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Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Course Title: Micro-processor and Interfacing Laboratory

Course code: EEE-318

Experiment No: 04

Experiment Name: Introduction of Logical, Rotate and Shift instructions in

assembly language.

Date of performance: 22.04.2024

Date of submission: 29.04.2024

Submitted to: Md. Nayem Sharker

Department of EEE
Faculty Of Science and Engineering.
Green University of Bangladesh.

Submitted by:
Name: Ashraful Islam


Batch:-213 (EA)

Department of EEE
Green University of Bangladesh.
Experiment Number: 4
Experiment Name: Introduction of Logical, Rotate and Shift instructions in
assembly language.

1. Learning about Logical, Rotate and Shift Instructions in assembly language.
2. Using combination of instruction set learnt till now.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this experiment, the students will be able to:

1. Understand the logical operation of the 8086.
2. Proficient with programs that requires rotate and shift instructions.
3. Design a system process that operates using an Arithmetic Logic Unit.
4. Create higher instructions required to operate 8086 in a system using
available instructions.


The introduction of Logical, Rotate, and Shift instructions in assembly language

broadened the scope of operations achievable within the program, enabling more
efficient manipulation and transformation of data.

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