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Ulla sonic measurement system _ latte duction po Many air, gas Gnd Chemichar flants are fotentiany | Uta Sone ak. i) Const to items miter 0 Medium, Gnd an Ulta sonic }eceiver ____ Avensis b £20 “elechic csiosonie Hopsnilias } leces Sve yl Fag Son MEO ecthic eS SC ___be Converied_inio Clecttica Coergy and Cle cibica in _____ Mechanica, The Uitte sonic fYansmitter uses fiero ll Cher Gftosve Ltansnisze Wave Wetyh ddd) DEby 2)Tkansverse waves > When wave Parsicies Moves Perfendicute jo Wave motian 4 soued at can Rerlection Ano REFARCHON, AT A BOUNDARY |bINY Medium 1 a fredivmna he, Yarsmitted iMensity | we ~ Reflected inteosty) 4 “above Shows that fark _of the labia Is an and fortis tansmitied CT) The the angie Di, OR andor ee 1 The Yatio _binw Ane iivtensity Wa, wa} wiis domed 4 Pe) hen _ Cocficient —__ tie —_—_feteston cutie = Wi aud gs yl Ta UW. Wi A cousiie imfcdance + AMenuation o¢ Sécadimad Acoustic Imfedance - besistance fo fhe flofagatien, of Wav ou issues | Medium fapzs- 18 <_decty i ude Of a Scund Wo on effecl : hen Source Clronsmiites) And an Obs: ST 7 . ead teat a are Leva tives = — the ft rit ayuency OF tens ee eet el is i cy UNRASonic Measurements Uttya Sonic Plow meter a) Doserey Siac ibs fig fonst low Meje) _seaenittani 7 a C) Ulttasonic _Chats--steisn” flow meter a ee aa) eee UM ee S Nard ok ane torrets oF EHIME at, Hgerd, Gas UittaSome dorna Flow merer Consthuction. aa precuiver defects 6undwave. | ghifere : fo, eae | 000000000 sorocoee of tat 000000. f - Preauency of ¥he trans sui oS 207 0, 4 2 6 ase” Mitted signer | Nine Ope ce cose coeds f- Mequescy of teeeved __ SOlid of Fiuid fartictes Signa, | x This jyte of Plow Meier is based on detties tniacitte. The transmitter Project the usirasomic beam into the ficwirg bes tte he fluid in the Siteam defiects the Hansmtted beam Tae_ditarace binw 7 jlonsmtied 1 fetiecied Welecily 15 aie 0 cocy. eee Oferation — oa Projected at an ough the fit Watt inte the liquid 1 ¢ cd Ouigde the _ Rife sar Port of Cnergy 's Vetlectced by bubbier of [Porhcies he Yeceiver, cee \o the L VE hc tetwcghf ove Oe Wate atthe Oak luerecity — ___the Peguensy of abe tefiected wave is “is Protertiona fo ine _ Jocity. a 3, low Maintainance 4 hey aye More ACcuyaie fata Sy used fo este utes foo cath ye Fluid dis adv a) Ettors duc to defesiis _ i b) Unsuitahre Fer hen elo ed 8 a —_Vitasemic Transit lime Plow meter Pitey Hansducer A —Vetocily A) of__. 00 006 00 —fuis As the Dame jmties— “Anis devs. Measvie Prow by Measuring ___the time faken by Harsmithed Wove } Yefiected wove The difference 19 time Ave Wave fe Hove from transduce Ato jransducey ® is ditecty Profertiona Jo tee_tesesiy of — dhe Piuia AT & Verocity USTRASoNic -C Ross = Corveratox Plow meter tS Tansee Thansmipiey 2 | : aie bee : flowery 9 2 2: ao vims ~ 4 5 079009, 210 oy d10 0 6, 2.2, 02,0 o co 7 4 Teceiver 2 : 4 ° wo St [ istonce Qfarf hie at ation 1 Vd Parhetes Flow Measurements Sys a Tergns used io Flow a Se eer is a time ——— e 7vo of flow 1s t laminar Plow => Morecure of Fluid ate Sticanll &Jdvbutend Flow > Motecuie of liquid ate nat Siicrm Vine — ee Differentiay Pressure Frow meters ool. OViPice meter Venta mete ih Nozare 7 Orifice Plate meter a Chreuray tate With oa hove tocated at ty faced inside the fife. AM orifice 15 the most Co of flow treasuring device. His inserted Inte the and difterentiat ftessute Across 1b is tncasured zoho fc Oferedinge: suits Fo fel oo Ab peice “An orifice Covses an inctease in flow Welecily #6 dectease In Pressure The fiow tate is ditecny | to dhe Change in Ptescure, Y™ orifice fate py ihe UE = flow tx 1 ~ Adv I hey are cosy fo. instouand_teimeve a. They ate pot @f Cafensive i yi: 3 Suilabic for mast Sas f Liquid ory — = ~ Nok Suidabic far mensiniog Flow oF Sorids— eevee Hf Causes 0 Pressre droe 10 liquid — Ode =ab CECT ROMA NENe £10W METER oes 4 The oferorion of A0ag ese Cow meer 15 based ufen lara doy's law of Ch ectto magnctie Induction which Sjate pit ie Vortaje is induced in Ary Conductor a6 1 Meve's ______threugh Mag etic Teva. The Emi induced is directly —__fyotoytionas Yo the Verocity of That Conductor. tas Ihe emf snd f 1 sud ot Behe Bi Oh oi ol ore =i antes Warming Princifie | ________ The flow meter Consisy of Crecivicaty Iasylated Life Such as ___ fibre grass with o fair_of @rectodes mounicd 09 oftosi 4. o each odber With dhe side way of tach fife ang With the fhagnetic coir Mounfed dtoued the Cow Pi . Jhe liquid acts as a Conductor, the length OF O86 the Conductor with be the diameter of fife in As liquid fosses ihtough dhe Mnaghetic “Hee Ahe Voltage Is_\nduced on both end of {he Ctectrodes Mounted — la ihe fite Wall, The Induced Vorlege is ftetertiona | o the Vetociiy 0 {pe fui d — L Adv \. They Consist of no moving farts Cro Vesivictivn of Fiaid) 2. Their aye Suitable 19 Meosutéog Flow Vale OF Cornesiv liquid , oo 3 [hey cite Cobo cater bie for Measuring Forward ev teierce - __Disady z 1. Exfensive a a Ony Measure Flow Vote of Conductive Fiwids ony ee 2 Vt ts larger io Size r Examere 2oar November ual A q ric flow meres, Yo Measuye phe _velec! Of conducive fiwid, has & tite diameiey of 60m A Voltmeter_of Sofendance 250K Connected Actos 10S. Flow meter eads O-tuv. Jakiog Ane Flux density in t (S80 aA whim and Gut tut Imfedance of Vow mersr Determine dhe: int _——i Ofen cet Voltage across , Clow Meter WW Average verociy of the fluid in She tite iy Volume fiow Tate of the Fiuid_ pes (6 sel SON | co | peg sedpeoiieg iL Eps fp Es va stage under tos ded }4 20, Eo = Voltage actoss an ofe 2 load) “Cs 20 = oui tut Imfcdance 2iz InPud tmyedance Eo: Et (i+ %) 2 Oy (1 + re) 5 O- Lotvorts i) Emee Biv 0:14 = O-aax boned’ ew 210 Gem 15 ii CSA X Velocity = Volume fox flow nate n! i ia Tt i Tx 0-3 x). 06 eS 0-44 pit 203 Less Oftical measurements systern — _______invoives the Use of U-v Yadiatlon tn ______inflaved Portion of @tectomagneric specttum Block diagram of an Of tical Measuyement sys4em Otheat si at Figen! ie Ngo ‘ lofia ved din ny Recessng . Adv of otticat Measute ment Sys avet_€1eethica |, # Systems : _| No Magne bic Coufli lo Cx lernat Inter faring. VO tax a 2. No Ciectbica jer ference = __ 36 a i ican Le ‘biity With Offical Communication sy sien $ Yeanson why {> _Oflical Measurement is nfortant: @) Vi is Used in _tneasuving high temt at which Nevinay Sense, in mmeis ( decorntose ~ | b) tt Q Suitable had 0. asuyem, in _Yolling mis GB fanaa Pytometar od Wh. ™ © high ay —_teflected by hot oben Hot body — Sources OPlicay system oo —MiL_of the Sours Used in aftical vheasure ment yystem _ deeeibe CMitis Yotiation over conhevoes band of veleagth —The intensity of We Source ts descrived by sfegtay ae Cistence. Sfeetar eadstence is Amounr of eMergad fer second fF oe CMilted by from an area of tem’, \ af Sources of Otic Measurement System [neades Ls light emitting diodes Che) Pe a. laser m pata | Tons mission media f 1 _light_1s_tassed_Meyh_any_ medium the _certoin wave length _Rteseot to the Yadiation Causes the mejecueis te be _Miitited jo to highed e@teigg States, 7 ____ This wave leogth ate {hus Absorkd by ihe moiecacts = Absorflion stecttum : lj is the Yation of fower abserd by the tedium Air. A-S = fowey absorbed by jhe Mediu cAie) : Power Q@atering the medium ‘Ttansmissioa Sfecitum | 1s thes Ot Powex 1 ver ie 145 > foweyt pre Lower hs otAne ies) t Yang mission S uscd Ofticar Measurement i$ Cayred 4 fibre Oftica) fibre pee Consist Of The fonowing * aes =—_ ae 5 adding —_____ | Fite attics ate Widely. used as Hansimision Systdn. ce Consist of wo Conceniic dicrecitic cyvinders 4 The ineex Cylinder ($ Coed the Core and has teflactive iMdex Ny- Outer Cylinder is Called Cladding and has cfactive Idex O2, yefracied ! Normay Talay inieinot Yeftaction. Chiticay angie a is: Ineo Critica, angie, ‘ Yefaces ey Ny Sin@c = Na X_Shews law ee Sin Oe = pe Sin. Q, - m BoE a Sno; % Be Dez sin’ te = M1 Sin @, = My sin @j. —__ Angie of cceftance } Angie of accettance Sin @™ = Jat ont: N-A= Jat nt 7_Nu merical Aterture ee eeraE tea _— Coutiing of the detector te seurce Deter May be Coutied to \We Source by On of\icat — Focusing System: | [. Kai Of rcaN fivre or Combination ‘4 Focusing system 4," hve Focusing System 1 _ A Is Used a _whae “the Hrangmission media is the atinosthece Ai mostrere Cann Gatain right beam so the Converging Syste __ts_necessary to Tocus the beam of lignt too detectors, Ls Acctoy used in _Oftical system. vag t Detectors Are used to Converts Of lical Signal te Clectric Signa). Some @xamties Of detector include: | is Thermorire / Thermo courre — Leg Signa in Form of oe 2. Belo meter. : +o _ T 3 fy ciectric . 1 Pioxo ee . 7 Photo dctectots 1 a) fhoio Conductive. b) Photo emmissiva © Photo Vortaic : 4

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