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) 2 PVISIONIAS INSPIRIN: INNOVATION So, Ne ABHYA ATARY HEAT (PT TA-LV)IGENERAL STUDIES (Paper-IV) (2425) faifta aaa: ft ge afirnas a: 250 Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 250 aT ART EW VAAE-TAT (PLAT) WRTAT F 6143 Fe Bi Ta-TT, FLAT. Tae Et FH TTB, TT TTT (Paettva) fear arr arora bake sattzere wher sai a8 arr HT THT BL om art & ft, Be qferaT & sta F art ya fear Ta a1 giPara arm a oe, Hr ae TE ae a A BT LAT, RTT HAE HE TT, TET ET TOT BT TTT AE TE Ta aT CTPA TAR OAT ET, AY EAH Ta TE LAY, TTA ITA FE General Instructions This Question-Cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet contains 61-+3 pages. Question Paper in detachable form is available at the end of the QCA Booklet which can be taken away by the candidate after examination, For rough work, blank page has been provided at the end of this Booklet. ‘hat this QCA Booklet does not have any shortcomings, torn or with a fresh QCA Booklet. On receipt of the Booklet, please ci ete. If, $0, get it replac (seftzare aT WE ATET/To be filled by the Candidate) yi Medium: Hindi/English ‘isftazor F/Registration No. {217762 aremdf ar aTHiName of Student: Avimesh Pradhan, English arta ATT HEAT (TA TA-IV) bas GENERAL STUDIES (Paper IV) 21/08/2025 Centre Delhi —03 | | are 5 | Linvigilator’s Signa www weer age saheardt a1 fe sfeafas Fee araerht & ue aa arte Pret ft ee ar oie aT ae seftcart at fret art sat % ach, saftearét te a arin & aadf wetarstt fare afita eet gerfe % eg # aftec fear oT HAT al Important Instructions Candidates should read the undermen- tioned instructions carefully. Violation of any of the following instructions may entail penalty in the form of deduction of marks, cancellation of candidature, debarment from further Examination of the Commission ete. (#) art cftren #0 rer rar at wa aes yew (ai) Fo afer fore Rratfta errr oe €t Pra (@ = wean # aa ei A ae am, ‘pftecor a, Wares a. aT azar wa-ag- gat afaar (rian) der a Pra Bert aret Tears Fr gaat et (a) Write your Registration Number and other details only in the space provided in the Question-Cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet for candidates. (b) Do not disclose your identity in any manner stich as, by writing your Name, Registration umber, Mobile number, Address, Question-Cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet No. etc. elsewhere in the Booklet amt weag-sae aaa fat At gat arctan sae % afaftn ga a fre aa fh are aie a dt ar8 ton Rreffters art Reet ae a wearer a eT Do not write in the QCA Booklet anything other than the actual answer such as couplet, obscene, abusive expression etc., nor put any sigh/mark having no relevance to the answer. ham Tr yera/arera ee a ate At ora) arr ae art a Pra Do not make any directindirect appeal/threat to the examiner. Sar rere sera wi Pera a fa ca eT rear gear af ft Pear a area Do not write answers in handwriting. Such evaluated. badiillegible answers may not be Sar RTA HA Ra Save Prat & re Sr aT sri 7 ae, aati arta, fra genie aa fre Strat ar soir far aT aT a1 Write answers in ink only. Do not use pencil for writing the answers. However, peneil may be used for drawing diagrams, sketches, et. yan va # sete fr ae aera aarar at Pett mera i sae a fra afige sie aati oft ret gett areata ft rar at 7 Do not write answers in medium other than the authorized medium in the Admission Certificate. Do not use mixed language either i.e. authorize and unauthorized media together for writing answers. wat sar Siw sa Ay Fe ae fait ea ae ft frat fait eae arava Pett are part we Pa ae sae ar yea ae Re am Write answer at the specifie space (right below the question) only. Answers written elsewhere at unspecified places in the booklet shall not be evaluated, aft ony amt Prat sae a oe Fe sea Ea SR Rane Fam gee Te Pee, aoe “sera eater Prat ar ear Bl If you wish to cancel any work, draw your pen through it and write “Cancelled” aeross it, otherwise it may he valued, water et at For Official Use araters % Fat ey For Official Use ahaa eeraT Signature of Examiner(s) smrate & faacor (hers GIT Wet STT)/ Marks Details (To be filled by the Examiner(s)) wat. a waa. ae Q.No. Marks Q.No. Marks ta) 6a) 1b) 6(b) 2a) 1 2b) 8 3a) 9 | Xb) 10 30) u (a) 2 4(b) 5 ‘ora (A) ‘TTT (B) Subtotal (A) Subtotal (B) ‘ave APT (A+B) /GRAND TOTAL (A+B) (@°VISIONIAS. INSPIRING INNOVATION ~ 2S ABHYAAS MAIN de SAILS ATATeT Hea (HA TA-1V)/GENERAL STUDIES (Paper-IV) (2425) Pratfta aera: fi a2 afirray am: 250 Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 250 | waa aaeht fase aqeer FOI aE sere at a Oe Pala TR IIA AY ATTA TE eae are va at at ost Ht Prartans & Tar BE ste aA zat HT ee BT at va afar Bi TAR ATT FH TAF ATT PT TT BI wat & gare soft sPiige arere F rt ort aria Preven ate are Vaer-74 Ht Far TAT Be TT AEH BT ETE TOT PAE TTT (FLAT) Teva Ta TE Te fates ware Te Pear ara ARE sorbate area ae arbi sre Feather H area ae Se Te ATE si TEE PTA walt i efter srea tia i ard PATI spears Rarer i alt AST or eT Ger shew ee wT AT TAT TART QUESTION PAPER SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting questions: There are TWELVE questions divided in TWO SECTIONS and printed both, in HINDI and in ENGLISH. All questions are conipulsory The number of marks carried by a question/part is indicated against it Answers must be written in the medium authorized in the Admission Certificate which must be stated clearly on the cover of this Question-cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet in the space provided. No marks will be given for answers written ina medium other than the authorized one. Keep the word limit indicated in the questions in mind. Any page or portion of the page left blank in the Questions-cum-Answer Booklet must be clearly struck off. 4 EVALUATION INDICATORS 1. Contextual Competence 2. Content Competence 3. Language Competence 4, Introduction Competence 5. Structure - Presentation Competence 6. Conclusion Competence Overall Macro Comments / feedback / suggestions on Answer Booklet: Zi All the Best www 5 1a) anit aut # ward atte wate at any aca fru, ESG (vafacfer, annie ate waa) Afr at ag-fRawrce feat 3 ape wht ea wit ager 29 Oa WA AT TT aT, wea 2? (150 wait H gae AT) For effective corporate governance to take place in the coming years, why is it important to integrate the ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) metrics with the multi-stakeholder approach? What benefits can be accrued by such integration? (Answer in 150 words) 10 Compote ethice advecates the tvinitanaw ovellpre moda coteving tb cbyectve _envinrinnented, 7 Ua social oma gevermance nome PIB F anh tre spins Ff equily ond suave Smpertance op tates vatinge ESG mnultistakehsldey approach melyict wet O Taking afpalamcea ~ppreach | iw maceting the. -treip ple bottom Line \narcln of reciprocity’ where covP meal Bbligatiw te ~retnow povery - @ Prevail ethical prandarcls| transparent . this marae care & vaio Adngehider iprernamnce taking nes ae “orente arm cree, Web cll Ae ae — To felted the @ [sustained am | feb demand 6, feria, hepreoment _ ators need » ennrovrmnentnlly eAnical «© * ©) peawctvry Ga Snclusw | — Metinge nape nove tet Aue an “ EE granchity by 30/. (social on = curstainable develaprront Len saroryrnent al COWS NEAL CZ consumer derasting “en brand fa greenest >) preserathln of pte Sfp Lorie Diwali change [secie} | —iretuave aaselaprrank Minne tnesrnalshy fevelance jeri 5 _ + seavsitte” Neyawngini proted SoSomt) prevail » Bund & anda a5 3 Feawsparroncy J, acceuntal uly Willy SEB] mandetey SAAT Re potty Ona ov fen ellie os om ergoureve| exh wy as Sask 1. (b) amar % Feit i, wer ara eae Te AT pa acta Pah ara ro ara oe aT eT ara arate afrerteat ve dar é1 vat or: argh var ve aH carr Par star 2h 3 arr sir foaa 34 # od aia facie ears ax arava ate Aaat At aac ae fer & rare ea 4 fafa Pear ora 21 ear ay ee ara A eae @ PH Pitre & Aarts aera’, rat erear & fare 2a aver i arf dar 2, werare & Pres arf atearsit & frre won Paws qt 8? (150 areat # sa Af) In acts of corruption, the focus is often only on the demand side of the equation, on public officials who abuse their office for private gain. Frequently, the supply side is given less attention. Those who pay bribes are sometimes depicted as innocent parties and victims of extortionary practices of wily public servants. Do you agree that ‘collusive corruption’, in which there is a willing bribe-giver, is a formidable challenge for institutions fighting corruption? (Answer in 150 words) 10 [Word Bank| defines cowuption at the witure oh pul opgice for_persenah ge a ants graves the wopply side of comeup —O willing oe bybe. ve collude with the Ooh apni emi Yes ‘Collusive comcuption” is a sfemaidedle cneterge fee Fatty eve eed concartnaction oy autenhes © Carkolinatien . cade te cong by celnsion ey obits t vane elie poutine 8 ©) [Gollvsire vor ls loads te [coercive| corragtion where nine cen, ratddle [pore ley people ave fred pay babe © [SG A EE] (rome nll 9 - \coe co 2 on a culture Hosp BN eink FONG A te sie Lin cantvee ice ae agree howe Uke TATAS . strongthe we odies Uke CkG, Lekagale Cammy yoga Deseseh ol lence, a+ ie oe ge _tant satin compton he 209m Hae 74 wut be addvered » 9 pal FE a 2.(a) sara see ger oa arrears arvorr Bq Starr a ae ata At fae at, Rrra ara afta area oar ft arnfte arée At qeara af arate ett Atco rae art eae Ta are afew eer at aoe sree yea AT ATL ea BE art art ATTA TT saat Fifer (150 seat sae Zr) The Citizens’ Charters initiative was a response to the quest for solving the problems, which a citizen encountered, day in and day out, while dealing with the organisations providing public services. But the introduction and implementation of Citizens’ Charters in the government of India has been difficult due to the old bureaucratic set up and the rigid attitudes of the work force. Discuss the major obstacles that have been encountered in implementing the Citizens’ Charter initiative. (Answer in 150 words) 10 Cirizen Chetan, pirneered is laps ¥y See Crnzen_Chastent Major war ow checking admnirusratore tes eraWlisgher ew the bed “ ‘ramaprreney fro ciizew_crads# TA) chantes hos next But een Falke Med \oocame as pect eo kaart, bureaucracy has become www 10 wm arate at ardate fart yart eer are ast ara asa ar afar Hea Ea TI | Soitualiat! —empharising oy wreawa fut as els. * paola ‘or eke, wot fr apt lack 5 eggective menirtg 4: content wovin ie duos nok invave gereek pablte Iv ( formulation d -yerrend ow 4%, pocal fa 7 nob ‘ty ite bny Majoy oldaccles EB ee encountered need Fe ecaeteg on aad! | poses Se aqpective come art lak 5 efectve grimiennee credo New inclusten af at ane? int. jm ovecing Ke ongenviaton io cancels fe fillas te chews FAME agrarian, he RLS citizen orontor bev spe chive dy gered yorwranTe X peice welyart www 1 ial F i $ 2.(b) aréafie far fae ft raat a, anf, anf anf areca Phone acahirs Peart are Hasire ait ofa At rac ar wa pe Prates a1 ce goat A, ear area era 2 | ate Pe area # aire ait & free Ft eae aaa fare arta Aer rae ger site vate 27 aaa Teter Ase (150 areat Hoax Afar) Quality of public service delivery is a major determinant of the quality of life of vulnerable sections in a highly unequal society divided along the lines of class, caste, religion, etc. In this, background, do you think that public service delivery is efficient and sufficient enough to improve the lives of vulnerable groups in India? Critically examine. (Answer in 150 words) 10 Talisman, can be uted to und _ te sonia doves wi RS Se payee sroegy —> Lifarianiom gee oo Bem Fa rthowe gene is wot -frtlowed aie Ey eevee Mey wet ak www 2 @| ack Tgrk venepician, Felectin| — nes p2J-o, atten card. tn chatdtgere found ty be bee . Olek 4 socal oud ard_corarmnnsl potidipatarn jar bed fo eroding gars 1 accoventabbity . poet dun ss NE ta eyerivenes 2 dalit chifaren “ ech Aepatcke YW . Li peductibn tr fgort b cet Yee i Oe Be ee xn V teaw ae TE we Gehemes’ Lake SVRNIDAL WUE Oe > Tbels {wleneted to yraintven i “4 (Pm Van Dhan, ede) " Ae Jie) Bike Op nyee ea ope neat ak Te ae oe egectie. Oyroonence be poe service dlelueryy “a il ip i i (a) Prater 4 4 vere sar ar ares fare & zat afrara 22 What do each of the following quotations mean to you? : cafenra afte apt at ar aa vet ea 2 Praa afirs ae gat Ft Zar @, sae At af sae ore ra fire tat 2" — arate (150 reat Haz AT) “The wise man does not lay up his own treasures. The more he gives to others, the more he has for his own.” - Lao Tzu (Answer in 150 words) 10 Donbibing the: age std ory 4 “Sher™g casing’ / Lac Tew emsphonises the = of selkiesner* , conpariow ond het pfomene aki ude fee ane comme qs 3 The Many of brdia emening ¢ x aR as the ‘wig brother’ with psec Vike SAG ‘ Lion ant \peighbew Fivst Hoge Oper ese, (onde), orcad CoD chant Ak Ane ‘rnp’ of x neging Ahe inarnaesty ; peer — Mtide 340%) wre 24. +o onncest the con conta =o Ina rine i” amd uliMae Uf otter of veal Gry economic phere ,-the ideals of “godalinen and in extreme form commnuntictyn ig vere Weighed eyeibel Hate ni eporty an nesenees fr comvam geod Compras dhreouglhe ethizal cago and cer activities URS _ivdieoner's Paves Sec eit pres, wmHOS, Scooby Rad by ITC? ance yorsarnent 1? tauis iaew of ‘wise men! who aes us resourses jo chew - The proveien emirarmnente Comnnnuurat ourerthp te 3.(b) - tad ara (150 sedi H Sax Aire) “If ethics are poor at the top, that behavior is copied down through the organization." - Robert ‘Noyce (Answer in 150 words) 10 Roberek Noyce hignligits he ‘nnpovtamce 4 ated, behavibuy mene the people ot ves values across Phe Mugebe's zimbabwe 3 Mamaelale Mugpbe's Ziorbrson nian, South ie, ety podfered en cde vat etninad Toth 4 Reeoncilintinn ae the entive country epyective fe itl due to Ua fuk Bimbabore qr B hele eh face cudhurce — omomatig = example pnovations exaneple | - wremoy Ke innova Hrs etvical conduct f Vitwamn Sarabhal , www. waft dint ac arate Afar 2, at em organ a aoe oq 8 fw eae ae aaa dar a | SSE garth dranaw 2 thd Kalem a leaders at IsRD rakes us creclise the olmeam. «& Chardrognam — 3 s Comings dosey home, pavers * la ( 5 exch occupying % wafer etek pectten _ Ravens Ae ornldiies pe ow Bentler val Wes impiloing ROAM coste \ 2 childwen , ot vat es arren te “iw ange pole the wale ee BO parenting she succes of maninaet Bebe & became Sf the earnware trey — J that percolate individwel 3.(¢) sarge ar Ber extra aaa eT aT afta ea aT, ae ee ae ca ae aera i" - ata ate (150 seat saz if) "The end of law is not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom." - John Locke (Answer in 150 words) 10 wigoltghte “he reve goal Ay flaw wich shewtd be * medium of emanes Lb yp wate and nn xpates fore is SF sobs tak bey deicare pont oh wartured cup Uacction . oa a ot A matured eabipabasw, undertomds th laws chowld wer prevent peor Grew gencthary wou) + tho Aeedow pres Wey them 4 ve State op Moras & bw Romesh Thages “6 SEES Count Magnlight_4 dre eHsemce £ See a matured x sapreie® 18 crealising the jue Ideal qf Laws thal chould * * vente sate aprce Lov Aredlivi duel . Sn Sndlia , i NAVA vo Vet Ape Arama porn ~ighk + Rhee pewkeg Sear fa decrirminalisiing Wennentnalty are prelcomalle ALP at am extreme ond u the ff -taltbawy Talibewy | sropresentaert of « argent despot shat undesrmne’ als ie exhical Arthouse [oaztie| age ea sh r Xe Ae wel ove fae , ea Jaws shenld pe the aaaaumont fre SVG enlace ard social developmest 19 4.(a) aftr a it ante CEOs ste ape orga i tearm ait ore ae arate He Fee art Ra FT ATT Ee 81 PT aT ara 2 PR aT ee aT A eos aera are & free wate 2? aarataarare Thar Alfa (150 seat FH saz A) Wealthy CEOs and founders of successful businesses around the world are increasingly pledging to give away their wealth in philanthropy. Do you think that such a move is sufficient enough to bring about a positive change in the society? Critically examine. (Answer in 150. words) 10 \pe the change wart be ase ivy tre tone weld” — yarous ces ° ————y ‘wine ay sah come cxpekeesine te inerme = epricad co? Of —— including Bi gate tee pedicle 3a(') of Dest BX sdg-d fren people te aaa "platlenndierphey af veonue beets : ahead pisenarages MW % kell adkikudes a wacity) was where Co eee eee gate eae since she vos dd su ib ber -reapensivi bet_this A eitende in aching» perttee are rete tiny » Compared ty went te an diesinds a, greene ~ more syinbiie Im neler® 4 panne re ries, Hoh SG peat widly oy de puidentory cee FAs ad on 0 remy area none fp ovente flat beer’ ie - ack a menting of Sach fares Sahai *4ectvenes Cove insur of abacriennatinn, port, prejudices An orseeny: « even tony [Kant Eategnee! Supeive, appreciates poilentiontiy 7 6° aust ve camel abn UR esteewees x www. 21 Bi eraie 4. (b) sft sft are staat arya BA afore (Al) eaiae ari ae 22 8, eae AL rH aT teh Pref At atte ft qe H afew qin af aad 2, ert ovary a ort am era TET Bt ae yeahh #, Provan, qreafitar ae ata ft qe & at Ravi ae vat Fifa (150 seat 4 sae Sif) As organizations across the globe begin their artificial intelligence (Al) transformation, the leap into the AI era is expected to be more challenging than any technology that businesses have grappled with yet. In this background, discuss the concerns around fairness, transparency, and job security that may arise, (Answer in 150 words) 10 pon odd US $4 Hiking Kecenture vob tak AS Jo Ondia's Ree by 2° t th withend 2galg, tien“ engnghre ms AT ———> — plantas are biased Bin ce. oT en on, ov dataset we Wa J prepaices © pyprron's BE creonsitment Ape Ueartad EE © . paghorabia)iy cremeny ent Wistovical sate fame a bed low wroweeny poe Jean aaa he fern of git Ye eet ib ud - ut eesnswmie ae aathaid | where ptibined by for, & only 2 LE an SH yet digi Bieta. 22 ofrera | > uur £ Aada_ yee w seonnty seg duet tee goats c. At 2 cgnotamt we ef a Lb sunliene evades i jh Bi. personal freedon, | \prated Mander Shea VE var | eer py agers dopant te Wee Must = so ee aaron weney “nm UA Li UAahin + © aaa 2t/- cumponk, {7s — YpEcp nob tet be autos jncead KT. tobe pop uc ote jobs ano om 3) Chandrachud mols “recnneleyy an deepen tine BE con ying 00a jualta ee Trae % macmentioa” 23 5. (a) fen, annfiee serra he Ate aeit oe sant cards aceadt a aa aarti area Ht ararfrecaiegfae famok at mona wear &1 Se Sareea aeer cat AI (150 sed wt The emphasis of Swami Dayanand Saraswati on education, social equality, and ethical values continues to influence the socio-cultural discourse in contemporary India. Discuss with suitable examples. (Answer in 150 words) 10 Swami Ga, sant u Vgious arama tw oalimling Socipn YOUNES — bguee ‘ e afcly legacy raves . ih a —* tH, Spreng susp nena His_jd-eats vantnva te inhnence te 1 Sra —— poraeis ot Pe : win ideals bed 2 educa | — O [vinden en Oe 4 ete, DAV dy oak culminated Rovers . h . Ay like urdah, of pose age godt ow www. visionias in 24 geen, iw ™ | “cake syptonw, puch TAeals are weeded fre canteen pains CASE og Poin Vemuder o EA gure syyrbesic my ey ree ghalia 244, 7 cites g ma. yentouchabi dry , At dssvdve the, disaster uel aa Sarreneatt connate Rance an manent vali ku minal Ye da emadly Gnaie’s GA) OT Hoefer ard wore interpre 25 il Figt ey 5.(b) ‘Feraferfiae 8 At ea 9 30 sted & aifina Reoroht farfere : Write short notes on the following in 30 words each : 2x5=10 (Aaa ksh awie . , . Dedication to public service symbolises one's othtuole 4p meet the ethoes ublic seuviie del ing hey waternal leaves Rardany » IRS eating . ° rom sake or Sanjutta farmdhon's le fm oe bt the Bode yniditamey . ‘Koonmesgogi’ ieee ent Aedicalion Fo erswre tee upliftnont it ee FP open we Gordhgite: Tabara Gi) area a eae Non-partisanship in civil service Ge 1 ARC| note Prot ce. Wane particanthip ia at the care Sp goed gavemnannte ° . sock mui Ae gderk

ea —— 30 © |\seaat fucit | wet commun Ns | teat ? |Saier gotta ang MaNREGK tv jodinatnolek, [Ex —_— is rae pura “pniese papain 4 Zesdowre acd Meqraleyn prunes pecial Sk fog ralction ash pian ing UA needle - @e@ Rigt to gaervnodion KA] spat makes pede se wkinisaction of bard Is (aie anne ~ @[feex Fenians |— th exe g wheereh cose en prwiertion , Participa’ xara OL. ci pestom Serewe for epee PY Aine & wADEE @ Jpnitiates af pris & ues — Ge Pure MC ‘nde ation iment pave _dedrended dey fo Ore neat trele fre avrg , wee endity ene Vick chase fer sma, tovwacls « at the Cre W pecountadlry wauat be hos of Soanctionsy, +p achieve aor, Fount a i ara we agit oe Haga vada after A att ara east at aaa aaa fre ae A gare Tait aT evar ar ofa Pe seit age A gar A OH sport ary PRR ange re HE Ager Pere Set 3 are efge Par war ear aft ot fea aren anrfta oeara ate 3 a sere aera ea co aT Skee ara aera, aT nftet are er Eh ot Ree A gar eer HE ge CATT ow ory, Peat afar A gene At em gear A ae A, set arent He et oe a, Far “sera aftr Sree ee Pear eh & a aT far ae a ew ree Pere rare Fr are Sa are anare e, afta A econ afte ar car aera Ere age A wea aartte ar Sri aes ar Rote fram fer aren ear ore PRR carat A ort Pret Set ft ges Aaa a ts Pe age Rt ugara waiter 3 ania art A en ah Aare At ath ew aah A a TA aE, At fear aren sare Fy ae Peco an aren ey ar ty re A ser oan aT ae ai AAT afte 8 terre ae eam ea are, ve a ta PR tera oats Pete am ant A ars A aT er fe aet At gears wore F tenet A Atersit ste AfBar are were Pat are, afore arco reer PAST Safe A aera rer AA hy te Rrcre aafs a Aare fer; Fae aft sent ator afta ae 3 Par weiter at we sa oa ofa ate, gate ater Parr eat Seer ee Pe car a ea sear a Tn ora seafrw eer & Pee are TAT ated oft oat Ha ea yam aad H, Paes ar oe Sif (a) ea yar H omnia AE ate 8? (by tft hentia at ara avarcrae wore a ar ae Pe gar grea Py a aH 2? (250 seat # sae Afar) In a metropolitan city of India, the law enforcement authorities decided to adopt facial recognition technology to improve their crime-fighting capabilities. They implemented a facial recognition system that integrated with existing surveillance cameras across the city, allowing, real-time identification and tracking of individuals, The system was intended to assist identifying known criminals, missing persons, and suspects in ongoing investigations. One evening, a woman reported a mugging incident where the perpetrator wore a hoodie, obscuring most of his face. The victim provided a vague description to the police, and based on that information, the authorities decided to use facial recognition technology to locate potential suspects, The system scanned through hours of surveillance footage from various locations near the crime scene. The facial recognition algorithm generated a list of potential matches, and one individual's image stood out as a close match to the description provided by the victim. The police considered this, individual a prime suspect and proceeded with his arrest. Subsequently, it was discovered that the arrested person was innocent. Further investigation revealed that the facial recognition system had misidentified the innocent individual due to the limitations of the technology and the partial description provided by the victim. The police released the arrested individual; still his reputation got tamished for life. He, along with his family, was evicted from their current place of residence. The psychological impact of the incident has been tremendous owing to which his job is also on the line. 32 With reference to this case study, answer the following: « (a) What are the issues involved in this case? air (b) What measures can be taken to minimize the negative implications of adopting such | Canciduue technologies? (Answer in 250 words) 20 | seer me . \ Prakary Moa Palace Scheme and ranartw ee tachreley Sng ve Vet daenes ow Be OF 0 et City bathe . inshill capacity buildty, by pole borcer efvenest soc ye prnmsperrenta «Af acces — : a ywithded | Ane to [anneced 33 www f oy technéley, & pee, innocent patviauad & Ws ferrily bed % 4 i and face percemin (Fea KBr ke] Uy poleve aw Ane algeretnm veut she facial met cognitive techndo we jpery oww dune _clilegpn Fe : ofa Sam oe retgpbewrs oy the ee “ . ye - =o ‘papite a the accuses ipreA ard walk _“P pth’ aque @ lime repent gi tes eankercs | pul core rat we Voth _techndleg Je uwrony Menerton — @ Measures _t te eben © vin fe negative tgs _ ok adeptig sock etniny Maer’ Polies that wu tech Oe] — ee pave leak Vises iat _o. sopylement : a regpce meet Ane nvertiga er a polled of facial tecendiegy Olga a de xe unter pn «ali cer . wally P22 2 Wak Re opeg vounmt fe socal vesperttble \e Ss data , ae RMSE - Fr) se © [RIDER | -eretin df wm prockives X SoPe bP emuncce_Yhindne dre tacthe individual wrsey Q pikd Sete fo yates ‘inner ate™ e we of technslyy 35 hacen 4 lor ‘i i ‘ie argin ® Fechndlogy pantbere | - Sntemation 5 peek ao colabrat tn card acadomia- one’ emnamce We accuracy QL voructrew 1, sac rectnsloyy . © a X Senartinahion miter public tp destiqnabize obo petice and preredt Sneak poriey' vy soiehy tivo gly “ppepeats conprignd Hone, advocaled ih [Seabna Halelary | ia ex om the ettricel Ni NET yp poicergsee* vrage £ facil receyten ve were the crm jee fe rere apes ; ae snap pechnaloga b www. 36 il w a a ‘far she sae atta & dha Rat a walt Ae ett ek eB ae ae eA ee get ata oe fra ata sat pe A ee HE pbaafPrw ate AT terme A oe 21 oe ofa coed gt av, sat ote a Thee A gee eee ae fe Aa aed ad ata aT tae senfea 8 ate sat ore dade droe ae at ga aaah arr aa aide cari Fin @i ari, wa dad oo Ht age arta & ater, Aer a ata Par ar fh eet area Saige (VPs) # A oH sae aga afe eae & rer oT ae aT He HoH aT areata aca & Fro afaftcs vars erat a1, 42 oraere ae Patt ver ded ara aT ae TAT TI waa ator Aah areca oe At Ata & eet A afer At th SAH ge Tse Ft ca TT vara Pear ate VP arer Pear 22 after oar ane far ae aaa Reeafnat acaT oe ax fam wa wa sat pian ve oe fae ae Pear ar @, aT sat se 2 PH sat a ee VP aa aT aT VE aeAT 21 ari, VP A ere =a a pe At raha at er aT er 2, aa car for ae ate sath area aren aft car ae ore fe ae are ag age ae a TE atk aT ae geet weara aH eT TE eat we ga ate Seinpt area at arenfea eect @ ae ea SA are oe ea aT oT, aT aaa war ar PR va ft are & safes Peet ft caqfaarorrs ae aT aTAAT HoT VE aT ST Bion art wae A ara Fett safer emai, ag se art HF anftraafte ate oe atest Ht TAT Fafa 2, edi VP a ore ea pa A ra aT FT ahve fafa a: (a) Star st Fa gaat ar aT aT os ATE? (b) Sa Ta er eer 8? Tere HM se Try aATET () 3% art araré ara art arfaré A Paifes Ary, ave at sea are fre FT (250 wat # oe ART) Rina and her friends from the college were working as interns with a company for the last few months. On completion of their internship, some of them, including Rina, have been offered full- time jobs in the company. Being a reputed company, she and her friends accepted the offer. Rina is enthusiastic about her new job and has even established good relationship with some of her company co-workers during her internship. However, during her tenure as an intern, Rina had begun to notice that one of the Vice-Presidents (VPs) of the company was giving her too much attention. He used to make an extra effort to stop by Rina’s cubicle and chat, something he was not doing with any of the other interns. He had even tried to connect with Rina over social networking sites. Some of her co-interns also noticed this and began to make offhand comments to Rina about the extra attention being given by the VP. Now that she was has been hired for a full time position, she is fearful that she might have to work with this VP directly. While he has not done or said anything explicitly inappropriate, the extra attention and the fact that her co-workers noticed it, made her very uncomfortable and undermined her concentration at work. ‘The company encourages an open and friendly atmosphere and when she was hired, it was communicated to her that she should always speak to her Manager whenever faced with any uncomfortable work related issues. However, she is concemed to speak about it officially, as the VP has not explicitly done anything wrong. 37 weet = wait her ie Candidates In the given situation: (a) What dilemmas does Rina face? (b) What options does she have? Provide the merits and demerits of each (©) Highlight the course of action she should adopt, along with justification for the same. (Answer in 250 words) 20 (10) Sw _Vishakha vs State of Rejasin, tape w Vishe Cok wiguigntss te mead sabe amicne Nels pace So omen aokizgaction : h. abows forse f eee A @ Dilemmas Pred Rina JASE with md A vaking any sok of acre "] 38 preety caw Winsere Ring's prereionel SX prefer “getty. {she om be cusumed to be Layee ure wis) But here . . geresona apts od stake YD walls on cat fo vit substantive _ockin by WP a anhAbe hey well bety Xe ut frat Caw Ger se 6) a ee oe cana ye proves ween a Riral's arecciihar fp beeve + wean vt and consti bet = ——— as a valor 4 uncembed * ewan 0) s gilewt 4 eet ackion 3 Mercik © hopes xo © feraenal sa4ery at @ bowaatien wah WP poke w be wre corel WT ‘ ett El awit fot @ Bete projet iis arson (content sinte par Rewoltty w a il * wk 0 Hex ovellbeiry 4G \@ ve could be =n @ ve wight be milan exponen es " jolow collengre @ wereplace Weormes se @ Relaton wth per i proendlg ey cnllednt, |G) pina con have te qednous investiga @oouta be osemed ve foe sear’ orate oth five the could, ce Ae CHADS Vile arurpenaim ere. aL sareiy are Ec A tt Re ar Ay ee Aa Pear ar 8, at fee sara sere rat aa By ar Rite a a A areehiee Rearera A her 2 aE wart ait sae Pre 34 fare arate ote Rete at aga A Aart ot cart at set eT Peara war 81 eae aerar, ae ehh sracoit & array ara, wavs Hara pea he afin aftepa at rar @ wad tar Revit ar ga ate oe geste Pear a eT A ie aA Te, ae wat aart 2 fa Hee we age afta fat ar sare ara @, Pere ter ere ot oft 8, a err a fran 2 ote a garth fir wages a fret go Bi eet A ae ae, Tere a8 arfaré fa ona oe arate gear oe ara A eet 23 Al Tart anita we, aT aro 38 ce er oe pe art re aa Re ae te ore A ana Sa ag a Sra FEAT aI fre 3 tea Pren after & eo, Rafat vat a aera fife: (ay arden acon artic Ata ae aa 87 (b) STRTe TT Hany aera HT TATATT FA TTT? (o) Patina vArarait i arr aa A fae & fare ae eaten corte areas art afer? (250 oat # sar Fifa) You have recently been posted as a Nodal Education Officer in one of the districts, where mass cheating in examinations is a regular phenomenon. Media reports have shown parents and relatives scaling school walls and buildings to pass answer chits to students taking secondary school examinations in the district. Moreover, with the advent of new technological devices, cheating in examinations has become more sophisticated and exam rules are flouted openly. On investigation, it has come to your notice that these rackets are run by many school authoritie: including exam invigilators who are mostly teachers, and they are hand in glove for profits. With a shortage of staff, invigilators threaten go on mass strikes if any action is taken, Conducting the exams, cancelling them on account of cheating and having re-exams are a loss of time and money for the government and this vicious eyele goes on. As the Nodal Education Officer of the district, address the following questions (a) What are the ethical issues involved in the above case? (b) How will you resolve the issues in the given case? (©) What long-term strategy needs to be adopted to deal with the menace of cheating in various examinations? (Answer in 250 words) 20 Sw tre Weds of macaw Wthey King Sv] , N ce pw characky should be the ' ef _ginentn oY 50 aa) 42 il i @ [sea aes eles _ Necbl Sdwecleen ve Mero ae spe inet nee (NO) jespo tie on uF eis Og aE een’ co see et i , A paken we ae Sern Th ne 0c term 9 reel eee = “a 5 | Gig tre fn ee tong g | oe’ TE Gea ls # at dae Wt ped fonction \ cenchows4P voww jaotitetion arene the tue goed of eduwcatin . shee Candidates frie on ‘hi margin Ope ene omen . hey acton, tho SeAers . aka a me atin disas cote iu haw at kor speachey deme mds + “Hey ee @ veo ect ie dl Arun paren es accountable dp ennnree perry pen eine fom Ford Mp dp perduck be javignte the ercami if Sew, schet\ teachers oe rst coe porate www (D Asa means Leuk veoh ese ev "geeky Homedin in ngilgrhhg onetrion phar ©, teacher and conducl ekans Ww aka manner ® Seek W wi oe GH conduct the KAM ww a prancearrent manner * 4 pith clvakderen A pave ty dsc © _» arial coucat fon — travel voles abe a re srudest jeaching ISH TRA? Bl long s chownes ke pewter AR’ tesm sreategy ~Fransparent sl ten uke PAREKH prot Ures fecnnslogy 1 evade ren ching tone Sane tp ancestor FE “need Preaking Bs cuwa wth ctakeholden - | qoinirg 4 geacheret _ treugly Mm SHR ah. ‘a Candidates l_¥ Smprore caucrbin qurbt wth wreqesy sens wit keey ee {NO USUA & La pepood fr a_conhinsweur 5 hem Hook compere’ educator 48 rai on eras) Snclvees gertleny Pew ce jn Brey oth SPOKE, 4 ne oy ays Tach ore “- nahi = Wa onal ese hod L “pluton lg abet Hin Inet alr develo prvenl- + tind Wedeg & ogi i10. age aye AR ae reat ar oh fs Ee era Bal aT aha orga ater & area & form aria qe feat aT agra 2A, cath etoraea ate arias A aga we Ot onfits afta ff ataria argh ara act Free fenfy c eae H cae gu, aoRe TATE aa 4 6,000 siex #1 ward # fez ag % aa A ae, Fare, Feit ae areeT greghrares 3 erra fh PAAiT aT aera aa Pa 540 Pierre stare he ara aT Aa wears wea fae aftatorar 100 ait ae area A gta aT af ae a aa A ae rere afta ar oft seer ear, aah arena ate oat a var aero es arta Sat aT ara om arvift, oa afteaedt seat ar artty 2 fe wet aye H Pfr A catacr Ht acafirs aa A vada qaenftat arr dere wera afore oe wh cares Pear H ver ara 3 PR Ha TH mgt ag Haare A ravenna ote sah atarfae afta at gaz Ga a at aT TAT 2, TH ae a aaron a om aeroy wera aderaeay At aoa aa Hehe Sear Tarhs ey 4 aft 21 ot aera ag faRra catactia, api ote ona aah ata & aeart agen ry aarcohte Pear esther sto carcra RT aT oT sor eT BT” ag wt ara oe ft sare sera ¢ PR aca arte aT raTarh & a Ae at faa, TTT aaa writ At arasaar after att ge 1 ae afearas araarre dat @, Tt ae ATT A aTeft facraa & ore darae a 2a are are areas deat & are Ht ear sore aae afafte, BMW, ated, aera sie atftarg aad Prater Aaeir SDI Seth safest A ws gat Wage aye Hh aaa 8 cera orgt FT a ae aa aes A oa ae FG, a oe PT anfatater % vatacotte sift a "saree ee A eT Tet TAT" 21 args aan 3 aad 4, Prafafas oe ene Afar: (a) Fea aH omar AA AE aha 8? (by warerét A stareotterar ore after ware ere Flere Pet erg nfs Pare abstr aT 43a oH fear aT aaa 2? (250 seat H Tae AST) Many proponents of deep-sea drilling argue that tapping into the vast amount of rare earth elements in the Indian Ocean will help shore up national security interests for India, bolster its economy and workforce, and offer a reliable supply of strategic minerals. Keeping this in mind, the government has approved a $540-million programme to study ways of mining nickel, cobalt, manganese and iron hydroxide from the bed of the Indian Ocean 6,000 meters below sea level, ‘The government argues that the project can power India’s growth for 100 years. It will also study climate change, explore marine flora and fauna and harness thermal energy. However, a competing point of view alleges that deep ocean drilling poses immense risk to the environment. A comprehensive report on Sustainable Ocean Economy by independent geologists states that “until the need for, and potential consequences of, deep-sea mining are better understood, the concept is conceptually difficult to align with the definition of a sustainable ocean economy and raises various environmental, legal and governance challenges, as well as possible conflicts with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.” It also highlights that the profitability of national mining operations, without governmental support or comparably low taxes, remains questionable. If the operations are profitable, it will also raise questions about the equitable sharing of profits derived from a resource taken out of humanity's common heritage 47 iat (rae Additionally, companies like BMW, Volvo, Google and Korean battery maker Samsung SBI, ‘vowed in a statement to not buy metals produced from deep-sea mining until the environmental risks of the activity are “comprehensively understood.” In the context of the above-stated information, address the following: (a) What are the ethical issues in the given case study? (b) How can the vision of economic development of a nation be achieved without adversely affecting the sustainability of oceans? (Answer in 250 words) 20 i hee Univers al Declarahbu Human _Riglets . o ced ‘Right to heal aes anneun aid? yobs g consyuie ati af ged ow a Wumew wget 7 anginatiion opie: ‘ 48, eed @ A 3 — Since the preesedi a vonete will be legal “pepe ee 0 jog I oe y poreated caivonennk - bile MER , sipabeow (ast grt ame ¥) abe bem are tomancber a pon , vive he pooh rou , (©) vis ©, econo mic dereloprrent eved wethead apecty °° ——— ofan Poe Romer a x e puna, Feopes pages tent abibittinn -b fe ee ys The Bik Wut be camvied puri \ gullably from o Sheehy sulcer wh Jack weterd & jimpactionty 7 Seda} Sunpak Shuck fo map the extent Jacennent of indlig neous 6 of nekapititvtion * Zs anna! ct Coartat communther BX make In ened niet ewe material &s wen rnaterial compensahin j i Gaakanable rain? a coteen fester Qe lew qeernngeteget jo ve axed, & technslogy aang gndenna Hoa collaberetrs . rane fm @ Bio diverca’ prtechin = SL Aispes ¥ af corals cAlewier ~ sdenhpie AMT Jacement of Sere % fauna de saber location , www elle lecatin based ov cetent ov _celewh| U | et de we go preercriperi. : = @ fret ee ot a smal! Secle te condew Pehla nd exlentd 4 Soc] stand “he impact oe Mined dovelegrent — witty pracy Leneht Trams | wei % dy raimuey pee Vike NGT and cPCB 4 ¢) \ em pode L veiw vinerabi lt a — el chowa be & w: £ do wake stil neigh bea” INCOIS | www. ft ark area pera cet are enfant Bg ot A aaa Ht Rae oe ret 40 wears rate até err AY tora stn rere pA eared, area ate att art sar stor Rear ae an ar ar eg AAA aera, wa eae aT shee AT A a aT a SoA fr aren see ert ata a Sere ara ae aE ew aT HT Bh aie aT eT aie ants ao dar ag 8 ea A epee or atte Refit As to ar er sare aE, att om aa after ow ora eres apera #8) oe AE it ar aa ag pare vest arte ar Sex at aa &, Peas arava awe der a aah Bate a ata ft ata ta Soft ca at aa Baa, or sort Rang ee a ce eae ot Aonich swf fare aed Pe sorer ate a at et arr ate 3 Pir ate a A at a, Pave aT svar ack ater At ae 8, fry ag seg Al aT 1,500 anit awh eae A AT aT ag 8, grate ares ae am on 2 ae A ae gee A PRAT aT he oe Eee sara if rear fer Sih othe agit wet area tenet ace ara iy Fare sean spite A one caret eet ae erat ear di arate Bate oe oft afieger wares AT BL sea dts ae ier em rate Hoa he afte are are 8 alee Se aed Pea aT eae re ara rae are tr nf stat a fer safe sn aay aster ae arate & fib ork or cet TE area at 8 ote A a at spare ere ar Per ck & Pe ara Sen ore at or, or aT a Se Pk are oh a war are faa sara, age arava & Ranft at avarees fear 8 fe a & Pe og anaes eet pot Rom Fae athe at ert ar gre Per ae wafer se Ato tate are aT att ren aae aft arm arf, Paceirat a airy & foe areas aft vatacotte ware Peete Aare ae Hae Bohr ck oft gent ara ag 3 fh ata aa Rania adi a afar at fe, Bra fae A Setar 8, waft ag att A ara agro, ea ToT AL (a) ar wom Par afar & ate mg do ara deniers Hf aren 1 att Spe see et ae Bi a het gait aro ear eA (by arfard i Rreafaere starter aa a ate deat ar sede Af: (1) a0 Rearitet Raste a sorcotera arr the on ar eet a agar Pt ogee aah A aga tT (2) 2m an are wT eA aT gar Sere a reer et ay, Peat area eee feat ae arora (3) Tre mR a ae geen a ere wae tate shh afte Prt St arg far sara Fare store re art ea ara (250 staat # sare Afar) Mr. Y. purchased 40 acres of land in a city located in the forested foothill for the construction of a place of religious worship by members of his community. The plans for the worship place called for numerous interconnected buildings, balconies, and water fountains. In addition to being a centre for worship, the place is intended to provide a residence for many worshippers who travel from far-off locations. Everyone looking at the plan agrees that the structure should prove to be extraordinarily beautiful. Ironically, the beauty of the site has become a chief cause for concern among the local residents of the area, a significant percentage of whom belong to a different www. 52 ie mar relfgious community. Many of them believe that the place may become a tourist attraction, causing traffic problems and the degradation of the tranquil lifestyle of their neighbourhood. At {he least, thousands of worshippers are expected to visit the place regularly. Many residents think their neighbourhood is not suitable for a facility of this size, nor for the number of people it is expected to accommodate. The congregation plans to have gatherings of up to 1,500 people, though only a single two-lane road approaches the site. The traffic, opponents argue, will cause commuting problems and introduce hazards on roads frequented by children and bicyclists. Increased traffic could also have an adverse impact on the environment. Meanwhile others see a more those who object to the worship place are motivated by 1 But those who oppose the construction insist that religion has nothing to do with it and they are ‘opposed to any type of development that would lead to traffic congestion in the area. So, they just have an issue with the size and location in this case. In answer to the opposition, city planners have assured the residents that all of the city’s guidelines and zoning regulations relevant to the area will be followed. They see no reason to stop the plan of construction. However, the opponents allege that the city planners have failed to prepare an adequate environmental impact report and, more importantly, did not properly notify residents, who are likely to be affected, while it was still in its nascent, flexible stages of planning. (a) You are a District Magistrate and the area lies in your jurisdiction, People from both sides have approached you with their grievances. What would you do to reconcile the two points of view? (b) Mention the merits and demerits of the following potential courses of action: (1) Ignore the opposition from the residents of the area and allow the place of religious ‘worship to be built in accordance with the existing regulations. (2) Prohibit the construction, agreeing with the residents while causing distress among the thousands of worshippers counting on the new place of worship. (3) Asa compromise, you place additional building regulations on the worship place or insist ‘on modifications to the design, (Answer in 250 words) 20 53 aauet . yo Pe : > © stakeholders ow Indigenous Asc Onpartaache fea Religions steeds arociahton Jo bard pooe 45 Touvikew : cod re wy City plannera ee oy dp undentand seope & extent 4 é t 2 B 8 L aoe OnE py [ean anbitions lender ® ve - \ inl TT —“Ppolitizal once at stele — Lot, clecttim Heket —Wo scope df reform poy er media attention does wt gather mers? 1 atten ho opty A Vv interes of beth fella k aang re Fooap. fo chim wp he poutteal careet . June Can pay crefevms Is a otal damper fer ~ downed Kor cont cl aly sé WPrfpeece dant © fowue 4 Rehr Ferber woh Vth am es Q doa [Abe son in |r) fake derelopmentl |] — sal abouk overs! chm in coh yeading wile npocene iy spuds ad . fo gain pene we teagan” tit jake fer under erp on argo Are wosbnge: geecaninest pg ty weddings ava 1 awaifienton “Sovedopmant 2p eae hee Yay Te Wages elec | — Ge nore Tnvened Carma gw wedding mo fret fo compenante G4 tre ec! push weal ia adn PArtizal leaders | Uke Gocco Nae. aid id Trlorcanbs we-ccinge,/ KM MM oF she aernselve show i ee ent Eek F iil Ti HE SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 62 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 63 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 64

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