Cell Injury BCQS

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Which of the following is a type of injury that is characterized by loss of cells due to activation of programmed cell
a. Apoptosis
b. Necrosis
c. Ischemia
d. Hypertrophy

2. What is the mechanism behind chemical carcinogenesis?

a. Direct DNA damage
b. Generation of free radicals
c. Inhibition of apoptosis
d. All of the above

3. Which of the following is a feature of reversible cellular injury?

a. Pyknosis
b. Karyorrhexis
c. Karyolysis
d. None of the above

4. What type of necrosis is commonly seen in the brain during ischemic injury?
a. Coagulative necrosis
b. Liquefactive necrosis
c. Fibrinoid necrosis
d. Caseous necrosis

5. Which of the following is a cause of calcium accumulation within cells?

a. Increased uptake of calcium
b. Decreased efflux of calcium
c. Impaired sequestration of calcium
d. All of the above

6. What is the mechanism behind radiation injury?

a. Direct DNA damage
b. Generation of free radicals
c. Inhibition of apoptosis
d. All of the above

7. Which of the following is a characteristic feature of irreversible mitochondrial dysfunction?

a. Increased ATP production
b. Loss of membrane potential
c. Decreased ROS production
d. None of the above

8. What type of necrosis is commonly seen in the kidney during ischemic injury?
a. Coagulative necrosis
b. Liquefactive necrosis
c. Fibrinoid necrosis
d. Caseous necrosis

9. Which of the following is a cause of hyaline change within cells?

a. Protein accumulation
b. Lipid accumulation
c. Glycogen accumulation
d. All of the above

10. What is the mechanism behind genetic injury?

a. Direct DNA damage
b. Indirect DNA damage
c. Inhibition of protein synthesis
d. All of the above

11. Which of the following is a characteristic feature of irreversible membrane damage?

a. Increased membrane permeability
b. Decreased membrane fluidity
c. Increased membrane potential
d. None of the above

12. What type of necrosis is commonly seen in the lung during infarction?
a. Coagulative necrosis
b. Liquefactive necrosis
c. Fibrinoid necrosis
d. Caseous necrosis

13. Which of the following is a cause of fibrinoid change within cells?

a. Protein accumulation
b. Calcium accumulation
c. Autoimmune injury
d. All of the above

14. What is the mechanism behind hypoxic injury?

a. Generation of free radicals
b. Impaired energy metabolism
c. Inhibition of protein synthesis
d. All of the above

15. Which of the following is a characteristic feature of reversible cellular injury?

a. Nuclear fragmentation
b. Membrane blebbing
c. Decreased cytoplasmic density
d. Mitochondrial swelling
16. What is the most common cause of cell injury?
a. Infection
b. Hypoxia
c. Trauma
d. Radiation

17. Which of the following is a characteristic feature of reversible cell injury?

a. Nuclear fragmentation
b. Membrane blebbing
c. Cellular swelling
d. Mitochondrial swelling

18. What is the mechanism behind ischemic injury?

a. Decreased ATP production
b. Increased ROS production
c. Activation of apoptotic pathways
d. All of the above

19. What type of necrosis is commonly seen in tuberculosis?

a. Caseous necrosis
b. Coagulative necrosis
c. Liquefactive necrosis
d. Fibrinoid necrosis

20. Which of the following is a cause of cellular aging?

a. Telomere shortening
b. ROS production
c. DNA damage
d. All of the above

21. What is the hallmark of irreversible cell injury?

a. Membrane damage
b. Loss of mitochondrial function
c. Nuclear condensation
d. Irreversible DNA damage

22. Which type of necrosis is commonly seen in the pancreas during acute pancreatitis?
a. Coagulative necrosis
b. Liquefactive necrosis
c. Fibrinoid necrosis
d. Caseous necrosis

23. Which of the following is a common cause of free radical injury?

a. Ischemia
b. Radiation
c. Inflammation
d. All of the above

24. Which of the following is a feature of apoptosis?

a. Cellular swelling
b. Loss of membrane integrity
c. Activation of caspases
d. None of the above

25. What is the mechanism behind toxic injury?

a. Direct membrane damage
b. Inhibition of enzyme systems
c. Generation of free radicals
d. All of the above

26. Which of the following is a cause of intracellular accumulation?

a. Excessive production of a normal substance
b. Defective metabolism of a normal substance
c. Accumulation of abnormal endogenous substances
d. All of the above

27. Which type of necrosis is commonly seen in the kidney during acute tubular necrosis?
a. Coagulative necrosis
b. Liquefactive necrosis
c. Fibrinoid necrosis
d. Caseous necrosis

28. Which of the following is a characteristic feature of irreversible mitochondrial damage?

a. Decreased ROS production
b. Loss of membrane potential
c. Increased ATP production
d. None of the above

29. What type of necrosis is commonly seen in the brain during ischemic injury?
a. Coagulative necrosis
b. Liquefactive necrosis
c. Fibrinoid necrosis
d. Caseous necrosis

30. What is the mechanism behind radiation injury?

a. DNA damage
b. Membrane damage
c. Mitochondrial dysfunction
d. All of the above

31. Which of the following is a cause of extracellular accumulation?

a. Excessive secretion of a normal substance
b. Impaired clearance of a normal substance
c. Deposition of abnormal substances
d. All of the above

32. Which of the following is a characteristic feature of reversible mitochondrial damage?

a. Increased ATP production
b. Loss of membrane potential
c. Decreased ROS production
d. None of the above
33. Which of the following is a cause of protein accumulation within cells?
a. Impaired synthesis of proteins
b. Impaired degradation of proteins
c. Impaired secretion of proteins
d. All of the above

34. What type of necrosis is commonly seen in the heart during myocardial infarction?
a. Coagulative necrosis
b. Liquefactive necrosis
c. Fibrinoid necrosis
d. Caseous necrosis

35. What is the mechanism behind chemical injury?

a. Generation of free radicals
b. Direct membrane damage
c. Inhibition of enzyme systems
d. All of the above
36. Which of the following is a characteristic feature of reversible cellular swelling?
a. Nuclear fragmentation
b. Membrane blebbing
c. Decreased cytoplasmic density
d. Mitochondrial swelling

37. What type of necrosis is commonly seen in the liver during ischemic injury?
a. Coagulative necrosis
b. Liquefactive necrosis
c. Fibrinoid necrosis
d. Caseous necrosis

38. Which of the following is a cause of lipid accumulation within cells?

a. Increased uptake of lipids
b. Decreased breakdown of lipids
c. Impaired secretion of lipids
d. All of the above

39. What is the mechanism behind mechanical injury?

a. Direct membrane damage
b. Impaired membrane transport
c. Inhibition of enzyme systems
d. All of the above

40. Which of the following is a characteristic feature of irreversible membrane damage?

a. Loss of membrane potential
b. Increased membrane permeability
c. Decreased membrane fluidity
d. None of the above

41. What type of necrosis is commonly seen in the skin during severe burns?
a. Coagulative necrosis
b. Liquefactive necrosis
c. Fibrinoid necrosis
d. Caseous necrosis

42. Which of the following is a cause of glycogen accumulation within cells?

a. Increased synthesis of glycogen
b. Decreased breakdown of glycogen
c. Impaired secretion of glycogen
d. All of the above
43. What is the mechanism behind infectious injury?
a. Direct cellular damage by pathogens
b. Activation of host immune response
c. Both A and B
d. None of the above

44. Which of the following is a characteristic feature of reversible mitochondrial swelling?

a. Increased ATP production
b. Loss of membrane potential
c. Decreased ROS production
d. None of the above

45. What type of necrosis is commonly seen in the lung during tuberculosis?
a. Coagulative necrosis
b. Liquefactive necrosis
c. Fibrinoid necrosis
d. Caseous necrosis

46. Which of the following is a cause of pigment accumulation within cells?

a. Excessive production of pigment
b. Impaired degradation of pigment
c. Impaired secretion of pigment
d. All of the above

47. What is the mechanism behind autoimmune injury?

a. Direct cellular damage by autoantibodies
b. Activation of host immune response against self-antigens
c. Both A and B
d. None of the above

48. Which of the following is a characteristic feature of irreversible DNA damage?

a. Nuclear fragmentation
b. Chromosomal abnormalities
c. Mitochondrial dysfunction
d. None of the above

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