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Monthly suggested theme is Knowing the Emergency Procedure and monthly Think Fatal
1 Know the emergency numbers as displayed on the emergency number on your ID
2 Basics of using a fire extinguisher-pull the pin, Aim the nozzle, Squeeze the trigger and Sweep the
3 Do not disturb the incident scene before investigation is completed
4 Keep emergency exit doors and routes free from obstruction and tripping hazards
5 Identify all fire and explosive risks in your area and know the controls
6 If you hear an alarm or the emergency signal, stop what you're doing, go to the place of safety and
stay there until the All Clear is given.
7 Ensure all exit routes are clearly labelled and free of obstructions
8 Before helping a victim of an incident or before assisting in an emergency, always ensure it is safe for
you to do so. Sometimes the best plan is just to get to safety.
9 Access to work areas containing fire or explosives hazards must be controlled.
10 Only attempt to deal with an emergency such as fire or a chemical spill if you feel confident and have
been trained
11 Remove potential fire risks by maintaining good housekeeping in your work areas.
12 Turn off all power sources when not using power tools.
13 Maintain cool temperature in storage areas for flammable/combustible materials
14 Reduce fire risk by keeping all containers of flammable liquids closed or covered when they are not in
15 Always store compressed gas cylinders in a vertical position and secure them.
16 Never store different types of reactive gases close to each other as they can potentially ignite or
17 Store gas cylinders in ventilated areas to avoid exposure to heat as this might cause fires and
18 Ensure close monitoring is observed when charging batteries to avoid explosion
19 Do not smoke in area with combustible materials
20 Never expose pure oxygen gas to oil or grease as they react violently resulting in fires and explosions.
21 Gas cylinders should be stored away from sources of ignition and other flammable materials.
22 Report all fire incidents to allow for an investigation and prevent reoccurrence.
23 Remove all sources of ignition at refueling stations.
24 Know the various classes of fire and use the appropriate fire extinguisher to extinguish the fire.
25 Do panic when you reach at the incident scene
26 Ensure fire extinguisher are easily accessible and fully charged
27 Know the emergency numbers as displayed on the emergency number on your ID
28 Store flammable fuels and materials only in approved safety containers
29 Do not use defective power tools as short-circuits may cause a fire
30 Notify your immediate supervisor about all the emergencies in your work area.
31 Know the emergency exit routes and emergency assembly points in your area

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