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Tuesday 5 April 2022

Agriculture test bank 1

1. Which type of farming are crops and animals interdependent?

2. Which type of farming brings in foreign currency?
3. Why was land reform necessary in Zimbabwe?
4. Describe shifting cultivation.
5. List any three safe ways of disposing agrochemicals.
6. Explain why extreme temperatures are dangerous to agrochemicals.
7. Why should a farmer identify the natural farming region of his farm?
8. What is the difference between climate and global warming?
9. What causes climate change?
10. Describe changes in agricultural activities as a result of climate change.
11. What strategies can be implemented to mitigate climate change? State three strategies.
12. Explain any two important roles played by soil organisms.
13. What is exfoliation?
14. Soil texture is important because it influences; -----------------.
15. Explain how soil texture be determined.
16. State any two types of soil structure.
17. How can soil structure be improved?
18. Topsoil is ---------- in nutrients while subsoil is --------- in nutrients.
19. Which horizon contains most plant roots?
20. Describe horizon D.
21. List any two characteristics of subsoil.
22. What is soil degradation?
23. Describe methods of managing soil fertility.
24. Highlight any two reasons for conserving soil.
25. Why is important to cover gullies with rocks?
26. What is the recommended plough distance from a stream?
27. Describe how crop rotation conserve soil?
28. List any two sources of soil pollution.
29. What is the effect of using the chemical named E.D.B?
30. Name the type of weathering that takes place when water reacts with minerals in rocks.
31. The arrangement of soil particles in the soil is known as -------------.
32. The layers that make up the soil profile are known as ----------------.
33. Explain any three importance of soil organisms.
34. Describe any one form of physical weathering.
35. Draw a well labelled diagram of the soil profile.
36. List any three methods of controlling soil erosion.
37. Define extensive farming.
38. Define the term water cycle.
39. Explain the process of percolation.
40. Where does precipitation go after it reaches the earth’s surface?
41. Describe any three ways of controlling water pollution.
42. Highlight any two effects of water pollution.
43. What is water pollution?
44. The cooling of water vapour in the atmosphere is known as -----------------.
45. Draw a fully labelled diagram of the water cycle.

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46. What are the functions of the leaves on the plant?

47. Where does pollination take place in a plant?
48. State any three functions of the stem.
49. Give one example of a stem that stores food.
50. Define crop rotation.
51. Why should legumes be included in a crop rotation programme?
52. State any two advantages of crop rotation.
53. Why should shallow-rooted crops follow deep-rooted crops in a crop rotation?
54. What is monoculture?
55. Name two classes of field crops.
56. Outline a 4-cycle field crop rotation programme.
57. State any three factors considered when planning a crop rotation programme.
58. What is pruning?
59. Give two groups in which fruits are graded,
60. What is purpose of packaging fruits?
61. Where are fruits sold?
62. What is a nursery?
63. What is a shrubbery? Give steps followed when establishing a shrubbery.
64. How are shrubs marketed?
65. Define agroforestry.
66. Name four aspects of taking care of trees.
67. Give any one advantage of afforestation.
68. What is deforestation?
69. State any two causes of deforestation.
70. Define afforestation.
71. Why is the caring and management of trees importnant?
72. Which organism is controlled using fungicides?
73. Deficiency diseases are caused by --------.
74. Besides using chemicals, list any three ways which can be used to control plant diseases.
75. The process of transferring pollen grains from the male flower to the female flower is called
76. What are the remedies for potassium deficiency in plants?
77. The small openings on plant leaves are called ---------------.
78. ------------- is when water moves from a region of high concentration to a region of low
79. One advantage of mixed farming is --------------------.
80. What are pathogens?

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