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Behavior of Air Bubbles in an
Department of Mechanical Engineering. Axial-Flow Pump Impeller
Motion of air bubbles in a high-specific-speed axial-flow pump impeller was
K. Minemura analyzed on the basis of measured streak lines of air bubbles in the impeller. The
Associate Professor, results were compared with those obtained by a numerical solution of the bubble
College of General Education. motion equations for three dimensional flow. Governing factors of the bubble
motion are the drag force due to the surrounding water and the force due to the
Nagoya University, pressure gradient. Trajectories of the bubbles deviate somewhat from the
Nagoya, Japan
streamlines of water, and the amount of the deviation is dependent on the bubble
diameter and also on specific-speeds of the pumps and flow rate of water.

Knowledge of the behavior of air bubbles in centrifugal bubbles with which the locus of the flow in the impeller can
pumps has recently become increasingly important, relevant easily be traced. The air tube was made adjustable to accord
to safety analyses for the loss of coolant accidents in with various axial and circumferential locations.
pressurized water reactors, and also to the improvement of Flow and Experimental Conditions of Pump. In advance of
waste-treatment plants where sewage pumps conduct air- the experiments using air admission, the distributions of water
water mixtures. In order to investigate the behavior of velocities at sections both just before and after the impeller
bubbles entrained in the pumps, the previous paper [1] ob- were measured in a single phase flow by a Pitot tube with
tained the fundamental motion equations of air bubble three holes. For water capacity lying in the range of 0.20 = <t>
flowing through an impeller of arbitrary shape, and gave a ^ 0.290, the meridian streamlines were nearly parallel to the
numerical procedure to evaluate the resulting bubble motion. pump axis. The data thus obtained, of the flow angle at the
This method was also applied to the flow in a radial-flow impeller outlet, was used to decide boundary conditions for
impeller pump, and the effects of the bubble diameter on its the numerical calculations of the water flow.
motion were discussed.
The air entrained at the upstream section of the pump rises
In the present paper, the same method is applied to an upward in the suction pipe and gathers at the top as is in-
axial-flow pump with high specific-speed, and the flow dicated by hatch lines in Fig. 1. To avoid the effect of this
pattern in the impeller is clarified under air admitting con- accumulation of air, an opening of the air pipe was provided
ditions. The results of the numerical analysis coincides well directly above the pump axis and 35 mm ahead of the im-
with experiments. The bubble motion in the impeller is also peller, where the flow was not influenced by the upstream
discussed in relation to the specific speeds and water bend of the pump casing. The air admission opening was
capacities of pumps currently used. placed at a radial distance of /- = 98.75 mm (r/r2= 0.806),
Experimental Apparatus and Measured Results
Experimental Apparatus. The general arrangement of the
experimental apparatus is the same as that used in the Guide vane
previous study [2], The impeller of the axial pump is designed
on the base of a free vortex flow pattern in the impeller. The Tube for air
pump discharges 8.80 mVmin of water (<£ = 0.260) at its Injection
normal speed of 1340 rpm under the head of 3.28 m; the
specific speed being 1630 (rpm, m, mVmin). In order to
observe the motion of bubbles in the pump, the upper parts of
the casing were made transparent. The piping system in-
cluding the pump was made in a closed type in order to enable
adjustment of the field pressure.
Air was drawn from the atmosphere into the piping system
as is shown in Fig. 1. The entrained air is transformed to fine
Contributed by the Fluids Engineering Division and presented at the ASME
Applied Mechanics, Bioengineering, and Fluids Engineering Conference, Impeller
Houston, Texas, June 20-22, 1983, of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL
ENGINEERS. Manuscript received by the Fluids Engineering Division, December
22, 1981. Paper No. 83-FE-9. Fig. 1 Axial-flow pump employed

Journal of Fluids Engineering SEPTEMBER 1983, Vol. 105/277

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Position of I--Blade spacing
bubble creation
I. Ll L2

A B p~
(a) (b) SfJe
Ll : Discharging range of bubbles e
L2 : Non-discharging range of bubbles
Fig.3 Streak lines of bubble generated from the air tube located at the
various positions relative to blades

uniform size at the impeller entrance. The diameters of the

spheres were measured to be of the order of 0.5 -0.8 mm in
the running condition mentioned above [2]. At the normal
pump speed (1340 rpm) and with low air quantity (the
volumetric ratio of air to water at the pump inlet being
somewhat less than 2 percent), the diameter of the bubbles
was measured to be about 0.5 mm. When an air pipe having
an inside diameter of 0.2 mm was employed, the diameter of
the bubbles ranged from 0.4 mm to 0.6 mm at the pump speed
Fig.2 Streak lines of bubbles in the impeller of 1020 rpm.

slightly inside the impeller tip circle (r2 = 122.5 mm). At this Experimental Procedure. The bubble flows were recorded
point the effects of the leakage flow and cavitation which photographically under stroboscopic lighting. When the
might occur in the clearance between impeller blade and pressure inside the pump was lowered beneath a certain
casing could be avoided. critical value, (Ps - Pa) / pg being equal to - 0.54 m when
Bubble trajectories were recorded at the normal capacity <p expressed in the relative suction head J, the detachment of air
= 0.260 of the pump, and at a speed of 1020 rpm. This speed, from the air pipe becomes periodical with a regular time
being considerably lower than the normal but it preserving the interval, as shown in Fig. 1. An example of the photographs is
similarity low, was suitable for obtaining clear photographs shown in Fig. 2, in which a row of the bubbles exhibits a
of the bubble motion in the impeller. streak line of the flow in the impeller. The thick solid line in
Air bubbles entrained in the suction pipe are generally quite the figure shows an averaged locus of the streak line, as is
large, but they are crushed into finer spheres with nearly mentioned later. The broken line indicates the streak line

____~ Nomenclature

Pa atmospheric pressure
A effective discharging area of Pi total pressure of pump inlet z axial distance
impeller outlet measured on its centerline Z axial coordinate of a bubble
bubble diameter level p density of water
Basset force vector Ps suction pressure of pump inlet () angular coordinate
force vector due to flow Q pump discharge f..() circumferential distance of
resistance r radial distance neighboring streak lines
force vector due to pressure R radial coordinate of a bubble e angulC!r coordinate of a
gradient Re Reynolds number based on a bubble relative to impeller
force vector due to ac- bubble velocity relative to blade
celeration of apparent mass of water =dIV-WI/v v - kinematic viscosity of water
a bubble I time <p dimensionless expression of
buoyancy vector due to the f..1 time required for shift of pump flow rate, Q/ A U2
difference in densities between bubble between two neigh- 1/; angular coordinate of bubble
water and air boring streak lines referred to stationary co-
f:J{i pressure head difference T period of bubble discharge ordinate system = e + wI +
between arbitrary positIOn u peripheral speed of impeller 1/;0
and pump inlet = (P - V velocity vector of a bubble w = angular velocity of impeller
Pi)/pg Vw velocity component of a
M mass of a bubble bubble in the direction of
N number of bubbles situating water flow in a rotating flame Subscripts
on a streak line w velocity vector of water o initial condition of bubble
P absolute pressure referred to W magnitude of water velocity in 2 impeller tip
pump centerline height a rotating system a absolute coordinate system

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obtained by the numerical calculation described later, and the
chain line exhibits a streamline of the absolute flow path. A
considerable discrepancy between these lines is seen due to an
unsteady flow nature in the impeller passage.
In this study, the flow analysis was made on the basis of the
streak line with use of the pitch of each bubble on the line.
The ascending velocity of the bubbles due to the buoyancy is
negligibly small compared with the through flow velocity, and
the bubbles can be assumed to move on a cylindrical surface.
Since the locus of flow on the photographic plate receives
some distortion caused by projection of the cylindrical surface
against a plane, a correction is necessary. When the cylin-
drical surface is developed in a 8 — z plane, rows of air
bubbles corrected for the deformation can be obtained as is
shown in Fig. 3(a).
If the pressure at the air tube opening exceeds a critical
value, the tube does not continuously release the air bubbles in Li : Discharging range of bubbles
the downstream region as shown in Fig. 3(b), and there is a L2 : Non-discharging range of bubbles
range where air is not discharged, expressed by the angle L2. Fig. 4 Relationship between the location of air tube and the number
In the discharging range of bubbles, the number of bubbles on of bubbles generated (Uncertainties for N, B, and the relative suction
each streak line is not the same, but varies with the angle 8. head are ±0.2, ±0.2 deg, and ±0.01 m, respectively)
This inequality is due to the effect of the impeller blade
motion on the pressure at the air pipe opening.
An example of the pressure measured by a piezometric Position of bubble creation (Z-Zo)
transducer is shown in the upper part of Fig. 5, in which the
pressure difference (p —pa) I pg is plotted against 8, when the
relative suction head (ps —p„) I pg is - 0 . 1 0 m. In this figure p
is the air opening pressure and 8 denotes the angular distance
of the opening, measured from the leading edge of an impeller
blade. The pressure is seen to change sinusoidally. In the
lower part of the figure, the numbers of bubbles generated (N)
are plotted against 8. The discharge of the bubbles can be
observed only when the orifice pressure is lower than a critical
value, namely, when the discharging orifice is not near the
Streak line: Experiment, Calculation(d 0 =0.5)
impeller blades. Since N increases linearly with 8, the period
of bubble discharge T remains unaltered during the bubble Relative velocity vector: -Experiment, ^-Calculatlon(d0-0.5m°')
discharge. Let the proportional constant between N and 8 be Relative streanline of water (calculation)'-
k, the period Tis given by the relation T = l/ku> (= 0.568 ms). Fig. 5 Streak lines and relative velocity vectors of air bubbles (Un-
In Fig. 4 the relationship between TV and 8 for the different certainties in e and z for the streak lines are ±0.2 deg, and ±0.3 mm,
suction pressure head is also plotted. The proportionality respectively)
between N and 8 is seen to be established independently of the
suction head. This relationship was used for determining the velocity V and the relative flow direction are ±1.3 m/s, and
bubble trajectories from the observed data.
±5.5 deg, respectively.
Measured Values of Babble Velocities. Examples of the
Method of Analyzing the Experimental Results. The mean streak lines measured are shown by solid lines in Fig. 5.
successive locations of air bubble (by which the streak line of As the bubbles flow down the impeller, the streak lines tend to
the bubble is decided) tend to scatter in the downstream shift slightly toward the direction of impeller rotation. The
region, and some treatment is necessary to make the data bubble diameter in this case was measured to range from 0.4
smooth enough for the further calculation. In this study, the mm to 0.6 mm. As an example of the numerical calculation
mean streak lines were decided by use of multiexposure which will be described later, the calculated streak lines of
photographs. On a single flash photograph taken at the same bubbles having a diameter of 0.5 mm at the initial section are
location as the multiexposure photographs, each bubble shown by broken lines in Fig. 5. A slight discrepancy in the
position can be viewed as the endpoint of a perpendicular observed and calculated results is seen in the downstream
segment to the mean streak line obtained above. sections. This is due to the integration error in the numerical
calculation, but it may be considered that both results are
If we let the bubbles be shifted from row A to row B by the
generally in a good agreement in the available range. Also in
impeller rotation in a small time A ( ( = A8/oi), as shown in
Fig. 5, the relative bubble-velocity vectors obtained by ob-
Fig. 3(a), then the point P on row A will move on the row to
servation are shown by solid lines, and those calculated by the
the point Q downstream of point P ' . The distance between
numerical method are shown by broken lines. Throughout the
the two points P ' and Q is the pitch of the bubble, At/T. If
impeller region, both the magnitudes and directions seem to
the circumferential distance of neighboring streak lines, A8, is
coincide fairly well. Only in the negative side of impeller inlet
sufficiently small, the relative velocity of the bubble at _th_e
can a slight discrepancy be seen. This is explained by the fact
point P can be graphically found by the relation of V = PQ
that the intervals of the bubbles on the streak line become
/At. This calculation was carried out by use of a computer
incorrect in that region, due to the effect of the bubble break
with the data recorded for each bubble row. The bubble
down, which is caused by some large external forces acting at
position at each step (At/T) was estimated by use of
the impeller entrance.
cubic spline interpolation. The accuracy of the calculation
depends on Ad. In this calculation, we selected thirty bubble
rows for one impeller pitch and made the distance Ad ap- Numerical Procedures and Results
proximately equal to 3 deg. Uncertainties for the resulting Numerical Procedure. In order to calculate the movement

Journal of Fluids Engineering SEPTEMBER 1983, Vol. 105/279

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1 1 1
0 \ Bubble positions •Water flow
A after every do-0.5 mm
• / 0.005 seconds
i i i do-0.3 mm
I n i t i a l position of dcrO.l mm
bubble : SI (Center)
1.05 <£»0.260 Dlr
1.00 T rr-r
{23=ss^sW^^3^. of rotat
o of water
|0.95 AHt - Constant
M n s l d e of Impeller v„/w - Constant
(3o - 0.5 mm) ~
Initial position of bubble : S5fSuction\
1.05 T i T r r ^ side J Fig. 7 Stream lines and isobaric lines of water in a stream surface of
0.95 J 1 1 1 Li r l n l t l a l position of bubbles(Z=ZoU-o oossec
Initial position of bubble : S8fPressure'N 30 20 10 0
1.05 V side ;
1.00 : i-o- '
0.95 1
-40 -20 0 20 HO 60
Z mm Direction
Fig, 6 Trajectories of air bubbles in a meridian section of rotation
Stream line
of water
of air bubbles in an axial-flow pump, we first determine the Trajectory S8
flow condition of the water. Then we set an air bubble free of bubble I V N ^ ^ ^ ^ > ^ -wwt •
within this flow field, and analyze the resulting bubble Time line of water ^t=o.c>25
trajectory [1]. It is assumed that the bubbles are small in size o Bubble positions after every 0.005 seconds
and number and have no mutual interference in their motions. Fig. 8 Comparison of air bubbles trajectories with water stream lines
When the quantity of air admitted into the pump is small,
these assumptions are satisfied well. If the flow of water in the R/R0 is greatest when the bubble is released from the point S8
pump is assumed to be inviscid and incompressible and has an and flows down along the pressure side of impeller. But the
axisymmetric stream surface, then the flow can be calculated amount of the radial distance variation is extremely small and
by a quasi-three dimensional method [3,4]. the change in R/R0 can be neglected.
The equation of motion for a single air bubble in a
stationary frame is given by Bubble Trajectories on a Stream Surface of Revolution.
The relative streamlines of water in a stream surface of
M(DaV/DaT): ?d + ¥p+¥y + ¥l + Ffl (1) revolution are shown in Fig. 7, when <t> = 0.260. The
The details of the further calculations are described in the streamlines, shown by thin lines, lie almost parallel to the
paper in reference [1] (equation (5)). blade profile. In the same figure, the isobaric lines
(A//, = const) are shown by broken lines which lie close
If it is assumed that the initial diameter d0 of the bubble at together near the leading and trailing-edges of the impeller, at
the flow passage entrance is given and its initial velocity is which the pressure gradient becomes high.
same as the water velocity, then the three dimensional bubble
accelerations are calculated by equation (17) in reference [1], When bubbles having an initial diameter of d0 = 0.5 mm
and the bubble position and velocity, as well as forces acting are released from various points in the initial section 35 mm
on the bubble after every infinitely small time interval, can be ahead of the impeller, the trajectories of the bubbles follow
obtained. This procedure is repeated until the bubble flows the loci as shown by solid lines in Fig. 8. In this figure the
out of the region considered. The details of the further water streamlines are shown by broken lines. When the
numerical procedures are described in reference [1]. bubbles start from different positions S1,S2, . . . , S10 in the
initial section, consequent positions of each bubble after every
Bubble Trajectories in Meridian Sections. As described 0.005 seconds are denoted by circular marks, and the
before, a bubble essentially flows down on a stream surface of corresponding positions of water particles are indicated by the
revolution (z — d surface). We first discuss the bubble dotted line curves. The bubbles are seen to move nearly
trajectory in a meridian section (z — r surface) perpendicular parallel to the water particles, and to leave the impeller in
to the z — 6 surface. Figure 6 shows the change in the radial approximately the same time.
coordinate of a bubble R in the impeller passage, when the In the pressure side region the bubble trajectories lie nearly
pump is operated at the best efficiency point discharge, <> / parallel to the water streamlines but in the suction side they
= 0.260. The top figure represents the results for a bubble are shifted a little towards the blade. The motion of a bubble
starting at the position SI (central zone of the impeller in the impeller is governed substantially by the drag force F d
passage), and the middle and the bottom figures are the and the force due to the pressure gradient F^ as described in
results for the point S5 (suction side of the blade) and the the latter section. The force F p acts normally to the isobaric
point S8 (pressure side), respectively (see Fig. 8). In the lines denoted by the broken lines in Fig. 7, and in the pressure
calculation, the initial position of the leading edge of the side of the impeller ¥p are in the direction of water flow, but
impeller was taken to be i/'o =0, (see Fig. 1), and the flow of in the negative side F^ makes approximately a right angle with
the bubble can be seen only in the region of 6 > 0, namely, in the path of water. Hence, bubbles which flow through the
the upper half of pump passage (shaded region in Fig. 1). In central and suction side zones of the impeller passage
this region the bubble is driven toward the impeller tip due to (corresponding to the bubble motions started from the initial
the buoyancy acting on it, and hence, R/R0 > 1. The positions of S2 ~ S6) are driven toward the lower pressure
meridian streamlines of water are of course nearly horizontal, side in the passages at the inlet and outlet of the impeller. This
as is indicated by the dotted line, and R/R0 = 1. The change in tendency differs somewhat from that of a radial-flow pump

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r- Initial position of bubbles (Z-Z0) 9"
S10 S8 S6 S4 S2
20 10

Water flow
i O A D Bubble positions after every 0,005 seconds
Fig. 11 Trajectories of bubbles with various initial diameter
Fig. 9 Changes in bubble diameter in axial direction

-40 -20 0 20 40 60
Z mm
Fig. 12 Axial changes in magnitude of forces acting on a bubble

diameter d changes as is shown in Fig. 9. The curves of the

change in d/d0 differ considerably when different initial
bubble positions are selected, but the rate of the change is not
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 so large. In Fig. 9 the results for different initial diameters are
Z mm also plotted, when the bubbles start from the point SI. No
Fig. 10 Changes in Reynolds number of a bubble in axial direction noticeable difference can be seen in them.
In the course of flow in the impeller, the Reynolds number
of the bubbles (Re) changes, as shown in Fig. 10. The results
[1], in which the pressure changes mainly in the radial for different sizes of bubbles are plotted by solid lines, when
direction. Due to this pressure change the bubbles receive a the bubbles are released from the point SI. In the upstream
pressure force toward the pressure side of the impeller blades, region of the impeller, z < 0, and in the front half region of
and the bubble trajectories are seen to be shifted to that side, the impeller 0<z<20 mm, Re has a nearly constant value for
the direction of this shift being opposite to that in the axial- each bubble, but in the downstream region it decreases
flow pumps. gradually. In the same figure, the results for different starting
When the bubbles start from the points S6 and S7 in Fig. 8, positions for d0 = 0.5 mm are also plotted. In the path of a
they move toward the negative side of the passage in the latter bubble flowing near the suction side of the impeller blades, a
half of the impeller, where a thick concentration of bubbles is rise of Re is seen to occur.
seen. Effect of Bubble Diameters. The results for bubbles having
In the region where a negative pressure gradient prevails, different initial diameters (d0) are shown in Fig. 11. As d0
the bubbles move faster than water, and in the region in which increases, the paths of the bubbles are shifted toward the
an adverse pressure gradient is dominant they move slower. suction side of the impeller blades and the shift becomes
The equivelocity curves, V„/W= const, are shown by broken significant when the bubbles move near the negative side. This
lines in Fig. 7. Near the points where the values of V„/W shift of the path is lessened as d0 decreases and a small bubble
change from Vw/W > 1 to, V„/W < 1, the bubbles gather having a diameter of d0 = 0 . 1 mm is considered to move
closely and the chances for collision and unification of essentially along on the water streamlines.
bubbles are increased. The shaded regions in the figure The flow velocity of a bubble changes with its size d0, and
correspond to such regions when the amount of the admitted the moving distances of different size bubbles for equal time
air is 2 percent. In a radial-flow pump, however, such regions intervals of 0.005 seconds are also plotted in Fig. 11. The time
are limited only to a narrow space near the impeller inlet. The required for the bubbles to pass through the impeller passage
effective area of the flow passage is throttled there and an is almost the same irrespective of the initial diameter d0. In
increase in hydraulic loss is brought about, which constitutes the radial-flow pump [1], however, the required time increases
the greater part of the pump performance degradation in an with d0. This difference is attributable to the difference in the
air-admitting condition [5]. pressure gradient in both impellers.
Diameter and Reynolds Number of Air Bubbles. An air The magnitudes of forces which act on a bubble flowing
bubble in an impeller changes its diameter d according to the through the central zone of the impeller (SI) are plotted
pressure in the flow field. When a bubble having an initial against the axial distance z in Fig. 12, where the forces are
diameter of d0 = 0.5 mm flows through the impeller, the made dimensionless by use of the centrifugal force Mrw2. The

Journal of Fluids Engineering SEPTEMBER 1983, Vol. 105/281

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VK/W-1.0 4HI -0
1600 Insids of
t " 0.260
do- 0.5 urn
Initial position
of bubble : S5 Initial Force
1200 position
of -fu^-S^
bubble *rm firm <£ » 0.290
4> - 0.260
<£ =0,230
800 <p - o.200 '(Normal) Stream line of water
Fig. 15 Isobaric lines in the different water capacities

The bubble trajectories show similar changes. The locations

400 of the bubbles after each elapsed time of 0.005 seconds are
denoted by the marks, a , o , A , and • in Fig. 14. The lines
connecting the marked points are the path lines of the bub-
bles. In view of these results, it may be concluded that the
flow speed of the bubbles changes to a great degree in ac-
-10 -20 40 60 cordance with the water flow rate <£.
Z RHl As is seen in Fig. 7, the bubbles begin to accumulate in the
Fig. 13 Effects of the initial size of a bubble on the magnitude of downstream region from the line expressed by V„/W=l,
forces which starts from the middle part of the suction side of the
blade. The line V^lW—X changes in accordance with the
• I n i t i a l p o s i t i o n of bubbles (Z-Zo) water capacity as is shown in Fig. 15, and approaches the
S10 S6 S2 30 20 10 0 leading edge of the blade as <t> is reduced. In the figure, the
isobaric lines, AH, = const, are also plotted for different
capacities. When <>/ decreases, a low pressure region, A//,- <
- 1 , approaches to the leading edge, and each iso-baric line
lies close together in the suction side of the blade in the latter
half of the impeller passage. In this downstream region the
adverse pressure gradient is intensified and an accumulation
of the bubbles will be promoted. When 4> is increased over a
Trajectory certain critical value, a closed region near the impeller blade,
expressed by AH, < - 1 , extends greatly, and the chance of the
<*> - 0.260 (Normal)
Bubble p o s i t i o n s a f t e r bubble accumulation in the impeller passage is greatly in-
<p _ 0 2 3 0 every 0.005 seconds creased. From the above results it may be concluded that the
<p . 0 | 2 0 0 least accumulation of air bubbles is expected in the impeller at
Fig. 14 Trajectories of air bubbles in various water capacities a near-normal flow rate. The facts explained in Figs. 9 to 13
prove to hold for other water capacities.

buoyancy force due to the difference in fluid density Fy, and Conclusions
inertia force together with Basset force ¥B are found to be
Bubble motion in an axial-flow pump with a high-specific-
negligibly small, and their graphic expressions are omitted.
speed was observed and the results were analyzed numerically.
The drag I F d I/A/ho2 by the surrounding water and the
The following are the essentials of this study:
resistance force due to the pressure gradient I F p I /Mm2 have
(1) Tracing of the air bubbles discharged from a small tube
nearly the same value and they change in a similar trend. The
in front of the impeller provides an adequate means for in-
accelerating drag \¥v\/Mrw2 decreases with a decrease in
vestigation of the flow in a pump impeller working for a gas-
bubble diameter, and becomes substantially zero when
liquid fluid.
d0 =0.1 mm. The same force relationships hold in the radial-
flow pump. If bubbles are released from the respective points (2) Air bubbles in an axial-flow pump move essentially on
SI, S5, and S8, the forces IF p l/Mrco2 and \Vd\/Mru2 in the meridian streamlines. However, in the downstream region a
impeller vary as shown in Fig. 13. The two forces change small deviation is observed of the bubble trajectory from the
similarly and with the same magnitude. The magnitude in- liquid streamline. This deviation occurs in the direction from
creases as the trajectories approach the suction side of the the pressure side of the blade towards the suction side. The
impeller. amount of the deviation decreases as the bubble diameter
reduces and a bubble of d0 = 0.1 mm follows substantially the
Effect of the Water Flow Rate. If the water flow rate of the same path with the streamline of water.
pump is altered, the meridian streamlines in the pump im- (3) A bubble motion in an impeller is governed sub-
peller will also change. But the bubble trajectories in a stantially by two forces: the drag due to the surrounding water
meridian section will always accord well with the streamlines and the force due to the pressure gradient in the impeller. The
of water as described before. Figure 14 exhibits the effect of bubbles moving near the suction side of the blades experience
the water flow rate <>/ on the bubble motion, when the bubbles greater forces and have larger flow velocities than those
with the initial bubble diameter of d0 =0.5 mm are released moving along the pressure side.
from the sections of S2, S6, and S10, respectively. As 4> in- (4) On the suction side of blades there exists a region in
creases, the angle with which the water leaves the impeller is which the pressure gradient changes its sign. In this vicinity
also increased. Correspondingly, the inclination Of the water the accumulation of air bubbles is promoted. The degree of
streamlines against the circumferential direction is raised, and this accumulation depends on the water capacity, and reduces
the streamlines shift toward the low pressure side (see Fig. 14). to a minimum at a certain capacity near the normal.

282/Vol. 105, SEPTEMBER 1983 Transactions of the ASME

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Acknowledgment presented experimental results would be expected to provide
The authors wish to express their thanks to Mr. K. the closest agreement with potential flow analytical
procedures such as presented in references [3 and 4] of the
Watanabe (M. Eng., Nagoya University) for his experimental paper. Comments on any of the authors experiences with the
work while carrying out this study. flow in regions of the impeller near the hub and the tip would
be appreciated. Particularly of interest is the influence of
References deviation from potential flow in the region of the hub and tip
1 Minemura, K., and Murakami, M., " A Theoretical Study on Air Bubble in addition to the influence of the tip clearance flows men-
Motion in a Centrifugal Pump Impeller," ASME JOURNAL OF FLUIDS tioned by the authors.
ENGINEERING, Vol. 102, No. 4, Dec. 1980, pp. 446-455.
2 Murakami, M., and Minemura, K., "Effects of Entrained Air on the
The uncertainty of relative flow measurement of ± 5.5
Performance of a Horizontal-Axial Flow Pump," Proc. of Symposium on degrees appears substantially greater than desirable.
Polyphase Flow in Turbomachinery, ASME, Dec. 1978, pp. 171-184, (con- Measurements with a laser velocimeter could substantially
tributed to ASME JOURNAL OF FLUIDS ENGINEERING). reduce the uncertainty.
3 Katsanis, T., "Use of Arbitrary Quasi-Qrthogonals for Calculating Flow
Distribution in a Turbomachine," ASME Journal of Engineerig for Power,
Vol. 88, No. 2, Apr. 1966, pp. 197-202. Author's Closure
4 Katsanis, T., "Computer Program for Calculating Velocities and
Streamlines on a Blade-to-Blade Stream Surface of a Turbomachine," NASA This paper is an experimental confirmation of the
TND-4525, 1968. calculated results of bubble motion in an impeller of an axial
5 Murakami, M., Minemura, K., and Takimoto, M., "Effects of Entrained flow pump by the numerical method published in our
Air on the Performance of Centrifugal Pumps under Cavitating Conditions,"
Bulletin of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 23, No. 183, Sept. previous paper. Mr. Furst refers to the effects of the
1980, pp.1435-1442. secondary flows prevailing in the regions near the hub and the
tip. Theflowsin these regions will be affected considerably by
the secondary flow which does not obey the potential flow
In the experiment, however, measurement of the secondary
R. B. Furst2 flow was not performed, but it may be assumed that its effects
The authors are to be complimented for their carefully on the air bubble motion in the impeller channel are con-
conducted test effort and the presented evaluation of the test sidered to be small, because the secondary flow velocity is
results. The information is valuable in the analysis of generally much smaller than the through flow velocity within
cavitating flows as well as flow of liquids with entrained the region in which the bubbles move. In order to clarify the
gases. detailed effects of the secondary flow on the bubble motion a
Selection of approximately the mean radius for the more precise method of flow measurement, for example, that
by use of a laser velocity meter will be needed and also a three
dimentional flow analysis may be required.
Rockwell International, Canoga Park, Calif. 91304. Further researches on these subjects will be indispensable.

Journal of Fluids Engineering SEPTEMBER 1983, Vol. 105/283

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