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Cambridge Assessment 9 English Contents 1. Animal mimes... 4 1. Don't say it 25 2. Teacher says... =) 2. Yes/No game 26 3. Draw it 7 3. Alphabet stories. 27 4, Quiz: HOW MANY? annem putnam 4, Just a minute 29 5, ANABFAMS wn nnsnnnnsninnonnnnnmnennnnsennennnnsened 5, Two true, one false 30 6. Kim's game. n 6. Celebrity... mince aaa snare 7. Virtual ball game ..nooor pale 7. Questions dialogues 33 etre 1. Think of five things 15 2. PictOgraMs ..nnmnninnninnnnnnninnnmnnnnmnnsnrnsene 3. One-word stories. 18 4. Correct me 19 5. Compare it . 20 6. First letter, last letter 22 TD SEUANCE SCE cacccnceanecwageasin asics: Cn 1. Animal mimes Desi Students mime animals foreach other to guess. Time required: 10-20 minutes (Options) animal pictures — Yatra required cui ia the Pre Al Starters lah cards + Toengage students witha fun, physical city as + Toreview animal vocabulary fare Model te activity $2: ‘What animal am 2" Choose an animal and mime it, makin the imal nose if youlke (younger chiléren wil enjoy this). When someone guesses, say "Well done! ts your tun! Ask ther to choose an animal or give them an easy one to ime td make the noise they want on for example) for the rest of the class to guess, Divide students into groups of 4-8, acordng to where they are siting Student tae it in turns to choose thei own animals temime forthe rest of tei proup Confident students can mime forthe = whole das. “Todd challenge, students could describe the werd 0 giveetra cles. For example forcat they coud say Four eg ‘reas fs or tisa pet. For extra support, you could splay animat flashcards on the boord an ect the animal word rs, elping with words children find dif to pronounce. You could give a student an anima oie if they struggle to think of one by therseves~ write ton apiece of paper or show (dont ve) them an animal flehcards0 noone ele can zee. ‘Alternatives: You can use this activity to revise other lexical Sets which can be mimed, for example jobs, spots, adjectives, hobbies. 2. Teacher says Deseri ‘Students ten and move according to the tache'instructions. This similar to Simon says, but students need o listen carefully and do what you sy (not always What you do!) Timerequied: 10-15 minutes Materalsrequred: None + Toengage students with fun, physical activity oo + Torevew parts ofthe body and action verbs (ees Model the activity. Say. ‘Uiten,Dowhat say’ Give some simple instructions and show the comesponding movements tthe same ime, Se example below. Now sy "Uston carefully Do whats say” Point to your head but sy: "Pinto your hand students point to thei heads, repeat the Instruction, unl they all point thalchands. Continue playing the gare encouraging children to listen careful. Sometimes rake the ‘clon the same ae you instructions and somstimes mak it ferent for example, sy “Holdup one finger but holdup two. Keep ight and fun—it'snot atest and par ofthe fun \sthatit's cifcatto follow spoken instruction thats ctferent from the action you see! ‘Example instructions: Use vocabulary your student re fair with Point to your [rosefhead/eys et} Holdup 2 figers. Show meyou[handffingers, te Standup, Stdown To add challenge, you could make your instructions moe dif, or example, Clap your hands five dines’ Yu could se more challenging vocebulay for example: chest stomach, neck nod shake your head sil, wave, ec Co (Older, more canfident chien can tat in turn to lead the acthity forthe rest of theie soup. Fist play the game aa whce clas, as above. Then divide them into groups of 4-8 cording to where they ae sting Ask stodents to take tuns to ge lstrctions. They Play the game with ther group. For extra support, you could review pats ofthe body and action vets fst Point to

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