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1QTO. What are semi-conductors ?

Discuss about intrinsic

and extrinsic semi-conductors.
Ans. Semi-conductors. Those substances whose
conductivity lies
between conductors and insulators are called semi-conductors. Actually
semi-conductors are those solids which behave as insulators at absolute
zero but conduct electricity at room temperatures. Silicon and
are two important semi-conductors. The pure samples of these germanium
(99-99% pure) are obtained by zone refining. Some impurity issubstances
added to them, this process of addition of impurity is called carefully
Semi-conductors are of two types :
(a) Intrinsic semi-conductors. At 0K pure
silicon and germanium
act as insulators because no free electrons are available for conduction
due to the presence of covalent bonds. At high
temperatures, some
covalent bonds are broken and hence, some electrons become free for
electrical conduction. Such type of conduction is called intrinsic
(b) Extrinsic semi-conductors. The conductivity of pure silicon
and germaniumn (1VAgroup elements) is quite less. Their conductivity is
Chemical Bonding: lonic Solids | 127
inereased by the addition of small quantities of
VA respectively. element of group IIA or
Q. 11. What do you mean
semi-conductors ? by n-type and p-type
Ans. A p-type semi-conductor is formed by the
impurity to the elements of group VA and the n-typeaddition IIIA group
semi-conductor is
formed by the addition of VÀ group element to IlIA group
n-type semi-conductors. Such type of semi-conductorselement.
are formed
(a) due to metal excess defect and (b) doping
process, L.e., addition of
small quantities of VA elements in pure germanium and silicon. When
element of group VA (example, As) is added to the germanium crystal
then some positions of germanium atoms are occupied by As atoms.
Thus, four electrons of impurity atom As form four covalent bonds with
Ge atom and the fifth As electron remains free and hence, is responsible
for the electrical conduction. Thus Ge doped with minute quantity of As
exhibits high electricalconducitivity.
p-typesemi-conductors. Such type of semi-conductors are formed
(a) due to defects of deficiency in metal, (b) addition of III group impurity
atom in IV group element.
When an impurity atom of III group with 3valence electrons
(like B) is introduced into the Ge crystal, it replaces one of the Ge atoms.
All the three of its valence electrons form covalent bonds with one each
valence electron of three nearest Ge atoms while the valence electron
of fourth nearest Ge atom is not able to form a bond. Hence,on one side
of the impurity atom there is an empty space, called hole. On applying
an electric field, a valence electron from a neighbouring atom can drop
nto this hole, thereby creating a hole in the next atom. In this way, a
hole can move cross the crystal from one atom to another and hence
current flows through the crystal. Hence, the doping of Ge by B (element
of III group) increases the electricat conductivity of Ge. Since the electrical
conduction takes place due to positive holes hence it is called p-type'
Effect of Temperature on Conductivity. The conductivity of
semi-conductors increases with the increase in temperature. This is
because the electrons or holes (as the case may be) are held weakly
within the crystal lattice and when temperature is inereased they get
free from the lattice and hence conduct electricity.
Q. 12. Write short note on applications of semi-conductors.
Ans. Applications of semi-conductors. Semi-conductors are
formed with variations by the following combinations :
(i) Elements of Group 14 (Si, Ge) and Group 15 (P, As, Sb)
(ii) Elements of Group 14 (Si, Ge) and Group 13 (B, G, In)
(ii)Elements of Group 13 and Group 16 like, In Sb, AlP.
(iv) Elements of Group 12 and Group 16 like,ZnS, CdS, CdSe, HgTe.
The properties of semi-conductors vary according to the nature of
impurity. Semi-conductors are used in transistors and photoelectrie
128 | Inorganic Chemistry, Part I
devices. The p-n junction diode is used as a rectifier i.e., it allows the
passage of d.c. while obstructing the a.c. conmponent.

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