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Roll No.
S, No. of Question Paper: 9542

Unique Paper Code 62111201

Name of the Paper Introduction to Social Psychology

of the Course:B.A. (Prog,) Psychology: CBCS-DSE

Duraion: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 75

(Write your Roll No. on the top imtmediately on receipt of this question paper)
Note Answers may be written either in English or in Hindi;
but the same medium should be used throughout the

Attempt all questions.

questions camy equal marks.

Define Social Psychology. Examine the scientific nahure of Social

Psychology. 78

2 91 iEap9563 3) 9563

Discuss various external determinants of aggression in detail. 15

Discuss the" ermergence, of Social Psychology as a field.

What is prosocial behaviour ? Discuss the theoretiçal under
Highlight the application of social psychology in various
pinnings of prosocial behaviour. S10
areas. waflen 78

Define a 'group. Elaborate with examples, the cost and benefits

4Diseuss the nature of attitudes. Discuss the learming approach of joining groups 10
7ofatitude formation. 75,75


Evaluate the factors that influence group cooperation and

What is attribution ? Explain varíous biases and erors invoived
contlict. 15
a r i n attribution process. au ealz is s aft5,10
4 9563

5. Write short notes on any nwo 7.5,75

Social loafing
(i) Resistance to attitude change

(in Techniques of controlling aggression

(v) Systematic and heuristic processing


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