VisionIAS Toppers Answer Booklet SWATI SHARMA Ethics

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oe & (°VISIONIAS INSPIRING INNOVATION an ATATT HETAT (TT TA-1V)/GENERAL STUDIES (Paper-IV) (2425) fratfta aoa: da we aftraary am: 250 Time Allowed: Three Hours ‘Maximum Marks: 250 AMT ITT FH THAE-TAT (FLATT) TAT F 6143 TF Bi TI-T7, rat % oa Fae, Wt TAT (rare) FRAT AT THAT BA TOCA TAT FTI em are & fare, war afearar & sie F Tet We fear TAT BI TART AT IE BFF Te, HVAT AE HT He AK BT AL. TR TAT LET EM TET BY PTA a aren: feavsrrtt Medium: Hindi/English ENGLISH [weer Date GENERAL STUDIES (Paper IV) Fie BHAI TOGA x SINGH ScrtoeoL, THANDEWALAN Invi asa. maayt ager seftcardt ar Are aftafers Peer area We aa safer Pett ot Per ar sect HST we seftearet a frat art sat FH seth, softeartt ce at aritr & seat vttereit & fore afta wet gene % wy FH aftec Par ST araT el Important Instruetions Candidates should read the undermen- tioned instructions carefully. Violation of any of the following instructions may entail penalty in the form of deduction of marks, cancellation of candidature, debarment from further Examination of the Commission ete. || ce) arver otter a. wet ae Rear ta 3 aeset yaar (eat) # afta & fore ratte cara oe &f fra (ayer qe Fo aert wat Af avaT ar, wpfiacor #., Farge a, Tar aeray er-ag- or afte (edi) den a fra frat art Teare at qarAT zt (a) Write your Registration Number and other details only in y provided in the Question-Cum-AipSwer (QCA) Booklet for candidates. 2 | art waae-soe ofr Hat ft vif, arate saz & afaften ga 7 ft 48 Fe aiaanater, THe TT TTATTATT 3 ates dt a8 ten Regia sar QCA Booklet anything swer such as couplet, sion etc., nor put any relevance to the answer. not make any directindirect appeal/threat examiner, Do not write answers in bad/illegible handwriting. Such answers may not be evaluated, Write answers in ink only. Do not use pencil for writing the answers. However, pencil may be used for drawing diagrams, sketches, etc. Do not write answers in medium other than the authorized medium in the Admission Certificate. Do not use mixed language either i.e. authorize and unauthorized media together for writing answers. 7 | seat sae dt sai AP fr ae Pata er we ft Prd Praia er xara felt aor earn e Prone sae ar getter adi fear rem Write answer at the specific space (right below the question) only. Answers written elsewhere at unspecified places in the booklet shall not be evaluated. 8 | aft arr ava fet sae Ft wg aa area Fat Sata tae fan sae we a aat Sera qeatas fear or raat 8 If you wish to cancel any work, draw your pen through it and write “Cancelled” across. it, otherwise it may be valued. rater aT a For Official Use arate & watt eq For Official Use ries % gerat Signature of Examiner(s) iiner(s)) Mb) 5 ‘ayant (A) ‘sr-atT (B) ‘Subtotal (A) Subtotal (B) ‘weet art (A+B)/ GRAND TOTAL (A+B) @°VISIONIAS INSPIRING INNOVATION STATA HEAT (TT TA-1V)/GENERAL STUDIES (Paper-IV) (2425) Frertfta ara: ata az Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 250 waa aaah fare aaa rar wat eae BF a oe PawP a hlea oe arqeer a ca Sa are rE A at ust H Prorat & Ta BE Ae aT ar wet a aftart ay TRH PAATT 3TH STH ATTA PT TT BY svat sare salt arPieg ro Ht Fr gi 74 aay HF Pear rar & atte ser Please rea tions carefully before attempting questions: They led in TWO SECTIONS and printed both, in HINDI and in El The number of marR@Biried by a question/part is indicated against it Answers must be written in the medium authorized in the Admission Certificate which must be stated clearly on the cover of this Question-cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet in the space provided, No marks will be given for answers written in a medium other than the authorized one Keep the word limit indicated in the questions in mind. Any page or portion of the page left blank in the Questions-cum-Answer Booklet must be clearly struck off % EVALUATION INDICATORS Contextual Competence Content Competence Language Competence Introduction Competence . Structure - Presentation Competence . Conclusion Competence ey Pe Ne Overall Macro Comments / feedback / suggestions on Answer Booklet: | ~ rn IN All the Best La) anit ant # ward atiite wate at ary act % fam, ESG (vafacofta, arafiee ate wata) ‘Stee at ag-Rauree seat % ara wtp ee Fat agent 8? ta wa BT ara aT aa 8? (150 eat H sax AT) For effective corporate governance to take place in the coming years, why is it important to integrate the ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) metrics with the multi-stakeholder approach? What benefits can be accrued by such integration? (Answer in 150 words) 10 ° process ot wading pores ok Wonk welirstve and w b penefirk of OU Ktakeholderns - ‘ar peeple Crrective CORPORATE GeoVERNANCE poe Osun teh ene: Cound Cotte The, (CSG MARIE bene vecantty, be Made UW pubic te be. wategaeed. Te GERERTS) by thie Soegeatnin — © Bette, interests betanced betuorry | pane ior plonete C3 Pappewach) Peple. /\ => Unctuntve and P austowmeable ia growth e. Company WY Te cheus sath noness +0 opal termrords N capitals ua a — Satyik by Tata ‘ame by Le helps Nvedurte. eq ality a7) arty “Te Uvrveases the bved tt core = preglts — € shonelveldens) Wy The Utenests Workers Che Udon yer $)), sage ee token cone of: The. ESG ‘tres neat preeents 1.(b) merare % pelt #, yer oar Fea ca aie et rate FAT ara Fer ae ve aT TENT HT ara ardafre afererftat vx grat 21 aét ore: argh ver ve ar cara Pear ara @1 @ aT ST foams &a 8 ag andi Praia cere ate arare aire aaa A aes aye fear ferere wer Fafa Pear aren 21 eT ary ae are & ee 8 A ttre & eae wera’, Prt Prva & oar Ba aver At oft dar 8, aerare & Rrovee areft erearait & fore wa fare aatt 87 (150 aeat # saz fare) In acts of corruption, the focus is often only on the demand side of the equation, on public officials who abuse their office for private gain. Frequently, the supply side is given less attention. Those who pay bribes are sometimes depicted as innocent parties and victims of extortionary practices of wily public servants. Do you agree that ‘collusive corruption’, in which there is a willing bribe-giver, is a formidable challenge for institutions fighting corruption? (Answer in 150 words) 10 Lerd Acton stoked * power = ees *. Corarp tec LunedHmeal| etrreal atuncoarcdes my epcieky on Demand < Stde < iz = qovennment: eppiale — Gtrixene as P Leone Aya ez. — Cherteal et Sechens Ore pubic cewants OBLLUSIVE CORRUPTION) IS 4A FORMIpABLeE CHHLLENGE — ie el se n - 8 > M4 ARC Hecemmends a etriecat culbise W civ eravants Osc with Crde of Com a he Wiretteblenren ask 2018 Tendo 0 Eqhe anane compa 9 il | ‘rit on ‘is margin 2.(a) arate are vee Sa areas aaa oq sda A oA ator Ay fafa A, eT araT wm arafta a arate ant var eet art Saeed ara ea ae afar AT GeaT ATI afta area sear # avait ade At qeare ote arateaas cert areca rarer wa rare Sp pete aH are afar ear Bh arate are year aT aT HAH at aT TE aTETaT Te saat Fifi (150 sect # sae AS) The Citizens’ Charters initiative was a response to the quest for solving the problems, which a citizen encountered, day in and day out, while dealing with the organisations providing public services. But the introduction and implementation of Citizens’ Charters in the government of India has been difficult due to the old bureaucratic set up and the rigid attitudes of the work force. Discuss the major obstacles that have been encountered in implementing the Citizens’ Charter initiative. (Answer in 150 words) 10 Girzen choalen Vs a seb et standard frowmenren te estoblished by Ow Zsatrovrs to ark ims ane wisteu +o. be ackiewed np Sis pease etrvices The ASER OBSTACLES) cotmuntaned dusting wplementatrion O- Uncwtres - There, ig nebuckonce wea ane pean tee chess Uplate « panteitpebve plennina - The. chanbern ts sesutlt "p tee dori, apprrach hom |p abou wp ol aaa 10 Pe, eee cena Wy Rigidity w ra — \v> Lode at Du Dot Neoe tens Ure Ob uzens Se Lpead tits barriers — Unepoum th to create charters than sfotiaiing “the, best fie pine te Senal chatten . DA ARG hes called wept Sevartown . Ge deliv Misael ef pueiie souvice an wpth.. pohakaaammappren ch. magn 7G ) nese panduiipabwe planning wikin bstleu, wp oppyeach ennancesd wwe “t nu 2.(b) ardatts far fare ft quart af, oft, ect anf & arene oe Renita serfs Prat aera peste ait & sft A rat ar oe ae fates Bh ge gate H, er area aT & fas area Ho aarsite ail % faa Ht Agate aart fare ards Aan Paar ort ae cate 8? aaretrrarare Teter Afar (150 teat # see Afar) Quality of public service delivery is a major determinant of the quality of life of vulnerable sections in a highly unequal society divided along the lines of class, caste, religion, etc. In this background, do you think that public service delivery is efficient and sufficient enough to improve the lives of yulnerable groups in India Critically examine. (Answer in 150 words) 10 “The. pobic Aemice. doekivensy eae see. . PuBUc sEeRYice BDELUVERT IN Mithc Seeice ees DETERMINING QUALITY OF LiFe oF VULNERRBLE - =a “Le provides social prctectiou Gud unsunance. q — SPARSH pete. fe pensioners 1k enhances the tose Low — Smachh Bharat Miseten — AMRUT 2k chee tntneaced soeiat Unditabers ease Orgies atren mp ONoRe ~ Aadhan - www visioniasin o 12 imap — eneleve neta occa — buncaneratre epoch ds Te teed, lance fev Bean ices, eur Bantennment: — The. precene medel ts ore St ch Tx, Uaeuae ay oti ob Lye - scp evden to (RRL FEB cave] deviony ee 9 waitttantan praespe A = by hourse- rere rumbeis Dity ounre| ee SEED | be. based our vrehole ee, * Pubur covice Ae\very. medel should | 13 Frraferfira & & sete seco ar are rare fer aftrara 2? ‘What do each of the following quotations mean to you? (a) | “afar aay art err ar ciara at ear #1 fata afte ae geet FT tar 2, sae tafe sae ore area fore rar Br" — arses (150 area FH sae Af) “The wise man does not lay up his own treasures. The more he gives to others, the more he has for his own.” - Lao Tzu (Answer in 150 words) 10 The. Obove. quetabén tretre to Me GA gulblesenese as cc practic Ov, Lveg ©) D- Guaad Pee. wengierteroe, — es bey Ay AN, testes @ 1k wvelves agen sthens ew back ts the socu og each ts desrgned bye Hee neerty Conganie concept society) @ Te shows Wow p>" GQ &\are. brew tnety Coke tan 14 | aa (By elses, ae -Aaaiiates cine Volue, Leung wthens Un Bryden te ger what yeu desuwe - “Traak others bike vacua wont fo be beabed for yountett " Momaven, the tabbing ofp giving and a D Vatinn pune anno a. Tamme haloes, pe eg ke 3> lack of ethibel ollnasem wlth grat of. eHuaal tgorem a +e and balance Wedruses rr" Saat ea ee Socveby 04 mote yon Ove one whole Ceommunckamrans ) 3.(b) cafe ont ne aerate afta 8, at xe oraare ar aivoa H oq & Pre eae aw aero ara BI" ~ tad ataet (150 oeat # sar AT) “If ethics are poor at the top, that behavior is copied down through the organization.” - Robert Noyce (Answer in 150 words) 10 The quedoirsn cleus He Wapertance Se ee ee ae + eee: OYqenmabeial Tes] plage © puietal ele. Te muctihy the ends @ tH betps tm genenading el G Te shows thak 4 pestbve were wwwWtre can bg qe % akum eclings eet 16 Hamenea , tne Absence of organs a ae Etivtes, ferrous clouin Hyswenrgdn The - Ksatren becatise — sUners No enponceat iy rh Lode of Covduck cbe nda i a le 2 ee Acrountob vu) 360° hevus pabsrol etmes te the, need reid ar postive wasrtg ene venmentk . | a 3.0) Br" - ate ate (150 reat # sax AA) (Answer in 150 words) The. Obeve. quetatrin eho He. oa As Wats as He eri Leeke Was ehoun new Low can ohp whaielinl. pupil, sibel qth enadaty: The END SF LAW [s NOT TO ABOLISH oR RESTRAIN ~ YW Lows provide for protection 4 society W Le creates eqratity fn social Spee Me sore ky WS Ye heaueee compics Core Wr eer cadre HY are Hea aT afte ea AAT 2, afm ge ache wear he azrAT "The end of Jaw is not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom." - John Locke 10 TAW TO i ) ™ tog. Laws pron ides a tree Sie sateen Sai develop themerlves QB - ww a pracdice prefess umn 1) anna paige @ - DPSP — raw be protect Wren ‘n) Te neduces sonal br Qe ag Bg Vass F PRESERVE AND ENLARGd teed a Candidates ‘his margin 4a) afttar ae # afte CEOs ott at oraarait % dearee att & aft aah garare % fer ert ea wT are Fee Bl TT aes are & FR aT Fem TH TTA azar are fee wate 8? aaretraarare vf Atfare (150 seat Hf Tax AAT) Wealthy CEOs and founders of successful businesses around the world are increasingly pledging to give away their wealth inf Do you think that such a move is sufficient enough to bring about a positive change inthe society? Critically examine. (Answer in 150 words) 10 A pre anaes con oo benepik. fo exten the Leask adrr ota Gy adaky ees bE pga). Tie rising Giving AWAY OF WEPLTH IN PHILANTHROPHY Com Lead to porrbve, — w ae - i> Tb nedures wneayadictag mi ei = Geeta eperes tap 5/. held more thom 6D/- Canute Ww wortdcL. iy te vreates a etka Of. etcal Cope onan ound. problem solving — Common but aiftferentroved “Sepens Uo ites ak dw cdust Lew 20 steed 2 waste # Candidates ‘arn Unclusive. . ae ae oar al oe a) 4 i \esies ce hwy Te treatves On environ menk oo Dose harmony ow secteby - GSR oe ee compantes Hove, the osttive. chon ™ ici, cleo. See be VAD 4 Consensus oven win lia Anon quer & JL — Funomee i anies i eheuwld pot decrease the welpare eh warkins HL- tmpemsing the. Wenksey Whi See aa —— ound skULL Caandhils balremon can prove. as, § swonosin bene tress ey Fy peeing Chae mw eos - 4.(b) aft after ax & ares are Bhan afar (Al) Sait ae ae eB, Taha AL aT aa ht Rat oft ren At aera Ht afin qtiget at ett &, ert oraeral at ant aa gerar et |S Bu car pera vera, acetate teh are Bt pA sth ve rah far (150. | meron wat # sax Arm) his margin As organizations across the globe begin their artificial intelligence (AI) transform: the leap into the Al era is expected to be more challenging than any :hnol that businesses have grappled with yet. In this background, discuss the concerns around faimess, aE and job 10 security that may arise. (Answer in 150 words) \ Al %6 ete +o become $15 bn wert be 20380- The. gon = A\ hoe been orverrd 20/7: Pas CyA Ma) The 8 te (fae ChaUleng tag] tha V q > FAIRNESS — Bt caw pu challange op warring — A ial aia enhanced meelels to a ce a a ae choll oreate a Virtus cle oy tempeicorn 2 an} Pr u Can be used b business onc a negeeMs to ae bie 2 & = tox evox using ue w) ToR SECURITY ~ BL demands ghilis Presenrding + naw Skeius Report» anounel 213 drawn is eeu nor pepe As pes age: a Pl has the Capati 7D) te AAT, yuumans — whedilectual brain daain Sthieden te-Qner pe ie gee ung a oe ee bi —_ Restasch and Aevelepmune ou Senemaipenes = fe Gandhi's Ft sths fd golience wihene eBi tence wideout. Wein any is one,, Ph Hee eure eins + 5. (a) Pret, avait aera ote afte grat qe cand zante acerdt ar aa aerate area Hf oft annfre-atepias fast at wenfaa aca 31 srg Sareea afea tat Afar (150 sett ar Afar) ‘The emphasis of $wami_Dayanand Saraswati,on education, social equality, and ethical values continues to influence the socio-cultural discourse in contemporary India.¢ Disc USS With suitable examples. (Answer in 150 words) — 10 Swank BD pana Canaswat wos O nenarigance Meader trak e Len Obsance Vr-Acve Cc tne. Udea 1. Back to Vedas aie pees 2 othe amuereehie, Palleerrhatcley, ime Warmonuism + We INFLUENCE, OF DAYANAND SARASWATI IN CONTEMPORARY INDIA = © Education | - — Swank D- Sonne wat emprosteed on books qunden inclusive tducokeu” (NEP 2020) — He emprrasiced on teeny — — He. also ‘ 4+ Use stience ene with ~ vetnaculan nests , See eee eee 55 weet a+ wate rer Candidates write on (he marain 0 wae] — He e Wwe Imeescne of. bwatheshoed| He bendved Wm equality mf females wd mares Cequot pay for works ) — He eheured He pat agernet Coke nye curve child mannlage @ Ernicac _vawes ke michen, Mendon wf Ie aes | eee cmphasized on Wma, Untelirctural reason , Dadamana Loncewatt teu Arsen Boney yraas ees Mw bn aoual cheng ww a Weemen. | dmnimedden ane children | His t E Ge one nerlerwant to clenleelntaes issues Wr branging piace anc Prverpercit, tev ou iene ls), 5.) Arner A wer re 30 ara afin Reo Write short notes on the following in 30 words each : 2x5=10 (are aar se a ater Dedication to public service Bediroinen ‘bo pubic eunrices denctes pomwence to werk es public wetpane deaguce Werciipe fyerd.. yn sees Ashok labeeywes aves pure transkers ond dedidaben . (i) manne Non-partisanship in civil service how porasanshup repens to oetnans to nies obeng. Wik petical executive maneuk guving wafluenced bt AM eB B= TM Susan: = Ee (ii) Fofa-fratr # aeqhea Objectivity in decision-making ortrens bared On Mertk thay oe personal fervetics or buisness Sesloaibegente- +6 buneotierabic. menntd by Weber 26 ipa (iv) agaardt ait # afore Tolerance in pluralistic societies "Tekexcnnte:. taeda prunciple urhene an indrwiuual ts ekiea Ly plural to od. Valuts while “Wp ing. wei bain values « Stra bhaama Combhor a arch) _— Aealah Berlin shows how Ub im codretiy can Mead to (y) ate tart peor ‘Compassion in public service Compassion po Bo auswice. ae to see one’s emotions While puting grrew ances ee — Mothren Terveedo —DBolai Lama Wolds that 4 bre. wants to be hoppy hesoe show practice compaselen - tend 2 weet Candidates rien ‘i area a 6.(a) warren afara eae aaarat ar afar & at adh at aad 8 cat oafirr daft fates te Peg opera oft omit at erat 8 at tae the ara A eh Feta aT wafraten ae aad 21 fae Afar (150 seat H sax AAT) Emotional intelligence may not be singularly associated with emotions or intelligence. It can also ‘clude a broad range of personality characteristics that might predict success in professional nd everyday life, Discuss. (Answer in 150 words) ! HELPS IN PREDICTING success] > PROFESSIONAL LIFE — \ ae fjetiensiaee Aertel pomnerers bout ane, Soi wala eowe. Lrisis @- ree oe food CT tnt Yoacting Ho [) de a develets attuiol skills GD — El can hetp genenate a pesiowe werk thine —— ii). ae helps Ww ectial motrvatien . — working & a Wool arte ko wnitigeke peccaliow - > PERSONAL LIFE - Lo £1 helps Van enle eeeasenss’ 5 preteens p- Weel erepee oem Ww exons ve a w- helps ea Urnevebeve gorurrons @- od publa and professional bbotance . Lroders Berver with eee. ond errtters on pensowal “ond prerteseera he despre sreyeate + dure. bo metwatien ae 29 6. sa & ages are waraedt & arate eo, rg area A seater atx aftr sonst FST ft sre oar @, aerate aerate ore on at & ate see em oT tenia et & Fre ate ag Reeves ah aten-ary arate Petra gator ares are Bi sarge afea at APT (150 aeat H sae Sm) Traditional forms of state-led accountability, also characterised as vertical and horizontal channels of accountability, are increasingly found to be inadequate, and a myriad of multi- stakeholder and bottom-up citizen directed approaches have come to the fore, to supplement or supplant them. Discuss with illustrations. (Answer in 150 words) 10 IN Stoo maya To ecnanenabtlly er Sa OR DT: Hy. halt, SEES pee © Thee TRADITIONAL FoRMS + ane, found to be “madegrate — ) Deckining more ef, aS Sa Aemending ocewanrtab Uky et executive @ 7” cuetunbed > tee nate. oh. eppretnan bes beens lest conetucbive im arene ot eae © A Fasm Lows powsed wiltwenk Preper debates - 30 These hae been aaeuntn ot Bel Mopeen FORMS] oy accountabiky — 2) Sinan en apes EG — Sorta Jong ef MNREGR hers exposed ded reits * Scheme. W) COizen directed gocial movements - @ - Fommalentons aemandanr Te ple mnentetron a echemes WwW) RT! te wed as a means to demand oteeintobility wetng formas vr public . w)@ ganyauiaiinte auch os twitber Wandles One Ton mweasing ueleeeet Hours, the medern fowns Ot. area 3 we werent oat #, are vada africa tilt ararsit at reat aaa & fore age At ceare cette aT aaa ar fifa fram seta Aet AT tear A spor aaa At Ae nee ae a ter Rrra eA Pat a eae oat A Pere aren arent veare atte Shier ait sere aaa gar sore aT SReT are eT, ATTA aaftiit ate rer of rts aiRRveit At eara aa era eA aT wee ar, Peet wigan a gene At we sear At aa |, oat ween a ow get Te A, Fee sear afin tec eve Pearé vat 2 car ami fifsar a afer aT oH sere Paco vara Par ste aa ora % aa vz, aftarftat + derfas cifteit ar var aaa & fore Aee Ft oa aefte er saat ea ar fetota foram ferent ere ere & ore fafa carat & ora Pree Sead fh ge Ht rea a hr FT et Ft rear waiter a sora feat Ft om ae tare At ate rw ones I aa ATA are, tr Afar aver sare fore are rac are He ar aA fh Ghee A se orf aT eT AP ATT att 38 firerare ae fram ea are, ae aT sar fe eres oats Pate am ant At aha A aT war fh aa At sear sore a ote At Atarsit ste Ata ater were fee are ifr ‘fear prem rate cafes At arora agave Ft oft fer Frere antes at Far ae Perr, faz ft set ofttar sftaa ae fem aif at ork ot ore afta afta, sae ae are et @ eae ee Pere an ee vee a ee gare aeafire vee & ae are sat atrett oft aa #2 ra vam % dad H, Prafatars ar saz fife: (a) a Ee H one AE at 8? (by eft trent at array varcrere sara Hr ay aes fe gar sara Pee ar vee a? (250 seat & saz ART) In a metropolitan city of India, the law enforcement authorities decided to adopt facial recognition technology to improve their crime-fighting capabilities. They implemented a facial recognition system that integrated with existing surveillance cameras actoss the city, allowing real-time identification and tracking of individuals, The system was intended to assist in identifying known criminals, missing persons, and suspects in ongoing investigations. One evening, a woman reported a mugging incident where the perpetrator wore a hoodie, ‘obscuring most of his face. The victim provided a vague description to the police, and based on that information, the authorities decided to use facial recognition technology to locate pote! suspects. The system scanned through hours of surveillance footage from various locations near the crime scene, The facial recognition algorithm generated a list of potential matches, and one individual's image stood out as a close match to the description provided by the victim. The police considered this individual a prime suspect and proceeded with his arrest. Subsequently, it was discovered that the arrested person was innocent. Further investigation revealed that the facial recognition system hhad misidentified the innocent individual due to the limitations of the technology and the partial description provided by the victim. The police released the arrested individual; still his reputation got tarnished for life. He, along with his family, was evicted from their current place of residence. ‘The psychological impact of the incident has been tremendous owing to which his job is also on the line, 32 With reference to this case study, answer the following: (@) What are the issues involved in this case? (b) What measures can be taken to minimize the negative implications of adopting an technologies? (Answer in 250 words) “re. above. Case see. presents the eee ee ee Ad. teats eae. “We prbiic welfare . 9) The \SSU85] uwolved. “% Mrie Cose — ee a whet Ur can reduce post enol Lbedy on adgety Wy Prseedunot Vas Vs mveraily epee ee laws 2 low bub could nob achieve Aue. 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(by sae ore a Praer 82 vee Ra ate dhe aa (©) aR are arrange art arfaré at taifee Ae, arr A sear ster a A (250 seat # sare Fifer) Rina and her friends from the college were working as interns with a company for the last few months. On completion of their internship, some of them, including Rina, have been offered full- time jobs in the company. Being a reputed company, she and her friends accepted the offer. Rina is enthusiastic about her new job and has even established good relationship with some of her company co-workers during her internship. However, during her tenure as an inter, Rina had begun to notice that one of the Vice-Presidents (VPs) of the company was giving her too much attention, He used to make an extra effort to stop by Rina’s cubicle and chat, something he was not doing with any of the other interns. He had even tried to connect with Rina over social networking sites. Some of her co-interns also noticed this and began to make offhand comments to Rina about the extra attention being given by the VP. Now that she was has been hired for a full time position, she is fearful that she might have to work with this VP directly. While he has not done or said anything explicitly inappropriate, the extra attention and the fact that her co-workers noticed it, made her very uncomfortable and undermined her concentration at work. ‘The company encourages an open and friendly atmosphere and when she was hired, it was communicated to her that she should always speak to her Manager whenever faced with any uncomfortable work related issues. However, she is concerned to speak about it officially, as the VP has not explicitly done anything wrong. 37 a Candidates ‘write ‘i area In the given situation: (a) What dilemmas does Rina face? = (b) What options does she have? Provide the merits and demerits of each. Candidates (©) Highlight the course of action she should adopt, along with justification for the same. | "rea (Answer in 250 words) 20 | ins marain thee Lomplks twat women experienced wa waarinphaee and the. Comerquereat ot, \wterk wtlbine 8” AN Un din dial + a) Tre, (SREMPAS] that ting face Wr the tose above — W> Crisis bp. ay - Where Ring ehortd Vet Sikes, Wincreaadl bur ee she. hos no proet td wey the game + | 38 wheat @ woe Wy Degen Ve Pruett — Rina wonnot Leave. hen feb but She. ferle trot hen dugenity ts Undenmined Wy Obydsirthy ve bleanees ~Wihere Rina worked basis om Wreailb , wihrte on Unnpaeesion con be treated Srhermuse ot blosness et ve ) RINA has THREE OPTIONS - . demerits — wes o. censurence]_ she ee \wse solved heniep Wie : — chtg nak 1 can be onesae Oe nea raed Caenkeripyrdu che —mbeutter euch = = ene Can Wne-pprepuate orks ‘ 39 ON THe MATTER AND ASK THe ™ Fee THEIR OPINION ABOUT s beepivotive preston ee f (|) The. Course OF ACTION that Paha eherd aclepk would be mx "4, foet and thuaAd epiaen — ipaaeaal > Guven ha. peduvel iret os Maine: Runa ton tak to hes co- werkirs fe get a caalty ten Vesue WwW Dh would create othe pone ouise Pitas Tes nerice eb diverse pevepamaueed Ring (eam as claee ag he/she woud be orvoilable fon farmal help . The thak- Runa would take o pe mean where lacs, = * emma 1 Wok » and i Worle culture Contaniies * 41 eek ereeisniment Uy tunkrer \esues carat aren Bt BR Fae rc Pere aftra hte we H Aare oa rar &, at TET arafee area wr fatter sear 21 offear Peres & fer H wrens Pherae A oer 2 ee caret St oe Pee a fee rata ate Peetraret a ap A aT a eT HT HIRT ET Pravar war 8) ae ara, ae aa eet are ara, Tavs re HAT ST afi ofoga et ara & ccd err Pera ar eget ate ge gestae ver ar eer BT HT TT, Te ar rar & fis ke we ee afer arr are aa, sit afte eases ot anfirar &, iT ae 7 Roar are aan er we Ht ee aaa A aa re, TTT ate artaré fare ot oe arate gear 1 are A ehh Ba Bl ohh arate Hea, THT] prem Se oe eT ae: eat era aa fa are ste or Ah ate aT ae TT ‘Waa EAT a faa hates Pra afta & rH, Freres wat ar rarer Fifa: (ay seen acm ars Afite ae aa 2? (by eae Ta HF ar aR Br TATA HH TTT? (o) Fairer citerat a ager aa 8 Fre fer er Shares orbit arare art afer? (250 saat # sae Afr) ‘You have recently been posted as a Nodal Education Officer in one of the districts, where mass cheating in examinations is a regular phenomenon. Media reports have shown parents and relatives scaling school walls and buildings to pass answer chits to students taking secondary school examinations in the district. Moreover, with the advent of new technological devices, cheating in examinations has become more sophisticated and exam rules are flouted openly. On investigation, it has come to your notice that these rackets are run by many school authorities, including exam invigilators who are mostly teachers, and they are hand in glove for profits. With a shortage of staff, invigilators threaten go on mass strikes if any action is taken. Conducting the exams, cancelling them on account of cheating and having re-exams are a loss of time and money for the government and this vicious cycle goes on, As the Nodal Education Officer of the district, address the following questions: (a) What are the ethical issues involved in the above case? (b) How will you resolve the issues in the given case? (c) What long-term strategy needs to be adopted to deal with the menace of cheating in various examinations? (Answer in 250 words) 20 The. cases reflects the scenarto where. ne. Values tnd ~eociolisativon owe ok sake due to wronged guidance 42 weed & ve ute 8 her Candidates write on ‘his marin >| a) The ETHICAL ISSUES UWwolved in the. tose Ox — p ieacili, oe aiiwe. pensenal values would want 4o -cancel tre exame bub the enda ton be we A aund Vp Teerpelaney,

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