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Extrinsic Staining of Teeth

*** Tobacco - Black or brown

*** Coffee, tea, and cola - Brown or black
** Chromogenic bacteria - Brown, black, green, or orange
** Chlorhexidine - Yellow-brown

Intrinsic Discoloration (“Staining”) of Teeth

*** Aging Yellow-brown; less translucency —
*** Death of pulp Gray-black; less translucency
** Fluorosis White; yellow-brown; brown; mottled
** Tetracycline Yellow-brown; yellow fluorescence
** Internal resorption “Pink tooth of Mummery”
* Calcific metamorphosis Yellow
* Dentinogenesis imperfecta Blue-gray; translucent
* Amelogenesis imperfecta Yellow-brown
* Congenital erythropoietic Yellow; brown-red; red fluorescence
* Erythroblastosis fetalis Yellow; green

Enlarged Pulp Chamber or Canal

** Internal resorption Secondary to caries or trauma
** Taurodontism Enlarged pulp chambers; shortened roots
* Dentinogenesis imperfecta “Shell teeth”
* Regional odontodysplasia “Ghost teeth”
* Vitamin D–resistant rickets High pulp horns
* Dentin dysplasia type II “Thistle-tube” pulps; pulp stone formation
Pulpal Calcification
*** Pulp stones Asymptomatic radiographic finding
*** Secondary dentin Response to caries
** Calcific metamorphosis Pulpal obliteration secondary to aging or
* Dentinogenesis imperfecta Pulpal obliteration by excess dentin
* Dentin dysplasia type I Pulpal obliteration by excess dentin;
“chevron”-shaped pulp chambers
* Dentin dysplasia type II Pulpal obliteration of primary teeth; pulp
stones in permanent teeth

Abnormally Shaped Roots

*** External root resorption Secondary to infection, cyst, tumor
*** Dilaceration Abnormal curvature
** Hypercementosis Excessive cementum production
** Concrescence Joining of teeth by cementum
** Taurodontism Enlarged pulp chambers; shortened roots
** Enamel pearl Ectopic enamel in furcation
* Benign cementoblastoma Tumor attached to root
* Dentinogenesis imperfecta Shortened roots; obliterated pulps
* Dentin dysplasia type I Shortened, pointed roots (“rootless teeth”)
obliterated pulps; periapical pathosis

Enamel Loss After Tooth Formation

*** Attrition Physiologic loss of tooth structure
*** Abrasion Pathologic loss of tooth structure
** Erosion Chemical loss of tooth structure
* Dentinogenesis imperfecta Hereditary defect in dentin formation;
poor junction between enamel and dentin
* Amelogenesis imperfecta Hereditary defect in enamel formation;
especially hypocalcified types
Extra Information
** Fusion or gemination “Double” tooth
** Fusion Joining of two tooth germs
** Gemination Incomplete splitting of a tooth germ
* Talon cusp Extra cusp on lingual of anterior tooth
* Dens evaginatus Extra cusp on occlusal of premolar tooth
* Amelogenesis imperfecta Hereditary defect in enamel formation
* Dentinogenesis imperfecta Fracturing away of enamel due to
hereditary defect in dentin formation; gray-yellow opalescent teeth;
calcified pulp chambers
** Mesiodens ( supernumeraries ) Cone-shaped teeth or microdont
** Enamel hypoplasia: high fever during tooth development
** Peg-shaped lateral incisors Cone-shaped teeth
** Dens invaginatus Cone-shaped teeth; tendency toward pulpal
death and periapical pathosis
*** Supernumerary teeth Mesiodens; fourth molars

Hyperdontia (Extra Teeth)

*** supernumerary Mesiodens, paramolar, distomolar teeth
** Cleft lip and palate Extra lateral incisor or canine 1
* Cleidocranial dysplasia Hypoplastic or missing clavicles; failure of
tooth eruption 576
Hypodontia (Missing Teeth)
*** hypodontia Missing third molars, lateral incisors 70
** Cleft lip and palate Missing lateral incisor or canine

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This is my reference for all information - Oral and Maxillofacial
Pathology. Book

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