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Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Course Title: Micro-processor and Interfacing Laboratory

Course code: EEE-318

Experiment No: 06

Experiment Name: Stacks and Multiplication and Division in assembly


Date of performance: 29.04.2024

Date of submission: 06.05.2024

Submitted to: Md. Nayem Sharker

Department of EEE
Faculty Of Science and Engineering.
Green University of Bangladesh.

Submitted by:
Name: Ashraful Islam


Batch:-213 (EA)

Department of EEE
Green University of Bangladesh.
Experiment Number: 4
Experiment Name Stacks and Multiplication and Division in assembly

1. To be familiar with stack operations.
2. Arrays in assembly language programming.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this experiment, the students will be able to:

1. Understand the stack operation of the 8086.
2. Proficient with programs that requires multiplication.
3. Design a system process implementing combination and permutations.

Stack is a segment where some register values can be stored so that it is
not lost. In assembly language programming we have only four registers
with which we can perform operations. These are AX, BX, CX and DX. But
in many problems, we may need a lot of registers. So, we need to reuse
the se registers again and again. This can be done by storing present value
of AX in stack segment. Now we can perform other tasks with AX. This will
certainly change content of AX. After this getting the value of AX from stack
and restoring its previous value. The first job (storing value of AX in stack)
is done by PUSH command. Second job (restoring value of AX from stack)
is done by POP command in assembly language.

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