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Analysis of the text “ Passionate year “

The text given for analysis presents an extract from a novel "Passionate year"
written by James Hilton. He was born in England and educated at Cambridge where
he wrote his first novel, "Catherine Herself". His first big success came with the
publication of "Good-bye, Mr. Chips". Some of his other books are: "We Are Not
Alone" (1937), "Random Harvest" (1941), "Nothing So Strange" (1947), "Time and
Time Again" (1953).
The subject matter of the text is the successful teacher’s actions to get respect of the
The message of the text is humor can help us to solve difficult situations.
The text is concerned with a new teacher, Speed, who is nervous before his first day
of class.
At the beginning of the text, the author depicts Speed's anxiety as he takes his seat
on the dais and observes the school.
Further on, the author points out the fact that there is an atmosphere of subdued
expectancy among the students, hinting at an upcoming disruption.
Then the author gives a brief analysis of Speed's reaction to the noise and his
attempt to establish discipline by warning the students of severe punishment.
Then the author touches upon Speed's decision to play a facetious prank on a student
and how it initially causes laughter among the assembly.
In conclusion, the author remarks on the respectfulness shown by the students despite
the laughter and how the evening passes without incident.
The story falls into three logically connected parts; they are as follows: exposition,
climax, denouement.
The exposition of the text begins by introducing the protagonist, Speed, who is
described as being nervous as he takes his seat on the dais. The atmosphere in the
school is one of subdued expectancy, with the boys waiting for something to happen.
Speed is eager for the storm to break, indicating that there is tension building up.
The climax of the text is at a quarter past seven, a banging of desk-lids starts at the
far end of the hall. Speed stands up and warns the students about the consequences of
disorderliness. However, one boy named Worsley deliberately raises a desk-lid and
drops it, causing laughter among the assembly. Speed decides to give Worsley a
hundred lines, which leads to more laughter. This moment of confrontation and humor
represents the climax of the story.
And the denouement of the text is after the laughter subsides, another boy named
Naylor comes forward and takes responsibility for dropping the desk-lid. Worsley
pleads for the remission of his punishment, and Naylor supports him. Speed decides to
have both boys share the hundred lines as pioneers. They leave the room laughing.
The denouement reveals that Speed successfully handled the situation and earned the
respect of the students. In the end, Speed and Clanwell laugh about the failed plan to
prank Speed with fireworks, further emphasizing the resolution of the conflict.

The anticlimax of the text is when he had a talk with his colleague.
The conflict of the text is the main character puts his repetition and kids.
The scene of the text is in an English Boarding school.
The main character of the text is Speed. The author describes him indirectly as
nervous, responsible and meticulous. Also he shows a sense of fairness by allowing
the students to plead their case and ultimately shares the punishment among those
The author used different stylistic devices. We can see metaphor here, for example:
"sitting on a powder-magazine".This metaphor adds depth and imagery to the
description of Speed's emotions. Also hyperbole , for example , "nothing less than a
piece of facetiousness, the most dangerous weapon in a new Master's armoury". This
hyperbole emphasizes the perceived danger and potential consequences of Speed's
actions. Then the author used irony,for example, "I don't want to be hard on anybody".
This statement is ironic because Speed proceeds to punish disorderliness very
severely. This creates a humorous contrast between his words and actions. And
alliteration , for example, "Wawsley or Wurss-ley". This stylistic device emphasizes
the playfulness of Speed's response and adds a rhythmic quality to his words.
The main idea of the text is to be brave and just.

Каримова Туркан,ФЛ-РАБ-51

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