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Activity Name: pointless questions (Icebreaker)

Level: This activity is suitable for all proficiency levels (beginner, intermediate,


 Prime students for creative thinking.

 A great way to start a conversation and build a stronger connection with
your team members.
 Foster a positive environment.


 Sticky notes or a paper.

 A pen.


Prepare at least 3 questions ahead of the workshop here are some tips
for coming up with some good ice breaker questions "keep your ice breaker questions
light-hearted and inclusive and make sure everyone can answer these questions",
"make sure to steer clear of topics that are too specific or which might not be relevant
."to everyone such as certain tv shows or music genres


Ask students one of the questions you have prepared. Here are -1
some ideas to get you started
"?If you could invite any celebrity over for dinner who would it be? and why "
"?what is most prized possession? and why "
you can have unlimited supply of one thing for the rest of your life what do you "
?choose? And why
Set a time and ask everyone to write their response to the first -2
.pointless question on their sticky notes
.Go around the room and ask everyone to read out their answers -3
You can do another or two using the other questions that you have -4
.prepared (depending on how much time you have)

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