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Vietnam’s rapid growth and industrialization have caused negative impacts on the environment
and natural assets. Urbanization and strong economic and population growth are also raising
concerns about the rapid depletion of natural resources and environmental threats causing
increasing waste management and pollution challenges, especially air pollution and wastewater
discharge in resource-intensive industries.
Waste generation in Vietnam is expected to double in less than 15 years. Linked to this is the
issue of marine plastics. Ninety percent of global marine plastic pollution is estimated to come
from just ten in-land rivers. Vietnam is among the ten countries most affected by air pollution
worldwide. Water pollution has great influences on the productivity of key sectors and human
Water supply in Vietnam meets only about 70 percent of demand, with a relatively high water-
loss rate (about 30 percent). The country has few centralized wastewater treatment plants,
and about three-quarters of its industrial wastewater is discharged into the environment without
proper treatment. Rapid industrialization throughout Vietnam is polluting the country’s water
supply at an increasing rate and reducing the availability of potable water.
Vietnam’s 2014 Environmental Law also contains air quality management requirements.
Improving air pollution control also will require industrial parks to install emissions treatment
systems. This increasing regulatory stringency is likely to drive growth in the air quality
management market and provide opportunities for solution providers, especially in industrial
Vietnam passed a National Action Plan on Air Quality Management in 2016 to manage and
minimize air pollution. The Plan includes stricter regulations on new vehicle emission standards,
better traffic control, enforcement of dust management measures for construction sites and
transporting trucks and enhanced monitoring of industrial emissions. While these measures
could help partially address Vietnam’s pollution, long-term national policies and stronger
enforcement of existing policies are urgently needed.
No. Vocabulary item Part of Pronunciation Meaning

1 natural assets (n phr.) /ˈnætʃ.ər.əl /ˈæ tài nguyên thiên

2 depletion (n) /dɪˈpliː.ʃən/ sự suy giảm/ sự
cạn kiệt
3 resource-intensive (adj) /ˈriː.sɔːs / ɪnˈten.sɪv/ sử dụng nhiều tài

4 water-loss rate (n phr.) /ˈwɔː.tər / lɒs /reɪt/ tỉ lệ thất thoát

5 centralized wastewater (n phr.) /ˈsentrəlaɪzt /ˈweɪstˌwɔtər nhà máy xử lý
treatment plant /ˈtriːt.mənt /plɑːnt/ nước thải tập trung
6 National Action Plan (n phr.) /ˈnæʃ.ən.əl /ˈæk.ʃən /plæn/ Kế hoạch hành
động quốc gia

7 enforcement (n) /ɪnˈfɔːs.mənt/ việc thực thi

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