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Handout - Work and Travel


1.Gain Valuable Work Experience: Work and travel programmes allow you to gain
valuable work experience in a foreign country. This experience can enhance your
resume and improve your job prospects.

2.Cultural Immersion: Living and working in a foreign country provides a unique

opportunity to immerse yourself in a new culture, meet new people, and learn new
customs and traditions.

3.Personal Growth: Work and travel programmes are an excellent opportunity for
personal growth. You'll learn to be more independent, self-reliant, and responsible when
you navigate in a new Surround.

4.Adventure and Travel: Work and travel programmes provide a unique opportunity to
travel and explore new parts of the world. You'll have the opportunity to see new sights,
try new foods, and experience new adventures.

5.Language Learning: Working and living in a foreign country is an excellent

opportunity to improve your language skills. You'll have the chance to practice speaking
the language every day and improve your language skills quickly.


1.Homesickness: Being away from home for an extended period can be challenging,
especially if you're in a foreign country where everything is unfamiliar. You may feel
lonely and miss your family and friends.

2.Cultural Shock: Adjusting to a new culture can be difficult, and you may experience
culture shock. It can take time to get used to new customs, traditions, and ways of life.

3.Financial Costs: Work and travel programmes can be expensive. You'll need to pay
for your travel expenses, accommodation, and living expenses. If you're not able to
secure a job quickly, it could be challenging to cover your expenses.

4.Work Challenges: Working in a foreign country can be challenging, especially if

you're working in a field that's unfamiliar to you. You may have difficulty
communicating with your colleagues or understanding the work expectations.

5.Visa Requirements: Applying for a work and travel visa can be a complicated
process. You'll need to provide a lot of documentation and meet certain eligibility
criteria. There's also a chance that your visa application could be rejected.

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