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How to change bad habits

Girl: I think I have developed some bad habits and I need to change them because
they are affecting my personality and doing much harm to me.
Boy: Yes, it really does so much harm. You should definitely change these bad habits
as I did.
Girl: I am trying to change them but I am unable to get away with them. Will you
please help me to cope up with this.
Boy: Yeah, sure I’ll help you. See you need to follow some steps to get rid of your bad
habits. First, you must know what your bad habits are. To know your bad habits and
to change them, you should:
1)Try to examine yourself.
2)Avoid the temptations.
3)Add some obstructions to your bad habit.
4)Replace your bad habit with a good one and
5)Stay motivated.
Girl: Yes, I should observe myself first and stay motivated too. I’ll surely follow your
Boy: Come I’ll explain to you in detail how to do these steps properly.

Nowadays as we all know everyone is working hard for their ideal lifestyle, and
money has taken over everything in this world. But still, many different things define
the personality of a person and the capability of the person, those things are known
as habits. Habits are the things that we are continuously doing from our childhood,
every person’s personality is depicted by the habits that he or she is showing to
other individuals. Right in some cases, many different bad habits are not much liked
by other people.

Hybrid can also be called a temporary or permanent thing if a person wants to

change his or her habits then he or she can change them within some days or
weeks. On the other hand, if a person doesn’t want to change his or her habits then
that habit will go on till the person is alive, but apart from the money factor habit
plays a very important role in defining a personal personality, and many different
people work to change the bad habits. So, if you are also a person who wants to
change some of your bad habits then in this article, we will discuss many different
ways by which you can easily change your bad habits and become more and more
attractive to your personality.

1.Try to examine yourself

As you all know if you want to change your bad habits into good habits then
the first thing that you have to do is to examine yourself. You can examine
yourself and find out all the bad habits that are not liked by the people who
are around you and then after finding those bad habits you can easily start
working on them. You can make a note of all the bad habits that you’ve been
doing and since when are you performing all these habits. As you will try to
observe your bad habits, it would get much easier for you to change them into
good habits. Thus, it is often said that before doing any work you have to first
examine yourself to know where you are standing and what is the amount of
hard work that you have to do to achieve your goal.

2.Avoid the temptations

If you want to change your bad habit into a good one then you have to avoid
all the different temptations which are tempting you to continue to do that
thing which you call a bad habit, for example, if you have a bad habit of eating
junk food, then the most beneficial thing that you can do to avoid that bad
habit of eating junk food is that you can avoid the small cravings or
temptations which are offered by friends, family members, etc. In the first
couple of days, it would be very hard for you to avoid those different
temptations which are offered to you. But as we all know that when we start
going on a path, the path becomes easier and easier .So that being said
sometimes you may be able to avoid the temptations and get rid of bad

3.Add some obstructions to your bad habit

The most effective thing that you can do to get rid of your bad habit, is you
can add some of the obstructions to the habit that you are doing continuously.
You can add small obstructions which can make it a little harder to do that
bad habit. After the time passes, you don’t want to do that habit again and
again, for example

● If you have a bad habit of biting nails then you can start to apply nail
colors or Nail Coats as it would restrain you from biting nails

● For all the different habits which are not easy to get rid of ,you can put
a rubber band around your wrist and you can snatch yourself every
time you do that bad Habit.

4.Replace your bad habit with a good one

Replacing your bad habit with a good one is also a very effective and efficient
way by which you can remove or get rid of your bad habits, all you have to do
is just change the habits. For example, if you eat and watch any movie at a
particular time every day, then you can get rid of that habit by doing exercise
or any other productive work at that time. The most beneficial good habit that
you can use to replace your bad habit is to go out and start walking or
jogging, as walking or jogging can be a very good thing for you as it would
also help you to improve your health, and after some time you would be used
to of

going for jogging and walking every day at the time when you were used to
eating and watching movies.

5.Stay motivated
Motivation is the most important thing that a person needs to do anything and
you can also use motivation as a very powerful weapon to get rid of all the
bad habits. Just start having faith in yourself that you will not repeat all these
bad habits, and after some time you will be successful in performing all these

So here are some of the best ways by which you can easily get rid of all the
bad habits that you are doing, and one thing that you have to keep in mind is
that you always have to stay motivated and think that you can easily conquer
yourself and remove all the bad habits from your life, as it would help you to
remove all the bad habits.

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