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This represents Rizal's fading hopes for reform against his long-held abhorrence and

aversion to revolution. The book focuses on the inevitable revolution and whether or not the
Philippines should rebel peacefully and diplomatically or violently.

Basilio castigates himself for forgetting his mother and brother’s misfortunes [4]and pledges to support
Simoun’s plans for a violent revolution. Simuon reveals that he plans to ignite dynamite hidden in a
decorative lamp at nine in the evening during Juanito and Paulita’s wedding party. During the wedding
party Important people arrive at the party, and Basilio hesitates when he observes the number of innocent
individuals. He experiences a momentary strengthening of his resolve when he sees Padre Irene and Padre
Salvi, but his good heart gets the better of him. He attempts to warn the guests of the impending danger.
Unfortunately simoun’s revolution failed.
Now let’s talk about Chapter 34- the wedding
In this chapter, Simoun believes that violent revolution is the only way to end the abuse of the
Spaniards. He attempted to ignite a dynamite on Juanito and paulitas wedding party However, it
failed because of basilios conscience, he was concerned for the innocent individuals.
This chapter represent Rizal's hopes for reform and peaceful revolution. The chapters focus
on the inevitable revolution and whether or not the Philippines should rebel peacefully or
violently. Rizal takes his characters to the brink of a violent overthrow of the existing order and
then draws back, returning to the historical Philippine reality. There are a variety of reasons for
why Simoun’s plans are not carried through as originally intended, but certainly Rizal's own
message, as also expressed by characters in the book, is that violence is not the preferred
solution, and that, while change is necessary, it should come about peacefully and sensibly.
Violent revolutions will cost not only the oppressors’ lives but also many innocent lives.
One of the reason Rizal wrote this because

According to him, the corrupt and abusive Spanish colonial bureaucracy

relentlessly exploited the Filipinos
He wanted us Filipinos to be awakened and stand against the abuse, discrimination, and
corruption of Spaniards and then he chose to seek for reforms than to start a violent revolution
because He said that he has always opposed and made clear that armed revolution was
impossible, absurd, and disastrous. he actually preferred non-violent means to achieve
independence for the Philippines but giving his advice portrays how much he conceded to the
fact that Filipinos have lost tolerance for Spain's colonial oppression and political stasis.
reform and revolution are actions people undertake to change an existing institution,
system, or practice—with the goal of improving it. Reform and revolution are one of
the reason why we are free today. Reform and revolution have been part of our world
since the beginning of civilization. One example in the present days is when A group
of Duterte supporters has called for a “revolutionary government” that would arm
the president with additional powers. this so-called revolutionary clamor aims to
have the current president keep his post and even increase the scope of his
However one of the problem up to this day is that even though We’ve been
through many reforms and revolutions, we were freed from power abuse and
misgovernance from the Spaniards yet we still suffer from corruption, discrimination,
and abuse.

Chapter 33-34

Clashing ideas

Simoun’s plan: violent revolution

Basilio’s conscience: indicates Rizal’s peaceful revolution:

19th Century Biographical and Social Contexts

Rizal’s View on Spaniard

According to Rizal's logic, the corrupt and abusive Spanish colonial bureaucracy
relentlessly exploited the Filipinos

- he chose to seek for reforms than to start a violent revolution

The revolution signifies Ibarra’s resort to solving his country’s issues through violent means,. however
rizal doesn’t want the kind of revolution that simoun want because

Present-day Parallels/Equivalents

reform and revolution are actions people undertake to change an existing institution,
system, or practice—with the goal of improving it.
One example is when A group of Duterte supporters has called for a “revolutionary
government” that would arm the president with additional powers. this so-called
revolutionary clamor aims to have the current president keep his post and
even increase the scope of his powers
However one of the problem that remains up to this day is that even though
We’ve been through many reforms and revolutions, we were freed from power abuse
and misgovernance from the Spaniards yet we still suffer from corruption,
discrimination, and abuse.

The Philippine Revolution is one of the most important events in the country’s history,
awakening a proud sense of nationalism for generations of Filipinos to come. In a period of
heavy struggle and conflict, Filipinos of different backgrounds united with a common goal: to
resist colonialism.
Filipinos had fought against Spaniards for freedom and because of this we are freed from the
abuses, discrimination, and corruptions of the Spaniards. And we also declared a nonviolent
revolution like the Edsa Revolution. All these happened for the sake of freedom of the
On this day, even though Filipinos stood up against the abuses and corruption of Spaniards and
achieve freedom, even though we are free from abusive colonization of the spaniards we still
are suffering from corruption, discrimination, and abuse. These remain the same problem up
to this day.

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