The Regulation of Cambial Activity in Chinese R (Cunninghamia

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The regulation of cambial activity in Chinese fir (Cunninghamia

lanceolata) involves extensive transcriptome remodeling
Zongbo Qiu1,2,3, Lichuan Wan3, Tong Chen3, Yinglang Wan1, Xinqiang He4, Shanfa Lu5, Yanwei Wang1 and
Jinxing Lin1
College of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China; 2College of Life Sciences, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang 453007 China;
Key Laboratory of Molecular Physiology, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093, China; 4College of Life Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China;
Medicinal Plant Cultivation Research Center, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100193, China

Author for correspondence:  Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata), a commercially important tree for the timber and
Jin Xing Lin pulp industry, is widely distributed in southern China and northern Vietnam, but its large and
Tel: +86 10 62836211
complex genome has hindered the development of genomic resources. Few efforts have
focused on analysis of the modulation of transcriptional networks in vascular cambium during
Received: 31 January 2013 the transition from active growth to dormancy in conifers.
Accepted: 27 March 2013
 Here, we used Illumina sequencing to analyze the global transcriptome alterations at the
different stages of vascular cambium development in Chinese fir.
New Phytologist (2013) 199: 708–719  By analyzing dynamic changes in the transcriptome of vascular cambium based on our RNA
doi: 10.1111/nph.12301 sequencing (RNA-Seq) data at the dormant, reactivating and active stages, many potentially
interesting genes were identified that encoded putative regulators of cambial activity, cell
Key words: Chinese fir (Cunninghamia
division, cell expansion and cell wall biosynthesis and modification. In particular, the genes
lanceolata), RNA-Seq, transcriptome, involved in transcriptional regulation and hormone signaling were highlighted to reveal their
vascular cambium, wood formation. biological importance in the cambium development and wood formation.
 Our results reveal the dynamics of transcriptional networks and identify potential key
components in the regulation of vascular cambium development in Chinese fir, which will
contribute to the in-depth study of cambial differentiation and wood-forming candidate
genes in conifers.

expression (DGE)) have provided an opportunity to address

wood formation-associated genes in tree species by de novo assem-
Wood represents one of the most important sources of energy on bly or mapping and quantification of transcriptomes. Transcrip-
earth and is an environmentally acceptable future alternative to tome sequencing is an efficient means to generate functional
fossil fuel resources. The perennial stem growth habit of most genomic data for nonmodel organisms or those with genome
tree species is characterized by secondary growth that results in a characteristics prohibitive to whole-genome sequencing
cumulative increase in girth during each growth cycle. This is (Raherison et al., 2012). Production and analysis of expressed
achieved by the cell division activity of the vascular cambium, sequence tags (ESTs) from wood-forming tissues have increased
with subsequent differentiation of secondary xylem toward the our understanding of the gene regulation involved in wood for-
inside of the cambium and secondary phloem toward the outside mation (Allona et al., 1998; Kirst et al., 2003; Pavy et al., 2005;
(Schrader et al., 2004; Wang et al., 2007). Recent advances in the Foucart et al., 2006; Wang et al., 2010a). In particular, cloning
understanding of these processes have revealed that wood forma- and identification of genes from the cambium of woody plants
tion is under highly regulated genetic control, notably at the tran- are important strategies in the investigation of wood formation
scriptional level (Hertzberg et al., 2001; Wang et al., 2007). (Hertzberg et al., 2001; Schrader et al., 2004; Wang et al.,
Therefore, a better understanding of the regulation of cambial 2010a), because the secondary growth in woody plants is initiated
activity and wood formation is essential for improving the quality from meristematic cambium cells that retain a perpetual cell divi-
of wood using molecular biological techniques. sion ability. In recent years, genomic approaches (e.g. microarray
The recent development of novel high-throughput sequencing analyses) have been used to elucidate transcriptional networks
technologies (i.e. next-generation sequencing (NGS), such as associated with various stages of activity–dormancy transitions in
Solexa/Illumina RNA-Seq (RNA sequencing) and digital gene the model plant poplar (Schrader et al., 2004; Druart et al., 2007;

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Ruttink et al., 2007; Larisch et al., 2012). Schrader et al. (2004)

cDNA library preparation and transcriptome sequencing
and Druart et al. (2007) reported a comprehensive analysis to
investigate cambial dormancy utilizing cryosection-isolated cam- Illumina sequencing using the GAII platform was performed at
bial cells from the woody plant Populus tremula during active the Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI)-Shenzhen, Shenzhen,
growth and dormancy using microarray experiments. However, China ( according to the
few transcriptome-level studies have been carried out to date on manufacturer’s instructions (Illumina, San Diego, CA, USA).
the transition from active growth to dormancy in the vascular Briefly, magnetic beads with oligo(dT) were utilized to isolate
cambium in coniferous species. Such studies would bridge the poly(A) mRNA following collection of total RNA from Chinese
physiological and anatomical changes during wood formation fir tissues. A fragmentation buffer was added to break the mRNA
with the molecular data. into short fragments. Using these short fragments as templates, a
Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) is an evergreen conifer in random hexamer primer was used to synthesize first-strand
the family of Taxoidiaceae, which is the most commercially cDNA. Second-strand cDNA was synthesized using buffers,
important coniferous species widely distributed in southern China dNTPs, RNase H, and DNA polymerase I. Short fragments were
and northern Vietnam. Furthermore, Chinese fir is the most purified with a QiaQuick PCR extraction kit (Qiagen) and
important fast-growing timber tree of the warm regions south of resolved with an elution buffer for end repair and by addition of
the Yangtze River. Because of the limited number of EST poly(A). Thereafter, the short fragments were connected with
sequences and the total absence of genomic sequences available, sequencing adapters. For PCR amplification, we selected suitable
our knowledge, at the molecular level, of regulation of wood for- fragments as templates based on the results of agarose gel electro-
mation in Chinese fir remains poorly understood. In particular, phoresis. Finally, the library was sequenced using an Illumina
genes expressed only during the transition between stages are likely HiSeqTM 2000. The sequencing data were deposited in the US
to control the entire process of wood formation. This prompted us National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
to analyze the transcriptome of isolated cambial tissues during Sequence Read Archive (SRA,
three sequential developmental stages in the nonmodel tree Chi- Traces/sra; Wheeler et al., 2008) under accession number
nese fir growing under natural conditions. This approach has SRA053525.
allowed us to reveal the dynamic changes in the key transcriptional
and development networks during the distinct stages of the
Analysis of Illumina transcriptome sequencing results
dormancy–activity cycle. These results provide an insight into the
molecular basis underlying the physiological and anatomical De novo assembly was carried out using SOAPdenovo-Trans
changes in dormant, reactivating, and active cambium cells. Fur- (version 1.04;
thermore, using cryosectioning to isolate cambial meristem for with the default parameters, except for the K-mer value (Li
analysis has allowed a much higher cellular resolution in defining et al., 2010). After assessing different K-mer sizes, 29-mer
the transcriptional and development profiles in wood formation in yielded the best assembly for the desired application and was
gymnosperm. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first chosen to construct the de Bruijn graph. Although this higher
to characterize the transcriptome dynamics of Chinese fir using value reduced the number of assembled contigs, it increased the
RNA-Seq, which may serve as a gene expression profile blueprint reliability and resulted in longer contigs. The contigs without N
for cambium development and wood formation in the conifer. were obtained by conjoining the K-mers in an unambiguous
path. The reads were then mapped back to contigs to construct
scaffolds using the paired end information. SOAPdenovo con-
Materials and Methods
nected the contigs using N to represent unknown sequences
between each pair of contigs, and thus scaffolds were made.
Plant material and total RNA isolation
Paired-end reads were again used for gap-filling of scaffolds to
Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook, the wide obtain sequences with the least Ns (unknown sequences) and
type) trees were grown under standard glasshouse conditions that could not be extended at either end. Such sequences were
(70% relative humidity and 25 : 18°C, day : night). Fresh leaves, defined as unigenes used for blast search and annotation against
stems and roots of 2-month-old young seedlings were harvested an NCBI nonredundant protein (Nr) database (http://www.
and stored at 80°C until use. Dry seeds were stored at 4°C. and Swiss-Prot protein database (http://www.
Total RNA was extracted from seeds and roots using RNAiso- using an E-value cutoff of 10 5. Functional
mate for plant tissue and RNAiso plus (Takara, Dalian, Liaoning, annotation by gene ontology terms (GO, http://www.geneontol-
China) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Total RNA was analyzed using the Blast2GO program (Conesa
from leaves and stems was isolated using Concert Plant et al., 2005). Unigene sequences were also aligned to the Cluster
RNA Reagent (Invitrogen), following the supplied protocol. of Orthologous Groups (COG) database (http://www.ncbi.nlm.
RNA quality was verified using a 2100 Bioanalyzer (Agilent to predict and classify possible functions. The
Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, USA), and all four samples Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes Pathway (KEGG;
had an RNA integrity number (RIN) value of > 8.0. A total of annotation were carried out
20 lg RNA was pooled from the four tissues equally for cDNA according to the KEGG database (Ogata et al., 1999) using
preparation. BLASTx with an E-value threshold of 10 5.

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number of reads per kilobase per million clean reads (RPKM;

Differential gene expression library preparation
Mortazavi et al., 2008), uniquely aligning within each sample.
Dormant, reactivating, and active cambium samples were
obtained from the stems of Chinese fir trees (the wide type,
Bioinformatics for functional annotation of differential
c. 16 yr old, 15 m tall, 12 cm diameter) growing under natural
gene expression
conditions in the Forestry Station at Fuzhou, China (45.44′N,
126.36′E). Samples were collected on 25 December 2010, 20 A rigorous algorithm to identify differentially expressed genes
March 2011, and 1 June 2011, to cover the major stages of the was developed based on the method of Audic & Claverie (1997).
dormancy–activity cycle. Small blocks (4 9 2 9 2 cm3) contain- The false discovery rate (FDR) was used to determine the thresh-
ing secondary phloem, vascular cambium, and secondary xylem old of P-value in multiple test and analysis. We used
were sampled c. 1.5 m above ground from 20 independent trees FDR < 0.001 and the absolute value of log2(ratio)  2 as thresh-
at each time point. Samples were flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen olds to determine the significance of gene expression difference
and stored at 80°C. Frozen stem segments were trimmed to (Benjamini & Yekutieli, 2001). Furthermore, an additional crite-
blocks of c. 30 mm length (axial) and 3.0 mm width (tangential). rion, which involved using only differentially expressed genes
Tangential sections through the cambial region of the stem were (DEGs) with a minimum of fourfold change, was adopted for
obtained using a cryomicrotome and frozen in liquid nitrogen, as further analysis.
described by Uggla et al. (1996) with modification. Briefly,
30 lm sections were isolated by tangential cryosectioning at
Real-time quantitative reverse transcription polymerase
24°C with a Leica CM1850 Cryostat (Leica Microsystems
chain reaction (qRT-PCR) validation and expression
Nussloch GmbH, Nussloch, Germany) equipped with a steel
knife. Transverse sections taken from both ends of the specimen
and stained with aniline blue were used to locate the position of Total RNAs were isolated from dormant, reactivating, and active
tangential sections. For each time point, 90 sections were used to cambium, as described earlier. First-strand cDNA synthesis was
prepare total RNA for the construction of cDNA libraries and performed using Superscript II reverse transcriptase (Invitrogen)
sequencing using Illumina GA II. Total RNAs from dormant, according to the manufacturer’s instructions, using 1 lg of total
reactivating, and active cambial meristems, respectively were RNA and oligo(dT) primers. qRT-PCR was performed using a
isolated using Concert Plant RNA Reagent (Invitrogen) follow- Rotor-Gene 3000 real-time PCR detection system (Qiagen)
ing the supplied protocol. RNA integrity was confirmed using a using SYBR® qPCR Mix (Toyobo, Tokyo, Japan) according to
2100 Bioanalyzer (Agilent Technologies). The short-read data the manufacturer’s protocol. Gene-specific primers were designed
sets are available at the NCBI SRA with the accession number using the Primer Express software version 3.0 (Applied Biosys-
GSE37152. tems, Foster City, CA, USA; Table S1). Quantitative PCR reac-
tions were conducted in 20 ll volumes containing 2 ll diluted
cDNA, 300 nM of each primer, and 10 ll of the Thunderbird
Anatomical observations of the vascular cambium
SYBR Green PCR Master Mix with the following cycling condi-
Blocks of c. 5 mm3 including secondary phloem, vascular cam- tions: 95°C for 2 min, 40 cycles at 95°C for 15 s, 60°C for 15 s,
bium, and secondary xylem cut from the stems of Chinese fir and 72°C for 15 s. After amplification, a thermal denaturing
were collected and fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde in 100 mM cycle at 95°C for 15 s, 60°C for 15 s, and 95°C for 15 s was car-
phosphate buffer (pH 7.2). After dehydration through an ethanol ried out to determine the dissociation curves and verify the speci-
series, the samples were embedded into Spurr’s resin. Sectioning ficity of the amplifications. All reactions were performed in
was performed using a Leica microtome. Sections (1 lm) were biological triplicates, and the results were expressed relative to the
mounted on slides, stained with 0.25% (w/v) toluidine blue O expression levels of an internal reference gene, glyceraldehyde 3-
(Sigma), and observed under a Zeiss Axioskop 2 Plus microscope phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH, CV170251), in each sample
equipped with a computer-assisted digital camera. Images were using the 2 DDCt method (Livak & Schmittgen, 2001).
processed using Photoshop (Adobe, San Jose, CA, USA).
Analysis and mapping of Illumina short reads
High-throughput transcriptome sequencing and read
The RNA-Seq bioinformatic analysis pipeline is shown in the
Supporting Information (Fig. S1). Before mapping reads to the
reference database, all reads were filtered to remove adaptors, To maximize the number of genes included in the transcriptome,
low-quality reads, and reads with unknown bases. The clean read a cDNA sample was prepared from an equal mixture of total
expression distribution was used to evaluate the normality of the RNA isolated from seeds, roots, stems, and leaves, and sequenced
whole data. All clean reads were mapped to our transcriptome using the Illumina high-throughput sequencing platform. After
reference sequences using SOAPaligner/soap2, and mismatches stringent quality checks and data cleaning, we obtained
of only 1 bp were considered. The number of unambiguous clean 27 666 672 reads containing a total of 2490 000 480 nucleotides
reads for each gene was calculated and then normalized to the (2.49 Gb). The average read size, Q20 percentage (sequencing

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error rate < 1%), and GC (guanine + cytosine) percentage were classification. Among the 25 COG categories, the cluster for
90 bp, 94.51%, and 45.04%, respectively. Based on the high- ‘general function prediction only’ (3138, 16.77%) represented
quality reads, 417 105 contigs were assembled with an average the largest group, followed by ‘transcription’ (1487, 7.95%) and
length of 144 bp. With paired-end joining and gap-filling, the ‘replication, recombination, and repair’ (1432, 7.92%). The fol-
contigs were further assembled into 84 980 scaffolds with an lowing categories, ‘nuclear structure’ (2, 0.01%), ‘extracellular
average length of 385 bp, including 6548 scaffolds larger than structures’ (4, 0.02%), and ‘cell motility’ (79, 0.42%), repre-
1000 bp. After employed local assembly with the unmapped end sented the smallest groups (Fig. 1).
to fill in the small gaps within the scaffolds, the de novo assembly Gene ontology (GO) assignments were also used to classify the
yielded 59 669 unigenes with an average length of 497 bp functions of the predicted Chinese fir genes. Based on sequence
(Table 1). The size distribution of these scaffolds and unigenes is homology, 12 365 sequences can be categorized into 44 func-
shown in Fig. S2 and Table S2. To demonstrate the quality of tional groups (Fig. S3). In each of the three main GO classifica-
sequencing data, we randomly selected six unigenes and designed tions (biological process, cellular component, and molecular
six pairs of primers for RT-PCR, products that were confirmed function), the ‘metabolic process’, ‘cell part’, and ‘catalytic activ-
by Sanger sequencing. ity’ terms, respectively, were dominant. We also noticed a high
percentage of genes from the ‘cellular process’, ‘organelle’, and
‘binding’ categories, but few from ‘biological adhesion’, ‘extracel-
Gene annotation and functional classification
lular region part’, and ‘electron carrier activity’ (Fig. S3). The GO
For validation and annotation of assembled unigenes, sequence analysis indicated that the identified genes are associated with vari-
similarity searches were conducted against the NCBI Nr database ous biological processes. Five thousand five hundred and eighty
and the Swiss-Prot protein database using the BLASTx algorithm sequences were annotated as belonging to the ‘metabolic process’
with an E-value threshold of 10 5. The results indicated that of category, which may allow for the identification of novel genes
59 669 unigenes, 34 749 (58.23%) had a significant similarity to involved in the secondary metabolism pathways in wood formation.
known proteins in the Nr database (Table 2). Owing to the lack The KEGG Pathway database records the networks of molecu-
of Chinese fir genome and EST information, 41.77% of unigenes lar interactions in the cells, and variants of them specific to partic-
could not be matched to known genes. Similarly, up to 35 782 ular organisms. Based on a comparison against the KEGG
unigenes (59.97% of the total) had no Swiss-Prot annotation database using BLASTx with an E-value cutoff of < 10 5, of the
(Table 2). 59 669 unigenes, 16 517 (27.68%) had significant matches in the
To further evaluate the completeness of our transcriptome database and were assigned to 119 KEGG pathways (Table 2).
library and the effectiveness of our annotation process, we The most represented pathways were ‘metabolism pathways’
searched the annotated sequences for genes involved in COG (4213 members), ‘biosynthesis of secondary metabolites’ (2484
classifications. Of 34 749 Nr hits, 18 713 sequences had a COG members), ‘plant–pathogen interaction’ (1283 members),
‘spliceosome’ (893 members), and ‘phenylpropanoid biosynthe-
Table 1 Summary for the Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata)
transcriptome sis’ (663 members). These annotations provide a valuable
resource for investigating the processes, functions, and pathways
Total number of reads 27 666 672 involved in wood formation.
Total nucleotide length 2490 000 480 bp
Average read length 90 bp
Total number of contigs 417 105 Cambial activity of Chinese fir at three developmental
Mean length of contigs 144 bp
Total number of scaffolds 84 980
Mean length of scaffolds 385 bp The cambium shows seasonal variation in cell division, termed
Total number of unigenes 59 669
the dormant, reactivating, and active seasons. We initially per-
Mean length of unigenes 497 bp
formed anatomical observations of the cambial zone to identify
the timing of the key events of the activity–dormancy cycle,
Table 2 Annotation of unigene sequences in Chinese fir (Cunninghamia
induction, and the cessation of cambial cell division. The vascular
cambium is defined as the actively dividing layer of cells that lies
Sequence Number of annotated Percentage of annotated between secondary xylem and secondary phloem cells. As shown
database unigene sequences unigene sequences in Fig. 2, it is obvious that dormant cambium cells were arranged
very compactly and were easily distinguished from terminal late-
Total unigenes 59 669 100
Nr 34 749 58.23
wood tracheids and differentiated secondary phloem cells in the
Swiss-Prot 23 887 40.03 samples collected on 25 December 2010 (Fig. 2a,b). In samples
KEGG 16 517 27.68 collected on 20 March 2011, cambial reactivation was evident,
GO 12 365 20.72 with thin-walled cells displaying some cell expansion but remain-
COG 18 713 31.36 ing at two to three cells (Fig. 2c,d), and on 1 June 2011, a
Nr, NCBI nonredundant protein database; Swiss-Prot, Swiss-Prot protein dramatic increase in the width of the cambial zone reflected a
database; KEGG, Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes Pathway; fully activated cambium (Fig. 2e,f). Based on the anatomical
GO, gene ontology; COG, clusters of orthologous groups. observation, we used cryosectioning to isolate cambial meristem

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Fig. 1 Clusters of orthologous groups (COG)

classifications in Chinese fir (Cunninghamia
lanceolata). These 18 713 sequences have a
COG classification within the 25 categories.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

Fig. 2 Transverse sections through dormant

(a, b), reactivating (c, d), and active (e, f)
Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata)
cambial zones. Asterisks indicate the
approximate location of the tangential
cryosections used for library generation and
Illumina sequencing. Bars, 50 lm (a, f); same
magnification in panels (a, c, e) and (b, d, f).

cells, which allowed a higher cellular resolution for defining tran-

A snapshot of Chinese fir mRNA profiling in dormant,
scriptional and development profiles, and overcame the limita-
reactivating, and active vascular cambium
tions arising from the mixed samples in many previous
investigations. Importantly, use of this technique provides new To investigate the annotated transcriptome assembly served as a
information about the genetic regulation involved in wood reference for RNA-Seq profiling of stage-specific expression, we
formation and facilitates the dynamic analysis by separating conducted a small RNA-Seq experiment using tangential cryosec-
samples. tions of dormant, reactivating, and actively growing Chinese fir

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vascular cambium and mapped the resulting reads to our refer- stress-associated proteins (late embryogenesis abundant protein,
ence transcriptome. Using Illumina high-throughput sequencing, disease resistance associated protein, peroxidase, low temperature
11.6–12.1 million clean reads were generated in the analyzed induced-like protein; Fig. 4, Table S4). Therefore, the change in
samples and a mean of 5.8 million unique reads in each cambium expression patterns of distinct transcripts suggests the require-
sample were mapped uniquely to the transcriptome of Chinese ment of different development events from dormant to active
fir, corresponding to 49.3% of the high-quality reads (Table S3). growth. For example, 12 preferentially expressed transcription
Filtered with an FDR  0.001 and |log2(ratio)|  2, the factor-related transcripts accumulated to a higher level in the
expression of 4415 DEGs was found to be significantly changed active phase than in the reactivating and dormant phases, which
between the dormant and active cambium libraries. The 883 indicates that the active phase may need more transcription
DEGs in both the reactivating and active cambium libraries factors than the dormant and reactivating phases (Fig. 4, Table
showed quantitative differences. In addition, we compared the S4). In addition, seven genes that are involved in cell cycle and
dormant and reactivating cambium libraries, and 4018 variant expansion and 15 genes that are involved in cell wall remodeling
genes were found, of which 1548 were up-regulated and 2470 showed the highest accumulation in the reactivating and active
were down-regulated (Fig. 3). Larger numbers of genes were up- stages (Fig. 4, Table S4), as expected for actively dividing cells.
or down-regulated at the active and dormant stages than at the Interestingly, > 85% of the DEGs were classified as either ‘no
reactivating stage, indicating that the transcript abundance hits’ or ‘proteins of unknown function’ (Table S5), suggesting
changed dramatically at these key switches among developmental that these genes are only present in trees and might play impor-
stages of vascular cambium. tant roles in cambium development and wood formation.
At the active and dormant stages, genes whose transcript abun-
dance exhibited highly dynamic changes (|log2(ratio)|  4,
Verification of the gene expression profiles by qRT-PCR
Fig. 4) included genes encoding transcription regulators (auxin-
induced protein, PIN-like auxin efflux carrier, thaumatin-like To further verify the expression profiles of genes in our Illumina
protein, putative nodulin like-protein, receptor-like protein sequencing analyses, we have selected 12 DEGs by qRT-PCR
kinase, somatic embryogenesis receptor kinase), transcription fac- using the same samples originally used for RNA-Seq, including
tors (R2R3-MYB transcription factor, class III homeodomain genes encoding class III homeodomain leucine zipper protein,
leucine zipper protein, transcription factor AP2-EREBP, zinc fin- zinc finger protein, R2R3-MYB transcription factor, ARF-L1
ger protein; |log2(ratio)|  4; Fig. 4), cell cycle-associated pro- protein, PIN-like auxin efflux carrier, auxin-induced protein
teins (mitotic cyclin A1-like protein, putative A-like cyclin, 5NG4, putative beta-1,3-glucanase, endo-beta-1,4-glucanase,
minichromosome maintenance protein, plant mitotic spindle putative A-like cyclin, xyloglucan endotransglycosylase hydrolase,
assembly checkpoint protein mad2), cell wall-associated proteins pectate lyase and histone H4, respectively. These genes were
(beta-glucosidase, endo-beta-1,3-glucanase, celullose synthase, selected for their key roles in regulating cambial activity, cell divi-
xyloglucan endotransglucosylase, pectin methylesterase), and sion, and cell expansion. The results presented in Fig. 5 showed
that the expression levels of 10 genes were higher in active and
4000 reactivating cambium than in dormant cambium, including
genes encoding class III homeodomain leucine zipper protein,
ARF-L1 protein, PIN-like auxin efflux carrier, auxin-induced
3000 2886 protein 5NG4, putative beta-1,3-glucanase, endo-beta-1,4-glu-
canase, putative A-like cyclin, xyloglucan endotransglycosylase
Number of DGEs

hydrolase, pectate lyase and histone H4, whereas two genes
encoding zinc finger protein and R2R3-MYB transcription factor
1529 1548 were more highly expressed in active cambium than in reactivat-
ing and dormant cambium. These results indicated that there was
a close correlation between the expression changes (fold differ-
731 ence) measured by RNA-Seq and those by qRT-PCR (Fig. 5),
further indicating the reliability of our sequencing data as well as
152 confirming the differences in regulation of cambial activity, cell
0 division, and cell expansion during vascular cambium develop-
Active vs dormant Active vs reactivating Reactivating vs
dormant ment.
Fig. 3 Changes in gene expression profile during the different stages of
cambium development in Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata). The
number of up- (blue bars) and down-regulated (pink bars) genes between
active and dormant, active and reactivating, and reactivating and dormant
stages are summarized. For example, ‘1529’ indicates that the expression Illumina paired-end sequencing, assembly, and functional
of 1529 genes was significantly higher at the dormant stage than at the annotation
active stage; and ‘2886’ means that the expression of 2886 genes was
significantly lower at the dormant than at the active stage. DGE, digital The transcriptome is the complete set and quantity of transcripts
gene expression. in a cell at a specific developmental stage or under a physiological

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Fig. 4 Expression profile of 122 differentially

expressed genes involved in transcription
regulation, phytohormone signaling, cell
division and cell expansion, cell wall
remodeling, cell wall biosynthesis, defense/
stress response, transport, kinase,
cytoskeleton and others in the dormant,
reactivating, and active cambia of Chinese fir
(Cunninghamia lanceolata). The bar
represents the scale of the expression levels
for each gene (log10RPKM (number of reads
per kilobase per million clean reads)) in the
dormant, reactivating, and active cambia as
indicated by red/green rectangles. Red
indicates up-regulation of genes and green
indicates down-regulation. All genes in this
list have a P-value for differential expression
< 10 5. AC, dormant cambium; RC, reactiv-
ating cambium; DC, dormant cambium.
Complete information for each gene list can
be found in Table S4.

condition. Therefore, transcriptome analysis is of importance in Epimedium sagittatum (Zeng et al., 2010), whitefly (Wang et al.,
interpreting the functional elements of the genome and elucidat- 2010b), and sweet potato (Wang et al., 2010c), respectively. The
ing the molecular constituents of cells and tissues. In the present higher percentage of hits found in our paired-end sequencing was
study, we sampled the pooled transcriptomes of roots, stems, largely the result of the greater number of long sequences in the
leaves, and seeds of Chinese fir using Illumina paired-end unigene database of Chinese fir, in agreement with the earlier
sequencing technology to generate a large-scale EST database. findings in Taxus (Hao et al., 2011) and Siraitia grosvenorii (Tang
Approximately 2.5 Gb of data was generated and assembled into et al., 2011). Importantly, we can assign a number of these unig-
59 669 unigenes. This large number of reads with paired-end enes to a wide range of GO categories and COG classifications
information produced much longer unigenes (mean, 497 bp) (Figs 1, S3), indicating that a wide diversity of transcripts
than those in previous studies (Novaes et al., 2008; Meyer et al., involved in wood formation are represented in the sequence data
2009; Wang et al., 2010b). This increased coverage depth of of this species, reflecting the complexity of differential develop-
transcriptome facilitated de novo assembly, enhanced sequencing mental stages in woody plants. Furthermore, most representative
accuracy, and avoided possible contamination. unigenes were annotated to specific pathways, such as metabolic
Of the Chinese fir unigenes, 58.23% (34 749 of 59 669) had pathways, biosynthesis of secondary metabolites, plant–pathogen
homologs in the Nr databases, whereas only 38.50, 16.20, and interactions, spliceosome, and phenylpropanoid biosynthesis
46.21% unigenes had homologs in the Nr database in using the KEGG database (Table 2), leading us to conclude that

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Fig. 4 Continued. –3.0 0.0 3.0

most of the genes we identified are involved in cambial differenti- transition from active growth to dormancy. Although the genes
ation and wood formation. identified here showed similar functions to those reported previ-
ously (Hertzberg et al., 2001; Zhang et al., 2011), it is of interest
to note that > 5% of the genes have not been reported in previous
Global changes of gene expression during the transition
studies. Since we analyzed the transcriptional profiles following
from active growth to dormancy
the dynamic process of cambium development from active
The vascular cambium forms a continuous cylinder of meriste- growth to dormancy, we obtained more genes with dynamic
matic cells in the stem, producing secondary phloem on the changes in transcript abundance or those that are only strongly
outside and secondary xylem or wood on the inside. Druart et al. transcribed during the transitions.
(2007) demonstrated that extensive changes in the transcriptome
took place in the cambial zone of the model tree aspen during the
Genes involved in cell division and cell expansion during
course of their activity–dormancy cycle. By utilizing microarray
vascular cambium development
technology, Larisch et al. (2012) uncovered significant differences
between gene profiles in cambial and ray cells from wood samples Cell division is one of the key processes taking place in the cam-
of poplar (Populus 9 canescens) during early spring (reactivation) bial zone and the majority of cell cycle genes were up-regulated
and active growth. Other studies have observed similar large in Chinese fir vascular cambium during the active stage (Fig. 4),
shifts in gene expression by utilizing microarray technology on as expected for actively dividing cells. These genes include cyclin
large-scale transcript profiling to examine gene expression A1 (Unigene57815 and Unigene56058) and cyclin (Uni-
changes in cambial tissues of forest trees (Schrader et al., 2004; gene4080), which are similar to several genes involved in cell
Holliday et al., 2008; Ko et al., 2011; Leonardo et al., 2012), but cycle control, like cyclins A and B on maximum gene expression
little attention has been paid to gene expression of cambial cells in poplar cambium zone using microarray approach by Hertzberg
from the woody plant Chinese fir during dormancy, reactivation et al. (2001). The qRT-PCR analysis of one cell cycle gene,
and active growth. In the present study, using RNA-Seq to exam- cyclins A, indicated that the abundance of this mRNA was higher
ine global gene expression profiles over a time course of cambium in active and reactivating cambium than in dormant cambium
development in Chinese fir, we found that the expression of 4415 (Fig. 5). The high abundance of cyclin homolog transcripts in
DEGs was up- or down-regulated (|log2(ratio)|  2) between active and reactivating cambium also reflected a positive correla-
the dormant and active cambium libraries, indicating consider- tion between cambium cell division and key cell cycle gene
able changes of gene expression in vascular cambium during the expression. In contrast to the active stage, the decline in the

Ó 2013 The Authors New Phytologist (2013) 199: 708–719

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716 Research Phytologist

(a) (b) (c)

Expression level (fold difference)

Fig. 5 Confirmation of the expression profiles of 12 transcripts in Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) by quantitative reverse transcription polymerase
chain reaction (qRT-PCR). Correlation between the expression profiles of the 12 transcripts determined by RNA-Seq (red bars) and qRT-PCR (blue bars).
The 12 points (A–L) from left to right on the x-axis represent genes encoding class III homeodomain leucine zipper protein, zinc finger protein, R2R3-MYB
transcription factor, ARF-L1 protein, PIN-like auxin efflux carrier, auxin-induced protein 5NG4, putative beta-1,3-glucanase, endo-beta-1,4-glucanase,
putative A-like cyclin, xyloglucan endotransglycosylase hydrolase, pectate lyase and histone H4, respectively. The y-axes show expression levels (fold
difference) determined by qRT-PCR and RNA-Seq.

transcript abundance of the core cell cycle genes in vascular cam- expression of these genes is responsible for the cell wall loosening
bium during the dormant stage correlates well with the cessation and cell elongation during the process. Furthermore, three
of cambial cell division (Li et al., 2009). As many of those genes putative genes encoding beta-1,3-glucanase and seven putative
involved in cell division are down-regulated in the transition genes encoding endo-1,4-beta-glucanase, which are involved in
from the active to the dormant stage (Brown et al., 2005; Druart cell wall loosening and elongation, displayed higher expression
et al., 2007; Leonardo et al., 2012), we can conclude that the key levels (more than fourfold differential expression) in active cam-
cell cycle protein transcripts expressed preferentially at the active bium than in dormant cambium. These results suggest that these
stage may be essential for cambial cell division, as expected highly differentially expressed genes are involved in a broad range
changes during the growth cessation and reactivation cycles. of physiological functions, especially in cell division and cell
The expression of histone H4, as a marker for cell division, is expansion during vascular cambium development.
associated with DNA replication (Hertzberg et al., 2001). In our
experiment, the expression of the histone H4 gene was maximal
Genes involved in the auxin response pathway during
during the active and reactivating stages and declined at the dor-
vascular cambium development
mant stage, in support of the conclusions drawn from the cell
cycle genes that cell proliferation is at its highest in active cam- Auxin plays a pivotal role in various aspects of plant growth and
bium. After cell division, cells in the cambial zone expand in the developmental processes, such as cambial cell division, cell wall
axial and radial directions. Cell wall expansion plays a crucial role loosening and cell elongation, vascular tissue differentiation, and
in shaping the morphology of plants. During cell extension, secondary xylem development in trees, through regulation of the
modifications in the structure and composition of the cross- expression of early auxin response factors (ARFs; Schrader et al.,
linked pectin xyloglucans occur. Xyloglucan endotransglycosylas- 2004; Nilsson et al., 2008; Hayashi, 2012). It was demonstrated
es (XETs) are responsible for cell wall remodeling during primary that auxin can be transported between cells in a directional man-
cell wall biosynthesis by cutting and rejoining the xyloglucan ner, which is mediated by several families of auxin transporters.
chains (Wang et al., 2007). Previous studies have shown that sev- AUX1/LAX symporters function as auxin influx carriers,
eral genes encoding xyloglucan endotransglycosylase (XTH), pec- whereas the PIN-formed protein (PIN) family of auxin efflux
tin methylesterase and expansin are involved in the cell wall facilitators export auxin from the cell (Hayashi, 2012). By com-
remodeling and expansion processes in coniferous species (Wang paring the changes in the components of the auxin signaling and
et al., 2007; Maurice et al., 2011). In this study, we found that transport machinery in dormant, reactivating, and active cambia,
the mRNA levels of several genes were more than fourfold higher we found that genes encoding the PIN-like auxin efflux carrier
in reactivating and active vascular cambium than in dormant vas- (Unigene48697 and Unigene35220) and auxin-induced protein
cular cambium, including those encoding XTH (Unigene28011 (Unigene54524, Unigene45986 and Unigene11714) were
and Unigene47961), pectin methylesterase (Unigene38919, highly expressed (more than fourfold differential expression) in
Unigene35308 and Unigene227), pectin esterase (Uni- vascular cambium at the reactivating and active stages, when
gene34411, Unigene57279, Unigene52430), pectate lyase (Uni- more cambial cells are actively expanding and elongating. These
gene42642 and Unigene52045) and expansin (Unigene7691, results suggest that the expression changes of auxin transport
Unigene57087 and Unigene25630), suggesting that the genes may contribute to the setting up of auxin concentration

New Phytologist (2013) 199: 708–719 Ó 2013 The Authors New Phytologist Ó 2013 New Phytologist Trust
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gradients once again during vascular cambium development and elements (Bedon et al., 2007; Zhong et al., 2008; Zhong & Ye,
wood formation. 2009). The genes MYB1 and MYB8 from Pinus taeda are poten-
Alongside polar auxin transport, auxin signaling also plays an tially important players in conifers in the regulation of secondary
essential role in several developmental processes, from root and cell wall biosynthesis, including lignin deposition (Bomal et al.,
shoot development to flower and fruit development in plants. It 2008). Moreover, it has recently been shown that transcriptional
was found that one IAA-induced transcription factor is up-regu- regulators, including genes encoding zinc finger and AP2-EREBP
lated during poplar secondary vascular tissue regeneration after transcription factors, were more highly expressed during cell wall
bark girdling (Zhang et al., 2011). Wang et al. (2007) reported thickening in cotton fiber development than during the earlier
several members of the auxin signaling pathway in Chinese fir. In elongation stage (Al-Ghazi et al., 2009). A regulatory role for
the present investigation, we identified homologs of genes AP2-EREBPs in poplar secondary cell wall metabolism has also
involved in auxin response, such as ARF in active cambium, been suggested (van Raemdonck et al., 2005). Our RNA-Seq and
using RNA-Seq and qRT-PCR, suggesting that the ARF genes qRT-PCR data indicated that these genes encoding R2R3-MYB
are involved in the regulation of cambium formation and wood and AP2-EREBP transcription factors were up-regulated in active
formation. Further studies on the roles of additional auxin polar cambium from Chinese fir. Given that these transcription factors
transport carriers and auxin response factors will help us to may regulate, directly or indirectly, secondary wall biosynthesis
understand the roles of auxin in cambial cell development and and vascular development, characterization of the DEGs encod-
wood formation. ing transcription factors might shed light on the regulation of
wood formation in conifer.
Genes involved in transcriptional regulation during vascular
cambium development Conclusions
Transcription factors that are expressed predominantly during Vascular cambium is the lateral meristem producing xylem cells
vascular development and secondary growth are of considerable inwards and phloem cells outwards in plant stems. The genome-
interest because of the economic importance of wood and wood wide transcriptome and RNA-Seq analysis presented in this study
fibers. Ingraham et al. (1988) found that the homeodomain-con- has expanded our knowledge of this process by identifying dra-
taining superfamily of transcription factors participated in a matically expressed genes involved in crucial biological processes
wide variety of plant developmental processes. Increasing evi- such as cell division, cell expansion, secondary cell wall biosyn-
dence indicates that the leucine zipper-associated HD-Zip, knot- thesis and hormone pathways. The approach of combining tan-
ted-related KNOX, and zinc finger-associated ZF-HD gential cryosectioning and transcriptome analysis is a valuable
homeodomain-containing transcription factors are associated tool for the investigation of tissue-specific expression in Chinese
with processes related to meristem functions in both shoot and fir. Importantly, the high-resolution expression patterns pre-
root apical meristems, polarity of lateral organs, and develop- sented here highlight our understanding of the molecular mecha-
ment of primary vascular tissues in several species (Federico nisms involved in vascular cambium development and wood
et al., 2007; Ilegems et al., 2010). Previous studies indicated that formation in the conifers.
the poplar homolog to Arabidopsis, ATHB-8, was highly
expressed in the cambial meristem (Hertzberg et al., 2001). Acknowledgements
ATHB-8 is a member of the HD-Zip III class of transcription
factors that is expressed in provascular cells of Arabidopsis, where This work is supported by the Major Science Foundation of
it has been proposed to regulate vascular development (Kim Ministry of Education of China (no. 313008), the National Basic
et al., 2008). Our present results, which were obtained from the Research Program of China (973 Program 2009CB118500), the
RNA-Seq and qRT-PCR, showed that these genes encoding Ministry of Agriculture of China (2011ZX08002-003 and
class III homeodomain-leucine zipper protein and zinc finger 2009ZX08009-095B) and the China Postdoctoral Science Foun-
transcription factor were specifically expressed in active cam- dation (2012M520457). The authors declare that there is no
bium from Chinese fir, suggesting that these genes are required conflict of interest.
to balance cell proliferation and the maintenance and specifica-
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Table S5 The level of gene expression for each gene in Chinese

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