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 PHẦN 4C.

 1 Listening
A.Do you make arrangements with people by phone ? What
kind of things do you arrange ?(Bạn đã sắp xếp việc gì
với người khác qua điện thoại ? Bạn sắp xếp những
việc gì?)
 Đáp án : Yes, I often make arrangements with people by
phone. I arrange things like meetings, appointments, social
gatherings, dinner plans, travel itineraries, and sometimes
even surprises or special events.

B.Why does Annie call Rachel ?( Tại sao Annie gọi cho Rachel ? ).
o Đáp án : Because to invite her to come for a
meal to celebrate Leo’s birthday

 C. Đáp án : 1 They’re meeting some friends.

 2 She’s working.
 3 Monday
 4 7 o’clock
 5 nothing


A .Đáp án : 1I 2I 3R 4I 5R 6I 7R 8R
 B. Listen to how Rachel and Annie replied to each
question. Make notes. What different replies could you give?
( Hãy lắng nghe Rachel và Annie đã trả lời từng câu hỏi. Ghi
chú. Bạn có thể đưa ra những câu trả lời khác nhau nào?)
o Phần ghi lại hội thoại:(ghi chú)

Tham khảo ( đáp án )

 Annie:* Would you like to come round for a meal?
 *Rachel:* I'd love to. When were you thinking
 *Annie:* Are you doing anything on Wednesday?
 *Rachel:* Wednesday is a bit tight for us. How about another day?
 *Annie:* What are you doing on Monday?
 *Rachel:* Monday is perfect. We're free.
 *Annie:* Great! How about seven o'clock?
 *Rachel:* Seven works for us. Should we bring anything?
 *Annie:* No need to bring anything. Just come hungry!
 *Annie:* How about Thursday? Is that OK for you
 *Rachel:* Unfortunately, Thursday is also busy. Let's stick with
 *Annie:* Perfect. Looking forward to it!
 *Rachel:* Us too! See you then.
C Đáp án :

D. Work in pairs. Practise the conversation in 2c. Change the

details.( Làm việc theo cặp. Luyện tập đoạn hội thoại ở câu 2c. ).
Ví dụ 1:
 A: Are you doing anything this evening? Would you like to come over
for dinner?
 B: Is that OK for you
 A: No, I'm busy tonight. How about Friday evening?
 B: Nothing - I'm free. What time shall I come over?
 A: Around 7 PM would be great.
o Ví dụ 2:
o A: Are you doing anything next weekend? Would you like to go
o B: Is that OK for you?
o A: No, I can't do next weekend. How about the weekend after?
o B: Nothing - I'm free. What time shall I meet you?
o A: Let's meet at 8 AM at the park entrance

 ĐÁP ÁN: 1 I’ll just check. 2 hang on a minute . 3 Just a moment

 C.
Work in pairs. Take turns to make an invitation.
Check your phone/diary before you reply. Use
the phrases in 3a.( Làm việc theo cặp. Lần lượt
đưa ra lời mời. Kiểm tra điện thoại/nhật ký của
bạn trước khi trả lời. Sử dụng các cụm từ trong
 Tham khảo :
Person A: Do you want to have lunch on Tuesday?
Person B: Oh, that sounds nice. I'll just check. No, I
can't do
Tuesday. Sorry.
Person A: How about Wednesday?
Person B: Wednesday... hang on a minute... no, sorry.
Person A: Can we meet on Monday?
Person B: Just a moment. Nothing! We can do


A. Đáp án
 They are at Annie’s house. Leo probably doesn’t like his present
 (even though he says he does!). He isn’t a sports fan and he can’t stand

 B . Đáp án :
 1.because he’s eaten too much
 2. He doesn’t like sport, especially football.
He likes to go to the gym to keep fit.
 3. They go to the gym next Thursday
C. Đáp án
1.No, in many cultures, including mine, people prefer to keep the act of
opening presents private, as it adds an element of surprise and mystery
to the gift-giving experience.

2.Sometimes I receive gifts I may not particularly like, but I appreciate

the gesture and thought behind them.

3.I believe I'm good at choosing presents for others, as I try to consider
their interests and preferences.

 Đáp án : 1. can’t 2. long
 Đáp án : Negative auxiliary form are sometimes always stressed.

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