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English Grade 9


Register, style and tone

It must be stated that the register of

formal reports is wholly similar to that of
formal letters. However you need to
ensure that you provide facts on the
incident you are reporting precisely. You
need to avoid use of direct speech and emotive language or anger or anger-loaded words.

How to write the opening paragraph of for Reports

The opening paragraph should reflect:

1. A statement that demonstrates obedience on what the writer is instructed to do if

requested to provide an account.
2. The purpose of the report.
3. Highlight of the incident reported including the date as well as the place if not part of
content points.

Study the following examples:

1. In accordance to your request, I feel highly obliged to provide vivid details of what
transpired when two vehicles collided near Red A Cash and Carry in the morning on
Monday, 17 June 2015.
2. I feel very honoured to provide details of what transpired when two vehicles collided
near Red A Cash and Carry in the morning on Monday, 17 June 2015. I kindly do this
on the instruction of your noble office.
3. Following your announcement at the school assembly in the morning on Friday, 12
March 2015, I meekly submit my recommendations on the student who has to be given
an award due to his academic and extra-curricular achievements.

Madam Pheko
Madam Sekhonyana
4. It is immense pleasure to table before your noble office details of a woman who was
caught shoplifting in Morgan Fashion Shop on the 23 may 2015.

Body paragraphs of formal Reports

The Body paragraphs are written in the same way as those of formal letters. However, it is very
crucial to point out that formal reports highly demand facts. You need to provide or state
information in a way that the recipient will comprehend the incident reported. If you are
expected to describe a person or place, you need to be very objective by illustrating the features
which can help the recipient to see/find the person or place. This may include details of size,
location, appearance, attire. You do not have to show how beautiful or ugly the place/person is
especially when you are writing to the police.

How to conclude formal reports

When concluding formal reports, you need to state your closing remarks on the purpose of your
account and show a future action that is essential or expected, basing yourself on the purpose
of your report. You should show you willingness to be of assistance if necessary. In doing so,
you may include your contact details. Remember not to include the content point.

Study the following examples:

1. This is vivid account of what materialized and I greatly hope that it will aid your
esteemed office to carry out investigations on this matter. If more information may be
needed from me, it would be my pleasure to be contacted on 58560212.
2. Without mincing or wincing words, this is a true account of what I witnessed. It is my
utmost belief that your office shall find it helpful. Nevertheless, I will not hesitate to
provide any clarification in person if need be.
3. In conclusion, I am of the opinion that I have the essential details of the incident which
you shall find helpful. I am, therefore, looking forward to hearing from you. For more
information, I will be pleased to be contacted on 62000000.

Madam Pheko
Madam Sekhonyana

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