can remember and use the words they learn.
b. Content:
- Homework: Write a short paragraph about your family member’ personality.


Period: 26
Lesson 3 – Literature (p. 29)
I. Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to read and write an email
about their best friends.
II. Teaching aids:
- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB
software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.
III. Language focus:
- Vocabulary: try, chores, hard
- Structures
IV. Procedures:
*Activity 1:
a. Objective:
-to help students to read and catch the information in the text.
b. Content:
c. Product:
-students can give the correct answers.
d. steps:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
Play a game: Kim Game
-look at the pictures try
to remember the names
of these stories.
-volunteer to give the
How the Tiger Got His Stripes section - Snow White
and seven Dwarfs
One hundred bamboo

The frog prince

The fairy fish
Tam Cam

- -T gives instruction: Work in groups of 4. I’m going to

give you 6 pictures. -answer the question.
- -Look at these pictures for only 1 minute and remember
all the names of the pictures.
- _ asks students: have you ever read these stories? Which
is your favorite story?
New lesson -look at the picture,
*Reading. (10’) guess the new words.
+new words.
- -Teacher shows pictures, gives information and teaches -Listen and read loudly
new words.
- -Teacher gets the answers, then teaches some new
- -Has students listen and repeat. (chorally – individually) -read aloud, try to
- -Teacher checks and corrects the pronunciation if remember.
New words:
1. -clean( v)
2. -try (n)
3. -chore (n)
4. -hard (adj) -look at the picture.
Remember the words
*Checking new words:
- -Teacher shows pictures and words, students have to -Some students give
match the pictures with suitable words. answers
*Reading: -check the correct
Read & find the best headline (a/p. 29) answer.
- -Has students read the text quickly, then find the best
headline for it.
- -Teacher checks and corrects.
1. Good sister, Bad sister -work in pairs.
-correct the answers.
* Read &find things that show Tấm and Cám’s
personalities (b/p. 29)
- - Teacher asks students to work in pairs, read and write
an example next to each adjective.
- Teacher gets the answers, checks and corrects.
1. helpful: helping to cook and clean the house
2. kind: thinks about other people / tries to help her family .
3. lazy: never does any chores
4. selfish: doesn’t share anything

e. assessment:
- T moves around the class, to check if students can give correct answers and gives
support if necessary.
- T correct students’ pronunciation if necessary.
-T corrects and gives feedback.

*Activity 2:
a. Objective:
-to help students can talk about someone’s characters.
b. Content:
-exercise: speaking, describing characters
c. Product:
-students can give their own idea about someone around.
d. Steps:
Teacher’s activity Students’ activities
Describing Characters
- -T asks Ss to work in pairs. -work in pairs.
- -Has Ss take turns talking about the -look at the book, use the information to
characters from the Harry Potter books. talk about the characters in the story.
- -Asks some pairs of Ss to perform in -volunteer to present in front of class.
front of class.
- - Correct if there are necessary.
Game: Who’s who? ( optional) -join the game.
- -T puts Ss into groups.
- -In groups, choose a person and describe
their appearance and personality. Let
your friends guess.
- -T demonstrates the activity with the
A: He’s tall. He has glasses. He’s funny.
He’s creative too. He isn’t lazy.
B: Is it Minh?
A: Yes./ No, try again.

e. assessment:
- T moves around the class, to check if students can give correct answers and gives
support if necessary.
- T correct students’ pronunciation if necessary.
-T corrects and gives feedback.

*Activity 3:
a. Objective:
-to help students focus on what they learned.
b. Content:
-Home work: write about 5 sentences about the one you love and hate , describe
his or her character, appearance.


Period: 27
Lesson 3 – Literature
I. Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to read and write an email
about their best friends.
II. Teaching aids:
- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB
software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.
III. Language focus:
- Vocabulary
- Structures
IV. Procedures
*Activity 1:
a. Objective :
-to help students can write emails to their friends
b. Content :
-write an email about your best friend.
c. product ;
-students can write an email.
d. steps :
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Writing:Write an email about

your best friend.
- -Has Ss look at this e-mail and -look at the email carefully.
identify the parts in the e-mail. -try to catch the information.
- -Teacher ask Ss some questions:
+ How many parts are there in an e- -answer the questions.
mail to your friend?
+ What are they?
+ What should you remember when
writing each part?

- -T asks Ss to work in groups to do -Work in groups.

this activity. -each group write a letter. Members
- -T gives each group a large-sized in group have the same points.
piece of paper to write their e-mail. -write the result on the paper teacher
- -T asks two or three groups to stick gives.
their finished e-mail on the board. -quickly stick the paper on the board.
- -Other Ss and T give comments. -teacher and students give comments
Dear Peter, -read the model text, compare with
Thanks for your email. Your best theirs
friend seems really nice.
Let me tell you about my best friend.
My best friend is Quynh. She's 12
years old. She's a student. She's my
classmate at school. She's friendly
and funny.
She likes making new friends and
telling jokes. She's tall and thin. She
has brown eyes and short hair.
Write back soon,

e. assessment:
- T moves around the class, to check if students can give correct answers and gives
support if necessary.
- T correct students’ pronunciation if necessary.
-T corrects and gives feedback.

*Activity 2:
a. Objective:
-to help students to focus on the writing skill.
b. Content:
-Homework: Write an email about your best friend. (his / her appearance,

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