Surva Ying

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Surveying=surveying is the art of determining relative position on above or beneath

the surface of earth by means of direct or indirect measurement of distance and elevation.

2.classification of surveying: based upon nature of field- topographic survey, cadastral,

city, hydrographic, astronomical survey. -based upon purpose of survey- engineering survey

military or defense, mine, geological, archaeological survey. -based on instrument used-

chain surveying, plane table, theodolite, tacheolite, tacheometric, aerial surveying.

based upon method- triangulation surveying, traverse surveying.

3.Error= the difference between the observed value and true value is known as error.

4.Sources of error= personal error: due to limitation in human sight in observing and touch in

manipulating instrument carelessness. -instrumental error: error which occur due to faulty

adjustment of the machine is known as instrumental error. -natural error: due to variation

in temperature humidity, gravity, atmospheric pressure magnetic declination natural error.

Accuracy= accuracy is the degree of the closeness between a measurement and its true value.

5.Precision= it is a degree to which repeated measurement under the same condition Show

the same result is known as precision.

6.Instrument used for measurement= measuring tape, measuring wheels, surveying chain,

Arrow, peg, ranging rods, plain table, trough compass, distance meter, drawing paper and square.

7.Ranging=the process of drawing a straight line between two point which is frequently done To

determine their distance and direction is called ranging. Types- direct ranging, reciprocal/indirect ranging.

8.reciprocal levelling= the levelling between two widely separated point in which observation are

made in both Directions to eliminate the effect of atmospheric refractions and the curvature of the earth.

9.Two peg tests= a two peg test checks weather your dumpy level is capable of showing a

true horizontal reading. -this is a vital to ensure your measurement are accurate and reliable.

-it tells you the measurement that your level is out over the distance you text over.

10. Temporary adjustment of levelling= setting, -levelling, -focusing

11.Levelling= the process to determine the vertical position of different points below, on or

above the ground is called levelling.

12.principle of surveying: -to work from whole to part, - location of point by measurement from two

known points, -consistency of work, -independent check, -accuracy required.

13.relief representation: -it is imaginary line connecting point of equal elevation on the ground surface.

-the important method of improving relief feature are hachures, coloring, form lines, sport height benchwork.

14. compass surveying: it is the branch of surveying in which the position of an object is located using

angular measurement determined by a compass. – the branch of surveying in which the direction of a

survey lines are determined by a compass and their length by chaining or taping directly on the surface

of the earth is called compass surveying.

15.magnetic declination: -the horizontal angle between magnetic meridian and true meridian is known as

magnetic declination. -when the north end of the magnetic needle is pointed towards the west side of the

true meridian the position is termed as declination west. - when the north end of the magnetic needle is

pointed towards the east side of the true meridian the position is termed as declination east.

16. Theodolite survey: a theodolite is a precise instrument used for measuring horizontal angles, angle of

elevation, or depression i.e. vertical angles, bearing and azimuth of a line. -theodolite is a instrument used

mainly for accurate measurement of horizontal and vertical angles upto 10^ or 20^ depending upon the

least count of an instrument.

17. plane surveying: -the earth surface is considered as curvature surface. -the curvature of earth is

ignored. -survey accuracy is low. -it is done for small area up to <250km. -it uses instrument like

chain, measuring tape, theodolite etc.

18. Geodetic surveying: the earth surface is considered as curvature surface. -the curvature of

earth is taken into account. -survey accuracy is high. -it is done greater than>250 km.

-it uses more precise instrument and modern technology like gps. -the triangle formed by any

three points is considered as spherical.

19.mapping: mapping is the phenomenon of plotting the detail of drawing of a sik on a

drawing sheet with a suitable scale. scale: map scale refers to the relationship between distance on a map and the corresponding

distance on the ground eg- on a 1:00000 scale map, 1 cm on a map equal to 1 km on ground.

21.Importance of surveying: -surveying help to fix national and state boundaries.

-surveying help to prepare topographic map of earth land surface. -surveying in road construction help

to identify right location for road work along with optic tum curve placement method and material

to be used. -surveying help to determine the economic feasibility by avoiding error during execution

saving time and money for efficient project. -surveying help to know accurate soil profile stablish

drainage path and prepare contour survey. -survey help to calculate the project possible alignment

and the require amount of earth work.

22.scope of surveying: -LAND SURVEYING: it determines boundaries of private government

properties, which is also known as property survey, boundary survey and cadastral survey.

TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY: to prepare plan/map of a region which includes natural as well as man made

features. -CONTROL SURVEYING: -to determine horizontal vertical position of control point.

CONSTRUCTION SURVEY: this type of survey includes the structure such as road, bridge, colvat,

dam ETC to be constructed around the natural resources. -MARINE SURVEY: it includes the

study of sea, river, ocean, or other water resources. -MINE SURVEY: the resources which are

found beneath the ground surface such as coal etc. is known as mine survey.

23.Chain survey: chain survey is a conventional method of land surveying that utilize chain

or tape and a compass or theodolite to measure distance and angle between point on the ground.

equipment’s are: surveying chain and tape.

24.Error in changing = error and mistakes in chaining may arise

from any one or moreOf the following sources such as
-erroneous length of chain -bad ranging of intermediate
Point -poor straightening of tape -carelessness in holding
and marking of points-displacement of arrows
-miscounting of chain length -misreading of tape.

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