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BAHAGIAN A/ SECTION A [20 markah / marks] Jawab semua soalan. Answer all questions. Mnvolontavy action 1. Antara tindakan yang berikut, yang manakah melibatkan medula oblongate? Which of the following actions involves the medulla oblongata? ‘A Membaca// Reading.’ Sentaken lutut / Knee jerk B. Berenang / Swimming < Denyutan jantung / heartbeat 2 Rojah 1 menunjukkan keratan rentas mata manusia. Antara bahagian berlabel berkut, yang mankeh paling peka terhadap cahaya? beled ‘most iagram 1 shows a cross . si Devan 1 sows section of the human eye. Which of the following labeled par retina Rajah 1 / Diagram 1 3. Rajah 2 menunjukkan kawasan lidah manusia, it Kawasan yang manakah lebih peka kepada rasa kopi? Diagram 2 shows the area of the human tongue. Which area is more sensilve to the tas of ete ‘Suse! Rajah 2/ Diagram 2 4. Antara alat yang berikut, yang manakah digunakan untuk mengatasi had deria penglihatan? Which of the following tools is used to overcome the limitations of the sense of sight? Violin / Violin © Stetoskop / Stethoscope Binokular / Binocular D_Pembesar suara / Speaker 5. Antara tropisme berikut, yang manakah membantu tumbuhan untuk menyerap air dan garam mineral? Which of the following tropisms help plants absorb water and mineral salts? |. Geotropisme / Geotropism PS HRGRTS I Hidrotropisme / Hydrotropism - Ill, Fototropisme / Phototropism-Ligh* IV. Tigmotropisme / Thigmotropism C idan it Mand ith D Idan iv land IV 6 Pe ‘ rsamaan di bawah m The equation below represents rcees alam rsprasi ‘Apakah X? / What is X? A. Sel darah merah C.) Oksihemoglobin Red blood cell Ox) 8. Sel darah putin . _Karboksinemogiobin White blood cell Carboxyhemogiobin 7. Bahan manakah menyebabkan ketagihan merokok? Which substance cause smoking addiction? Metana / Methane A Tar Ter C (B)_Nikotin Nicotine D. Trakea / Trachea ~ 8, _ Rajah 3 menunjukkan satu enis had keupayaan pengiinaten Diagram 3 shows one type of limitation of sight. : <—— x »—__-< : ‘ Rajah 3/ Diagram 3 A. Bint buta © tesiontic Blind spot Optical illusions B. — Astigmatisme D. Rabun dekat Astigmatisme Long-sightedness 9. Rajah 4 menurjukkan sebuah model sistem pernafasan manusia. Diagram 4 shows a model of the human respiratory system. ‘iub kaca. berbentuk Y Belon Kepingan, getah Rajah 4 / Diagram 4 ‘Apekah yang menyebabkan perubahan pada belon seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 4? What causes the balloon fo change as shown in Diagram 4? |. Tekanan udara di dalam serkup kaca bertambah. : The air pressure inside the bell jar increases, ~ 7 Il. Tekanan udara di dalam serkup kaca berkurang. ‘The air pressure inside the bell jar decreases. ll. si padu udara di dalam serkup kaca bertambah. The volume of air inside the bell jar increases. IV. si padu udara di dalam serkup kaca berkurang. The volume of air inside the bell jar decreases.— 2 | A tani c Idan itt land it Mand i Bo itdaniv © dan iv land 1 Vandiv 10. Antara Derikut, . pasangen h be Which of te folowing par iecoeeet ee” ~Tindakan terkawal Tindakan Tuar kawal —___Voluntary action ____Involuntary action —_ Berenang Bercakap Swimming | Taking Bersenam Peristalsis Bere | __Pevistalsis_ Berpelsh Berjalan Sweeting Walking — Miengecip mata —Bematas Blinking eyes Breathing a 11. Rajahs Menunjukkan tindak bal: in b Diagram 5 shows the plant response Before La leaflet y Wb Rajah 5 / Diagram 5 ‘Antara tumbuhan yang berikut, manakah m Which of the folowing plants shows the sar yenunjukkan tindak balas yang sama? ame reaction? ‘A. Bunga raya ©. Bunga matahar Hibiscus Sunflower B. — Kacang merah e Perangkap lalat Venus Red bean Venus fytrap 12. iri yang manakah berikut tidak betul tentang organ deria kulit? Which if the following characteristics about sensory organ ais not correct? ‘Organ deria manusia paling beser. Largest human sensory organ. v Lapisan luar dikenali sebagai epidermis. Outer layer is known as epidermis.“ Mempunyai empat reseptor. Has four receptors. Reseptor haba mengesan rangsangan panes. Heat receptor detects heat stimu 13. ‘Apakah fungsi organ deria ‘ars lateral pada badan seekor ikan? What isthe function of sensory orger lato linea the Body Of Beh? ‘A Untuk mengesan perubahan suhu air. To detect the changes in water temperature. Untuk bergerak dengan cepat. To move faster. Untuk mengesan lokasi bunyi. Ta detect the location of sound source. D. Untuk mengelakkan dir darinada pemangsa. To avoid from predators. ditenam di dalam piring petri yang ditegakkan ‘upright petri ofsh. s lembap Keopos ree 14, Rajah 6 di bawah menunjukkan satu anak benih yang ‘The diagram 6 below shows a seedling is planted in an Plastic souteipeill seedling Rajah 6 / Diagram 6 lerhatian yang betul selepas seminggu? ‘Antara berikut, yang manakeh per ‘observation affer a week? Which of the following is the correct c ba~+ Co. A 15. Haiwan yang manakah mempunyai keluasan medan penglihatan yang besar? Which of the following animals has wider field if vision? A j udara dalam udara sedutan dan, dary 10891 48 Antara yang berikut, yang manakah benar bagi komp ‘and exhaled air? Unc he long is coc abou the compotion of a inhaled ai | | Komposis! udara Composition of air vA Oksigon, Oxygen | (BY) Karbon dokslda | Carbon dioxide c Nitrogen Mtrogen pn | Dd sum ~~ ~Suhu badan Ba ok Temperature __ Body temperature_|_ Room femperature_ 17. Bay ih katak, kan dan belalang memaksimumkan kadar pertukaran gas? ‘How do frog, fish and grasshopper maximised their gaseous exchange rate? = “TBolalang | ___|__ Grasshopper ‘Kult kuar lembap_ Insandy pero betorets Moist outer skin __| Gils with lamellae yang berlamelia | Sistom trakea Kult ar lembap Gills with lamellae Trachea system J ter. C)} Kult var lembap insang yang beriamell rake Moist outer skin Gills with lamellae ____| Trachea system —__ 1D. | Insang yang beriamelia Kulit luar lembap Sistem trakea Gills with lamellae Moist outer skin __| Trachea system 18. Rajah 7 menunjukkan pertukaran gas dalam peperu, Diagram 7 shows the gaseous exchange in the lungs. Rajah 7 / Diagram 7 Pertukaran gas antara alveolus dengan kapllari darah adalah cekap kerana ‘The gaseous exchenge between the alveol! and the blood capillaries is efficient because |. Alveolus dilingkari oleh banyak kapilari darah The alveoll are covered by a network of blood capillaries — | Jumiah iuas permukaan alveolus sangat besar The total surface area of alveolus is very large M—_Dinding kapilari darah sangat tebal The wall of blood cepiiaries is thick 1V. _Dinding alveolus kering The wall of aveolus is cry © Mhdan land B iltdan iv (CD) teanv Wangiv Vand Vv 5 Haga srry singe » Demy an & stows § 4 a. ait manusie Rajah J Diagram 8 Bagamseonat sistem respras berataplasi semasa aktivit in? Ho Sis the espatalory sysiem adegt during this activity A Kater respirasi menurun The rate of respiration decreases 8. Tekanan separa oksigen di dalam arteri meningkat. Partial pressure of oxygen inthe arteries increases. ©. Tekanan separa karbon dioksida di dalam vena meningkat. Partial pressure of oxygen in the veins increases. (D) Kater petnatasan dan denyvtan jantung meni ~The rates of breathing and heartbeat increase. - DO. Reape manwnjitken aac utara pokok baat Diagram 9 stows the aerial roots of mangrove, 1. (a) (b) am 2 (a) (b) BAHAGIAN B/ SECTION B [20 markah / marks] Jawab semua soalan. Answer all questions. Maklumat berikut menunjukkan beberapa jens ektv, Bulatkan tindakan luar Kawal. The following information shows several types of activities. Circle out of contro actions. [2 markah ! marks) Rajah menunjukkan telinga manusia. Namakan struktur berlabel R dan S. Figure shows the human ear. Name the structures labeled R and S. —{E osthacion| Tobe, [2 markah / marks] Gariskan jawapan yang betul tentang gerak balas bahagian tertentu dalam tumbuhan terhadap rangsangan. Underline the correct answer about the response of certain parts of the plant to stimuli ‘Akar } sentiasa tumbuh ke arah cahaya. la menunjukkan fototropisme posit. () ~~ { Pucuk L ‘/ Roots | always grow towards the light. It shows positive phototropism. Gerak balas bahagian tumbuhan yang tidak dipengaruhi oleh arah rangsangan dikenali [ (ii) tigmotropisme / gerakan nastik ] The response of plant parts that are not affected by the direction of stimulation is known [ thigmotropism / nastic movement | A / (@ markah / marks] XK Padankan tropisme dengan kepentingannya yang betul. Match the tropism with its correct importance. { Tropieme Kepentingan ] Tropism Importance Untuk memperoleh cahaya. To obtain sunlight. (i) Fototropisme Untuk memperoleh cahaya dan sokongan. a Phofotropism ne To obtain sunlight and support. ji) Geotropisme [Untuk memperoleh air dan garam mineral. © Gearookn To obtain water and mineral sal | Tnluk memperoish Sokongan, aidan garam + | mineral | To obtain support, water and. mineral salt. [2 markah / marks] Rae 4 (4) Carta alir ervey dengan jeveour vane ae Lucas alain jowpar wertissa arihan (ilis Va arnt bomen Ato Pw chat Wows the pawwage of ir to the lunge dig iihalaion Fu tho Wake wih the correct answer Rongga hidung Taken J Avoohis Nawal * | Trach +h Lung® + /Cogpilary |» eel hea Lag pany Nvooue ~ (’ (2 rank | ark} (b) Rajah menunjukkan mekanisine peratasan semasa hernbuwan nates Diagram shows the breathing mechan during axhalalion Hongga toraks Diatvagns Tandakan ( 7 ) pada pernyalaan yang bolul tentang mokanisine tersebut Tick ( ~) the corract statement about the machaniam, Fy | Sankar rusuk bergorak ke alas danke kar J fl clan The rib cage moves up and outward, Diafragma mengecut dan mencatar The dlaphragm contracts and flattens P wn udara dalam rongga toraks meningkat TV Alr pressure in the thoracic cavity increaven, v fol padu rongga toraks berkurangan __| Tha volume of the thoracio cavity decreason [2 markah | marks) 4) 4) Rojah di bawah menunjukkan keralan rentas mata manusia, Labetkan P dan Q dengan botul The dlagram below shows a cross section of the human eye Label P and Q vorracly [2 markah / mar »)_Padankan bahagian mata manusia dengan fungsinya. ‘Match the parts of the human eye with their functions. | Bahagian mata mania Poor we [» Mengawal kuantiti cahaya yang masuk ke | Pp dalam mata. { Controls the amount of light that enters }__fthe eye_—_ > Membekakan aig dan mutant) Q kepada mata, | ~ |___ Supply oxygen and nutrients to the e /> >» Memofuskan cahaya ke retina Focuses light onto the retina. Z [2 markah / marks] 5) Rajah menunjukkan strukt tur stoma pada daun, The diagram shows the structure of the stoma on a leat R: Guard Cell romano a ( pore “| a) Labelkan struktur R dan S$ dengan menggunakan perkataan diberi di bawah, Label the structures Rand S using the words given Boba " [~~ Liang stefna ‘Vakoul Selpengawal | Kloroplas. = | Storpefal pore Vacuole Guard cell Chiorpiest _| (@iartan J marks} b) Tullskan BENAR atau PALSU pada pemyataan yang menunjukkan keadaan stoma yang betul White TRUE or FALSE on the statement that shows the correct state of the stoma, Pada waktu malam, sel pengawal menjadi segah dan lurus. SS False _} At night, the guard cell becomes turgid and straight. e ‘Stoma tertutup pada waktu malam untuk mengurangkan Kehilangan air melalui proses transpirasi The stoma is closed at night to reduce water oss through transpiration. So Pada waklu siang, kepekatan glukosa di dalam sel pengawal meningkat dan menyebabkan air meresap masuk ke dalam sel ; pengawal secara osmosis. / During the day, the concentration of glucose in the guard cells True / increases and causes water to diffuse into the guard cells by osmosis. ‘Stoma terfutup pada waltu siang untuk menghalang pertukaran is oksigen dan karbon dioksida. , | ore stomata ae closed during the day fo prevent the exchange of | True. oxygen and carbon dioxide gases. mh ert ii False 6 BAHAGIAN C/ SECTION C [80 markan / marks} Jawab semua soalan Answer all questions. ‘Adam telah kawasan utan loroebat ad Perkhemahan Persatuan Pengakap di Gunung Datuk Semasa menjelajah ut, Adam telah menjumpai banyak tumbuhan periuk kera yang tumbub meliar dalam hutan itu. R Adam jah di bawah menunjukkan tumbuhan perk kera. ra fod a Boys Scout camping et Mount Datuk While exploring the foes, Adam cecovered tt “Nore were many ptcer plants growing ld ith ere. The cagram below shows te pice pens ‘Adam mendapati tumbuhan periuk kera ini sangat unik. Adam melt tudung periuk kera tertutup ‘selepas beberapa ekor serangga masuk ke dalamnya, ‘Adam found that these pitcher plants are very unique. Adam saw some insects got into the pitcher lants (2) _Nyatakan jens gorek balas yang ctunjukkan oleh tumbuhan itu Terangken jawapan anda. State type of response shov ‘by the plant. Explain your answer. Nastic movements) because the plant does - @ _porteular area 4o grow: tet hove © (a markah / marks) (b) _Berikan dua kelebihan jenis gerak balas yang anda nyatakan di 6(a) kepada tumbuhan periuk kera, Give two advantages of the type of response stated in 6(a) to the pitcher plants. Has chemical sypstains in the Plant which con Catch Flys. (2 markah / marks) Nyatakan satu contoh tumbuhan lain yang mempunyai gerak balas yang serupa seperti tumbuhen periuk kera. State one example of another ane plant that has a similar response lke the pitcher plants. | Venus Flyhap (2) (1 markatvinark) Cert i oar Poko burg mata aM HFA Sop (4 fare corn peur rat na ‘ACAW Naee eit wcie auirihawan pari 1) fie yal ve hw I lagi Fer ype af HADOF NN OWI He pleat are phiafateapiarrl and Hvelraliapinnt arena dan besakan gerak balaefollrapims dengan hol opiane Compare ant contrast phototopiam and htoviam raxpona Phatal opin ave only Meused -ouardd Waht and Hyaroiropigine” Seow owas Winter.” \ (2 avbah /itarhe ) (©) Satan daripada gorak bales yang cura a) clan 6(c), nyalakan eau ora balan lan . ‘yang ditunjukkan olgh tumbuhan, ( ) Beotne {nom tha responses described in 6(a) aru! 6(c), slate ona another reapanse shown by the ¢ nt __ Phatorttopiam ~ Wig shy \olvop 7. Ketebalan epidermis kult berbeze pada bahagian-balagian berbeza pada tub manele Jada bawah menuinjukkan k dermis bag! baberapa bahagian tubuh manusia [The thickness of epidermis of the shin varies in cfferent pata of human body. The tabhe below shows {he thickness of epicerinis of a few pat of the human body OWE Porrhea Yespones whieh 1% the shows positive Vespencg Tike (1 natkah / mark) Bahagian tubuh Kotabalan epidermis Part of the body Thiekn ‘epidermia (ym) cheok ee Guping tolinga 300 ~~“Abdomen Abdomen oe Lengen mo Punggung Buttock ee (a) ()_ Berdasarkan jaduel di ates, cadangkan bahagian tubuh yang paling sesual untuk menerima suntan, Based on the fable above, augaest the part of the body thal is most suitable fo receive forty A SERINE Seam sr (U1 ia 7 many a Boner een His because 4he aym IS Q Part where the epidermis layer 13 ‘thick Ard less receptor x (Brenan 1 marks} (b) Berkan dua faktor yang mempengerunl kepekesn Kull ) t ive two factors that infl of the skin. Jor Se eee Beet EN eens. of Ang evidermis layer YX [2 markah / marks) (6) Penduduk di negara sejuk lazimnya memakai penutup telinga semasa musim sejuk. Jelaskan mengapa ; People in cold country normally wear earmuffs during cold winter days. Explain why. } Because the ear does not praduce many fecepiors and [the layer of the ear IS Thin.) [3 markah / marks} — Puan Zarina menyediakan satu model untuk mengkali kesan merokok terhadap peparu. s) Mrs. Zarina prepared a model to investigate the effect of smoking on lungs. Fokok yang cinyalokan Lighted cigrate Tiub kaca Glass tube —=-+ Ke pom turos To fiter purnp Loruton titmus Utmus solution (a) Pam turas diidupkan selama 10 minit dan kemudian dimatikan, The fiter pump is switch on for 10 minutes and then switched off. Tuliskan dua pemerhatian yang akan berlaku. Write two observations that wil happen. 4, Smoke goes through the cotton 2 Forms a liquid cusbians. 7 [2 markah J marks} (b) Tuliskan inferens (sebab) pemerhatian di (a). Wiite the inferences (reason) for the observation in (a). jah hospital, (0) Raa ovata apn iar yang sana ol abarapa Kawasan di seb ‘Rg aw avo mi aril I fw arma 1 Hampi A \N MEROKOK TURAN ‘OI BAN JAN-PERATURAN HABIL TREMBAKAU 2004 annua amare JIKA DIBABITKAN KEBALAHAN ANDA BOLEH: | IF FOUND QUILTY, YOU CAN: | 4 DIDENDA RMIO 000 ATAU 2 TAHUN PENJARA ‘UEFINED KATO 000 OR 2 YEARS IMPRISONMENT Marokok Membahayakan Kesihatan ‘molding Is harmful to health Terangkan mengapa papan tanda di atas dipasang. Explain why the signboard above is (nstalled. Te (remind redders Yo pox amoke in the hos plal or you will be Cined and D gears Imprisonment. And also smoring 1s roneTOT Ao health: 7 (mera 7 mars} (4) Kawasan pantai barat Semenanjung Malaysia dianda jerebu yang teruk akibat pembekaran ‘hutan di negara jiran, Huraikan kesan daripada situasi ini terhadap kesihatan manusia, Soterusnya, cadangkan satu Langkah yang perlu diambil oleh penduduk semasa situasi ini The areas in eastern coastal of Peninsular Malaysia are affected by bad haze due to forest burning in neighbouring country. Explained the effect ofthe situation to human health. Hence, ‘Suggest a step that should be practised by the residents during ths situation. Effects ofthe Situation +o human heath i3_lungs which Could / Couse wa problens?In my quygeshon we shold? stop’ aT Open Five Or Forest burning, (2 merkah / marks) Bagaimanakah anda sebagai seorang murid yang prihatin dapat mewujudkan Kesedaran dalam kalangan pelajar lain tentang kepentingan mengekalkan kesinatan sistem respirasi? How does you as a concerned student can create awareness among the other students about the Importance of maintaining a healthy respiratory system? Ps a student |'caq stort by & Campaigne Jabot! Stop illegal burning Gnd _Preveo* 4 howe - (Pera 1 mars 7 y smart 20) mm 9. +adual menunjukkan Komposisi bagi udara sedutan dan udara hembusan manusia. Table shows the composition of human inhalation and exhalation ai fe hembusan Komponen’ Udara sedutan Udara Component Inhalation air one ation ait. ‘Oksigen 21.0% | Oxygen Karbon tab 0.03% 4.0% > Carbon dioxide Feit A Nitrogen 78.1% Wer or Kurang ~~ Lebih banyak L____Water vapour _| Less More (2) ()_ Bandingkan kandungan oksigen dan karbon dioksida dalam udara sedutan dan udara hembus: Compare the content of oxygen and carbon dioxide in inhale ait and exhale ai. Oxygen whales 21-07% oF civ and 16-07) exhalation _Veugen_inhales_21-0h OF giv Ond \G-0% Exholohon Air -Corbon dioxide Gly wholes 0-037 ar Ord _4-o'h exhalation air- [1 markah / mark] (ii) Terangkan jawapan anda di 9a) Explain your answer in 9(2). Be couse BSS eee [2 markah / marks) Rajah menunjukkan satu kawasan di bandar yang mengalami kesesakan jalan raya akibat eningkatan bilangan kenderaan. Peningkatan kenderaan di jalan raya menyumbang kepada encemaran udara. Diagram shows an area in the city experiencing road congestion due to an increase in the number ‘of vehicles. The increase in vehicles on the road contributes to air pollution. (©) _Nyatakan dua nis gas beracun yang terdapat di dalam asap kenderaan dan kesannya jika terhidu ‘oleh manusia, ‘State the two types of poisonous gas found in vehicle exhaust and its effects if inhaled by human, pe aa Gas beracun Kesan ke ‘epada manusia Poisonous gas Effects to human ] [Sto ont [Fm iotirg Pobien (©) Merokok meningkatkan kanser peparu, Risto ini boleh dikurangkan dengan berhentin, % mae ‘Smoking increases lung cancer, This risk can be reduced by quitting smoking, / (0. Apakah bahan yang terkandung ai datam rokok yang menyebabkan kanser Pepany What substances contained in cigarettes cause lung cancer? ¥ EH merken Ty Penyakit respiratori yang berpunca daripada asap rokok, respiratory diseases caused by cigarette smoke. enyakit emfisema. mphysema, Breathing and trigroines Ref wugerudauy clef Boome (1 ‘Selain emisome, nyatakan dua agi penyaki Fespirator lain yang disebabkan oleh asap (i) Emfisema ialah salah satu Emphysema is one of the \Nyatakan dua simptom p State two symptoms of er ~\ Besides emphysema, name two other respiratory diseases caused by cigarette smoke. \d) Astin, cancer 10 a) ‘\_Nyatakan bahagian yang kaya dengan fotoreseptor the part rich in photoreceptors. [markah Tari) i, Doktor Amirah mend pati penglnatannye kabur apabila membaca laporen pesakit pada ‘gvak yang dekat, Bagaimanakah cara untuk mengatasinya?Terengken Goctor Amirah found her vision blued when reading patients reports sta close distance. How to overcome it? Explain, ovecome Wis Doctor Amira has . Gloses ar “contcet lens because her comen Tene hos “been thick: s x [2 markah / Wweor | | ») Doktor Amirah dan anaknya sedang dalam perjalenan pulang ke rumah melaku sob Doctor Amirah and her son were on their wa} i i yy home via @ highway. Doctor Amirah asked [er gon fo look atthe ilboard which is about 80 meter rom ther vehicle, Hare is their ion ‘Amurah” Anis. cuba Kem baea iklan pada papan Xian ti Dr Anurah —: Anu ty 10 read the adverusement ou the billboard. \Amir +: Maaf ibu, Amir tak nampak jelas perkaraan pada yapan. tanda yang ibu maksudkan, Auur Sorry mom, Anur coulds't clears see the words on the ‘Terangkan perbezaan jenis rabun yang dialami oleh Doktor Amirah dan anaknya, Explain the difference between myopia in the above statement and myopia experienced by Doctor Amirah, Doctor Amivo has \ong-sightness and her 290 has Skort-Gignaness . 7 ( (2 markah 1 marks} yy Rajah menunjukkan bahagian kul manusia, iaitu organ deria yang paling besar dalam badan manusia, The diagram shows a part of the human skin, which is the largest sensory organ in the human body. —— Ran Hair ‘Lapisan luar Outer laser | Lapisan dalam Inner layer Lapisan lemak Fat layer i. Namakan lapisan dalam bagi kult tersebut. ‘Name the inner layer of the skin. Dermis layer 7 Tt mlarkah 7 mark] 7 1 Nyatakenreseptor yang trdapat pada bahagian epidermis Terangkan tentang reseptor (Heme te ects ountin bo wien about this receptor. Epidermis layer has Fain “ond ‘ouch re cepiors Bnd Fouch recor pain recepor detects Pa detects touch [2 markah / marks) ©) Rajah menunjukkan bitnik-bintktimbul yang berbeza yang terdapat pada setiap butang dan ge ‘The lagram shows the different raised dots found on each button in the elevator. Me @® @O@ @® ' Mengapakah orang buta menggunekan huju Ng jari untuk membaca huruf Braille? Why de blind people use their ingerips to read Braile? i Because Lingertips hae touch yeceptor. [2 markah / marks] uta untuk menggunakan lif? 'w does this help a blind person to use an vator? ones PS toch receptors land create a \mpulse “Ond Sends to S nerve Y [2 markah / (@ryérat 1 mars) Pertukaran gas dalam peparu dan sel badan, ~~ ‘98 exchange in the lungs and body cells. 118) Rajah di bawah menunjukkan The diagram below shows the. Alveolus ‘Alveolus Sel bodan Sel dorah merah ody cal Red blood cell i. Bagaimanakah kepekatan oksigen dan karbon dioksida di bahagian P dan Q? ‘How is the concentrations of oxygen and carbon dioxide in parts labelled P and Q? p:__ Oxygen ‘ a:__ Carbon dioxide [2 markah / marks} ji, Huraikan proses yang beriaku apabila darah sampai ke kawasan sel badan. Describe re provoss thet occurs when ihe ee of body cell. Oxygen goes through the alyedius and form out as carbon dioxide. & [2 markah / marks} ii, Respirasi sel berleku di dalam semua sel hidup. Terangken apa yang berlaku pada hasil respirasi sel. Cellular respiration occurs in al living cells. Explain what happens to the product of cell respiration. [2 markah / marks] jv. Fairuz mendapati dia mengalami sedikit kesukaran untuk bemafas semasa berada di puncak sebush gunung dalam suatu ekspedis.Terangkan sabab bagi Keadaan tersebut Fairuz experienced slight difficulty in breathing when he was at the peak of a mountain ‘on an expedition. Explain the reason for the situation. esr Becavge the peak OF a irevumain has no Oxygen to breath. [2 markah / marks} ‘Nyatakan dua ciri penyesuaian struktur respirasi pada manusia untuk meningkatkan kecekapan sistem respirasi State two adaptations characteristics of respiratory structure in humans to increase the efficiency of the respiratory system. cbaging and exercise oe [2 markah / marks) b) Ranjit bukan seorang perokok namun dia sering cepat penat walaupun melakukan kerja harian ‘yang ringen. Doctor menasinatinya untuk mengamaikan gaya hidup yang sinat bagi menjaga sistem respirasinya. Nyatakan dua amalan gaya hidup yang patut Rani iakukan. Renjt is non-smoker but he often gets ted easily even doing simple deily tasks. The doctor ‘advised him to practise a healthy Ifestyle to keep his respiratory system healthy. State two Itestyle practices that Ranjt need to practise. 4 Avoid Smokers or wear face mask“Ao_ Prevent L Gnd hove daily exercise Such as j099"9 + Strechng. (2 markah / marks}

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