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5 Bonus
When a business company goes in profit, it distributes certain percentage of the annual profit to its
employees as an incentive. This is other than their salary. This incentive amount is known as Bonus.
Bonus amount = bonus % of yearly net profit
If the number of employees is N, bonus is equally distributed then bonus received by an employee
Bonus amount
= N

Worked Out Examples

Example 1: A company makes a profit of Rs 2,00,00,000 in a certain fiscal year. The
management decided to distribute 6% of profit as bonus equally among
20 employees. Find the bonus amount that each employee will receive.
Solution: Here,
Number of employees = 20
Profit = Rs 2,00,00,000
Bonus = 6% of profit
= 100 × 2,00,00,000 = Rs 12,00,000

 Bonus amount that each employee receive = 20 = Rs 60,000

Hence, each employee will receive Rs 60,000 as bonus.

Example 2: A company made a profit of Rs. 85,00,00,000. The bonus is distributed
equally among 170 employees and each received Rs. 4,00,000. Find the
bonus rate.
Solution: Here,
Profit = Rs. 85,00,00,000
Number of employees = 170
Bonus received by each employee = Rs. 4,00,000
Total bonus distributed = 170 × Rs. 4,00,000 = Rs. 6,80,00,000
Bonus = x % of 85,00,00,000
or, 6,80,00,000 = 100 × 85,00,00,000

 x = 8%
Hence, the bonus rate is 8%.

Arithmetic Mathematics - 9 |43

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