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Environmental Code and other Implementing Rules and number of allowable storey/floor above established grade

Regulations, promulgated by the DHSUD. The words, terms and and/ or meters above highest grade.
phrases enumerated hereunder shall be understood to have 6. BUILT-UP AREA – is a contiguous grouping of ten (10) or
meaning corresponding indicated as follows more structures.
1. ACCESSORY USE – pertains to those that are customarily areas designated principally for trade, services and business
associated with the Principal Use application (such as a purposes.
garage is accessory to a house). 8. CERTIFICATE OF NON-CONFORMANCE – is
2. AGRICULTURAL ZONE – an area intended for certificate issued to owners of all uses existing prior to the
cultivation/fishing and pastoral activities e.g. fish, farming, approval of the Zoning Ordinance which do not conform in a
cultivation of crops, goat/cattle raising, etc. zone as per provision of the said Ordinance.
3. ALLOWABLE USES – uses that conform to those allowed 9. COMMERCIAL GARAGE – a garage where automobiles
in a specific zone. and other motor vehicles are housed, cared for, equipped,
4. BUFFER AREA – are yards, parks or open spaces intended repaired or kept for remuneration, for hire or sale.
to separate incompatible elements or uses to control 10. Commercial-Residential Zone (CR) – the C-R zone is
pollution/nuisance and for identifying and defining intended to permit multifamily residential uses to be
development areas or zones where no permanent located on lots in this zone either as the sole use or in
structures are allowed. conjunction with commercial and office spaces.
5. BUILDING HEIGHT LIMIT (BHL) - per the National 11. COMMERCIAL 1 (C-1) ZONE – an area characterized
Building Code, this is "the maximum height to be allowed mainly as a low-rise building structure for low intensity
for buildings/structures and shall be generally measured commercial/trade service and business activities e.g. small
from the established grade line to the topmost portion of shopping centers/arcades, small offices or mixed-
the proposed building/structure. If applicable, the BHL may use/occupancy buildings and the like.
be subject to clearance requirements of the Civil Aviation 12. COMMERCIAL 2 (C-2) ZONE – an area characterized
Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) or the concerned mainly as a medium-rise building/structure for medium to
military/security authorities." BHL is expressed as the
high intensity commercial/trade, service and business 17. CONFLICTING USES – are uses or land activities with
activities. contrasting characteristics sited adjacent to each other, e.g.
13. COMMERCIAL 3 (C-3) ZONE – an area within the residential units adjacent to industrial plants.
municipality intended for regional shopping centers such as 18. CONFORMING USE – is a use which is in accordance with
large malls and other commercial and business activity, the zone classification as provided for in the Ordinance.
which are regional in scope or where market activities 19. DEED RESTRICTIONS - written agreements that impose
generate traffic. This zone may also be called as the Central limitations on the use of property in order to maintain the
Business District (CBD). intended character of a neighborhood.
14. COMPATIBLE USE – shall refer to uses or land activities 20. DHSUD - Department of Housing and Urban Development
capable of existing together harmoniously e.g. residential 21. EASEMENT – is an open space imposed on any land
use parks and playground. uses/activities sited along waterways, road right-of-ways,
15. COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN (CLUP) – is a cemeteries/memorial parks and utilities.
document embodying specific proposals for guiding, 22. ECO-TOURISM ZONE – areas being used for the
regulating growth and/or development. The main promotion of ecological preservation and management thru
components of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan in this the use of tourism and educational tours.
usage are the sectoral studies, i.e. Demography, Socio- 23. ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREAS – refers to
Economic, Infrastructure and Utilities, Local Administration those areas which are environmentally sensitive and are
and Land Use. listed in Presidential Proclamation 2146 dated December
(CDMP) - a unitary development plan/site plan that
permits flexibility in planning/urban design, a. All areas declared by law as national parks, watershed
building/structure siting, complementary of building types reserves, wildlife preserves and sanctuaries;
and land uses, usable open spaces for general public uses b. Areas set aside as aesthetic potential tourist spots;
services and business activities and the preservation of c. Areas which constitute the habitat for any endangered
significant land features (NBC) and may also be referred to or threatened species of indigenous Philippine wildlife
as a Master Development Plan. (flora and fauna);
d. Areas of unique historic, archaeological, or scientific
interest; b. Resource extractive industries
e. Areas which are traditionally occupied by cultural
communities or tribes;  Major mining and quarrying projects; and
f. Areas frequently visited and/or hard-hit by natural
calamities (geologic hazards, floods, typhoons, volcanic c. Infrastructure projects
activity, etc.);
g. Areas classified as prime agricultural lands;  Major dams;
h. Recharge areas of aquifers;  Major power plants (fossil-fuelled, nuclear-fuelled,
i. Water bodies characterized by one or any combination hydroelectric or geothermal); and
of the following conditions:  Major roads and bridges.
 Tapped for domestic purposes;
 Within the controlled and/or protected areas d. Golf courses
declared by appropriate authorities; and 25. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT (EIS)
 Which support wildlife and fishery activities SYSTEM – pursuant to PD 1586 of 1978, refers to the
24. ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL PROJECTS – refers entire process of organization, administration and
to those projects which have high potential for negative procedure institutionalized for the purpose of assessing the
environmental impacts and are listed in Presidential significance of the effects of physical developments on the
Proclamation 2146 dated December 14, 1981, as follows: quality of the environment. Projects that fall within the
purview of the EIS System include:
a. Heavy industries a. Environmentally Critical Projects
 Non-ferrous metal industries b. Projects located in Environmentally Critical Areas
 Iron and steel mills 26. EXCEPTION – is a device which grants a property owner
 Petroleum and petro-chemical industries including relief from certain provisions of the Zoning Ordinance
oil and gas; and where because of the specific use would result in a
 Smelting plants.
particular hardship upon the owner, as distinguished from a  Commercial-Industrial Zone – mixed commercial and
mere inconvenience or a desire to make more money. industrial activities within the zone
27. FINANCIAL DISTRICT- is part of the municipality that 32. GENERAL INSTITUTIONAL ZONE – is an area within a
can be part of the Central Business District (CB) that houses city or municipality intended principally for general types of
a stock exchange or several bank offices. institutional establishments, e.g. government offices,
28. FLOOD OVERLAY ZONE - an area in a municipality that hospitals/ clinics, academic/ research and convention
have been identified as prone to flooding and where specific centers.
regulations are provided in order to minimize its potential 33. GENERAL RESIDENTIAL ZONE – an area within the
negative effect to developments. municipality designated principally for dwelling/housing
29. FLOOR AREA RATIO OR “FAR” – is the ratio between purposes.
the gross floor area of a building and the area of the lot on  Residential- Commercial Zone – mixed residential
which it stands, determined by dividing the gross floor area and commercial activities within the zone
of the building and the area of the lot. The gross floor area 34. GROSS FLOOR AREA (GFA) – is the total floor space
of any building should not exceed the prescribed floor area within the perimeter of the permanent external building
ratio (far) multiplied by the lot area. walls, occupied by:
30. GATEWAY – is an acronym for the new Carmona Central  Office areas
Station adjacent to the South Luzon Expressway that will  Residential areas
cater to all types of transport services in every possible  Corridors
route from north to south of Luzon island.  Lobbies
31. GENERAL COMMERCIAL ZONE (GCZ) - an area within  Mezzanine
the municipality for trading/services/ business purposes  Vertical penetrations, which shall mean stairs, fire
 Commercial-Recreational Zone – mixed commercial escapes, elevator shaft; flues, pipe shafts, vertical ducts,
and recreational activities within the zone and the like, and their enclosing walls;
 Commercial-Residential Zone – mixed commercial  Restrooms or toilets;
and residential activities within the zone  Machine rooms and closets
 Storage rooms and closets;
 Covered balconies and terraces manufacturing/processing establishments characterized
 Interior walls and columns and other interior features; mainly as low-rise but sprawling buildings/structures.
 Covered areas used for parking and driveways including local special body created by virtue of this Ordinance
vertical penetrations in parking floors where no mandated to, among others, handle appeals for Variances
residential or office units are present; and Exceptions.
 Uncovered areas for AC cooling towers, overhead water 41. LOCATIONAL CLEARANCE – is a clearance issued to a
tanks, roof decks, laundry areas and cages, wading or project that is allowed under the provisions of this Zoning
swimming pools, whirlpools or Jacuzzis, gardens, courts Ordinance as well as other standards, rules and regulations
or plazas. on land use.
35. HERITAGE ACT – shall mean the National Cultural 42. MEDIUM INDUSTRIAL (I-2) ZONE – for pollutive/non-
Heritage Act of 2009 or RA 10066. hazardous and pollutive/hazardous manufacturing and
36. HIGHLAND - is the acronym for a mixed use development processing establishments characterized mainly as low-rise
of Residential-Commercial-Eco-tourism node in the high by sprawling buildings/structures for medium intensity
elevation of Sitio Paligawan, Barangay Lantic. manufacturing or production activities.
37. INNOVATIVE DESIGN – shall refer to introduction 43. MIDLAND – acronym for a mixed use residential-
and/or application of new/creative designs and techniques commercial node right in the middle of Carmona located in
in development projects e.g. Planned Unit Development the Barangay of Lantic.
(PUD), Newtown, etc. 44. MITIGATING DEVICE – is a means to grant relief in
38. INSTITUTIONAL HUB OVERLAY ZONE – this zone complying with certain provisions of the Ordinance.
regulation intends to harmonize the urban form and 45. MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT ZONE- is a zone that
character of structures that shall be constructed within the blends residential, office, retail, institutional and recreation
institutional center of Carmona space.
39. LIGHT INDUSTRIAL (I-1) ZONE – an area intended for 46. NEW CITY – is a deliberately planned and built zone that
non-pollutive/non-hazardous and non-pollutive/hazardous can compromise of various spaces and services that includes
but not limited to residences, office, commercial, shopping, single family, single-detached dwellings that are not
education, recreation, culture and other services. subdivisions.
47. NON-CONFORMING USE – is existing non-conforming 53. RESIDENTIAL 2 (R-2) ZONE – an area for medium-
use/establishment in an area allowed to operate in spite of density residential use or occupancy characterized mainly as
the non-conformity to the provisions of the Ordinance a low-rise single-attached duplex or multi-level
subject to the conditions stipulated in this Zoning building/structure for exclusive use as multi-family
Ordinance. dwellings.
48. NOTICE OF NON-CONFORMANCE – notice issued to
owners to all users existing prior to the approval of the 54. RESIDENTIAL 3 (R-3) ZONE – an area intended for a
Ordinance which do not conform to the provisions herein high-density residential use or occupancy characterized
provided. mainly as a low-rise or medium-rise building or structure
49. OLD TOWN – is a zone or section of the municipality such as residential condominium buildings that are already
which contains older buildings. Old town may contain commercial in nature and scale.
specific laws that require that new construction be 55. REZONING – is a process of introducing amendments to
compatible with the traditional character of the area. or a change in the text and maps of the Zoning Ordinance. It
50. OVERLAY ZONE – a “transparent zone” that is overlain also includes amendment or change in view of
on top of a Base Zone or another Overlay Zone that provides reclassification under Section 20 of RA 7160
an additional set (or layer) of regulations. 56. SETBACK – is the open space left between the building
51. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) – is a land and lot lines.
development scheme wherein a project site is 57. SOCIALIZED HOUSING – refers to programs and
comprehensively planned as an entity via unitary site plan projects covering houses and lots or home lots only
which permits flexibility in planning, design, building sitting, undertaken by the Government or the private sector for the
complementary building types and land uses, usable open underprivileged and homeless citizens (UDHA).
spaces, and the preservation of natural land features. 58. SOCIALIZED HOUSING ZONE – shall be used principally
52. RESIDENTIAL 1 (R-1) ZONE – an area designated for for socialized housing/dwelling purposes for the
low density residential purposes characterized mainly by underprivileged and homeless as defined in RA 7279.
59. VARIANCE – is a special locational clearance which grants 66. ZONING ORDINANCE – refers to a local legal measure
a property owner relief from certain provisions of Zoning which embodies regulations affecting land use.
Ordinance where, because of the particular, physical 67. ZONING MAP – is a duly authenticated map delineating
surrounding, shape or topographical conditions of the the different zones into which the whole Municipality is
property, compliance on height, area, setback, bulk and/or divided
density would result in a particular hardship upon the ARTICLE IV
owner, as distinguished from a mere inconvenience or a
desire to make more money.
60. WAREHOUSE – refers to a storage and/or depository of
those in business of performing warehouse services for Section 5. Division into Zones or Districts.
To effectively carry out the provisions of this Ordinance, the Municipality
others, for profit.
is hereby divided into the following base zones or districts as shown in
61. WATER CODE – shall mean the Water Code of the the Official Zoning Maps.
Philippines (presidential Decree 1067) 1. General Residential Zone (GRZ)
62. WATER ZONE – are bodies of water within Cities and 2. Residential Zone 1 (R1)
Municipalities which include rivers, streams, lakes and seas 3. Residential Zone 2 (R2)
except those included in zone classification. 4. Residential Zone 3 (R3)
63. ZONE – an area within a city or municipality for specific 5. Socialized Housing Zone (SHZ)
land use as defined by man-made or natural boundaries 6. General Commercial Zone (GCZ)
64. ZONING ADMINISTRATOR – is a 7. Commercial Zone 1 (C1)
municipality/city/government employee responsible for the 8. Commercial Zone 2 (C2)
implementation/ enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance in a 9. Commercial Zone 3 (C3)
community 10. Light Industrial Zone (I-1)
65. ZONING CERTIFICATE – a document issued by the 11. Medium Industrial Zone (I-2)
Zoning Administrator citing the zoning classification of the 12. General Institutional Zone (GIZ)
land based on this Ordinance 13. Agricultural Zone (AGZ)
14. Parks and Open Space Zone
3.3 Building Height Limit: 2. Permitted Uses:

3.3.1. Number of allowable storeys/floors above • Principal Uses

established grade will based on the National
Building Code (NBC) requirements and 2.1 All uses allowed in C-1 and C-2 Zones
related laws and/or duly approved Internal 2.2 Office like:
Development Controls (IDC). 2.2.1 Office building
3.3.2. Building Height Limit will be based on the 2.2.2 Office condominium
National Building Code (NBC) requirements
and related laws and/or duly approved 2.3 General retail stores and shops such as but not
Internal Development Controls (IDC) limited to like:
3.3.3. For buildings 24 storeys and above, the
maximum percentage of land occupancy is 2.3.1 Department store/shopping center
also 75%, while the floor area ratio is 25% or 2.3.2 Bookstore and office supply shop
¼ of land. 2.3.3 Home appliance store
2.3.4 Car shop
3.4 For economic and socialized housing projects, BP 2.3.5 Photo shop
220 regulations shall apply 2.3.6 Flower shop

Section 16. Use Regulations in General Commercial 2.4 Shopping malls

(GCZ) Zone 2.5 Food market and shops like:
1. Purpose and Intent: A zone that shall be principally for
trade, services and business activities. 2.5.1 Bakery and bakeshop
2.5.2 Wine store
2.5.3 Grocery
2.5.4 Supermarket
2.11 Commercial housing like:
2.6 Personal service shops like: 2.11.1 Hotel
2.11.2 Apartment
2.6.1 Beauty parlor 2.11.3 Apartelle
2.6.2 Barbershop 2.11.4 Boarding house
2.6.3 Spa 2.11.5 Dormitory
2.6.4 Sauna bath and massage clinic 2.11.6 Pension house
2.6.5 Dressmaking and tailoring shop 2.11.7 Club House
2.7 Recreational center/establishments like
2.12 Commercial condominium (with residential units in
2.7.1 Movie houses/theatre upper floors; at least 60% of leasable or saleable
2.7.2 Play court e.g. tennis court, bowling lane, floor area allotted for commercial purposes)
billiard hall 2.13 Embassy/consulate
2.7.3 Swimming pool 2.14 Library/museum
2.7.4 Gymnasium 2.15 Clinic
2.7.5 Day and night club 2.16 Vocational/technical school
2.7.6 Stadium, coliseum, gymnasium 2.17 Convention center and related facilities
2.7.7 Other sports and recreational establishment 2.18 Messengerial services
2.8 Parks, playgrounds, pocket parks, parkways, 2.19 Security agency
promenades and playlots 2.20 Janitorial services
2.9 Restaurants and other eateries 2.21 Bank and other financial institutions
2.10 Short term special education like: 2.22 Pawnshops, money shops, photo and portrait
2.10.1 Dancing schools studios, shoeshine/repair stands, retail drugstores
2.10.2 Schools for self-defense 2.23 Commercial job printing
2.10.3 Driving school 2.24 Typing and photo engraving service
2.10.4 Speech clinics
where the building is located, capacity of utility system to support
Similar incentives may also be given to projects that provide wider structure requirements e.g. water, power, etc. as well as the laws,
setbacks, increased ground level open spaces, provides public ordinances, design standards, rules and regulations related to land
infrastructure or conserve heritage sites. development and building construction and the various safety
The municipality shall promote the development of medium and
Exempted from the imposition of height regulations in residential
high rise mixed-use Residential-commercial development to
zones are the following: towers, church, steeples, water tanks and
maximize the use and value of the land. Tax incentives shall be
other utilities and such other structures not covered by the height
provided to the developers who will reach the maximum number of
regulations of the National Building Code and/or the CAAP.
floors per node.

Section 38. Area Regulations.

Area regulation in all zones shall conform to the applicable
ARTICLE VI minimum requirements of the existing laws, codes and regulations
a. P. D. 957 – the “Subdivision and Condominium
Section 36. General Provision. Buyers’ Protective Law” and its revised
The LGU recognizes that any land use is a use by right but provides implementing rules and regulations.
that the exercise of such right shall be subject to the review b. B. P. 220 – “Promulgation of Different Levels of
standard of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. Standards and Technical Requirements for Economic
and Socialized Housing Projects” and its revised
Section 37. Height Regulations.
implementing rules and regulations.
Notwithstanding the Building Height provision of this ordinance,
c. RA 7279 – Urban Development and Housing Act
building height must also conform to the height restrictions and
(UDHA) – Socialized Housing and Settlements
requirements of the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines
(CAAP) as well as the requirements of the National Building Code,
d. P. D. 1096 – National Building Code
the Structural Code, traffic situation in the immediate vicinity
e. P. D. 1185 - Fire Code
f. P. D. 856 - Sanitation Code case shall buffers occupy public or private street rights-of-way.
g. 1999 National Plumbing Code of the Philippines Whenever necessary, buffers shall be required to be extended
h. RA 6541 - Structural Code and/or provided with planting materials in order to ameliorate
i. Batas Pambansa 344 – Accessibility Law negative conditions such as noise, odor, unsightly buildings or
j. Rules and Regulations – HLURB Town Planning and danger from fires and explosions.
Zoning Program ( EO 72, EO 124 and Memorandum
Circular No 54) Section 40. Easement.
k. P. D. 1076 – Water Code of the Philippines – inland
and coastal waters, shorelines and riverbank 1. Pursuant to the provisions of the Water Code of the
easements; Philippines (PD 1067), the banks of rivers and streams and
l. Executive Order No. 648 the shores of lakes throughout their entire length are
m. Other relevant guidelines promulgated by the subject to a three-meter easement of public use in the
national agencies concerned. interest of recreation, navigation, float age, fishing or
salvage or to builds structures of any kind.
Section 39. Building/Road Setback Regulations 2. No person shall be allowed to stay in this zone longer than
what is necessary for space or recreation, navigation,
Unless otherwise specified in this ordinance, building setback floatage, fishing or salvage or to build structures of any kind.
regulations shall conform to the minimum setback requirements of 3. The Municipal Government, however, through an Ordinance
the National Building Code. All properties along Governor’s Drive of the Sangguniang Bayan upon the recommendation of the
and other roads classified as National roads/projects shall be Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
required to secure a clearance from the Department of Public Council, can declare an expanded easement should risk
Works and Highways (DPWH) and/or Municipal Government for considerations make it necessary to protect life and
proper setback requirements. property. The easement can be a uniform distance, or a
designated line (the distance of which may vary from the
Building setbacks shall be considered as buffer yards and shall serve water line).
as buffer locations at the outer perimeter of a lot or parcel. In no
4. The municipality’s easements/buffer zones are to be Section 42.Specific Provisions in the National Building
protected from pollution and encroachment. Establishment Code.
of a mechanism to identify and recover easements along Specific provisions stipulated in the National Building Code (P.D.
the major rivers as well as setbacks planned expansion of its 1096) as amended/appended thereto relevant to traffic generators,
urban area are to be placed. advertising and business signs, erection of more than one principal
5. In areas prone to flooding, building height limitations will be structure, dwelling or rear lots, access yard requirements and
more relax to allow two storeys or more for construction dwelling groups, which are not in conflict with the provisions of the
provided proper setbacks on easement shall be provided Zoning Ordinance, shall be observed.
along waterways and erosion prone areas.
Section 43. Advertising, Billboards and Business Signs
Section 41. Buffer Regulations. 1. No advertising, billboards or business signs whether on or
A buffer of four (4) meters shall be provided along entire boundary off premises of an establishment shall be displayed or put
length between two or more conflicting zones allocating two (2) up for public view without locational clearance from the
meters from each side of the zone boundary. Such buffer strip Zoning Administrator/Zoning Officer. Locational clearance
should be open and not encroached upon by any building or for such signs or billboards may be granted only when the
structure and should be a part of the yard or open space. same is appropriate for the permitted use for a zone and
the size thereof is not excessive, taking into account the
Mandatory ten-meter buffer on both sides of earthquake fault bulk or size of the building or structure and the business
traces for PHILVOCS identified area soil classified as erosion prone practices or usages of the locality.
identified by MGB. This shall be considered non-buildable zone
except tree planting activities or greenscape development. 2. Designs of advertising, billboards or business signs that shall
be displayed in designated overlay zones shall maintain the
Landscaped buffers with suitable foliage are encouraged. Buffers distinct physical character and identity of the zone. All
are part of yards and open spaces and in no case shall buildings signage designs to be displayed within these zones must
encroach upon it. It may, however, be used for passive recreation conform to the standards set forth by the municipality, and
such as gardening, pedestrian trails, etc. must first secure a certification of approval prior to the
application of locational clearance from the Zoning deemed necessary, to ensure land use and neighborhood
Administrator/Zoning Officer. compatibility. These shall be enforced through the Implementing
Guidelines that is made part of this ZO.
3. Obnoxious signs that would constitute nuisance to adjoining
property owners, distract motorists or constitute as hazards Section 45. Environmental Conservation and
to public safety shall not be allowed in any area. Temporary Protection Standards.
signs and billboards for not more than two months may be It is the intent of the ZO to protect the natural resources of the
allowed by the Zoning Officer/Administrator upon payment Municipality. In order to achieve this objective, all developments
of corresponding fees to the LGU. The permit for such sign shall comply with the following regulations:
shall indicate the location, size, slope, contents and type of
construction. 1. Views shall be preserved for public enjoyment especially in
sites with high scenic quality by closely considering building
4. It shall be unlawful to maintain an obsolete sign by reason orientation, height, bulk, fencing and landscaping.
of discontinuance of business, service or activity for more 2. Deep wells shall not be allowed.
than 60 days there from. 3. Land use activities shall not cause the alteration of natural
drainage patterns or change the velocities, volumes, and
ARTICLE VII physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of storm
PERFORMANCE STANDARDS water. Streams, watercourses, wetlands, lakes or ponds
shall not be altered, re-graded, developed, piped, diverted
or built upon.
Section 44. Application of Performance Standards.
4. All developments shall ensure that storm water runoff shall
The following performance standards are intended to ensure land
be controlled through appropriate storm water drainage
use and neighborhood compatibility. Proposed developments shall
system design.
comply with the applicable performance standards which shall
form part of the requirements for Locational Clearance. These
standards are by no means exhaustive or all inclusive. The Local
Zoning Board of Appeals (LZBA) may require other standards, when
5. All developments shall undertake the protection of rivers, 11. Facilities and operations that cause the emission of dust,
streams, lakes and ponds from sedimentation and erosion dirt, fly ash, smoke, gas or any other air polluting material
damage; that may have harmful effects on health or cause the
6. The internal drainage systems of developments shall be so impairment of visibility are not permitted without approval
designed as not to increase turbidity, sediment yield, or of the municipality. Air quality at the point of emission shall
cause the discharge of any harmful substances that will be maintained at specified levels according to DENR’s latest
degrade the quality of water. Water quality shall be Air Quality Standards.
maintained according to DENR’s latest Revised Water Usage 12. Developments that generate a significant volume of solid
and Classification/Ambient Water Quality Criteria; waste shall provide appropriate solid waste collection and
7. Municipal and industrial wastewater effluents shall not disposal systems and facilities.
discharge into surface and groundwater unless it is 13. Industrial processes/activities should not cause negative
scientifically proven that such discharges will not cause the impacts to the environment. The Zoning
deterioration of the water quality. Effluents shall be Administrator/Zoning Officer may request for
maintained according to DENR’s latest Effluent Quality descriptions/impact assessment reports of these as part of
Standards for Class “C” Inland Waters; the requirements for Locational Clearance.
8. Developments that generate toxic and hazardous waste 14. These are areas that occupy environmentally sensitive land
shall provide appropriate handling and treatment facilities (e.g. susceptible to flooding, unstable plains, areas near
which should be in accordance with the requirements of rivers and creeks, low-lying areas and proximity to source of
and approved by the DENR; air and noise pollution). Development in environmentally
9. Floodplains shall not be altered, filled and/or built upon constrained areas shall only be permitted if mitigating
without proper drainage design and without proper measures are provided. Such measures include adequate
consideration of possible inundation effects on nearby drainage facilities for the flood-prone area’s development,
properties; while areas with unstable plains will need special
10. All developments, particularly those in sloping areas, shall foundations.
undertake adequate and appropriate slope and erosion
protection as well as soil conservation measures;
Section 46. Network of Green and Open Spaces. rivers, the easement shall be construed as moved and
The Municipality intends to develop a network of green and open adjusted with the new actual river edge or riprap
spaces as a way to minimize the occurrence of urban heat islands. infrastructure.
Developments shall conform to the following provisions, as 4. Any type of construction, alteration and physical
applicable: development on the green easement shall be approved by
the Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office,
1. All residential, commercial, industrial and mixed-use prior to the issuance of other necessary permits and/or
subdivisions, in compliance with the rules and regulations of clearances. Maintenance of the green easement shall be the
PD 1216, PD 953, PD 957 and BP 220, are respectively responsibility of pertinent National Government Agencies,
required to provide tree-planted strips along their internal the host barangay, and the Municipal Environment and
roads. Natural Resources Office.
2. All residential, commercial, industrial subdivisions with 5. Similar developments shall also be required to provide
natural creeks in its property is required to provide slope landscaped tree parks that may be made part of the open
protection and a one (1) meter wide path walk to be placed space requirements mandated by PD 957, BP 220 and
at the edge of the property line of the three (3) meter related laws. These mandated open spaces shall be
easement before commencing construction. classified as non-alienable public lands, and non-buildable.
3. Green easements along Binan River, Carmona River, 6. Landscaping of roof deck in all commercial buildings
Munting Ilog River, and all other natural waterways shall be (condominium, high-rise residential building and single-
maintained. A minimum easement of five (5) meters from detached) shall be encouraged.
existing banks or edge of any riprap infrastructure of these 7. Parking lots having at least 20 car parking slots shall be:
natural waterways, this easement area will be considered as a. Landscaped with suitable trees. The minimum height
the Green Easement. Portions of the green easement shall of trees at the time of securing an Occupancy Permit
be landscaped as linear parks, constructed with designated shall be 1.80 meters from the base to the crown.
bike lanes and pathways, planted with grass, ornamentals b. 50% paved with permeable or semi-permeable
and trees, and free of built permanent structures. Should materials such as grass, gravel, grass pavers and the
there be a change in the existing shoreline or banks of the
like or has a municipality approved flood control Section 48. Site Development Standards.
design signed by a licensed civil engineer. The Municipality considers it in the public interest that all projects
are designed and developed in a safe, efficient and aesthetically
Section 47. Section 40. Green Buildings and pleasing manner. Site development shall consider the
Infrastructure. environmental character and limitations of the site and its adjacent
The Municipality seeks to advance the rights of its constituents to a properties. All project elements shall be in complete harmony
balanced and healthy ecology and protect them against the harmful according to good design principles and the subsequent
effects of climate change. Developments shall conform to the development must be visually pleasing as well as efficiently
following provisions, as applicable: functioning especially in relation to the adjacent properties.

1. All new public buildings and infrastructure to be constructed Further, designs should consider the following:
by the LGU shall be in compliance to performance standards
set forth in the Philippine Green Building Code (PD 1096). 1. The height and bulk of buildings and structures shall be so
2. Public buildings and infrastructure shall be required to designed that it does not impair the entry of light and
include project elements that enhance sound and ventilation, cause the loss of privacy and/or create
sustainable environmental and resource management such nuisances, hazards or inconveniences to adjacent
as use of renewable energy (such as but limited to solar, developments.
wind and battery storage), efficiency (water, energy and 2. Abutments to adjacent properties shall not be allowed
materials including waste), optimization (operation and without the neighbor’s prior written consent which shall be
maintenance), carbon emission management (urban farms, required by the Zoning Administrator/Zoning Officer prior to
gardens or direct carbo capture. the granting of a Locational Clearance;
3. Developments, as determined by the Zoning 3. The capacity of parking areas/lots shall be per the minimum
Administrator/Officer, which would likely consume requirements of the National Building Code. These shall be
significant amounts of water and energy, and occupy large located, developed and landscaped in order to enhance the
tracts of unpaved surface, shall be required to include and aesthetic quality of the facility. In no case shall parking
implement the same project elements in their plans. areas/lots encroach into street rights-of-way.
4. All sides and areas of structures within different overlay Section 49. Infrastructure Capacities.
zones shall conform to the urban design standards set forth All developments shall not cause excessive utilization of public
by the Planning Office for each zone. No locational infrastructure and service without notice to the municipality. All
clearance shall be issued to any development within these developments shall exhibit that their requirements for public
overlay zones without securing a certification of approval of infrastructure (such as roads, drainage, water supply and the like)
urban designs from the MPDO. are within the capacities of the infrastructure and if they are not,
5. Developments, such as shopping malls, schools, places of they will inform the municipality on the expected utilization of
worship, markets, sports stadia and the like, which attract a public infrastructure.
significant volume of transportation, such as PUVs and,
private vehicles. Must provide adequate on-site parking for The Zoning Administrator shall require the following:
public transport, private vehicles and trucks. Adequate
loading and unloading areas for passengers and goods must 1. Drainage Impact Assessment Study
be provided that will not impede street traffic flow.
6. Buffers, silencers, mufflers, enclosures and other noise- All development proposals in flood prone areas and all
absorbing materials shall be provided to all noise and major proposals likely to affect the existing drainage regime,
vibration-producing operations. Noise levels shall be including commercial-residential buildings or
maintained according to levels specified in DENR’s latest condominiums, shopping malls, public markets, schools,
guidelines on the Abatement of Noise and Other Forms of universities, residential and industrial, and other similar
Nuisance. developments shall be required to submit Drainage Impact
7. Glare and heat from any operation or activity shall not be Assessment Studies. These should be prepared, signed and
radiated, seen or felt from any point beyond the limits of sealed by duly a licensed Civil Engineers, Sanitary Engineers
the property. or Environmental Planners.
8. Fencing along roads shall be see-through. Side and rear
fencing between adjacent lots (not facing a road) may be of
opaque construction materials.

A. General Zoning Map 2021-2030

B. Urban Zoning Map
Principal Use
Office Building
Office Condominium
General retail stores and shops like Department store/shopping center, Bookstore and
office supply shop, Home appliance store, car shop, photo shop, flower shop
Shopping malls
Food market and shops (bakery and bakeshop, wine store, grocery and supermarket
Personal service shops like beauty parlor, barbershop, spa, sauna bath and massage clinic,
dressmaking and tailoring shop
Recreational center/establishments like movie houses/theatre, play court, swimming pool,
gymnasium, day and night club, stadium, coliseum and other sports and recreational
Parks, playgrounds, pocket parks, parkways, promenades and playlots
Restaurants and other eateries
Short term special education like dancing schools, schools for self-defense, driving school
and speech clinics
Commercial housing like hotel, apartment, apartelle, boarding house, dormitory, pension
house and club house
Commercial condominium (with residential units in upper floors; at least 60% of leasable
or saleable floor area allotted for commercial purposes)
Vocational/technical school
Convention center and related facilities
Messengerial services
Security agency
Janitorial services
Bank and other financial institution
Pawnshops, money shops, photo and portrait studios, shoeshine/repair stands, retail
Commercial job printing
Typing and photo engraving service
Repair of optical instrument and equipment and cameras
Repair of clocks and watches
Manufacture of insignia, badges and similar emblems except metal
Plant nurseries
Scientific, cultural and academic centers and research facilities except nuclear,
radioactive, chemical and biological warfare facilities
Stores for construction supplies and building materials such as electrical and electronics,
plumbing supplies ,ceramic, clay cement and similar products except CHBs, gravel and
sand and other concrete products
Repair shop like house appliances, motor vehicles and accessories and home furnishings
Medium scale junk shop
Machinery display shop/center
Gravel and sand
Manufacture of ice, ice blocks, cubes, tubes, crushed except dry ice
Manufacture of signs and advertising displays (except printed)
Any food factory or commissary
Welding shop
Machine shop service operations (repairing/rebuilding, or custom job orders)
Repair of motorcycles
Lechon or whole pig roasting
Biscuit factory – manufacture of biscuits, cookies, crackers and other similar dried bakery
Doughnut and hopia factory
Other bakery products not elsewhere classified
Repacking of food products, e.g. fruits, vegetables, sugar and other related products
Other commercial activities not elsewhere classified
All uses allowed in R1-R-2 and R-3 zones
Accessory Use
Staff houses/quarters
Building garage
Storerooms and warehouses
Pump houses
Generator houses
Conditional Use
Filling station/service station
Transportation terminal/garage
Radio and television station
Garage for jeepneys and taxis
Garage for bus and trucks
Retailing of CHBs, gravel and sand and other concrete products
Funeral establishment – Categories I, II and III
Conditional Use
Institutional uses such as colleges and universities, vocational and technical schools,
general hospitals and specialized general welfare, charitable and government institutions
Wet and dry markets
Bars, cocktails, sing-along lounges, bistros, pubs, beer gardens
Massage and sauna parlors
Junk shop, scrap dealer shops
Gravel and sand
Welding shops
Machine shop service operation (repairing/ rebuilding or custom job orders)
Funeral parlors, mortuaries and crematory services and memorial chapels
Cemeteries, memorial parks and the like
Cell [mobile] phone towers
Hauling services and garage terminals for trucks, tow trucks and buses not exceeding three
[3] units
Auto sales and rentals, automotive handicraft, accessory and spare parts shops, marine
craft, aircraft and sales yards

Not Allowed
Not Listed
Listed with additional conditions
Image No. 3. Building Height: C1 Commercial Zone
Image No. 4. Building Height: C2 Commercial Zone
Image No. 5. Building Height: General Commercial Zone
Image No. 6. Building Height: General Institutional Zone
Image No. 13. Building Height: Parks and Recreational Zone
Annex G – Building/Road Setbacks

Image No. 1. Setback: Commercial @16 meter RROW

Image No. 2. Setback: Residential @ 8 meter RROW
Image No. 3. Setback: Residential @ 6 meter and 8 meter RROW
Image No. 4. Setback: Residential @ 8 meter and 10 meter RROW
Annex H – Hazard Overlay Zone

A. Ground Shaking Hazard Map Overlay Zone

The Gateway

The Old Town

The New City

The Midland

The Highland
B. Ground Rupture Hazard Map Overlay Zone

The Gateway

The Old Town

The New City

The Midland

The Highland
C. Flood Hazard Map Overlay Zone

The Gateway

The Old Town

The New City

The Midland

The Highland
D. Landslide Hazard Map Overlay Zone

The Gateway

The Old Town

The New City

The Midland

The Highland
E. Earthquake-Induced Landslide Hazard Map Overlay Zone

The Gateway

The Old Town

The New City

The Midland

The Highland
F. Liquefaction Hazard Map Overlay Zone

The Gateway

The Old Town

The New City

The Midland

The Highland

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