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Ch-5 Formulas and Functions

A. Fill in the blanks

1. Formulas are used to perform ...Calculations...

2. A Formulas always begins with ...Equal to (=) …sign.

3. The cell address in a formula is also called ... cell reference...

4. The cell address in the formula that does not change on copying, is
considered as Absolute …Reference...

5. The addition of two or more text value is called ... concatenation.

6. …. Arguments... are input to function, that accept value as number or text.

7. A function must be followed by opening and closing ...parenthesis...

8. The ...& ... character is used for concentration of strings.

B. State True or False

1. Formulas must begin with question mark(?). ---- False

2. In absolute referencing, the relative position of rows and columns change

where you copy a formula. ---- False

3. A combined reference is a type of cell reference. --- False

4. In Absolute reference, ‘$’ sign is used before the cell co-ordinates. —True

5. A range can be used in a formula. --- True

6. A sheet tab cannot be renamed ---- False

7. The sum function is used to find sum of values. ---- True

8. The error # value occurs if the number is divided by a zero----- False

c. Application based question.

1. Sports teacher has measured the height of the students in a class. Saumya
has been the assignment to find the maximum and minimum height from
the collected data. Suggest the function that she should use to accomplish
the task.

She should use the Max() and Min() function.

2. Ms Priya and her friends got a raise of 10% hike in their salaries. Find the
total amount if their present salary is 15000. Calculate the salary by using

Formula to be used: Salary + Salary*10


A. Multiple Choice Questions.

1. To use the sheet reference, which address is appropriate out of the

following options?

c. Sheet1! D4

2. Which key combination is used to get sum of the values of the adjacent

c. Alt + =

3. Which function finds the largest number in a range?

c. Max ()

4. Which function returns the reminder after a number is divided by the

divisor ?

a. MOD
5. Which of the given cell reference can be used in a relative reference?

b. A3
6. Which function is used to count the number of numeric values in a range?

a. Count()

B. Answer the following

1. What is a Formula? Explain with the help of an example.

Formulas are used to perform calculations involving addition, subtraction,

division, and multiplication. It is an expression that can include cell
addresses, numbers, arithmetic operators, and parenthesis. For example, to
find Average of four values, you can use the formula: (value 1 + value 2 +
value 3 + value 4)/4.

2. What is cell reference? Mention its type.

The cell address in a formula is known as the cell reference. References

help in finding the values or data in a worksheet, that you want to use in
formula. There are three types of cell references: Relative reference,
Absolute reference, and Mixed reference.

3. Mention the two ways of entering a cell reference in a formula. Explain the
difference between them.

Two ways of entering a cell reference in a formula:

a. Relative reference: In this method, reference to a cell is based on the
position relative to the cell. Example: A3=A1+A2
b. Mixed reference: In this type of reference, either row or column is fixed
by placing a dollar sign ($) before it. Example: A3=$A1+A$2

The difference between the two ways becomes visible when the formula is
copied to other cells. In case of relative reference, the cell reference
automatically gets changed whereas the fixed column or row remains
unchanged in case of mixed reference.
4. What do you know about Absolute Reference? Explain with the help of an

Absolute reference is used when it is required to keep the address of the cell
fixed while copying the formula to another cell. To use absolute reference in
a formula, dollar sign ($) is used before the column and row number.
Example: =$A$1+$A$2

5. Explain the utility of function library.

Function Library provides an insight into the names and functionality of

the different functions defined in Excel. The functions can be accessed by
selecting the Formula tab and clicking on an appropriate category under
the Function Library group.

6. Explain the circular reference with the help of an example .

Circular reference occurs when a formula in a cell refers to its own cell
value directly or indirectly. For example, if the formula =A1+A2*3 is
entered in cell A2, it signifies the occurrence of circular reference and
results in a warning message.

7. What do you mean by functions? Name some functions.

Functions are the pre-designed formulas in Excel to perform both simple

and complex calculations. Functions save time and eliminate the chance to
write wrong formulas. Some examples are: SUM, AVERAGE, ODD, ROUND,

8. What are the rules to enter a function?

Rules to enter a function are given below:

 All Excel functions must begin with = sign.
 Function name must be a valid Excel name, followed by an opening and
closing parenthesis.
 Arguments are enclosed in the parenthesis.

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