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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

Mathematical Problems in Engineering

Volume 2015, Article ID 309645, 11 pages

Research Article
Lateral Vibrations of a Cable-Stayed Bridge under
Crowd Excitation

Lijun Ouyang,1 Caihong Wang,2 Bin Zhen,1 and Jian Xu3

School of Environment and Architecture, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China
Shanghai Publishing and Printing College, Shanghai Publication and Media Research Institute, Shanghai 200092, China
School of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Bin Zhen;

Received 13 June 2015; Revised 29 August 2015; Accepted 30 August 2015

Academic Editor: Stefano Lenci

Copyright © 2015 Lijun Ouyang et al. his is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

A cable-stayed bridge model under crowd excitation is established in this paper by considering the geometric nonlinear property
of the cables. Lateral vibrations of the model are investigated by employing the center manifold theory, and the irst-order
approximation solution of the periodic vibration of the bridge is derived by using the energy method. Numerical simulations
are carried out to verify the validity of our analytical expressions. Our research shows that the existence of the cables can reduce
the amplitude and frequency of the bridge, especially for the large amplitude case. his might explain why measured data of a
cable-stayed bridge (T-bridge in Japan) vibrating under crowd excitation are much less than the theoretical results reported in
previous studies in which the cable-stayed bridge is viewed as a single-degree-of-freedom system. Our analysis results suggest that
the structure types of footbridges should not be easily ignored in the study of pedestrian-footbridge interaction.

1. Introduction further increases its response. he frequency of the lateral

force induced by pedestrians is about between 0.7 and 1.2 Hz
In the last decade attention has been focused on the lateral [6]. If the natural frequency of the bridge is within the
vibrations of footbridges induced by pedestrians since the range of the lateral walking frequency, direct resonance
London Millennium Bridge was opened on 10 June 2000 between pedestrians and the footbridge may be achieved [5].
[1, 2]. Ater that, more and more excessive lateral vibrations of If there exists a 2 : 1 ratio between the vertical and lateral
footbridges in various structures have been reported, includ- mode frequencies of the bridge, internal resonance [3, 7] is
ing suspension bridges [3, 4], arch bridges, truss bridges [1], possible. he energy may low from the vertical mode to
and cable-stayed bridges [5]. It seems that the occurrence of the lateral mode due to structural nonlinearities. Dynamic
excessive lateral vibrations of a footbridge is independent of interaction mechanisms have attracted much interests in
its structure type. past decade because they allow the research for the critical
he mechanisms of the lateral vibrations of footbridges number of pedestrians. A lot of dynamic models describing
exerted by pedestrians have been paid lots of attention in the interaction between pedestrians and a footbridge have
recent ten years. Plentiful of experiments suggested that the been proposed to understand the occurrence of excessive
lateral vibrations of footbridges are caused by the zigzag lateral vibrations of the footbridge [1, 4, 7–11]. To explain
movements of pedestrians. When pedestrians on a footbridge the occurrence of lateral vibrations with 0.48 Hz in the
step with their right and let feet in turn, the gravity center Millennium Bridge, Piccardo and Tubino [12] proposed the
of their bodies has a lateral oscillation, which induces lateral parametric excitation mechanism by assuming that the lateral
dynamic time-varying forces on the surface of the bridge. pedestrian-induced force is proportional to the lateral bridge
As a consequence the bridge begins to sway laterally. he displacement. he above research for dynamic interaction
pedestrians instinctively feel more comfortable to walk in suggested that the key to lateral vibration problem mainly
synchronization with the lateral motion of the bridge, which lies in the measurement and/or modeling of the lateral
2 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

force exerted by pedestrians on footbridges. However, the

force exerted by pedestrians is generally tackled by using an A
empirical approach; strict and exact mathematical models are Cables
not available yet. c1
On the other side, in almost all dynamic models pro- m1
posed to describe the interaction between pedestrians and C
a footbridge, the footbridge always is simpliied as a single-
degree-freedom system. On an intuitive level, such simpli- F
ication may not be rational to all types of footbridges, for B
example, suspension bridges and cable-stayed bridges. In fact, x2
McRobie et al. [13] experimentally investigated the “lock-in” m2
phenomenon by constructing a section model with cables and
bridge deck. Zhou and Ji [14] theoretically and experimentally k
analyzed a generalized suspension system developed from
the section model. heir research showed that cables have Deck
great inluence on free vibrations of the suspension system, Figure 1: he cable-stayed bridge diagram.
whereas the dynamic behaviour of the suspension system
under crowd excitation has not been considered. Cable-
stayed bridges are important engineering structures widely
induced by pedestrians on the bridge is denoted by �.
applied all over the world. A cable-stayed bridge consists of velocities and accelerations, respectively. he lateral force

According to Nakamura’s assumption [4], � is given by

a deck suspended from stay cables and supported on piers
and towers. Geurts et al. [15] reported that Erasmus bridge

� = �1 �2 �� �� (�) � (�2̇ ) ,
in Netherlands, opened to the public for just two months
in 1996, had to be closed because of the large amplitude (1)

where coeicient �1 is the ratio of lateral force to pedestrians’

vibrations of the cables. Lilien and Pinto Da Costa [16]

weight; coeicient �2 is the percentage of pedestrians who

found that a dynamic instability of the cables may occur

synchronize to bridge vibration; �� � is modal self-weight of

due to small periodic movements of the girder and the

pedestrians; �(�) is a function describing how pedestrians

masts. Fujino et al. [5] argued that cables may have intensive

synchronize with the natural frequency of a bridge; and �(�̇2 )

vibrations induced by deck when the natural frequency of
the cables approximates to half natural frequency of the
deck. Nevertheless, seldom theoretical analysis for cable- is a function that describes the pedestrians’ synchronization

proportionally with the deck velocity �2̇ at low velocities.

stayed bridges with nonlinear couples between cables and nature. Nakamura assumed that the pedestrians synchronize
deck under crowd excitation has been carried out.
he paper focuses on the lateral vibrations of a cable- When the deck velocity becomes large, pedestrians feel
stayed bridge under crowd excitation. he cable-stayed bridge uncomfortable and then they decrease their walking pace

ininite one. Based on the analysis of Zhen et al. [17], �(�2̇ )

model consists of cables and deck which are nonlinearly which limits the deck response at a certain level rather than
coupled. Nakamura’s assumption [4] is adopted to model the
lateral force induced by crowd excitation. We will pull all our can be expressed as
emphasis on whether and how the cables afect the lateral
vibrations of the deck under crowd excitation. he rest of � (�2̇ ) = tanh (�3 �2̇ ) , (2)
the paper is organized as follows: the governing equation
in which the coeicient �3 indicates the saturation rate of the
of the pedestrian-bridge system is established in Section 2;
the qualitative and quantitative analysis for the governing
pedestrian-induced force.
equation are presented in Sections 3 and 4 respectively;
By applying Newton’s second law of motion and consid-
numerical veriications and discussion are demonstrated in
ering the geometric nonlinearity of the cables, the governing
Section 5; conclusions are drawn in Section 6.
equation of the cable-stayed bridge under crowd excitation is
derived as follows:

�1̈ + �1 �1̇ + �1 �1 + �1 [�13 + (�1 − �2 ) ] = 0,

2. The Governing Equation 3

�2̈ + �2 �2̇ + �2 �2 + �2 (�1 − �2 ) = � tanh (�3 �2̇ ) ,

illustrated in Figure 1, in which line �� represents cables
he cable-stayed bridge model investigated in this paper is 3

and the rigid block of the deck. Line �� has a length �,

mass �1 , stifness ��, tension �0 , and damping coeicient �1 . where �1 = �1 /�1 , �2 = �2 /�2 , �1 = 2�0 /�1 �, �2 = �/�2 ,
For simplicity all the matters in line �� are assumed to be �1 = ��/2�1 �3 , �2 = ��/2�2 �3 , and � = (�1 �2 �(�)�� �)/
together in the center of mass (point �). he rigid block has �2 .
a mass �2 , stifness �, and damping coeicient �2 . Assume According to the physics meanings, �1,2 , �1,2 , �1,2 > 0.
that the lateral displacements of point � and the rigid block Furthermore, we assume that �2 > �2 in the following
̇ , �1,2
are �1 and �2 , respectively. �1,2 ̈ represent corresponding analysis.
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 3

3. Qualitative Analysis for the Cable-Stayed where ℎ1 and ℎ2 are vector functions of nonlinear terms of �3
Bridge Model and �4 . Assume that �1 and �2 can be transformed into power
�1 = ℎ10 �33 + ℎ11 �32 �4 + ℎ12 �3 �42 + ℎ13 �43
By letting

�1 = �1 ,
+ � (�3 , �4 ) ,
�1̇ = �2 ,
�2 = ℎ20 �33 + ℎ21 �32 �4 + ℎ22 �3 �42 + ℎ23 �43

�2 = �3 ,

+ � (�3 , �4 ) ,
�2̇ = �4 ,
where ℎ1� and ℎ2� (� = 0, 1, 2, 3, . . .) are coeicients to be
(3) can be rewritten as determined. �(⋅) represents the higher orders of �3,4 . Substi-

�1̇ = �2 , of �3,4 equal to zero would yield the following set of equations:
tuting (10) into (5) and setting the coeicients of each power

�2̇ = −�1 �1 − �1 �2 − �1 [�13 + (�1 − �3 ) ] , 1

ℎ10 = [(7�1 �2 − 9�22 ) �1 �12

�3̇ = �4 ,

+ �1 (�13 − 17�12 �2 + 79�1 �22 − 63�23 )] ,

�4̇ = −�2 �3 − �2 �4 + � tanh (�3 �4 ) − �2 (�1 − �3 ) .

ℎ11 = (3�2 �12 + �12 − 6�1 �2 + 21�22 ) ,
Obviously, (0, 0, 0, 0) is an equilibrium of (5). he charac- � (11)
ℎ12 = (�1 �12 − �12 + 10�1 �2 − 9�22 ) ,
teristic equation of (5) near the origin is

�4 + (�1 − �) �3 + (�1 + �2 − �1 �) �2
6�1 �1 2
+ (�1 �2 − ��1 ) � + �1 �2 = 0, ℎ13 = − (�1 − 2�1 + 10�2 ) ,

where � = ��3 − �2 . Since �� , �� , �� > 0, � = 1, 2, it is easy to where
verify that (5) has a stable origin if � < 0 and an unstable one
if � > 0. When � = 0 (6) has a pair of purely imaginary roots: � = 9�22 �14 + 2 (−18�1 �22 + 10�12 �2 + 90�23 ) �12 �4
� 1,2 = ±�√�2 . Regarding � as a function of � in (6) and taking
− 20�13 �2 + 118�12 �22 − 180�1 �23 + 81�24 .
the derivative of � with respect to �, one has

�� hen the control equations on the center manifold are given


� (�2 + �1 � + �1 ) �3̇ = �4 ,
= .
4�3 − 3 (� − �1 ) �2 − 2 (��1 − �1 − �2 ) � − �1 � + �1 �2 �4̇ = −�2 �3 − �2 �4 + � tanh �3 �4 (13)
Substituting � = ±�√�2 and � = 0 into (7) yields − �2 [ℎ1 (�3 , �4 ) − �3 ] .

�� 1
( ) = > 0.
By letting
�� �=0 2
� = �3 ,
goes a Hopf bifurcation near � = 0, and a limit cycle appears V=− �4 ,
According to Hopf bifurcation theory, system (5) under- (14)
when � > 0. his means that periodic vibrations occur in the √�2
cable-stayed bridge model under crowd excitation. To further
determine the stability of the limit cycle, we employ center (13) can be rewritten as

If � = 0, (6) has a pair of purely imaginary roots and two �̇ = −√�2 V,

manifold theory to analyze system (5).

V̇ = √�2 � + �,
negative real roots, which satisies the condition for center
manifold theory. Assume that a local center manifold can be
expressed by

�1 = ℎ1 (�3 , �4 ) ,
�2 3 1
�=− � − �2 �3 V3 + � (�3 , V3 ) .
�2 = ℎ2 (�3 , �4 ) , √�2 3
(9) (16)
4 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

When � = ��3 − �2 = 0, the irst Lyapunov coeicient of �� (�), � = 1, 2, are even functions; thus �1,2 = 0 hold [18]. he
system (13) can be calculated coordinate change formulas can be written as

1 �3 � �3 �
�1 = ( 2 + 3) �� = �� cos (�� ) , (� = 1, 2) ,
16 �� �V �V

1 � 2 � �2 � �2 � �1̇ = ±√2 (�1 (�1 ) − �1 (�1 cos (�1 )))

− [ ( + )]
16√�2 ���V ��2 �V2
� � 3 1
= ±�1 ���sin (�1 )��� √ �1 + �1 �12 + �1 �12 cos (2�1 ),
1 � 2 2
= − �2 ( 2 ) < 0.
3 (21)
8 �3
�2̇ = ±√2 (�2 (�2 ) − �2 (�2 cos (�2 )))

� � 3 1
he irst Lyapunov coeicient is less than zero, which means
= ±�2 ���sin (�2 )��� √ �2 − �2 �22 − �2 �22 cos (2�2 ).
� = 0 and a stable limit cycle occurs. To discuss the dynamic 4 4
that original system (5) undergoes a Hopf bifurcation near

response of cables and its inluence on the deck in greater

detail, we will analytically calculate the periodic solution in
Ignoring the terms of the harmonic expansions higher than
system (3) in next section.
the second, the coordinate change formulas can be simpliied
4. Quantitative Analysis for the Cables-Stayed
Bridge Model �1̇ = −�1 sin (�1 ) � 1 (1 + � 2 cos (2�1 )) ,

�2̇ = −�2 sin (�2 ) �1 (1 + �2 cos (2�2 )) ,

In this section we use the energy method [18] to calculate the
periodic solution of (3).
(1) Denote

�1 (�1 ) = �1 �1 + 2�1 �13 ,


�2 (�2 ) = �2 �2 − �2 �23 , 3
� 1 = √ �1 + �1 �12 > 0,
�1 (�, �)̇ = �1 �1̇ + �1 (3�1 �22 − 3�12 �2 − �23 ) ,
�1 �12
0 < �2 = < 1,
�2 (�, �)̇ = �2 �2̇ − � tanh (�3 �2̇ ) 4�1 + 6�1 �12

+ �2 (�13 − 3�12 �2 + 3�1 �22 ) . 3

�1 = √ �2 − �2 �22 > 0,
�2 �22
Considering the physics meanings of parameters in (3) and
−1 < �2 = − < 0.
(|�1,2 | < 1�), one has 8�2 − 6�2 �22
assuming that the vibration amplitudes are not too large

�1 �1 (�1 )�1 =0̸ = �1 �12 + 2�1 �14 > 0,

(3) Denote the energy of �1 and �2 by �1 and �2 ,
respectively. ��1 /�� and ��2 /�� can be calculated, in which
�2 �2 (�2 )�2 =0̸ = �2 �22 − �2 �24 > 0.
the terms of the harmonic expansions higher than the second
will be ignored:
herefore, the energy method can be applied to (3) to cal-

culate its approximation periodic solution.
= −�1 (�, �)̇ �1̇
(2) he potential energy functions of system (3) can be
expressed by ��
= �1 + �2 cos (2�1 )
�1 (�1 ) = ∫ (�1 �1 + 2�1 �13 ) ��1

+ �3 [sin (�1 − �2 ) + sin (�1 + �2 )]
= (�1 �12 + �1 �14 ) , + �4 sin (2�1 − 2�2 ) + �5 sin (3�1 − 3�2 )
+ �6 sin (2�1 ) + �7 sin (3�1 − �2 )
�2 (�2 ) = ∫ (�2 �2 − �2 �23 ) ��2

+ �8 sin (�1 − 3�2 ) + �9 sin (4�1 − 2�2 )


= (2�2 �22 − �2 �24 ) . ≜ �1 (�, �) ,
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 5

��2 1
= −�2 (�, �)̇ �2̇ �7 = (� − 2) �2 �13 �2 �1 ,
�� 16 2
= �1 + �2 cos (2�2 ) 1
�8 = − (3�2 �13 �2 + (6 + 3�2 ) �23 �1 ) �2 �1 ,
+ �3 [sin (�1 − �2 ) − sin (�1 + �2 )]
�9 = � �2 � �2 � .
+ �4 sin (2�1 − 2�2 ) + �5 sin (3�1 − 3�2 ) 16 2 2 1 1 2

+ �6 sin (2�2 ) + �7 sin (3�1 − �2 )


(4) ��1 /�� and ��2 /�� are given by

+ �8 sin (�1 − 3�2 ) + �9 sin (2�1 − 4�2 )
≜ �2 (�, �) , ��1 1
= 2 [� (1 + cos (2�2 ))
(24) �� �1 (�1 + 2�1 �12 ) 1

+ �2 sin (2�1 ) + �3 cos (2�1 )

+ �4 (cos (�1 + �2 ) + cos (�1 − �2 ))


1 + �5 cos (2�1 − 2�2 ) + �6 cos (3�1 − 3�2 )

�1 = (2� 2 − 2 − �22 ) �21 �12 �1 ,
+ �7 cos (�1 − 3�2 ) + �8 cos (3�1 − �2 )
�2 = (4 + 3�22 − 8� 2 ) �21 �1 �12 ,
8 + �9 cos (4�1 − 2�2 )] + � 1 (1 + � 2 cos (2�1 )) ,
3 3 ��2 1
�3 = − �1 �13 � 1 �2 + �1 (� 2 − 2) � 1 �23 �1 ,
8 16 = 2 [� (1 + cos (2�1 ))
�� �2 (�2 − �2 �22 ) 1
�4 = �1 �12 � 1 �22 , + �2 sin (2�2 ) + �3 cos (2�2 )
1 + �4 (cos (�1 + �2 ) + cos (�1 − �2 ))
�5 = − � � � �3 � ,
16 1 1 1 2 2
+ �5 cos (2�1 − 2�2 ) + �6 cos (3�1 − 3�2 )
�6 = �1 �12 � 1 �22 ,
4 + �7 cos (�1 − 3�2 ) + �8 cos (3�1 − �2 )
3 3 + �9 cos (2�1 − 4�2 )] + �1 (1 + �2 cos (2�2 )) ,
�7 = − � (� + 2) � 1 �2 �13 − �1 �1 � 1 �23 � 2 ,
16 1 2 16
�8 = � (� − 2) � 1 �23 �1 ,
16 1 2 3
�1 = (2 + � 2 ) � 1 �1 �22 �12 ,
3 8
�9 = �1 �12 � 1 �22 � 2 ,
16 1
�2 = − (4 + �22 ) �21 �12 �1 ,
�2 �2 8
�1 = 1 2 [(8�2 − 3) �12 �22 �33 �
24 3
�3 = − (1 + � 2 ) � 1 �12 �22 �1 ,
− 12 (�2 − 1) (�3 � − �2 )] , 4
1 1 �4 = − ((2 + � 2 ) �1 �23 + (6 + 4� 2 ) �13 �2 ) � 1 �1 ,
�2 = (2 − 7�2 ) �33 �14 �24 � + (8�2 − 4) �22 �12 (�3 � 16
12 8
− �2 ) , �5 = (1 + � 2 ) � 1 �12 �22 �1 ,
1 1
�3 = ((−6 + 3�2 ) �2 �13 − 6�23 �1 ) �2 �1 , �6 = − � � � �3 � ,
16 16 1 1 1 2 2
3 1
�4 = �2 �22 �1 �12 , �7 = − (2 + � 2 ) �1 �23 � 1 �1 ,
8 16
1 3
�5 = − � � � �3 � , �8 = − (� �3 � + (2 + 3� 2 ) �13 �2 ) � 1 �1 ,
16 2 2 1 1 2 16 1 2 2
3 3
�6 = − �2 �22 �1 �12 , �9 = � �2 � �2 � ,
4 16 1 1 1 2 2
6 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

3 ��1 1
�1 = − (2 + �2 ) �12 �22 �1 �2 , = 2 {�2 (� + 2�1 �12 ) � 1 + �1
8 �� �1 (�1 + 2�1 �12 ) 1 1
1 1
�2 = (� − 1) �24 �1 4 �33 + ( �3 � − 48�2 ) �22 �12 , + �4 cos (�1 − �2 ) + �5 cos (2�1 − 2�2 ) + �6
12 2 2
3 ⋅ cos (3�1 − 3�2 ) + [�1 cos (2�2 ) + �2 sin (2�1 )
�3 = − (�2 + 1) �1 �22 �12 �2 ,
+ (�12 (�1 + 2�1 �12 ) � 1 � 2 + �3 ) cos (2�1 )
�4 = ((2 + �2 ) �2 �13 + (4�2 + 6) �23 �1 ) �2 �1 ,
16 + �4 cos (�1 + �2 ) + �7 cos (�1 − 3�2 )
�5 = − (�2 + 1) �1 �22 �12 �2 , + �8 cos (3�1 − �2 ) + �9 cos (4�1 − 2�2 )]
1 ⋅ cos (2��) + [−�1 sin (2�2 ) + �2 cos (2�1 )
�6 = � � � �3 � ,
16 2 2 1 1 2
− (�12 (�1 + 2�1 �12 ) � 1 � 2 + �3 ) sin (2�1 )
�7 = (� �3 � + (3�2 + 2) �23 �1 ) �2 �1 ,
16 2 1 2 − �4 sin (�1 + �2 ) + �7 sin (�1 − 3�2 )
�8 = (2 + �2 ) �2 �13 �2 �1 , − �8 sin (3�1 − �2 ) − �9 sin (4�1 − 2�2 )]
3 ⋅ sin (2��)} ,
�9 = − � �2 � �2 � .
16 2 2 1 1 2
��2 1
= 2 {�2 (� − �2 �22 ) �1 + �1 + �4
�� �2 (�2 − �2 �22 ) 2 2

(5) Letting ⋅ cos (�1 − �2 ) + �5 cos (2�1 − 2�2 ) + �6

�1 = �� + �1 , ⋅ cos (3�1 − 3�2 ) + [�1 cos (2�1 ) + �2 sin (2�2 )

�2 = �� + �2 , + (�22 (�2 − �2 �22 ) �1 �2 + �3 ) cos (2�2 )


and substituting them into (24), (26), yields + �4 cos (�1 + �2 ) + �7 cos (�1 − 3�2 )

+ �8 cos (3�1 − �2 ) + �9 cos (2�1 − 4�2 )] cos (2��)

= �1 + �3 sin (�1 − �2 ) + �4 sin (2�1 − 2�2 )
�� + [−�1 sin (2�1 ) + �2 cos (2�2 )
+ �5 sin (3�1 − 3�2 ) + [�2 cos (2�1 ) + �3
− (�22 (�2 − �2 �22 ) �1 �2 + �3 ) sin (2�2 )
⋅ sin (�1 + �2 ) + �6 sin (2�1 ) + �7 sin (3�1 − �2 )
− �4 sin (�1 + �2 ) + �7 sin (�1 − 3�2 )
+ �8 sin (�1 − 3�2 ) + �9 sin (4�1 − 2�2 )] cos (2��)
− �8 sin (3�1 − �2 ) − �9 sin (2�1 − 4�2 )]
+ [−�2 sin (2�1 ) + �3 cos (�1 + �2 ) + �6 cos (2�1 )
⋅ sin (2��)} .
+ �7 cos (3�1 − �2 ) − �8 cos (�1 − 3�2 ) + �9

⋅ cos (4�1 − 2�2 )] sin (2��) , If there exists a periodic solution with period 2�/� in (3),
(29) then the energy of the system should remain the same at ini-
= �1 + �3 sin (�1 − �2 ) + �4 sin (2�1 − 2�2 )
�� of (29) in one period (from � = Δ to � = Δ + 2�/�) leads to
tial and inial positions in one period. Integrating both sides

+ �5 sin (3�1 − 3�2 ) + [�2 cos (2�1 ) − �3

⋅ sin (�1 + �2 ) + �6 sin (2�2 ) + �7 sin (3�1 − �2 ) (�1 )2�/�+Δ − (�1 )Δ = �1 = − [(� 2 − 1) − 1]
+ �8 sin (�1 − 3�2 ) + �9 sin (2�1 − 4�2 )]
⋅ �21 �12 �1 < 0,
⋅ cos (2��) + [−�2 sin (2�1 ) − �3 cos (�1 + �2 )
�2 �2
(�2 )2�/�+Δ − (�2 )Δ = �1 = 1 2 [(8�2 − 3) �12 �22 �33 �
+ �6 cos (2�2 ) + �7 cos (3�1 − �2 ) − �8 24
⋅ cos (�1 − 3�2 ) − �9 cos (2�1 − 4�2 )] sin (2��) , − 12 (�2 − 1) (�3 � − �2 )] .
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 7

0.04 0.04

0.02 0.02

x1 (m)
x1 (m)

0 0

−0.02 −0.02

−0.04 −0.04
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
t (s) t (s)
0.1 0.1
0.05 0.05
x2 (m)

x2 (m)
0 0
−0.05 −0.05
−0.1 −0.1
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
t (s) t (s)
(a) (b)

Figure 2: Direct numerical simulations of (3) for (a) � = 112 and (b) � = 118.

Inspection of the irst equation in (31) shows that the vibra- 5. Numerical Simulations and Discussion
tion energy of cables decreases in one period. herefore,
cables cannot vibrate periodically when the deck is subjected In this section we will verify the validity of our analytical
solutions obtained in the last section by comparing the
if �3 � − �2 < 0, then �1 < 0. At this point, the deck has an
to the crowd excitation. From the second equation in (31),
results based on (35) with that derived by direct numerical
attenuate vibration. If �3 � − �2 > 0, �1 = 0 may hold. Letting simulations for (3). he following parameters of deck and
�1 = 0 in the second equation in (31) and ignoring the sixth pedestrians are taken to calculate the periodic solutions in (3):
or more power of �2 (since �2 ≪ 1 according to its physical
meaning), one obtains �2 = 2.1401 × 105 (kg) ,

7�2 �24 �2 ��33 − 3 (5��2 + 2�22 ��33 ) �22 + 24��2 = 0, (32) � = 7.307361 × 106 (kg/s2 ) ,

where � = �3 � − �2 . Solving (32) yields �2 = 2.8262 × 104 (kg/s) ,

� (�) = 1.0, (36)

�1 = 0.0987,
6��33 �22 + 15�2 � − √12��33 �22 (3��33 �22 − 41�2 �) + 225�22 �2
=√ �2 = 0.2,
14��2 �33 �2 (33)

�2 � �3 = 18.
= 2√2√ .
2��33 �22 + 5�2 �
In fact, above values of parameters are used in [17, 19] for
For clariication, the amplitude can be rewritten as the irst lateral model of the T-bridge in Japan. Furthermore,

70 (kg); the gravity acceleration � = 9.8 (m/s2 ). he modal

the weight of a single person on the bridge is assumed to be
�2 � (�3 � − �2 )
�2∗ = 4√ , mass of pedestrians �� � can be given by �� � = � × 70 × 9.8,
4��33 �2 + 5 (��/2�3 ) �2 (�3 � − �2 ) where � is the number of the pedestrians on the bridge.

where � = �1 �2 �(�)�� � and �3 � − �2 > 0. cables is taken as � = 60 (m). However, other parameters of
Additionally, according to [19], the average length of the
(6) he irst-order approximation solution of (3) is the cables, such as stifness, damping coeicient, and mass,
expressed by are not provided in [19]. In order to compare the theoretical
�2 (�) = �2∗ cos (��)
results of T-bridge between our cable-stayed bridge model
and Nakamura’s model, following parameters of cables are
1 3 �� ∗ 2
assumed in the numerical simulations:
= �2∗ cos (√ [� − (� ) ]�) ,
�2 8 �3 2 �1 = 2.1401 × 103 (kg) ,

where �2∗ is given in (34). �� = 1.68 × 1010 (N) ,

8 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

×10−3 ×10−3



1 2
x2 (m)

x2 (m)
0 0

−1 −2

−2 −4

−3 −6
995.5 996 996.5 997 997.5 998 998.5 999 999.5 1000 995.5 996 996.5 997 997.5 998 998.5 999 999.5 1000
t (s) t (s)

Numerical results Numerical results

Analytical results Analytical results
(a) (b)
×10−3 ×10
10 10

8 8

6 6

4 4
x2 (m)

x2 (m)

2 2

0 0

−2 −2

−4 −4

−6 −6

−8 −8
995.5 996 996.5 997 997.5 998 998.5 999 999.5 1000 995.5 996 996.5 997 997.5 998 998.5 999 999.5 1000
t (s) t (s)

Numerical results Numerical results

Analytical results Analytical results
(c) (d)

� = 118, (b) � = 125, (c) � = 130, and (d) � = 135.

Figure 3: Comparison between the irst-order approximation solution equation (35) and direct numerical results of (3) for the cases of (a)

�1 = 2.8262 × 102 (kg/s) , �1 = 3.9251 × 103 (1/s2 ) ,

�0 = 7.24 × 105 (N) . �2 = 39.2505 (1/s2 ) .

(37) (38)
hen we have Regarding the number � as the bifurcation parameter, one has
�1 = 0.1321 (1/s) , �1 �2 � (�) �� �
�= = 0.000063275734785�,
�2 = 0.1321 (1/s) , �2 (39)
� = �3 � − �2 = 0.00113896� − 0.13201.
�1 = 67.6604 (1/s2 ) ,
From the analysis in Section 3, � < 0 means the attenuation
�2 = 34.1450 (1/s2 ) , of the lateral vibration of the bridges, while � > 0 means the
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 9

0.01 0.932

f (Hz)
x2 (m)

0.006 0.926

0 0.918
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
×109 ×109

n = 118 n = 130 n = 118 n = 130

n = 125 n = 135 n = 125 n = 135
(a) �2 versus ��/�3 (b) � versus ��/�3

Figure 4: he (a) amplitude (�2 ) and (b) frequency (�) of deck always decrease with ��/�3 which is increased based on (35) for diferent
numbers of pedestrians on the bridge.

occurrence of the lateral vibration of the bridge. No matter a big diference between theoretical results and measured

attenuated. hus, � = 115 is the critical point corresponding

what the motion of the deck is, the cables vibration always is data. Equation (35) shows that neglecting the structural
type of the cable-stayed bridge may be an important cause

of displacements of the cables and deck for cases of � = 112

to the lateral vibration of the deck. he time history curves of the diference between theoretical and measured results.

and � = 118 are presented in Figure 2 by direct numerical

Furthermore, from (35) the frequency of the lateral vibration
of the deck also decreases due to the existence of the cables.

of the deck with the term of ��/�3 for diferent numbers

simulations for (3), which demonstrates the correctness of he curves about the change of the amplitude and frequency

simulations is given by �1 (0) = 0, �1̇ (0) = 0, �2 (0) = 0.08,

our analysis in Section 3. he initial condition in numerical

and �2̇ (0) = 0.

of pedestrians are given in Figure 4 based on (35), in which
the parameters of deck and pedestrians presented in (36)
In the following, the analytical results based on (35) are are adopted. From Figure 4, the more the pedestrians on the

of (3) for cases of � = 118, 125, 130, and 135, respectively,

compared with that obtained by direct numerical simulations
��/�3 which is increased.
bridge are the faster the vibrational frequency decreases with

between the two approaches for � near bifurcation point � =

which are shown in Figure 3. It shows good agreement
the amplitude and frequency of the deck with the terms of �2 ,
Figures 5 and 6 present the curves about the change of

115. However, the precision of the irst-order approximation �3 , respectively, for diferent numbers of pedestrians based on
solution is lost when � is considerably larger than the value (35), in which all other parameters of deck and cables are the
of the bifurcation point. In this case, second-order or more
Figures 5 and 6 that changes of �2 , �3 have signiicant efect on
same as that presented in (36) and (37). It can be seen from
order approximation is needed to be calculated for higher
precision of the analytical solution. the amplitude of the deck and, however, almost have nothing
Since the validity of (35) has been veriied, in the rest of to do with its vibrational frequency.
the section we will consider the behavior of system equa-
tion (3) on varying the parameters based on (35). From
(35), the amplitude of the lateral vibration of a cable-stayed 6. Conclusions
bridge under crowd excitation has nothing to do with the In this paper, the lateral vibrations of a cable-stayed bridge
mass, tension, and damping coeicient of the cables. But the under crowd excitation are investigated theoretically and

since the term of ��/�3 appears in the denominator. his

existence of the cables can decrease the amplitude of the deck numerically. In our study, the cable-stayed bridge is simpliied
as a string and a rigid block, and the pedestrian-induced
means that the theoretical results of the vibration amplitude force model is satisied with Nakamura’s assumption. he
of the deck derived by using (3) are less than that obtained governing equation of our model is established by taking
by using Nakamura’s model in [19]. For the irst lateral model the geometric nonlinear property of the cables into account.
of the T-bridge, the theoretical result is higher by 49% than Center manifold theory is employed to determine the critical
the measured data. Nakamura considered that the reason condition that periodic vibrations of the bridge occur. hen
is the uncertainty of measurements of parameters such as irst-order approximation solution of periodic vibrations of
modal mass, stifness, and damping coeicient of the deck. the deck is calculated by using the energy method, the validity
However, only using a dating error is diicult to explain such of which is veriied by using direct numerical simulations.
10 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

16 0.93

14 0.93


f (Hz)
x2 (m)


2 0.93
0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4
k2 k2

n = 118 n = 130 n = 118 n = 130

n = 125 n = 135 n = 125 n = 135
(a) �2 versus �2 (b) � versus �2

Figure 5: he curves of (a) amplitude (�2 ) and (b) frequency (�) of deck change with �2 based on (35) for diferent numbers of pedestrians
on the bridge.

10 0.93

9 0.93

8 0.93

7 0.93
f (Hz)
x2 (m)

6 0.93

5 0.93

4 0.93

3 0.93

2 0.93
18 20 22 24 26 28 30 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
k3 k3

n = 118 n = 130 n = 118 n = 130

n = 125 n = 135 n = 125 n = 135
(a) �2 versus �3 (b) � versus �3

Figure 6: he curves of (a) amplitude (�2 ) and (b) frequency (�) of deck change with �3 based on (35) for diferent numbers of pedestrians
on the bridge.

Our analysis shows that cables can have no periodic vibra- bifurcation point, the cables have a growing inluence on both
tion even if the deck loses its stability and begins to sway, but amplitude and frequency of the deck. Our analysis results
cables can afect the amplitude and frequency of the lateral may be used to explain why the measured results for T-bridge
vibration of the deck. From the irst-order approximation (a cable-stayed bridge) derived by Nakamura and Kawasaki
solution equations (34) and (35), the mass, damping coei- [19] are much less than their theoretical results calculated by
cient, and tension of the cables have no efect on the lateral regarding the T-bridge as a single-degree-of-freedom system.
vibrations of the deck. However, existence of the cables always his indicates that the structure types of the footbridges
reduces the amplitude and frequency of the lateral vibrations cannot be easily ignored in the study of pedestrian-footbridge
of the deck. With the bifurcation parameter far away from the interaction.
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 11

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