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6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Name: Score:

249 Multiple choice questions

Term 1 of 249
Time based PM's should be about 30% of all PM's. T or F

It is a good and cost effective practice to do more run/cycle based and condition based
PM. It is also good practice to have calendar based PM's 30% or less.

If we understand the failure mechanism, how a part or component can fail, we can develop
a mitigating maint strategy to prevent failure.

Planning is the WHAT and HOW - what and how work will be performed

Scheduling is the WHEN and WHO - when the work will be done and who will do the work.

The objective of RCM is to preserve function and optimize maintenance needs. 1/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 2 of 249
What is meant by shelf life. What should be done to improve it

Shelf life describes the amount of time a part can be keep in inventory before it is
defective. We can improve shelf life by lubricating or rotating shafts on such things as
blowers, motors, motor gearbox units and bearings.

Deming is a world renowned expert in the field of quality.

The key players are:

Asset/Resource Coordinator - Helps to prioritize the work, ensure required resources are in
the budget, and to schedule asset outages if necessary

Planner - Plan the job and create a work plan which consists of what work needs to be
done, how it will be done, what materials, tools, or special equipment is needed, estimated
time and skills required

Scheduler - Work with the craft supervisor, coordinator, and other support staff to develop
weekly, monthly, and rolling annual long range plans to execute maintenance work.

Configuration specialist/systems engineer - Provide technical support to ensure that work

plan is feasible.

Craft Supervisor - Take the weekly schedule and assign who will do the job on a daily basis.
They also review work plans from an execution point of view and recommend necessary
changes in work plans to the planner and scheduler.
Work Performer

A person or organization that can affect, be effected by, or believe to be affected by a

decision or activity 2/211
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Term 3 of 249
In what categories can root cause analysis be classified?

Classified into 4 broadly defined categories:

1) Safety based
2) Production based
3) Process based
4) Asset-failure based

The team development goes through four stages: Forming, storming, norming and

diagram showing a hierarchy of failure causes

The FTA tool start with the final failure or event and progressively traces each cause that
led to the previous cause.

1) Planning and preparation

2) Structure analysis
3) Function analysis
4) Failure analysis
5) Risk analysis
6) Optimization
7) Results documentation

Term 4 of 249
How should training be treated - as an expense or investment?

False changing culture takes a long time

The person who did the work

It should be treated as an investment.

Not having adequate preparation and leadership. 3/211
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Term 5 of 249
What term does Walt Disney Company use for its customers?




Employees 4/211
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Term 6 of 249
Discuss work types and the benefits of work classifications.

Operators can use four sensory tool to predict failures.

1) Look for abnormalities - clean, in place, accessible
2) Listen for abnormal noises, vibrations, leaks.
3) Feel for abnormal hot or cold surfaces
4) Smell abnormal burning or unusual odors.

There are 3 types of work:

1) Preventative Maintenance (PM) - work that includes CBM/PdM

2) Corrective Maintenance (CM) - new work resulting from PM/PdM.
3) Corrective Maintenance (CM) - breakdown/emergency work (reactive work; usually no
planning is done.

The benefits of classifications is it allow us to track data and determine what type of
maintenance work we are doing. Also helps us determine if it can be planned or not. The
goal is to have 85% of our work planned.

TPM is a maintenance strategy that originated in Japan; it emphasizes operations and

maintenance cooperation. It's goals include zero defects, zero accidents, zero breakdowns,
and effective workplace design to reduce overall operations and maintenance costs.

The 8 pillars of TPM are:

1) Autonomous Maintenance
2) Focused Improvement
3) Planned Maintenance
4) Quality Maintenance
5) Training and Development
6) Design and early equipment Management
7) Office Improvement
8) Safety, health, and environment

Maintenance rework is any WO that has to be done again because: It was reassembled
wrong, a bad part was installed, a part was broken while being installed. WO call 5 to 7 days
after a PM. Maint Rework percentage is calculated by number of rework WO's divided by
total number of WO's. The benchmark is less than 2% 5/211
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Term 7 of 249
A fault tree analysis (FTA) typically generates a:

Diagnostic analysis is diagnosing something that went wrong. Trying to find root cause so
that it doesn't happen again.

Prognostic analysis is trying to forecast and fix issues before they become problems by
trending PdM data

Classified into 4 broadly defined categories:

1) Safety based
2) Production based
3) Process based
4) Asset-failure based

It is the difference in age and beliefs in your work force. It affects and organization because
there are differences in perspective and goals as a result of generational differences.

diagram showing a hierarchy of failure causes

The FTA tool start with the final failure or event and progressively traces each cause that
led to the previous cause.

Term 8 of 249
What type of metrics show results?

Defects metrics

Hidden failure

Lagging metrics

Economic order quantity 6/211
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Term 9 of 249
How can a CMMS/EAM system help improve maintenance productivity?

1) Charisma
2) Competence
3) Communication
4) Energizing People
5) Vision (in creating)

1) Conduct general inspections

2) Keep assets clean and accessible
3) Identify and eliminate problem sources
4) Support and create cleaning and lubricating standards and procedures
5) Standardize through visual workplace management
6) Implement autonomous asset management
7) Perform minor maintenance and service items, e.g. replacing filters, lubricating, and
changing the oil
8) Work with the maintenance team to repair what they are unable to perform

It can help improve by streamlining critical workflows, work identification, work task
planning, scheduling, and reporting.

We can volunteer to be on a committee

Term 10 of 249
EOQ (Economic order quantity) improves the inventory turn ratio. T or F

Consequence (impact) of risk event X Probability of occurrence = Risk index

A person or organization that can affect, be effected by, or believe to be affected by a

decision or activity

The person who did the work

EOQ calculates the optimum order quantity to optimize inventory cost. It does not impact
inventory turn ratio 7/211
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Term 11 of 249
How do standards impact consumers like us?

job analysis can be used to identify the required knowledge and skills and to develop
appropriate training.

It assures consumers that the businesses they buy from are operating in a safe way,
producing reliable goods without unduly harming the environment.

It also is in our everyday life. From the height of stairs to the the height of chairs, to shoe

Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems AS/RS

The disadvantages of a AS/RS is the high initial cost

The advantages are it is good in high volume processes where storage density is important
and where accuracy is critical because of potential expensive damages to the load.

They planners shouldn't be:

1) Be a supervisor
2) Be a quality inspector
3) Be a material expeditor
4) Perform administrative/clerical activities
5) React to emergencies
6) Be the "Help Desk" 8/211
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Term 12 of 249
What is meant by RTF? What guidelines should be given when selecting this strategy.

Transformational leadership uses the ability to motivate and inspire followers. They want to
help the organization achieve its goals but also help group members fulfill their potential

Transactional leadership starts with the idea that team members agree to obey their leader
when accepting the job. The leader has the right to punish team members if their work
doesn't meet and appropriate standard.

The purpose of the FMEA is to take actions to eliminate or reduce failures, starting with the
highest - priority ones.

1) Define the problem (head of the fish)

2) Brainstorm causes of failures
*Label each bone of the fish. Typically includes
*Methods, machine, materials, and manpower
*Place, procedure, people and policies
*Surroundings, suppliers, systems, and skills
*Machine, method, materials, measurement, man, and mother nature
*Equipment/asset, process, people, materials, environment, and management
3) Identify / document all causes by major category (bone)
4) Select any causes that may be at the root of the problem
5) Develop a corrective action plan to eliminate or reduce the impact of the causes
selected in step 4

RTF stands for Run to Failure. It is a maintenance strategy where the organizations decides
to allow specific assets/systems to fail without any PM or CBM performed against them.

The guideline that are given for this strategy is that the asset where the cost and impact of
the failure are less than the cost of PM and CBM actions. It is a deliberate decision based
on economic effectiveness. It is imperative that we document that RTF was chosen on
purpose and what the criteria was for this decision. We must also plan to repair the failure, if
and when it happens. 9/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 13 of 249
Define reliability and maintainability

The beliefs and values that define how people interpret experiences and how they behave,
both individually and in groups within an organization.

Reliability - The probability that an asset or item will perform its intended functions for a
specific period of time under stated conditions. It is usually expressed as a percentage and
measured by the mean time between failure.

Maintainability - The ease and speed with which a maintenance repair activity can be
carried out on an asset. Maintainability is a function of equipment design and usually is
measured by mean time between repair.

The balanced scorecard model identifies four perspectives from which to view a process or
organization. These are:
1) Learning and growth perspective
2) Business process perspective
3) Customer perspective
4) Financial perspective

It provides a balance view of organizational performance.

In a reliability culture the prevention of failures becomes an emphasis at every level of the
organization. The entire workforce is focused on asset reliability. Everyone in the workforce
- operators, maintainers, engineers - think and act to ensure:
*Assets are available to produce when needed
*Assets are maintained at a reasonable cost
*An optimized maintenance plan (FMEA-/RCM-/CBM-based) is in place that includes:
*All assets identified with criticality and having documented maintenance plan
*A defect elimination program
*80/20 principle applied to prioritized work
*Most of the work planned and scheduled… 10/211
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Term 14 of 249
With the exception of emergency work orders, planning and scheduling will benefit all
maintenance work. T or F

IR thermography windows with an IR camera are being used effectively to detect any hot
spots or potential problems in electrical cabinets, switchgears, safely to help in meeting
NFPA 70E arc flash requirements.

It is a good practice to have 90% or more work planned. Planned work costs two to three
times less than reactive work

Planned and scheduled work costs much less, and work gets accomplished in a timely

It costs money, about 20 - 25% of the value of the part to stock in the storeroom… 11/211
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Term 15 of 249
Which work order characteristic (element) is most important?

purpose - what the organization wants to do

The mission statement should tell us about the organization's purpose and what the
organization does and how it does it.

Asset ID
The asset ID is the key element (field) on a work order to ensure that work related
information is going to go to the right asset

1) Designed to be easy to operate and maintain

2) Designed for fault tolerance
3) Design to fail safely
4) Design with early warning of failure to the user
5) Design with a built in diagnostic system to identify the fault location
6) Design to eliminate all or critical failure modes cost effectively, if possible
7) Design for ease of use and to provide the best value to build, install, and operate
8) Design, build, and installed to reduce the total cost of ownership during the asset's life

1) The organization is too small for a system

2) The project payback or savings is inadequate
3) The MIS (management information system) or IT doesn't give CMMS high enough priority.
4) MIS and maintenance speak different technology languages
5) Participants fail to reach consensus… 12/211
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Term 16 of 249
What are the symptoms of ineffective planning

It allows you to measure yourself against other companies or other departments to see how
they are performing. It also allows you to see best practices and copy them to improve
your performance.

1) Accountability - Well defined performance measures document progress toward the

achievement of goals and objectives. Thereby motivating organizations to fulfill their
obligations to their employees and stakeholders

2) Resources / Budget Justification - Performance measurement becomes a long term

planning tool to justify proper resource or budget allocation

3) Ownership and Teamwork - It provides more employees participation and ownership in

problem solving, goal setting, and process improvements. It helps set priorities and
promotes collaboration among departments and business area.

4) Communication - a Common Language - Metrics give employees a common language to

communicate, alert them to potential problem areas, and encourage them to share

1) Maintenance people standing around waiting for parts

2) High rework
3) Poor work performance
4) High stockout in the storeroom
5) Planners being used to expedite parts
6) Maintenance personnel arriving at the job site and waiting for the asset/system to be
shut down (wait is over 15 mins)
7) Frequent trips to the storeroom by maintenance personnel
8) Production downtime always more than estimated

1) iGen are less focused

2) iGen are better multitaskers
3) iGen are early starters. Entering the workforce sooner
4) iGen are more entrepreneurial
5) iGen have higher expectations than Millennials
6) iGen are big on individuality
7) iGen are more global… 13/211
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Term 17 of 249
What is RCM? How did it get started?

1) Create a friendly and safe work environment

2) Acknowledge employee achievements
3) Take care of physical and mental health
4) Be clear on social media policies
5) Have meaningful and worthwhile goals
6) Encourage teamwork
7) Encourage friendly competition
8) Encourage creativity and welcome all ideas
9) Challenge employees to achieve higher goals. Don't let them get bored
10) Communicate, communicate. Have positive communication all the time.

Maintenance rework is any WO that has to be done again because: It was reassembled
wrong, a bad part was installed, a part was broken while being installed. WO call 5 to 7 days
after a PM. Maint Rework percentage is calculated by number of rework WO's divided by
total number of WO's. The benchmark is less than 2%

Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) is a systematic and structured process to develop

an efficient and effective maintenance plan for an asset to minimize the probability of
functional failures. The process ensures safety and mission compliance.

It got started in 1960 in the commercial aviation industry to optimize maintenance and
operations activities.

S = Specific. Be clear and focused on avoiding misinterpretation.
M= Measurable. This metric can be quantified and compared with other data
A= Attainable. This metric is achievable, reasonable and credible under conditions
R = Realistic. It fits into the organizations constraints and is cost effective
T = Timely. It's doable, data is available with the time needed to act if a course correction is
needed.… 14/211
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Term 18 of 249
Can FMEA be used to improve the new design?

It is a good and cost effective practice to do more run/cycle based and condition based
PM. It is also good practice to have calendar based PM's 30% or less.

1) Maintenance Cost Percent of ERV

2) Production Loss - Breakdowns

3) Reactive - CM unscheduled

4) Planned Maintenance

5) Overtime

6) Rework - maintenance quality

The objectives of Autonomous Maintenance are:

1) Uninterrupted operation of equipment
2) Operators to operate and maintain the equipment
3) Elimination of the defects and potential failures at the source quickly
4) Involvement of all employees to solve problems through active participation

Yes! It can be used:

1) The new design of an asset (product), new technology, or a new process
2) A new application of an existing design or process
3) Engineering changes to an existing design… 15/211
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Term 19 of 249
What are the key attributes of a metric?

A SIPOC diagram is a tool used by a process improvement team to identify all relevant
elements of a process improvement project before work begins, and helps to define a
complex project that may not be well scoped. SIPOC stands for supplier, input, process,
output, and customer

1) Damage during the inspection, repair adjustment, or installation of a replacement part

2) Installation of material or a part that is defective
3) Incorrect installation of a replacement part or incorrect reassembly
4) Reintroduction of infant mortality by installing new parts that have not been tested
5) Damage due to an error in reinstalling as asset into its original location
6) Damage to an adjacent asset or component during a maintenance task

To Improve:
1) Provide training in maintenance best practices and procedures for maintenance on
specific tasks
2) Provide appropriate tools to perform the tasks effectively
3) Get personnel involved in performing FMEA and RCA/RCFA and in developing
maintenance procedures
4) Follow up to assure quality performance and to show everyone that management does
care about quality work
5) Publicize reduced costs with improved uptime, which is the result of effective
maintenance practices.

S = Specific. Be clear and focused on avoiding misinterpretation.
M= Measurable. This metric can be quantified and compared with other data
A= Attainable. This metric is achievable, reasonable and credible under conditions
R = Realistic. It fits into the organizations constraints and is cost effective
T = Timely. It's doable, data is available with the time needed to act if a course correction is

1) Define the problem - failure

2) Collect data/evidence about issues that contributed to the problem
3) Identify possible causal factors
4) Develop solutions and recommendations
5) Implement the recommendations
6) Track the recommended solutions to ensure effectiveness.… 16/211
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Term 20 of 249
What role do we, the professionals, play in the development of standards?

Helps implement change.

We can volunteer to be on a committee

It helps to keep from addressing low priority tasks or the categories of work that will not
have the largest impact on the overall reliability of the organization. An effective backlog
system requires appropriate work classification and priority.

A good backlog benchmark is 4-6 weeks.

It should be treated as an investment.

Term 21 of 249
What does a change agent do?

Reliability centered maintenance

Not having adequate preparation and leadership.

Helps implement change.

During the design phase.… 17/211
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Term 22 of 249
What is an oil cleanliness standard? Which is the cleaner oil sample: 16/14/11 or 22/21/17?

Oil cleanliness standard is the organizations standardized cleanliness codes based on the
equipment they have. Eg. servo valves or precision equipment needs cleaner oil.

The cleaner oil sample is 16/14/11

1) The help companies focus their strategy by defining some boundaries within which to
2) The define the dimensions along which an organization's performance is measured
3) They suggest standards for individual ethical behavior

Maintenance rework is any WO that has to be done again because: It was reassembled
wrong, a bad part was installed, a part was broken while being installed. WO call 5 to 7 days
after a PM. Maint Rework percentage is calculated by number of rework WO's divided by
total number of WO's. The benchmark is less than 2%

Passive tags are powered by energy from the RFID interrogating radio waves.

Active tags are powered by a battery and thus can be read at greater distances.

Term 23 of 249
A maintenance engineer has a list of pump failures modes and frequency of occurrence. Which of
the following diagrams can help to prioritize maintenance tasks?

Less than 30%

We need to make sure that all critical assets are being maintained adequately before we
get to other or noncritical assets.

Pareto Chart.
Pareto chart analysis identifies which few vital items (failures) need to be corrected first to
get maximum benefit.

Operate and Maintain phase has the highest cost in an assets life cycle.

Reliability is a design attribute. A maint plan cannot change the basic reliability unless the
components are changed or redesigned with more reliable, higher MTBF parts.… 18/211
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Term 24 of 249
What is meant by the P-F interval, and what relationship should it have to PM frequency?

the design phase

FMEA should be performed during the design phase to identify failure mode, these modes
could be eliminated or their impact reduced or mitigated cost effectively.

The difference is that in 5S plus they also emphasize safety in their program. Also called 6S

A new name could be Capacity Assurance. With proper maintenance, the capacity of an
asset can be realized at the designed level.

The time interval between potential failure (P) and failure (F) is called the P-F interval.

The relationship is that the PM should be less than the P-F interval to catch potential
failures and correct them in time.… 19/211
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Term 25 of 249
What is the difference between SWOT and SIPOC analysis?

Transformational leadership uses the ability to motivate and inspire followers. They want to
help the organization achieve its goals but also help group members fulfill their potential

Transactional leadership starts with the idea that team members agree to obey their leader
when accepting the job. The leader has the right to punish team members if their work
doesn't meet and appropriate standard.

The SIPOC tool is particularly useful to clarify or understand a process, new or existing.

The SWOT tool is intended to specify the objectives of the project or business and identify
internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieving those

A SIPOC diagram is a tool used by a process improvement team to identify all relevant
elements of a process improvement project before work begins, and helps to define a
complex project that may not be well scoped. SIPOC stands for supplier, input, process,
output, and customer

Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems AS/RS

The disadvantages of a AS/RS is the high initial cost

The advantages are it is good in high volume processes where storage density is important
and where accuracy is critical because of potential expensive damages to the load.… 20/211
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Term 26 of 249
What is emissivity? With which CBM technology is it associated

Emissivity is the ratio of the rate of radiant energy emission at a given wavelength from a
body with an optically smooth surface, as a consequence of its temperature only, to the
corresponding rate of emission from a blackbody at the same temperature and wavelength.

It is associate with the CBM technology Infrared Thermography.

Key elements are:

1) Safety
2) Environmental
3) Quality Risks
4) Operational Impact
5) Maintenance and Reliability Impact
6) Single Point of Failure
7) Asset Replacement Cost
8) Spares Lead Time

1) Should have a list of screened potential employees ready to call when the opportunity is
2) Succession planning for all positions and training of identified employees need to be
3) Internships, cooperative programs, and similar tools can be used to recruit and evaluate

RTF stands for Run to Failure. It is a maintenance strategy where the organizations decides
to allow specific assets/systems to fail without any PM or CBM performed against them.

The guideline that are given for this strategy is that the asset where the cost and impact of
the failure are less than the cost of PM and CBM actions. It is a deliberate decision based
on economic effectiveness. It is imperative that we document that RTF was chosen on
purpose and what the criteria was for this decision. We must also plan to repair the failure, if
and when it happens.… 21/211
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Term 27 of 249
What are the key differences between capital projects and turnarounds.

they are important because:

Standards provide a workable basis for acceptance and rejection of goods or
consequential disputes if any. They help minimize delays, correspondence, , etc..

Standards standardize the manufacturing process. They eliminate or reduce wasteful
material or labor. They contribute toward a reduction in inventories of both raw materials
and finished products. Standards also contribute to the reduction in the cost of
manufacturing or provide a service.

1) Transportation - Moving materials and parts that are not actually required for the process

2) Inventory - Extra inventory in the system. All components, work in progress, and the
finished product not being processed are waste

3) Motion - People or equipment moving or walking more than required to perform the

4) Waiting - Waiting for the next step or the next thing.

5) Overproduction - Production ahead of demand or need

6) Inappropriate processing - Not producing what is needed or when needed because of

poorly designed processes and assets.

7) Defects - Components or products that do not meet the specification

Capital projects are:

1) Well defined and static-drawings available
2) Can be planned and scheduled well in advance
3) Safety permits are fixed, weekly or monthly basis
4) Manpower staffing is fixed, usually doesn't change
5) Schedule update weekly or bimonthly

Turnarounds are:
1) Loosely defined, dynamic-changes as inspections made… 22/211
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2) Planning and scheduling can't be finalized until scope is approved

3) Safety permits required on a shiftly or daily basis due to scope fluctuations
4) Manpower staffing is variable. It changes a lot during execution due to scope
5) Schedule update on a shiftly or daily basis

1) The percentage of training budget ($ and labor hrs per employee)

2) The number (or percentage) of certified professionals of the total workforce
3) The number of papers being presented or published at conferences on maintenance,
reliability, and asset management
4) The number of people among M&R personnel supporting / involved with industry
sponsored standardization teams or professional society's teams
5) Employee (maintenance, reliability, and asset management personnel) turnover ratio or
attrition rate.… 23/211
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Term 28 of 249
Who is Dr. W. Edwards Deming?

Deming is a world renowned expert in the field of quality.

1) Plan the job
2) Create a work plan or job package that consists of what work needs to be done, how it
will be done; what materials, tools, or special equipment is needed; estimated time and
skills required.
3) Need to identify long delivery items and work with stores and purchasing personnel to
ensure timely delivery
4) May need to work with maintenance/systems engineers and craft supervisors for
technical support to ensure that the work plan is feasible with sufficient technical details.

1) System Selection and Information Collection - The purpose of step 1 is to assure that the
RCM team has sufficiently evaluated its area to know which systems are the problems or so
called bad actors. You can use a Pareto Analysis to determine the list of problems using the
criteria of highest total maint costs, downtime hours, and number of corrective actions.
2) System Boundary Definition - The next step is to define its boundaries. Understand the
system as a whole and its functional subsystems. This step assures that there are no
overlaps or gaps between adjacent systems.
3) System Description and functional block diagram - Step 3 requires identifying and
documenting the essential details of the system. It includes the following information -
Functional block diagram, IN/OUT interfaces - utilities and controls, sequence of operation,
system work breakdown structure, equipment/component history
4) System functions (primary and secondary) and functional failures - You need to define a
complete list of system functions and functional failures. The function statement should
describe what it does. Next you need to specify how much each function can be lost.
5) Failure mode and effects analysis - Step 5 is the heart of the RCM process. You use FMEA
to determine the specific component failures that could lead to one or more of the
functional failures.
6) Logic (decision) tree analysis - The logic tree poses 3 simple questions that require a yes
or no answer. 1) Under normal conditions, do the operators know that something has
occurred? 2) Does this failure mode cause a safety or environmental problem? 3) Does this
failure mode result in a full or partial outage of the plant.
7) Selection of maintenance tasks -In this step, all team knowledge is applied to determine
the most applicable and cost effective tasks that will determine, mitigate, or warn us of the
failure modes and causes that we assigned to each component or piece of equipment in
Step 5. It is comprised of 3 steps. 1) Task selection, 2) Sanity Check, 3) Task comparison
8) Task packaging and implementation - This is a crucial step in RCM analysis. The final… 24/211
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implementation action is to write task procedures that communicate the analysis results of
the actionable instructions to the operations and maintenance team.
9) Making the program a living one --continuous improvements - A living RCM program
consists of 1) Validating the existing program - ensuring that the maintenance decisions
made are appropriate. 2) Making adjustments in the maintenance program if needed.

Well informed, trained, and responsible operators will ensure that assets are being kept in
good working order. Operators are the first line of defense against unplanned asset
downtime. Operators who are in daily contact with assets can use their knowledge and skills
to predict and prevent breakdowns and other losses.

Term 29 of 249
The sixth S in 6S (also called 5S plus) process stands for safety. T or F

* Muri - Overburden
* Mura - Unevenness
* Muda - Waste, non-value-added work

Safety performance - OSHA injuries.

Recordable Incident Rate

Inventory turnover ratio is the number of times an organizations investment in inventory is

recouped during an accounting period.

It is calculated by Value of issued Inventory / an average of inventory value in an

accounting period

True… 25/211
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Term 30 of 249
What is the impact of O&M cost on the total life cycle cost of an asset.

Diagnostic analysis is diagnosing something that went wrong. Trying to find root cause so
that it doesn't happen again.

Prognostic analysis is trying to forecast and fix issues before they become problems by
trending PdM data

Safety performance - OSHA injuries.

Recordable Incident Rate

In the P-F interval curve, F stand for failure, and the P stands for potential failure.

Operations and Maintenance account for a majority of Life Cycle Costs (LCC). Typically 60-

Term 31 of 249
Vibration Monitoring can detect uniform impeller wear. T of F

Changing culture takes a long time

Uniform wear will not create any unbalance, hence no vibration

OEE = availability X performance X quality

Maintainability is the ease of maintenance, it's primary measure is MTTR ( Mean time to
Repair)… 26/211
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Term 32 of 249
One hundred percent of PM and PdM tasks should be developed using FMEA/RCM
methodology, at least for critical assets. T or F

All PM/PdM tasks should be developed using FMEA/RCM methodology. This ensures cost-
effective and correct tasks to mitigate certain risks and to find potential failures before
they fail.

It allows you to measure yourself against other companies or other departments to see how
they are performing. It also allows you to see best practices and copy them to improve
your performance.

Planned and scheduled work costs much less, and work gets accomplished in a timely

MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure) is calculated by dividing operating time by the number
of failures, or downtime events.… 27/211
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Term 33 of 249
Why are standards important for business and organizations?

S = Specific. Be clear and focused on avoiding misinterpretation.
M= Measurable. This metric can be quantified and compared with other data
A= Attainable. This metric is achievable, reasonable and credible under conditions
R = Realistic. It fits into the organizations constraints and is cost effective
T = Timely. It's doable, data is available with the time needed to act if a course correction is

they are important because:

Standards provide a workable basis for acceptance and rejection of goods or
consequential disputes if any. They help minimize delays, correspondence, , etc..

Standards standardize the manufacturing process. They eliminate or reduce wasteful
material or labor. They contribute toward a reduction in inventories of both raw materials
and finished products. Standards also contribute to the reduction in the cost of
manufacturing or provide a service.

We are going thru a Industrial revolution called Industry 4.0, also known as digitalization.
Fundamentally maintenance practices have not changed but rapid changes in technology
introduce new tools everyday. Clear evidence also indicates that the corporate world has
recognized good maintenance programs as a valuable part of total asset management.

Capital projects are:

1) Well defined and static-drawings available
2) Can be planned and scheduled well in advance
3) Safety permits are fixed, weekly or monthly basis
4) Manpower staffing is fixed, usually doesn't change
5) Schedule update weekly or bimonthly

Turnarounds are:
1) Loosely defined, dynamic-changes as inspections made
2) Planning and scheduling can't be finalized until scope is approved
3) Safety permits required on a shiftly or daily basis due to scope fluctuations
4) Manpower staffing is variable. It changes a lot during execution due to scope… 28/211
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5) Schedule update on a shiftly or daily basis… 29/211
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Term 34 of 249
What does "LEED-certified building" mean?

S = Specific. Be clear and focused on avoiding misinterpretation.
M= Measurable. This metric can be quantified and compared with other data
A= Attainable. This metric is achievable, reasonable and credible under conditions
R = Realistic. It fits into the organizations constraints and is cost effective
T = Timely. It's doable, data is available with the time needed to act if a course correction is

Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) is a systematic and structured process to develop

an efficient and effective maintenance plan for an asset to minimize the probability of
functional failures. The process ensures safety and mission compliance.

It got started in 1960 in the commercial aviation industry to optimize maintenance and
operations activities.

TPM is a maintenance strategy that originated in Japan; it emphasizes operations and

maintenance cooperation. It's goals include zero defects, zero accidents, zero breakdowns,
and effective workplace design to reduce overall operations and maintenance costs.

The 8 pillars of TPM are:

1) Autonomous Maintenance
2) Focused Improvement
3) Planned Maintenance
4) Quality Maintenance
5) Training and Development
6) Design and early equipment Management
7) Office Improvement
8) Safety, health, and environment

It is a internationally recognized green building certification system, providing 3rd party

verification that a building or community was designed and built using strategies intended
to improve performance in metrics such as energy savings, water efficiency, and
stewardship of resources and sensitivity to their impacts.

LEED ( Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)… 30/211
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Term 35 of 249
During what phase of asset development do we get the maximum benefit of an RCM analysis.

Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems AS/RS

The disadvantages of a AS/RS is the high initial cost

The advantages are it is good in high volume processes where storage density is important
and where accuracy is critical because of potential expensive damages to the load.

TPM is a maintenance strategy that originated in Japan; it emphasizes operations and

maintenance cooperation. It's goals include zero defects, zero accidents, zero breakdowns,
and effective workplace design to reduce overall operations and maintenance costs.

The 8 pillars of TPM are:

1) Autonomous Maintenance
2) Focused Improvement
3) Planned Maintenance
4) Quality Maintenance
5) Training and Development
6) Design and early equipment Management
7) Office Improvement
8) Safety, health, and environment

You get the maximum benefits of RCM analysis during the planning, design, and build

80% or more of the facilities cost is fixed during the planning, design and build phases.
RCM decisions made later in the life cycle become more difficult to achieve the maximum
possible benefits.

operate and maintain

The operate and maintain phase has the highest life cycle cost, about 70-80%… 31/211
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Term 36 of 249
A data collection system should do what?

1) Identify the data that needs to be collected and how much, the population from which
the data will come, and the length of time over which to collect the data.

2) Identify the charts and graphs to be used, the frequency of charting, various types of
comparisons to be made, and the methodology for data calculations

3) Identify the characteristics of the data to be collected.

4) Identify is existing data sources can be utilized or new data sources need to be created
for a new or updated measure of performance. All data sources need to be credible and

Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) is a systematic and structured process to develop

an efficient and effective maintenance plan for an asset to minimize the probability of
functional failures. The process ensures safety and mission compliance.

It got started in 1960 in the commercial aviation industry to optimize maintenance and
operations activities.

1) ISO 4406 - This standard covers a hydraulic power method for coding the level of
contamination by solid particles. Simply stated, it is an oil/fluid cleanliness standard.
2) ISO 26000 - This standard makes it clear that organizations should proceed in good faith,
applying the 7 principles of socially responsible behavior
*Ethical Behavior
*Respect for stakeholder interest
*Respect for the rule of the law
*Respect for international norms or behavior
*Respect for human rights
3) ISO 27000 - This is a part of a growing family of ISO/IEC information security
management system standards of best practices to help organizations improve their
security systems.
4) ISO 45001 - This standard specifies requirements for an occupational health and safety
management system and gives guidance for its use.
5) ISO 14224 - This standard provides a standard format for collecting reliability and
maintenance data throughout the operational life cycle of an asset… 32/211
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In a reliability culture the prevention of failures becomes an emphasis at every level of the
organization. The entire workforce is focused on asset reliability. Everyone in the workforce
- operators, maintainers, engineers - think and act to ensure:
*Assets are available to produce when needed
*Assets are maintained at a reasonable cost
*An optimized maintenance plan (FMEA-/RCM-/CBM-based) is in place that includes:
*All assets identified with criticality and having documented maintenance plan
*A defect elimination program
*80/20 principle applied to prioritized work
*Most of the work planned and scheduled

Term 37 of 249
Name 5 PdM technologies and discuss how they can help reduce maintenance costs.

We are going thru a Industrial revolution called Industry 4.0, also known as digitalization.
Fundamentally maintenance practices have not changed but rapid changes in technology
introduce new tools everyday. Clear evidence also indicates that the corporate world has
recognized good maintenance programs as a valuable part of total asset management.

Certification - The result of meeting the established criteria set by an accrediting or

certified-granting organization

Qualified - People who because of their knowledge, training, qualifications, certification, or

experience, are competent to perform the duties of their job

The Process Bottleneck Analysis tool helps a team identify process steps where flow is
constrained, find the root causes of those constraints, and address the root causes that
have been identified. It can be used when processes are not meeting expectations, not
keeping up with demand, or customers are dissatisfied.

1) Vibration Analysis
2) Infrared (IR) thermography
3) Oil analysis
4) Acoustic / ultrasonic - sound level measurements
5) Electrical testing - amperage plus other data
6) Shock Pulse method (SPM)
7) Partial Discharge and corona detection
8) Operational performance data - pressure, temperature, flow rate, ete.… 33/211
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Term 38 of 249
The RPN (risk priority number) is the:

Uniform wear will not create any unbalance, hence no vibration

It is a good and cost effective practice to do more run/cycle based and condition based
PM. It is also good practice to have calendar based PM's 30% or less.

Safety performance - OSHA injuries.

Recordable Incident Rate

product of severity (S), occurrence (O), and detection (D)

Term 39 of 249
In which phase of the asset's life cycle is the highest cost incurred?

It can help by identifying non-value-added and wasteful activities the need to be


Maintainability is the ease of maintenance, it's primary measure is MTTR ( Mean time to

operate and maintain

The operate and maintain phase has the highest life cycle cost, about 70-80%

The team development goes through four stages: Forming, storming, norming and
performing.… 34/211
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Term 40 of 249
Discuss types of risk mitigation strategies?

Risk mitigation strategies are:

1) Avoid - eliminate, or do not do that activity
2) Control - optimize, mitigate, or reduce risk
3) Accept - accept and budget/plan
4) Transfer - risk-share or outsource

"A digital twin is a virtual representation of an object or system that spans its lifecycle, is
updated from real-time data, and uses simulation, machine learning and reasoning to help

Configuration management focuses on establishing and maintaining the consistency of

product performance as well as its functional and physical attributes within its
requirements, design, and operational information throughout its life.

This is done by updating changes and documents thru the CMMS system. Equipment
continues to change in design and parts.

Certification - The result of meeting the established criteria set by an accrediting or

certified-granting organization

Qualified - People who because of their knowledge, training, qualifications, certification, or

experience, are competent to perform the duties of their job… 35/211
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Term 41 of 249
What is the SIPOC tool?

A SIPOC diagram is a tool used by a process improvement team to identify all relevant
elements of a process improvement project before work begins, and helps to define a
complex project that may not be well scoped. SIPOC stands for supplier, input, process,
output, and customer

A standard is a document that sets out requirements for a specific item or describes in
detail a particular method or procedure. They bring benefits to businesses and consumers
in terms of reducing costs, enhancing performance, and improving safety.

It allows ranking of work orders to get work accomplished in order of importance. It will
eliminate tasks being done on a whim and instead allow work to proceed according to its
true impact on the overall operations of the plant

Diagnostic analysis is diagnosing something that went wrong. Trying to find root cause so
that it doesn't happen again.

Prognostic analysis is trying to forecast and fix issues before they become problems by
trending PdM data… 36/211
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Term 42 of 249
What can equipment operators do to support maintenance

1) Conduct general inspections

2) Keep assets clean and accessible
3) Identify and eliminate problem sources
4) Support and create cleaning and lubricating standards and procedures
5) Standardize through visual workplace management
6) Implement autonomous asset management
7) Perform minor maintenance and service items, e.g. replacing filters, lubricating, and
changing the oil
8) Work with the maintenance team to repair what they are unable to perform

S = Specific. Be clear and focused on avoiding misinterpretation.
M= Measurable. This metric can be quantified and compared with other data
A= Attainable. This metric is achievable, reasonable and credible under conditions
R = Realistic. It fits into the organizations constraints and is cost effective
T = Timely. It's doable, data is available with the time needed to act if a course correction is

The key factors are:

1) Annual demand - The number of units of an item used per year. May be explained as
annual usage

2) Ordering Cost - Also known as purchase cost, this is the sum of the fixed costs that are
incurred each time an item is ordered

3) Carrying Cost - Also call holding costs, carrying cost is the cost associated with having
inventory on hand

Formula for EOQ: Annual Usage D

Ordering Cost S
Annual Carrying Cost H

2 X D X S/H (H = carrying cost % X Item Cost)

1) The help companies focus their strategy by defining some boundaries within which to
operate… 37/211
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2) The define the dimensions along which an organization's performance is measured

3) They suggest standards for individual ethical behavior… 38/211
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Term 43 of 249
What are the different categories of maintenance work

1) Value
2) Alignment
3) Leadership
4) Assurance

They planners shouldn't be:

1) Be a supervisor
2) Be a quality inspector
3) Be a material expeditor
4) Perform administrative/clerical activities
5) React to emergencies
6) Be the "Help Desk"

1) Economic Benefits -
*Increase in sales - higher profits
*Increase in international trade and higher GDP for countries

2) Business/organization benefits -
*Costs cut thru improvement in systems and processes
*Increase in customer satisfaction with improvements in quality, safety, and productivity
*Ability to access new markets
*Reduction in the impact on the environment
*Continuous assessment and improvement
*Positive message to all stakeholders

3) Consumer Benefits -
*Increased consumer confidence, trusting that the product or service is safe and reliable, as
well as good quality.
*Increased confidence when it comes to other aspects of products such as toy safety
*Inclusion of consumers in the process of creating and writing standards that are as broad
as possible

4) Government benefits -
*Expert opinion (best practices) of standard teams and groups with opinions and skills that
can be relied upon when regulations are created
*Opening up global markets; compatibility of movement of goods, services, and logistical
technologies, making trading easier and safer… 39/211
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Backlog Maintenance - Maintenance tasks that are essential to repair or prevent failures
that have not been completed yet. Simply a list of work that needs to be done.

Capital Project Maintenance - Major projects valued over a certain threshold, are treated as
capital projects for tax purposes. If projects are essential to restoring the asset to designed
capacity , not to add additional capabilities, they should be treated as maintenance costs.

Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) - Same as predictive maintenance. Maintenance

based on the actual condition of an asset determined from noninvasive measurements and
tests. CBM allows maintenance actions to be optimized by avoiding traditional calendar or
runtime directed maintenance tasks.

Corrective Maintenance (CM) - Repair actions initiated as a result of observed or measured

conditions of an asset after or before the functional failure. These repairs will restore the
asset to normal operating conditions

Operator Based Maintenance (OBM) - Also known as TPM. OBM involves operators
performing some basic maintenance activities. Operator based maintenance is a cost
effective practice to perform minor routine and recurring maintenance tasks by the
operators to keep the equipment running efficiently.

Predictive Maintenance (PdM) - A maintenance strategy based on the actual condition of

an asset as determined from noninvasive measurements and tests using different predictive
technologies such as ultrasonics, infrared thermography, and oil analysis. Same as CBM

Prescriptive Maintenance (PrcM) - Instead of just predicting failures, prescriptive

maintenance strives to produce outcome-focused recommendations. These are actions for
operators and maintenance based on IoT (Internet of Things) inputs and analytics, to
minimize failures by taking timely actions by an appropriate person or device

Preventive Maintenance (PM) - Activities involved in systematic, planned inspection and

component replacement at a fixed interval, regardless of the asset's condition at the time. A
few examples of PM tasks include replacing service items such as filters, and oils belts, and
lubricating parts. PM inspection may require another work order to repair other
discrepancies found during the PM.

Reactive Maintenance (RM) - Maintenance repair work that is done as an immediate

response to an asset failure, normally without planning and unscheduled.

Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) - A systematic disciplined process for establishing… 40/211
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the appropriate maintenance plan for an asset or system to minimize the probability of

Risk Based Maintenance (RBM) - A maintenance strategy in which the degree of risk is
evaluated and economically appropriate maintenance action is taken for a specific asset.
This strategy is usually applied to pressure vessels, piping, or chemical / energy intensive
assets. Sometimes task under this is call risk based inspections.

Run-to-Failure Maintenance (RTF) - A maintenance strategy for assets where the cost and
impact of failure are less than the cost of preventative actions. It is a deliberate decision ,
based on economical effectiveness, not to perform any PM.… 41/211
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Term 44 of 249
What are the benefits of performing a bottleneck analysis (TOC-Theory of Constraints)

The key factors are:

1) Annual demand - The number of units of an item used per year. May be explained as
annual usage

2) Ordering Cost - Also known as purchase cost, this is the sum of the fixed costs that are
incurred each time an item is ordered

3) Carrying Cost - Also call holding costs, carrying cost is the cost associated with having
inventory on hand

Formula for EOQ: Annual Usage D

Ordering Cost S
Annual Carrying Cost H

2 X D X S/H (H = carrying cost % X Item Cost)

Capital projects are:

1) Well defined and static-drawings available
2) Can be planned and scheduled well in advance
3) Safety permits are fixed, weekly or monthly basis
4) Manpower staffing is fixed, usually doesn't change
5) Schedule update weekly or bimonthly

Turnarounds are:
1) Loosely defined, dynamic-changes as inspections made
2) Planning and scheduling can't be finalized until scope is approved
3) Safety permits required on a shiftly or daily basis due to scope fluctuations
4) Manpower staffing is variable. It changes a lot during execution due to scope
5) Schedule update on a shiftly or daily basis

The benefits of a PM program is you take a look at the asset to determine if there are any
telltale signs of failure or imminent failure. You can then correct the abnormalities before
they turn into failures.

The Process Bottleneck Analysis tool helps a team identify process steps where flow is
constrained, find the root causes of those constraints, and address the root causes that… 42/211
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have been identified. It can be used when processes are not meeting expectations, not
keeping up with demand, or customers are dissatisfied.

Term 45 of 249
Why is reliability important? How can we improve it?

The SIPOC tool is particularly useful to clarify or understand a process, new or existing.

The SWOT tool is intended to specify the objectives of the project or business and identify
internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieving those

It's important for:

1) Customer satisfaction - Reliable assets will perform to the meet the customers needs on
time every time.
2) Reputation - An organization's reputation is very closely related to the reliability of it's
3) O&M costs - Poor assets performance will cost more to operate and maintain
4) Repeat Business - Reliable assets and plant will ensure that the customer's needs are
being met in a timely manner
5) Competitive advantage - If you achieve better performance, reliability, and reduction in
total cost of ownership (TOC) and gain advantage over their competition.

It is a internationally recognized green building certification system, providing 3rd party

verification that a building or community was designed and built using strategies intended
to improve performance in metrics such as energy savings, water efficiency, and
stewardship of resources and sensitivity to their impacts.

LEED ( Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)

It is when you are measuring yourself against what is considered the best in the world
performance. It is also where you use a practice of what industry or organizations consider
"world class" or best of the best… 43/211
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Term 46 of 249
What are the benefits of a performance measurement system

1) Industry 1.0 - Mechanization and the introduction of steam and water power

2) Industry 2.0 - Mass production assembly lines using electric power

3) Industry 3.0 - Automated production, computers, IT-systems, and robotics

4) Industry 4.0 - The smart factory, autonomous systems, loT, and machine learning

1) Accountability - Well defined performance measures document progress toward the

achievement of goals and objectives. Thereby motivating organizations to fulfill their
obligations to their employees and stakeholders

2) Resources / Budget Justification - Performance measurement becomes a long term

planning tool to justify proper resource or budget allocation

3) Ownership and Teamwork - It provides more employees participation and ownership in

problem solving, goal setting, and process improvements. It helps set priorities and
promotes collaboration among departments and business area.

4) Communication - a Common Language - Metrics give employees a common language to

communicate, alert them to potential problem areas, and encourage them to share

Capital projects are:

1) Well defined and static-drawings available
2) Can be planned and scheduled well in advance
3) Safety permits are fixed, weekly or monthly basis
4) Manpower staffing is fixed, usually doesn't change
5) Schedule update weekly or bimonthly

Turnarounds are:
1) Loosely defined, dynamic-changes as inspections made
2) Planning and scheduling can't be finalized until scope is approved
3) Safety permits required on a shiftly or daily basis due to scope fluctuations
4) Manpower staffing is variable. It changes a lot during execution due to scope
5) Schedule update on a shiftly or daily basis… 44/211
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S = Specific. Be clear and focused on avoiding misinterpretation.
M= Measurable. This metric can be quantified and compared with other data
A= Attainable. This metric is achievable, reasonable and credible under conditions
R = Realistic. It fits into the organizations constraints and is cost effective
T = Timely. It's doable, data is available with the time needed to act if a course correction is

Term 47 of 249
RCM stands for?

Preventative Maintenance

Reliability Centered Maintenance

Maintenance Strategy

Condition Based Maintenance… 45/211
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Term 48 of 249
Identify and elaborate waste activities found in the maintenance process?

1) System Selection and Information Collection - The purpose of step 1 is to assure that the
RCM team has sufficiently evaluated its area to know which systems are the problems or so
called bad actors. You can use a Pareto Analysis to determine the list of problems using the
criteria of highest total maint costs, downtime hours, and number of corrective actions.
2) System Boundary Definition - The next step is to define its boundaries. Understand the
system as a whole and its functional subsystems. This step assures that there are no
overlaps or gaps between adjacent systems.
3) System Description and functional block diagram - Step 3 requires identifying and
documenting the essential details of the system. It includes the following information -
Functional block diagram, IN/OUT interfaces - utilities and controls, sequence of operation,
system work breakdown structure, equipment/component history
4) System functions (primary and secondary) and functional failures - You need to define a
complete list of system functions and functional failures. The function statement should
describe what it does. Next you need to specify how much each function can be lost.
5) Failure mode and effects analysis - Step 5 is the heart of the RCM process. You use FMEA
to determine the specific component failures that could lead to one or more of the
functional failures.
6) Logic (decision) tree analysis - The logic tree poses 3 simple questions that require a yes
or no answer. 1) Under normal conditions, do the operators know that something has
occurred? 2) Does this failure mode cause a safety or environmental problem? 3) Does this
failure mode result in a full or partial outage of the plant.
7) Selection of maintenance tasks -In this step, all team knowledge is applied to determine
the most applicable and cost effective tasks that will determine, mitigate, or warn us of the
failure modes and causes that we assigned to each component or piece of equipment in
Step 5. It is comprised of 3 steps. 1) Task selection, 2) Sanity Check, 3) Task comparison
8) Task packaging and implementation - This is a crucial step in RCM analysis. The final
implementation action is to write task procedures that communicate the analysis results of
the actionable instructions to the operations and maintenance team.
9) Making the program a living one --continuous improvements - A living RCM program
consists of 1) Validating the existing program - ensuring that the maintenance decisions
made are appropriate. 2) Making adjustments in the maintenance program if needed.

Inclusion is the deliberate act of welcoming diversity and creating an environment where all
different kinds of people can thrive and succeed.

Diversity reflects equal employment opportunity laws, defining diversity in terms of race,
gender, ethnicity, age, national origin, religion, and disability… 46/211
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1) Safety Risk
An expression of the possibility of a mishap that can cause death, injury, occupational
illness or damage to the environment, in terms of hazard severity categories and hazard
probability levels

2) Performance Risk
The degree to which the proposed system or process design is capable of meeting the
operational requirements.

3) Cost Risk
The ability of the system to achieve the programs life cycle costs objectives.

4) Schedule Risk
The adequacy of the time allotted for performing the specific tasks.

5) Technology Risk
The degree to which the technology proposed for the system has been demonstrated as
capable of meeting all the projects objectives

6) Product data access and protection risk

A new area of risk that provides for the protection of proprietary data regarding processes
and products.

1) Transportation - Plan and provide materials and tools to reduce the number of extra trips
to the storeroom to hunt for the right parts

2) Inventory - Eliminate or minimize extra inventory in the system. Keep only the right
materials, parts, and tools in the storeroom

3) Motion - Minimize people's movement through improved planning

4) Waiting - Minimize waiting for the next step - another skilled person or part - by
improved planning and scheduling.

5) Overproduction - develop optimized PM's, an FMEA/RCM- based approach

6) Inappropriate processing - Use the tools and fixtures to improve maintenance processes

7) Defects - Eliminate rework and poor workmanship. Educate/train maintenance personnel

appropriately.… 47/211
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Term 49 of 249
What is the difference between OEE and TTP?

OEE measures effectiveness based on scheduled hours, TEEP measures effectiveness

against 24 hours per day, 365 days per year operation.

OEE = availability X performance X quality

TEEP = utilization X availability X performance X quality or utilization X OEE

The objective of the Pareto Analysis is to help us focus on a vital few issues to maximize
gains with limited resources.

The SIPOC tool is particularly useful to clarify or understand a process, new or existing.

The SWOT tool is intended to specify the objectives of the project or business and identify
internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieving those

The purpose of job task analysis is to establish and document the skills required for
performing the job effectively.

Term 50 of 249
One hundred percent of maintenance personnel's (craft/technician) time should be scheduled. T
or F

The objective of RCM is to preserve function and optimize maintenance needs.

A best practice is a business function, a practice, or a process that is considered superior to
all other known methods.

The PM frequency should be less than the P-F interval

Schedule compliance analysis should provide opportunity to reduce/eliminate waste and
improve productivity… 48/211
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Term 51 of 249
What units are used to measure sound and noise levels?

During the design phase.

Ultrasonic Testing. Hz and decibels

ISO 4406:99 is the international industry standard for oil cleanliness.

Operations and Maintenance account for a majority of Life Cycle Costs (LCC). Typically 60-
80%.… 49/211
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Term 52 of 249
What are the benefits of standards?

1. Charisma
2. Competence
3. Communication
4. Energizing People
5. Vision (in creating)

1) Economic Benefits -
*Increase in sales - higher profits
*Increase in international trade and higher GDP for countries

2) Business/organization benefits -
*Costs cut thru improvement in systems and processes
*Increase in customer satisfaction with improvements in quality, safety, and productivity
*Ability to access new markets
*Reduction in the impact on the environment
*Continuous assessment and improvement
*Positive message to all stakeholders

3) Consumer Benefits -
*Increased consumer confidence, trusting that the product or service is safe and reliable, as
well as good quality.
*Increased confidence when it comes to other aspects of products such as toy safety
*Inclusion of consumers in the process of creating and writing standards that are as broad
as possible

4) Government benefits -
*Expert opinion (best practices) of standard teams and groups with opinions and skills that
can be relied upon when regulations are created
*Opening up global markets; compatibility of movement of goods, services, and logistical
technologies, making trading easier and safer

1) To stimulate thinking during a brainstorming session

2) To ensure all causes are identified
3) To evaluate all the possible reasons that a process is beginning to have difficulties,
problems, or breakdowns
4) To investigate why an asset or process is not performing properly or producing the
desired results
5) To analyze and find the root cause of a complicated problem and to understand… 50/211
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relationships between potential causes

6) To dissect problems into smaller pieces

1) PM program development and optimization

2) Execution of PM and CM tasks
3) Planning and scheduling
4) MRO store - material, spares including tools availability
5) CBM/PdM and specialized skills, e.g. laser alignment, oil/lub management
6) Failure elimination and reliability planning
7) Data analytics
8) Digitalization
9) Designing for reliability support
10) Resource management and budgeting
11) Workforce development and training

Term 53 of 249
Creating a reliability culture from a reactive mode can be accomplished in a short period of time
if enough resources are made available. T or F

The person who did the work

Hidden failure

Changing culture takes a long time

Lagging metrics

Term 54 of 249
PM compliance is a lagging KPI. T or F

Uniform wear will not create any unbalance, hence no vibration

The Person who did the work

Lagging indicators are the results.

Not Having adequate preparation and leadership.… 51/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 55 of 249
It does not cost anything to keep a part (material) in the store-room after we bought and paid for
it. T or F

A best practice is a business function, a practice, or a process that is considered superior to
all other known methods.

IR thermography windows with an IR camera are being used effectively to detect any hot
spots or potential problems in electrical cabinets, switchgears, safely to help in meeting
NFPA 70E arc flash requirements.

It costs money, about 20 - 25% of the value of the part to stock in the storeroom

Less than 30%

We need to make sure that all critical assets are being maintained adequately before we
get to other or noncritical assets.… 52/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 56 of 249
How do we implement TPM

We implement TPM with 10 steps:

1) Announce TPM
2) Launch a formal education program
3) Create an organizational support structure
4) Establish basic TPM policies and quantifiable goals
5) Outline a detailed master deployment plan
6) Have a TPM kickoff
7) Improve the effectiveness of each piece of equipment
7a) Develop and autonomous maint program for operators
7b) Develop a planned or preventative maint program
7c) Identify losses/waste and implement a reduction plan
8) Conduct training to improve operation and maintenance skills
9) Develop an early equipment management program
10) Strive for continuous improvement

TPM is a maintenance strategy that originated in Japan; it emphasizes operations and

maintenance cooperation. It's goals include zero defects, zero accidents, zero breakdowns,
and effective workplace design to reduce overall operations and maintenance costs.

The 8 pillars of TPM are:

1) Autonomous Maintenance
2) Focused Improvement
3) Planned Maintenance
4) Quality Maintenance
5) Training and Development
6) Design and early equipment Management
7) Office Improvement
8) Safety, health, and environment

The emphasis of 5s is the elimination of bad habits and the constant practice of good ones.
You must continue to educate people about maintaining standards.. As changes occur such
as new equipment, new products, and new work rules, adjustments will need to be made to
accommodate these. So changes to standards and training will to address these changes.

The balanced scorecard model identifies four perspectives from which to view a process or
organization. These are:
1) Learning and growth perspective
2) Business process perspective… 53/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

3) Customer perspective
4) Financial perspective

It provides a balance view of organizational performance.

Term 57 of 249
What is the difference between 5S and 5S plus

The difference is that in 5S plus they also emphasize safety in their program. Also called 6S


1) Maintenance people standing around waiting for parts

2) High rework
3) Poor work performance
4) High stockout in the storeroom
5) Planners being used to expedite parts
6) Maintenance personnel arriving at the job site and waiting for the asset/system to be
shut down (wait is over 15 mins)
7) Frequent trips to the storeroom by maintenance personnel
8) Production downtime always more than estimated

1) Value
2) Alignment
3) Leadership
4) Assurance… 54/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 58 of 249
Karl Fischer''s coulometric titration method is an effective technique to determine the metallic
content (in PPM) in an oil sample. T or F

Changing culture takes a long time

1) Steam
2) Process Heat
3) Motors, pumps, and fans
4) Compressed air
5) HVAC systems

RCM can be used on new or "in-use" systems.

Karl Fischer's method is used to for determining water content in an oil sample.… 55/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 59 of 249
Who are the key players in the scheduling process? Explain their roles.

It shows that the organization has a robust system to ensure all processes are working to
produce or deliver quality services.. Furthermore, the certification means that the
organization is meeting the requirements of all clauses specified in the standard and can
be trusted.

Deming is a world renowned expert in the field of quality.

The key players are:

Asset/Resource Coordinator - Helps to prioritize the work, ensure required resources are in
the budget, and to schedule asset outages if necessary

Planner - Plan the job and create a work plan which consists of what work needs to be
done, how it will be done, what materials, tools, or special equipment is needed, estimated
time and skills required

Scheduler - Work with the craft supervisor, coordinator, and other support staff to develop
weekly, monthly, and rolling annual long range plans to execute maintenance work.

Configuration specialist/systems engineer - Provide technical support to ensure that work

plan is feasible.

Craft Supervisor - Take the weekly schedule and assign who will do the job on a daily basis.
They also review work plans from an execution point of view and recommend necessary
changes in work plans to the planner and scheduler.
Work Performer

A servant leader is someone regardless of level who leads simply by meeting the needs of
the team.

A participative leader involves team members while making critical decisions… 56/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 60 of 249
A mission statement is a statement of an organizations:

The ability to maintain a certain status or process in existing systems. Focuses on meeting
the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet
their needs.

The team development goes through four stages: Forming, storming, norming and

1) Designed to be easy to operate and maintain

2) Designed for fault tolerance
3) Design to fail safely
4) Design with early warning of failure to the user
5) Design with a built in diagnostic system to identify the fault location
6) Design to eliminate all or critical failure modes cost effectively, if possible
7) Design for ease of use and to provide the best value to build, install, and operate
8) Design, build, and installed to reduce the total cost of ownership during the asset's life

purpose - what the organization wants to do

The mission statement should tell us about the organization's purpose and what the
organization does and how it does it.… 57/211
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Term 61 of 249
What's the difference between active and passive RFID tags?

The purpose of the FMEA is to take actions to eliminate or reduce failures, starting with the
highest - priority ones.

Passive tags are powered by energy from the RFID interrogating radio waves.

Active tags are powered by a battery and thus can be read at greater distances.

Diagnostic analysis is diagnosing something that went wrong. Trying to find root cause so
that it doesn't happen again.

Prognostic analysis is trying to forecast and fix issues before they become problems by
trending PdM data

They planners shouldn't be:

1) Be a supervisor
2) Be a quality inspector
3) Be a material expeditor
4) Perform administrative/clerical activities
5) React to emergencies
6) Be the "Help Desk"

Term 62 of 249
Why is vision important

A type of energy that is considered to be environmentally friendly and non polluting, such
as hydro, geothermal, wind, and solar power

1. Employees tend to feel part of something bigger than themselves

2. Helps employees find meaning in their work
3. Allows employees to experience a greater sense of purpose

People in organizations spend 75% of their time in interpersonal situations to get work
done. Effective communication is an essential component of organizational success.

A SIPOC diagram is a tool used by a process improvement team to identify all relevant
elements of a process improvement project before work begins, and helps to define a
complex project that may not be well scoped. SIPOC stands for supplier, input, process,
output, and customer… 58/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 63 of 249
Most emergency WO's should be written by production/operations. T or F

Safety performance - OSHA injuries.

Recordable Incident Rate


85% or more
Proactive work is defined as all work minus unscheduled work/unplanned work.

The PM frequency should be less than the P-F interval

Term 64 of 249
What basic tools can an operator use to predict failures?

Operators can use four sensory tool to predict failures.

1) Look for abnormalities - clean, in place, accessible
2) Listen for abnormal noises, vibrations, leaks.
3) Feel for abnormal hot or cold surfaces
4) Smell abnormal burning or unusual odors.

The 4 categories are:

1) Finished goods
2) Work in Process
3) Raw Materials
4) Maintenance and operating items such as spare parts and operating supplies, including

Inventory turnover ratio is the number of times an organizations investment in inventory is

recouped during an accounting period.

It is calculated by Value of issued Inventory / an average of inventory value in an

accounting period

A standard is a document that sets out requirements for a specific item or describes in
detail a particular method or procedure. They bring benefits to businesses and consumers
in terms of reducing costs, enhancing performance, and improving safety.… 59/211
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Term 65 of 249
A best practice is to have 90% or more of all maint work planned. T or F

A best practice is a business function, a practice, or a process that is considered superior to
all other known methods.

With an increase in reliability or a reduction in number of failures, assets become more
available to perform their function, and maint costs decrease

OEE is calculated a Availability X Performance X Quality. Operations and maintenance both
impact this metric.

It is a good practice to have 90% or more work planned. Planned work costs two to three
times less than reactive work… 60/211
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Term 66 of 249
If an asset has a failure rate of 0.001 fail/hour, what would be the reliability for 100 hours of

You get the maximum benefits of RCM analysis during the planning, design, and build

80% or more of the facilities cost is fixed during the planning, design and build phases.
RCM decisions made later in the life cycle become more difficult to achieve the maximum
possible benefits.

The basic function of Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) is to develop an efficient and
effective maintenance plan for assets to minimize the probability of failures.

The basic equation for estimating reliability is R(Time) = e(-At)

For this problem:

R(100) = 2.71828~ (.001)(100) =

note: e is the base of the natural logarithm = 2.71828

The benefits of a PM program is you take a look at the asset to determine if there are any
telltale signs of failure or imminent failure. You can then correct the abnormalities before
they turn into failures.

Term 67 of 249
Reliability is one key component of OEE. T or F

OEE = availability X performance X quality

In the P-F interval curve, F stand for failure, and the P stands for potential failure.

Failure rate is the inverse of MTBF

99.993 or 233 defects per million opportunities… 61/211
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Term 68 of 249
Why is listening important?

How well we listen has a major impact on our job effectiveness and on the quality of our
relationship with others.

People in organizations spend 75% of their time in interpersonal situations to get work
done. Effective communication is an essential component of organizational success.

It allows ranking of work orders to get work accomplished in order of importance. It will
eliminate tasks being done on a whim and instead allow work to proceed according to its
true impact on the overall operations of the plant

A SIPOC diagram is a tool used by a process improvement team to identify all relevant
elements of a process improvement project before work begins, and helps to define a
complex project that may not be well scoped. SIPOC stands for supplier, input, process,
output, and customer

Term 69 of 249
What process is used to identify gaps in performance?

Transitional matrix

Trend analysis

Leading indicators

Perception factors… 62/211
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Term 70 of 249
What is the objective of autonomous maintenance

The purpose of job task analysis is to establish and document the skills required for
performing the job effectively.

Maintenance rework is any WO that has to be done again because: It was reassembled
wrong, a bad part was installed, a part was broken while being installed. WO call 5 to 7 days
after a PM. Maint Rework percentage is calculated by number of rework WO's divided by
total number of WO's. The benchmark is less than 2%

1) Industry 1.0 - Mechanization and the introduction of steam and water power

2) Industry 2.0 - Mass production assembly lines using electric power

3) Industry 3.0 - Automated production, computers, IT-systems, and robotics

4) Industry 4.0 - The smart factory, autonomous systems, loT, and machine learning

The objectives of Autonomous Maintenance are:

1) Uninterrupted operation of equipment
2) Operators to operate and maintain the equipment
3) Elimination of the defects and potential failures at the source quickly
4) Involvement of all employees to solve problems through active participation

Term 71 of 249
FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) is applicable only to assets currently in use. T or F

Not having adequate preparation and leadership.

production and maintenance

If we understand the failure mechanism, how a part or component can fail, we can develop
a mitigating maint strategy to prevent failure.

FMEA can be used for any asset, whether in use or not.… 63/211
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Term 72 of 249
What percentage of your assets should be ranked critical based on the risk to your business?

Less than 30%

We need to make sure that all critical assets are being maintained adequately before we
get to other or noncritical assets.

Oil cleanliness standard is the organizations standardized cleanliness codes based on the
equipment they have. Eg. servo valves or precision equipment needs cleaner oil.

The cleaner oil sample is 16/14/11

Future plant performance requirements

The needs of the future (the next few months, 1-3 years, etc..) plant should determine what
assets and skills will be required to perform M&R tasks effectively.

Benefits of the RFID technology are:

1) Gives you up to the minute live tracking
2) Offers a long-read range
3) They have a larger more durable tags… 64/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 73 of 249
What are the key differences (attributes) between Millennials and iGen?

Planning is the WHAT and HOW - what and how work will be performed

Scheduling is the WHEN and WHO - when the work will be done and who will do the work.

1) PM program development and optimization

2) Execution of PM and CM tasks
3) Planning and scheduling
4) MRO store - material, spares including tools availability
5) CBM/PdM and specialized skills, e.g. laser alignment, oil/lub management
6) Failure elimination and reliability planning
7) Data analytics
8) Digitalization
9) Designing for reliability support
10) Resource management and budgeting
11) Workforce development and training

1) Should have a list of screened potential employees ready to call when the opportunity is
2) Succession planning for all positions and training of identified employees need to be
3) Internships, cooperative programs, and similar tools can be used to recruit and evaluate

1) iGen are less focused

2) iGen are better multitaskers
3) iGen are early starters. Entering the workforce sooner
4) iGen are more entrepreneurial
5) iGen have higher expectations than Millennials
6) iGen are big on individuality
7) iGen are more global… 65/211
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Term 74 of 249
What is succession planning and why is it important?

ABC classification is based on an items value and usage rate. This classification system us
used to distinguish between the trivial many and vital few.

A - are the one of a kind parts with long delivery, high cost and low demand - Averages 15%
of all inventory items but accounts for 60-80% of total inventory costs.

B - are standard parts that may be stored in the vendor's warehouses and made available
by a local distributor in a few days or a couple weeks. - Averages 25% of all inventory items
but accounts for 15 to 25% of all costs.

C - are standard parts, consumable or commodity items that can be delivered by the
vendor on a regular schedule or made available by local distributors in a few hours or a
couple of days. - Averages 65% of all inventory items but accounts for 5 to 15% of all costs.

The objectives of Autonomous Maintenance are:

1) Uninterrupted operation of equipment
2) Operators to operate and maintain the equipment
3) Elimination of the defects and potential failures at the source quickly
4) Involvement of all employees to solve problems through active participation

Succession planning is a key element of the workforce development process. It is the

process of identifying and preparing suitable employees - thru mentoring, training, job
rotation - to replace (or prepare) for key positions in the organization.

It's important because it often takes years of grooming to develop effective managers and

The SIPOC tool is particularly useful to clarify or understand a process, new or existing.

The SWOT tool is intended to specify the objectives of the project or business and identify
internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieving those
objectives… 66/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 75 of 249
Reliability can be improved easily after a maintenance plan has been put into operation. T or F

A CMMS is an essential tool for all maintenance organizations. It will help to improve the
maintenance departments efficiency and effectiveness and ultimately , get more out of
assets by streamlining critical workflows, work identification, work task planning,
scheduling, and reporting.

The difference is a Enterprise Asset Management system (EAM) is a enterprise wide

collection of modular applications such as asset management, material resource planning,
finance, and human resources. These applications or systems interface with each other
seamlessly and can work effectively across many locations and plants. They can be
expensive to install as well as keep up to date. E.g. (JD Edwards)

Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) are stand alone applications

related to maintenance management. They can be interfaced with other enterprise wide
systems such as finance or human resource systems. They are easier to use compared to
some EAM systems

Reliability is a design attribute. A maint plan cannot change the basic reliability unless the
components are changed or redesigned with more reliable, higher MTBF parts.

It can help improve by streamlining critical workflows, work identification, work task
planning, scheduling, and reporting.

Employees need to know why the organization is in business. Involve employees in creating
or confirming the organization's mission. People support what they help create.… 67/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 76 of 249
Explain the kitting process. How does kitting process help to improve productivity.

A visual workplace uses visual displays to relay information to employees and guide their
actions. The workplace is set-up with signs, labels, color-coded markings, etc.. so that
anyone unfamiliar with the assets ro processes can readily identify what is going on,
understand the process, and know both what is being done correctly and out of place.

It is when you are measuring yourself against what is considered the best in the world
performance. It is also where you use a practice of what industry or organizations consider
"world class" or best of the best

Because it:
1) Helps to create understanding (i.e. why the change is needed and how it relates to vision)
2) It sets goals and expectations
3) It establishes a process for praise and recognition
4) It defines and clarifies roles
5) It establishes and standardizes processes and procedures
6) It creates discipline, develops tenacity, and helps you be persistent

Kitting is a material management strategy used to create prepackaged and prelabeled

components and material in one place, in a bin or container for efficient maintenance or
repair job.

Kitting benefits in the form of reduced inventory investments, more efficient utilization of
maintenance technicians and storeroom employees, and overall equipment/asset
availability.… 68/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 77 of 249
The P-F interval can be applied to visual inspection? T or F

With an increase in reliability or a reduction in number of failures, assets become more
available to perform their function, and maint costs decrease

85% or more
Proactive work is defined as all work minus unscheduled work/unplanned work.

A best practice is a business function, a practice, or a process that is considered superior to
all other known methods.

The primary objective of an inspection is to detect a fault, or to find the start of one, and to
correct it before it fails.… 69/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 78 of 249
What key steps/elements are needed to perform an FMEA?

They planners shouldn't be:

1) Be a supervisor
2) Be a quality inspector
3) Be a material expeditor
4) Perform administrative/clerical activities
5) React to emergencies
6) Be the "Help Desk"

Less than 2
It should be less than 2 for maint related spares. The long lead items and "A" type inventory
are expensive to keep but needed for catastrophic failures

1) Planning and preparation

2) Structure analysis
3) Function analysis
4) Failure analysis
5) Risk analysis
6) Optimization
7) Results documentation

A new name could be Capacity Assurance. With proper maintenance, the capacity of an
asset can be realized at the designed level.… 70/211
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Term 79 of 249
Why do we need a performance measurement system?

1) It gives us strategic feedback to show the present status of the organization from various
2) Diagnostic feedback of various processes to guide improvements continuously
3) Trends in performance over time as the metrics are tracked
4) Feedback around the measurement methods themselves in order to track the correct

The key factors are:

1) Annual demand - The number of units of an item used per year. May be explained as
annual usage

2) Ordering Cost - Also known as purchase cost, this is the sum of the fixed costs that are
incurred each time an item is ordered

3) Carrying Cost - Also call holding costs, carrying cost is the cost associated with having
inventory on hand

Formula for EOQ: Annual Usage D

Ordering Cost S
Annual Carrying Cost H

2 X D X S/H (H = carrying cost % X Item Cost)

They planners shouldn't be:

1) Be a supervisor
2) Be a quality inspector
3) Be a material expeditor
4) Perform administrative/clerical activities
5) React to emergencies
6) Be the "Help Desk"

We are going thru a Industrial revolution called Industry 4.0, also known as digitalization.
Fundamentally maintenance practices have not changed but rapid changes in technology
introduce new tools everyday. Clear evidence also indicates that the corporate world has
recognized good maintenance programs as a valuable part of total asset management.… 71/211
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Term 80 of 249
When should we use the fishbone tool?

1) To stimulate thinking during a brainstorming session

2) To ensure all causes are identified
3) To evaluate all the possible reasons that a process is beginning to have difficulties,
problems, or breakdowns
4) To investigate why an asset or process is not performing properly or producing the
desired results
5) To analyze and find the root cause of a complicated problem and to understand
relationships between potential causes
6) To dissect problems into smaller pieces

TPM is a maintenance strategy that originated in Japan; it emphasizes operations and

maintenance cooperation. It's goals include zero defects, zero accidents, zero breakdowns,
and effective workplace design to reduce overall operations and maintenance costs.

The 8 pillars of TPM are:

1) Autonomous Maintenance
2) Focused Improvement
3) Planned Maintenance
4) Quality Maintenance
5) Training and Development
6) Design and early equipment Management
7) Office Improvement
8) Safety, health, and environment

1) PM program development and optimization

2) Execution of PM and CM tasks
3) Planning and scheduling
4) MRO store - material, spares including tools availability
5) CBM/PdM and specialized skills, e.g. laser alignment, oil/lub management
6) Failure elimination and reliability planning
7) Data analytics
8) Digitalization
9) Designing for reliability support
10) Resource management and budgeting
11) Workforce development and training

Configuration management focuses on establishing and maintaining the consistency of

product performance as well as its functional and physical attributes within its… 72/211
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requirements, design, and operational information throughout its life.

This is done by updating changes and documents thru the CMMS system. Equipment
continues to change in design and parts.

Term 81 of 249
According to OSHA what is the allowable noise exposure for an 8 hour period.

Leading indicators

Failure rate is the inverse of MTBF

OSHA - 90 dba
NIOSH - 85 dba

Not having adequate preparation and leadership.

Term 82 of 249
Most of the maintenance costs become fixed when?

Economic order quantity

Ultrasonic testing. hz and decibels

Just before we begin the first production operation.

During the design phase.… 73/211
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Term 83 of 249
What does Six Sigma mean?

A type of energy that is considered to be environmentally friendly and non polluting, such
as hydro, geothermal, wind, and solar power

A standard is a document that sets out requirements for a specific item or describes in
detail a particular method or procedure. They bring benefits to businesses and consumers
in terms of reducing costs, enhancing performance, and improving safety.

Achieving Six Sigma means that the process is delivering only 3.4 defects per million

The objective of the Pareto Analysis is to help us focus on a vital few issues to maximize
gains with limited resources.… 74/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 84 of 249
What are the benefits of RCM

It allows you to measure yourself against other companies or other departments to see how
they are performing. It also allows you to see best practices and copy them to improve
your performance.

1) Damage during the inspection, repair adjustment, or installation of a replacement part

2) Installation of material or a part that is defective
3) Incorrect installation of a replacement part or incorrect reassembly
4) Reintroduction of infant mortality by installing new parts that have not been tested
5) Damage due to an error in reinstalling as asset into its original location
6) Damage to an adjacent asset or component during a maintenance task

To Improve:
1) Provide training in maintenance best practices and procedures for maintenance on
specific tasks
2) Provide appropriate tools to perform the tasks effectively
3) Get personnel involved in performing FMEA and RCA/RCFA and in developing
maintenance procedures
4) Follow up to assure quality performance and to show everyone that management does
care about quality work
5) Publicize reduced costs with improved uptime, which is the result of effective
maintenance practices.

The benefits of RCM are:

1) Reliability - The primary goal of RCM is to improve asset reliability and availability cost
2) Cost - The net effect is a reduction of reactive maintenance and a reduction in total
maintenance costs.
3) Documentation - One of the key benefits of an RCM analysis is an understanding and
documentation of operations and maintenance key features, failure modes, basis of PM
tasks, related drawings, manuals etc..
4) Equipment/Parts replacement - With RCM, equipment replacement is based on
equipment condition, not on the calendar. This condition based approach to maintenance
extends the life of the facility and its equipment
5) Efficiency/Productivity - Safety is the primary concern of RCM. The second most
important concern is cost effectiveness. It ensures that the proper type of maintenance is
performed when it is needed.… 75/211
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Capital projects are:

1) Well defined and static-drawings available
2) Can be planned and scheduled well in advance
3) Safety permits are fixed, weekly or monthly basis
4) Manpower staffing is fixed, usually doesn't change
5) Schedule update weekly or bimonthly

Turnarounds are:
1) Loosely defined, dynamic-changes as inspections made
2) Planning and scheduling can't be finalized until scope is approved
3) Safety permits required on a shiftly or daily basis due to scope fluctuations
4) Manpower staffing is variable. It changes a lot during execution due to scope
5) Schedule update on a shiftly or daily basis… 76/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 85 of 249
What are 3 key measures that indicate the magnitude of vibration.

1) Displacement - The actual physical movement of a vibrating object.

2) Velocity - The measure of the speed at which the mass is moving, in other words, the
changing rate of displacement to time.
3) Accelerations - The changing rate of velocity to time

1) Reducing production downtime - the results of fewer asset failures

2) Increasing life expectancy of assets, thereby eliminating premature replacement of
machinery and assets.
3) Reducing overtime costs and providing more economical use of maintenance personnel
due to working on a scheduled basis.
4) Reducing the cost of repairs by reducing secondary failures.
5) Reducing product rejects, rework, and scrap due to better overall asset condition
6) Identifying assets with excessive maintenance costs, indicating the need for corrective
maintenance, operating training, or replacement of obsolete assets
7) Improving safety and quality conditions

The SIPOC tool is particularly useful to clarify or understand a process, new or existing.

The SWOT tool is intended to specify the objectives of the project or business and identify
internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieving those

Capital projects are:

1) Well defined and static-drawings available
2) Can be planned and scheduled well in advance
3) Safety permits are fixed, weekly or monthly basis
4) Manpower staffing is fixed, usually doesn't change
5) Schedule update weekly or bimonthly

Turnarounds are:
1) Loosely defined, dynamic-changes as inspections made
2) Planning and scheduling can't be finalized until scope is approved
3) Safety permits required on a shiftly or daily basis due to scope fluctuations
4) Manpower staffing is variable. It changes a lot during execution due to scope
5) Schedule update on a shiftly or daily basis… 77/211
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Term 86 of 249
An IR thermography window is an effective method to satisfy NFPA 70E arch flash requirements. T
or F

People in organizations spend 75% of their time in interpersonal situations to get work
done. Effective communication is an essential component of organizational success.

IR thermography windows with an IR camera are being used effectively to detect any hot
spots or potential problems in electrical cabinets, switchgears, safely to help in meeting
NFPA 70E arc flash requirements.

It is a good practice to have 90% or more work planned. Planned work costs two to three
times less than reactive work

Schedule compliance analysis should provide opportunity to reduce/eliminate waste and
improve productivity… 78/211
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Term 87 of 249
Why do we need to manage maintenance backlog? What is a good benchmark?

the design phase

FMEA should be performed during the design phase to identify failure mode, these modes
could be eliminated or their impact reduced or mitigated cost effectively.

Because it:
1) Helps to create understanding (i.e. why the change is needed and how it relates to vision)
2) It sets goals and expectations
3) It establishes a process for praise and recognition
4) It defines and clarifies roles
5) It establishes and standardizes processes and procedures
6) It creates discipline, develops tenacity, and helps you be persistent

The emphasis of 5s is the elimination of bad habits and the constant practice of good ones.
You must continue to educate people about maintaining standards.. As changes occur such
as new equipment, new products, and new work rules, adjustments will need to be made to
accommodate these. So changes to standards and training will to address these changes.

It helps to keep from addressing low priority tasks or the categories of work that will not
have the largest impact on the overall reliability of the organization. An effective backlog
system requires appropriate work classification and priority.

A good backlog benchmark is 4-6 weeks.… 79/211
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Term 88 of 249
What's the future of maintenance and where is it heading?

We are going thru a Industrial revolution called Industry 4.0, also known as digitalization.
Fundamentally maintenance practices have not changed but rapid changes in technology
introduce new tools everyday. Clear evidence also indicates that the corporate world has
recognized good maintenance programs as a valuable part of total asset management.

The purpose of the FMEA is to take actions to eliminate or reduce failures, starting with the
highest - priority ones.

Operators can use four sensory tool to predict failures.

1) Look for abnormalities - clean, in place, accessible
2) Listen for abnormal noises, vibrations, leaks.
3) Feel for abnormal hot or cold surfaces
4) Smell abnormal burning or unusual odors.

they are important because:

Standards provide a workable basis for acceptance and rejection of goods or
consequential disputes if any. They help minimize delays, correspondence, , etc..

Standards standardize the manufacturing process. They eliminate or reduce wasteful
material or labor. They contribute toward a reduction in inventories of both raw materials
and finished products. Standards also contribute to the reduction in the cost of
manufacturing or provide a service.… 80/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 89 of 249
Define the risk index number?

We can volunteer to be on a committee

1) Transportation - Plan and provide materials and tools to reduce the number of extra trips
to the storeroom to hunt for the right parts

2) Inventory - Eliminate or minimize extra inventory in the system. Keep only the right
materials, parts, and tools in the storeroom

3) Motion - Minimize people's movement through improved planning

4) Waiting - Minimize waiting for the next step - another skilled person or part - by
improved planning and scheduling.

5) Overproduction - develop optimized PM's, an FMEA/RCM- based approach

6) Inappropriate processing - Use the tools and fixtures to improve maintenance processes

7) Defects - Eliminate rework and poor workmanship. Educate/train maintenance personnel


Maintenance is the act of maintaining. The work of keeping an asset in proper operating

Maintainability reflects the ease of maintenance. It's to ensure maintenance tasks can be
performed easily, safely, and effectively.

Consequence (impact) of risk event X Probability of occurrence = Risk index… 81/211
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Term 90 of 249
Define the major categories of risk to which a product (asset) or project may be exposed?

1) Define the problem (head of the fish)

2) Brainstorm causes of failures
*Label each bone of the fish. Typically includes
*Methods, machine, materials, and manpower
*Place, procedure, people and policies
*Surroundings, suppliers, systems, and skills
*Machine, method, materials, measurement, man, and mother nature
*Equipment/asset, process, people, materials, environment, and management
3) Identify / document all causes by major category (bone)
4) Select any causes that may be at the root of the problem
5) Develop a corrective action plan to eliminate or reduce the impact of the causes
selected in step 4

1) Safety Risk
An expression of the possibility of a mishap that can cause death, injury, occupational
illness or damage to the environment, in terms of hazard severity categories and hazard
probability levels

2) Performance Risk
The degree to which the proposed system or process design is capable of meeting the
operational requirements.

3) Cost Risk
The ability of the system to achieve the programs life cycle costs objectives.

4) Schedule Risk
The adequacy of the time allotted for performing the specific tasks.

5) Technology Risk
The degree to which the technology proposed for the system has been demonstrated as
capable of meeting all the projects objectives

6) Product data access and protection risk

A new area of risk that provides for the protection of proprietary data regarding processes
and products.

Vision statements are important because it is a declaration of what the organization intends
to become or to achieve at some point in the future. It is a pronouncement of what the… 82/211
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organization wants to become

Mission statements are important for 3 reasons:

1) The help companies focus their strategy by defining some boundaries within which to
2) The define the dimensions along which an organizations performance is measured and
3) The suggest standards for individual ethical behavior

1) Maintenance people standing around waiting for parts

2) High rework
3) Poor work performance
4) High stockout in the storeroom
5) Planners being used to expedite parts
6) Maintenance personnel arriving at the job site and waiting for the asset/system to be
shut down (wait is over 15 mins)
7) Frequent trips to the storeroom by maintenance personnel
8) Production downtime always more than estimated

Term 91 of 249
Define sustainability, why is it important to organizations?

The benefits of a PM program is you take a look at the asset to determine if there are any
telltale signs of failure or imminent failure. You can then correct the abnormalities before
they turn into failures.

The ability to maintain a certain status or process in existing systems. Focuses on meeting
the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet
their needs.

Less than 2
It should be less than 2 for maint related spares. The long lead items and "A" type inventory
are expensive to keep but needed for catastrophic failures

Reliability is measured by Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) This is calculated by dividing
operating time by number of failures.

To improve to 90% reliability we will need to reduce failures by 20 for every 100 hours.… 83/211
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Term 92 of 249
What is Maintenance Rework and how is it calculated?

Transformational leadership uses the ability to motivate and inspire followers. They want to
help the organization achieve its goals but also help group members fulfill their potential

Transactional leadership starts with the idea that team members agree to obey their leader
when accepting the job. The leader has the right to punish team members if their work
doesn't meet and appropriate standard.

Maintenance rework is any WO that has to be done again because: It was reassembled
wrong, a bad part was installed, a part was broken while being installed. WO call 5 to 7 days
after a PM. Maint Rework percentage is calculated by number of rework WO's divided by
total number of WO's. The benchmark is less than 2%

We are going thru a Industrial revolution called Industry 4.0, also known as digitalization.
Fundamentally maintenance practices have not changed but rapid changes in technology
introduce new tools everyday. Clear evidence also indicates that the corporate world has
recognized good maintenance programs as a valuable part of total asset management.

1) It gives us strategic feedback to show the present status of the organization from various
2) Diagnostic feedback of various processes to guide improvements continuously
3) Trends in performance over time as the metrics are tracked
4) Feedback around the measurement methods themselves in order to track the correct
metrics… 84/211
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Term 93 of 249
Explain what is meant by world class benchmarking/practice

1) Maintenance Cost Percent of ERV

2) Production Loss - Breakdowns

3) Reactive - CM unscheduled

4) Planned Maintenance

5) Overtime

6) Rework - maintenance quality

The ability to maintain a certain status or process in existing systems. Focuses on meeting
the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet
their needs.

It is when you are measuring yourself against what is considered the best in the world
performance. It is also where you use a practice of what industry or organizations consider
"world class" or best of the best

1) The help companies focus their strategy by defining some boundaries within which to
2) The define the dimensions along which an organization's performance is measured
3) They suggest standards for individual ethical behavior

Term 94 of 249
The best method of measuring reliability of an asset uses?




TPM… 85/211
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Term 95 of 249
Leading KPI's predict results. T or F

With an increase in reliability or a reduction in number of failures, assets become more
available to perform their function, and maint costs decrease

Schedule compliance analysis should provide opportunity to reduce/eliminate waste and
improve productivity

The leading indicators are process indicators, and they lead to the results.

product of severity (S), occurrence (O), and detection (D)

Term 96 of 249
What does ISO stand for?

National Institute of Quality

International Organization for Standardization

Internal Operations and Safety

Institute for Supply Management… 86/211
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Term 97 of 249
The best method of measuring the reliability of an asset is by counting downtime events? T or F

All maint personnel time should be recorded in CMMS to ensure all maint costs are

Schedule compliance analysis should provide opportunity to reduce/eliminate waste and
improve productivity

Reliability is measured by MTBF, which is operating time divided by failures, or downtime

It is a good and cost effective practice to do more run/cycle based and condition based
PM. It is also good practice to have calendar based PM's 30% or less.… 87/211
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Term 98 of 249
Why would an organization need to have a CMMS? What is the difference between a CMMS and
an EAM?

The key players are:

Asset/Resource Coordinator - Helps to prioritize the work, ensure required resources are in
the budget, and to schedule asset outages if necessary

Planner - Plan the job and create a work plan which consists of what work needs to be
done, how it will be done, what materials, tools, or special equipment is needed, estimated
time and skills required

Scheduler - Work with the craft supervisor, coordinator, and other support staff to develop
weekly, monthly, and rolling annual long range plans to execute maintenance work.

Configuration specialist/systems engineer - Provide technical support to ensure that work

plan is feasible.

Craft Supervisor - Take the weekly schedule and assign who will do the job on a daily basis.
They also review work plans from an execution point of view and recommend necessary
changes in work plans to the planner and scheduler.
Work Performer

The life cycle consists of four steps:

1) Hire
2) Inspire
3) Admire
4) Retire

Pareto Chart.
Pareto chart analysis identifies which few vital items (failures) need to be corrected first to
get maximum benefit.

A CMMS is an essential tool for all maintenance organizations. It will help to improve the
maintenance departments efficiency and effectiveness and ultimately , get more out of
assets by streamlining critical workflows, work identification, work task planning,
scheduling, and reporting.

The difference is a Enterprise Asset Management system (EAM) is a enterprise wide

collection of modular applications such as asset management, material resource planning,… 88/211
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finance, and human resources. These applications or systems interface with each other
seamlessly and can work effectively across many locations and plants. They can be
expensive to install as well as keep up to date. E.g. (JD Edwards)

Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) are stand alone applications

related to maintenance management. They can be interfaced with other enterprise wide
systems such as finance or human resource systems. They are easier to use compared to
some EAM systems

Term 99 of 249
What are the 4 fundamentals of asset management?

1) Value
2) Alignment
3) Leadership
4) Assurance

It allows you to measure yourself against other companies or other departments to see how
they are performing. It also allows you to see best practices and copy them to improve
your performance.

1) The help companies focus their strategy by defining some boundaries within which to
2) The define the dimensions along which an organization's performance is measured
3) They suggest standards for individual ethical behavior

Failure rate is the inverse of MTBF… 89/211
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Term 100 of 249

Reliability and maintainability can only be designed in. T or F

Reliability is measured by MTBF, which is operating time divided by failures, or downtime

It is the difference in age and beliefs in your work force. It affects and organization because
there are differences in perspective and goals as a result of generational differences.

The Karl Fischer method is used to test for water in oil.

The CBM technology is is associate with is (water moisture test) Lubrication and oil analysis

Reliability and maintainability are design attributes. An asset's performance depends upon
how it is designed for reliability and maintainability.… 90/211
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Term 101 of 249

Why don't many CMMS/EAM systems provide projected benefits?

1) Conduct general inspections

2) Keep assets clean and accessible
3) Identify and eliminate problem sources
4) Support and create cleaning and lubricating standards and procedures
5) Standardize through visual workplace management
6) Implement autonomous asset management
7) Perform minor maintenance and service items, e.g. replacing filters, lubricating, and
changing the oil
8) Work with the maintenance team to repair what they are unable to perform

1) Identify the data that needs to be collected and how much, the population from which
the data will come, and the length of time over which to collect the data.

2) Identify the charts and graphs to be used, the frequency of charting, various types of
comparisons to be made, and the methodology for data calculations

3) Identify the characteristics of the data to be collected.

4) Identify is existing data sources can be utilized or new data sources need to be created
for a new or updated measure of performance. All data sources need to be credible and

The SIPOC tool is particularly useful to clarify or understand a process, new or existing.

The SWOT tool is intended to specify the objectives of the project or business and identify
internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieving those

1) The organization is too small for a system

2) The project payback or savings is inadequate
3) The MIS (management information system) or IT doesn't give CMMS high enough priority.
4) MIS and maintenance speak different technology languages
5) Participants fail to reach consensus… 91/211
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Term 102 of 249

What key elements should be a part of criticality criteria?

The ability to maintain a certain status or process in existing systems. Focuses on meeting
the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet
their needs.

People in organizations spend 75% of their time in interpersonal situations to get work
done. Effective communication is an essential component of organizational success.

Key elements are:

1) Safety
2) Environmental
3) Quality Risks
4) Operational Impact
5) Maintenance and Reliability Impact
6) Single Point of Failure
7) Asset Replacement Cost
8) Spares Lead Time

A new name could be Capacity Assurance. With proper maintenance, the capacity of an
asset can be realized at the designed level.

Term 103 of 249

What standard could we use to protect the environment?

Iso 9001

Iso 26001

Iso 31000

ISO 14001… 92/211
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Term 104 of 249

What type of failure mode is not evident to the asset operator

Fault Masking

Failure Mode


Hidden Failure

Term 105 of 249

Define RPN?

The probability that an asset is capable of performing its intended function satisfactorily ,
when needed, in a stated environment. Availability is a function of reliability and

They planners shouldn't be:

1) Be a supervisor
2) Be a quality inspector
3) Be a material expeditor
4) Perform administrative/clerical activities
5) React to emergencies
6) Be the "Help Desk"

RPN stands for Risk Priority Number.

A risk priority number is the mathematical product of the numerical severity, probability,
and detection ratings.

RPN = Severity X Probability X Detection

The basic function of Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) is to develop an efficient and
effective maintenance plan for assets to minimize the probability of failures.… 93/211
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Term 106 of 249

What is the difference between diagnostic and prognostic analysis

Diagnostic analysis is diagnosing something that went wrong. Trying to find root cause so
that it doesn't happen again.

Prognostic analysis is trying to forecast and fix issues before they become problems by
trending PdM data

We are going thru a Industrial revolution called Industry 4.0, also known as digitalization.
Fundamentally maintenance practices have not changed but rapid changes in technology
introduce new tools everyday. Clear evidence also indicates that the corporate world has
recognized good maintenance programs as a valuable part of total asset management.

Transformational leadership uses the ability to motivate and inspire followers. They want to
help the organization achieve its goals but also help group members fulfill their potential

Transactional leadership starts with the idea that team members agree to obey their leader
when accepting the job. The leader has the right to punish team members if their work
doesn't meet and appropriate standard.

Succession planning is a key element of the workforce development process. It is the

process of identifying and preparing suitable employees - thru mentoring, training, job
rotation - to replace (or prepare) for key positions in the organization.

It's important because it often takes years of grooming to develop effective managers and
leaders.… 94/211
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Term 107 of 249

Define reliability culture

1) Accountability - Well defined performance measures document progress toward the

achievement of goals and objectives. Thereby motivating organizations to fulfill their
obligations to their employees and stakeholders

2) Resources / Budget Justification - Performance measurement becomes a long term

planning tool to justify proper resource or budget allocation

3) Ownership and Teamwork - It provides more employees participation and ownership in

problem solving, goal setting, and process improvements. It helps set priorities and
promotes collaboration among departments and business area.

4) Communication - a Common Language - Metrics give employees a common language to

communicate, alert them to potential problem areas, and encourage them to share

In a reliability culture the prevention of failures becomes an emphasis at every level of the
organization. The entire workforce is focused on asset reliability. Everyone in the workforce
- operators, maintainers, engineers - think and act to ensure:
*Assets are available to produce when needed
*Assets are maintained at a reasonable cost
*An optimized maintenance plan (FMEA-/RCM-/CBM-based) is in place that includes:
*All assets identified with criticality and having documented maintenance plan
*A defect elimination program
*80/20 principle applied to prioritized work
*Most of the work planned and scheduled

TPM is a maintenance strategy that originated in Japan; it emphasizes operations and

maintenance cooperation. It's goals include zero defects, zero accidents, zero breakdowns,
and effective workplace design to reduce overall operations and maintenance costs.

The 8 pillars of TPM are:

1) Autonomous Maintenance
2) Focused Improvement
3) Planned Maintenance
4) Quality Maintenance
5) Training and Development
6) Design and early equipment Management… 95/211
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7) Office Improvement
8) Safety, health, and environment

Reliability - The probability that an asset or item will perform its intended functions for a
specific period of time under stated conditions. It is usually expressed as a percentage and
measured by the mean time between failure.

Maintainability - The ease and speed with which a maintenance repair activity can be
carried out on an asset. Maintainability is a function of equipment design and usually is
measured by mean time between repair.

Term 108 of 249

What is the purpose of a job priority system

It allows ranking of work orders to get work accomplished in order of importance. It will
eliminate tasks being done on a whim and instead allow work to proceed according to its
true impact on the overall operations of the plant

Diagnostic analysis is diagnosing something that went wrong. Trying to find root cause so
that it doesn't happen again.

Prognostic analysis is trying to forecast and fix issues before they become problems by
trending PdM data

The objective of the Pareto Analysis is to help us focus on a vital few issues to maximize
gains with limited resources.

1) The help companies focus their strategy by defining some boundaries within which to
2) The define the dimensions along which an organization's performance is measured
3) They suggest standards for individual ethical behavior… 96/211
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Term 109 of 249

Describe the four principles of RCM.

1) ISO 4406 - This standard covers a hydraulic power method for coding the level of
contamination by solid particles. Simply stated, it is an oil/fluid cleanliness standard.
2) ISO 26000 - This standard makes it clear that organizations should proceed in good faith,
applying the 7 principles of socially responsible behavior
*Ethical Behavior
*Respect for stakeholder interest
*Respect for the rule of the law
*Respect for international norms or behavior
*Respect for human rights
3) ISO 27000 - This is a part of a growing family of ISO/IEC information security
management system standards of best practices to help organizations improve their
security systems.
4) ISO 45001 - This standard specifies requirements for an occupational health and safety
management system and gives guidance for its use.
5) ISO 14224 - This standard provides a standard format for collecting reliability and
maintenance data throughout the operational life cycle of an asset

1) Plan the job
2) Create a work plan or job package that consists of what work needs to be done, how it
will be done; what materials, tools, or special equipment is needed; estimated time and
skills required.
3) Need to identify long delivery items and work with stores and purchasing personnel to
ensure timely delivery
4) May need to work with maintenance/systems engineers and craft supervisors for
technical support to ensure that the work plan is feasible with sufficient technical details.

Principle 1: Preserve System Function - We want to know what the expected output should
be and understand that preserving that output is our primary task at hand.

Principle 2: Identify failure modes that can defeat the functions - Key point is to identify the
specific failure modes in a specific component that can potentially produce those
unwanted functional failures.

Principle 3: Prioritize function needs (failure modes) - A systematic approach is taken to

prioritize all functional failures and failure modes using a risk based priority assignment… 97/211
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Principle 4: Select applicable and effective tasks - Applicable means that if the task is
performed it will 1) prevent or mitigate failure, 2) detect the onset of failure, 3) discover a
hidden failure.

Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) is a systematic and structured process to develop

an efficient and effective maintenance plan for an asset to minimize the probability of
functional failures. The process ensures safety and mission compliance.

It got started in 1960 in the commercial aviation industry to optimize maintenance and
operations activities.… 98/211
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Term 110 of 249

List 5 maintenance metrics and discuss why they are important

Yes! It can be used:

1) The new design of an asset (product), new technology, or a new process
2) A new application of an existing design or process
3) Engineering changes to an existing design

1) Maintenance Cost Percent of ERV

2) Production Loss - Breakdowns

3) Reactive - CM unscheduled

4) Planned Maintenance

5) Overtime

6) Rework - maintenance quality

the design phase

FMEA should be performed during the design phase to identify failure mode, these modes
could be eliminated or their impact reduced or mitigated cost effectively.

Classified into 4 broadly defined categories:

1) Safety based
2) Production based
3) Process based
4) Asset-failure based… 99/211
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Term 111 of 249

If an asset is operating at 70% reliability , what do we need to do to get to 90% reliability? Assume
assets will be required to operate for 100 hours.

Reliability is measured by Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) This is calculated by dividing
operating time by number of failures.

To improve to 90% reliability we will need to reduce failures by 20 for every 100 hours.

The ability to maintain a certain status or process in existing systems. Focuses on meeting
the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet
their needs.

Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) is a systematic and structured process to develop

an efficient and effective maintenance plan for an asset to minimize the probability of
functional failures. The process ensures safety and mission compliance.

It got started in 1960 in the commercial aviation industry to optimize maintenance and
operations activities.

Emissivity is the ratio of the rate of radiant energy emission at a given wavelength from a
body with an optically smooth surface, as a consequence of its temperature only, to the
corresponding rate of emission from a blackbody at the same temperature and wavelength.

It is associate with the CBM technology Infrared Thermography.… 100/211
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Term 112 of 249

Properly training the M&R workforce can increase asset and plant availability. T or F

Assets cost money to procure, operate, and maintain. They should be utilized 85% or better
to get high ROI.

With an increase in reliability or a reduction in number of failures, assets become more
available to perform their function, and maint costs decrease

Less than 30%

We need to make sure that all critical assets are being maintained adequately before we
get to other or noncritical assets.

Training the workforce in the application of new tools/techniques will reduce repair time,
resulting in higher availability.… 101/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 113 of 249

What are the key attributes of a leader

During design / development

RCM should be used during the design phase to get maximum benefits

1) Planning and preparation

2) Structure analysis
3) Function analysis
4) Failure analysis
5) Risk analysis
6) Optimization
7) Results documentation

1. Charisma
2. Competence
3. Communication
4. Energizing People
5. Vision (in creating)

The benefits of a PM program is you take a look at the asset to determine if there are any
telltale signs of failure or imminent failure. You can then correct the abnormalities before
they turn into failures.

Term 114 of 249

What are the major issues in conducting effective meetings?

Not having adequate preparation and leadership.

The person who did the work

False lagging indicators are the results.

They planners shouldn't be:

1) Be a supervisor
2) Be a quality inspector
3) Be a material expeditor
4) Perform administrative/clerical activities
5) React to emergencies
6) Be the "Help Desk"… 102/211
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Term 115 of 249

What's the difference between diversity and inclusion?

The objectives of Autonomous Maintenance are:

1) Uninterrupted operation of equipment
2) Operators to operate and maintain the equipment
3) Elimination of the defects and potential failures at the source quickly
4) Involvement of all employees to solve problems through active participation

The emphasis of 5s is the elimination of bad habits and the constant practice of good ones.
You must continue to educate people about maintaining standards.. As changes occur such
as new equipment, new products, and new work rules, adjustments will need to be made to
accommodate these. So changes to standards and training will to address these changes.

1) Transportation - Plan and provide materials and tools to reduce the number of extra trips
to the storeroom to hunt for the right parts

2) Inventory - Eliminate or minimize extra inventory in the system. Keep only the right
materials, parts, and tools in the storeroom

3) Motion - Minimize people's movement through improved planning

4) Waiting - Minimize waiting for the next step - another skilled person or part - by
improved planning and scheduling.

5) Overproduction - develop optimized PM's, an FMEA/RCM- based approach

6) Inappropriate processing - Use the tools and fixtures to improve maintenance processes

7) Defects - Eliminate rework and poor workmanship. Educate/train maintenance personnel


Inclusion is the deliberate act of welcoming diversity and creating an environment where all
different kinds of people can thrive and succeed.

Diversity reflects equal employment opportunity laws, defining diversity in terms of race,
gender, ethnicity, age, national origin, religion, and disability… 103/211
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Term 116 of 249

The biggest benefit of a failure mode and effects analysis occurs during

It is a good practice to have 90% or more work planned. Planned work costs two to three
times less than reactive work

the design phase

FMEA should be performed during the design phase to identify failure mode, these modes
could be eliminated or their impact reduced or mitigated cost effectively.

In the P-F interval curve, F stand for failure, and the P stands for potential failure.

The basic equation for estimating reliability is R(Time) = e(-At)

For this problem:

R(100) = 2.71828~ (.001)(100) =

note: e is the base of the natural logarithm = 2.71828

Term 117 of 249

What standard is applicable to manage assets?

ISO 55000

Iso 31000

Iso 54995

Iso 55010… 104/211
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Term 118 of 249

Availability is a function of :

Maintenance based on the actual condition (health) of assets obtained from in place non
invasive measurements and tests.

Achieving Six Sigma means that the process is delivering only 3.4 defects per million

Maintainability is the ease of maintenance, it's primary measure is MTTR ( Mean time to

uptime and downtime

Availability is calculated by uptime divided by uptime plus downtime

Term 119 of 249

What process improvement strategies can be used to reduce plant energy consumption?

They planners shouldn't be:

1) Be a supervisor
2) Be a quality inspector
3) Be a material expeditor
4) Perform administrative/clerical activities
5) React to emergencies
6) Be the "Help Desk"

The primary objective of an inspection is to detect a fault, or to find the start of one, and to
correct it before it fails.

85% or more
Proactive work is defined as all work minus unscheduled work/unplanned work.

1) Total Productive Maintenance

2) Right-sized equipment
3) Plant layout and flow
4) Standard work, visual controls, and mistake proofing… 105/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 120 of 249

What does generation gap mean? How does it affect an organization?

Less than 2
It should be less than 2 for maint related spares. The long lead items and "A" type inventory
are expensive to keep but needed for catastrophic failures

It helps to keep from addressing low priority tasks or the categories of work that will not
have the largest impact on the overall reliability of the organization. An effective backlog
system requires appropriate work classification and priority.

A good backlog benchmark is 4-6 weeks.

It is the difference in age and beliefs in your work force. It affects and organization because
there are differences in perspective and goals as a result of generational differences.

1) Planning and preparation

2) Structure analysis
3) Function analysis
4) Failure analysis
5) Risk analysis
6) Optimization
7) Results documentation… 106/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 121 of 249

The process that is intended to find potential failures and repair or replace bad components
before the fail is known as:

MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure) is calculated by dividing operating time by the number
of failures, or downtime events.

The objective of the Pareto Analysis is to help us focus on a vital few issues to maximize
gains with limited resources.

The basic equation for estimating reliability is R(Time) = e(-At)

For this problem:

R(100) = 2.71828~ (.001)(100) =

note: e is the base of the natural logarithm = 2.71828

preventative maintenance
The objective of preventative maintenance inspection and servicing at specific intervals is
to find problems and fix them before they fail

Term 122 of 249

What standard is used to define oil/fluid cleanliness?

ISO 4406

Iso 4411

Iso 7745

Iso 8068… 107/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 123 of 249

What are SDO's, and what do they do?

The benefits of standardizing is that it makes good practices simpler and easier to

1) The help companies focus their strategy by defining some boundaries within which to
2) The define the dimensions along which an organization's performance is measured
3) They suggest standards for individual ethical behavior

Yes! It can be used:

1) The new design of an asset (product), new technology, or a new process
2) A new application of an existing design or process
3) Engineering changes to an existing design

SDO's are Standards Development Organizations.

They are professional societies or not-for-profit organizations. Their role is to develop
mandatory codes, rules, and regulations containing standards developed and adopted at
federal, state and local levels.

Term 124 of 249

What is the difference between servant and participative style leadership?


Pareto Chart.
Pareto chart analysis identifies which few vital items (failures) need to be corrected first to
get maximum benefit.

Inclusion is the deliberate act of welcoming diversity and creating an environment where all
different kinds of people can thrive and succeed.

Diversity reflects equal employment opportunity laws, defining diversity in terms of race,
gender, ethnicity, age, national origin, religion, and disability

A servant leader is someone regardless of level who leads simply by meeting the needs of
the team.

A participative leader involves team members while making critical decisions… 108/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 125 of 249

What is a standard?

A standard is a document that sets out requirements for a specific item or describes in
detail a particular method or procedure. They bring benefits to businesses and consumers
in terms of reducing costs, enhancing performance, and improving safety.

The objectives of Autonomous Maintenance are:

1) Uninterrupted operation of equipment
2) Operators to operate and maintain the equipment
3) Elimination of the defects and potential failures at the source quickly
4) Involvement of all employees to solve problems through active participation

Maintenance rework is any WO that has to be done again because: It was reassembled
wrong, a bad part was installed, a part was broken while being installed. WO call 5 to 7 days
after a PM. Maint Rework percentage is calculated by number of rework WO's divided by
total number of WO's. The benchmark is less than 2%

A SIPOC diagram is a tool used by a process improvement team to identify all relevant
elements of a process improvement project before work begins, and helps to define a
complex project that may not be well scoped. SIPOC stands for supplier, input, process,
output, and customer… 109/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 126 of 249

Explain operator driven reliability. Why is the operator's involvement important in maintenance.

Operator driven reliability (ODR) helps improve reliability by identifying potential

equipment problems and failures early. The operator then fixes them if minor and if major ,
the operator gets them repaired by maintenance.

The operators involvement is important because it creates asset ownership and also helps
to address problems before they become major breakdowns.

Because it:
1) Helps to create understanding (i.e. why the change is needed and how it relates to vision)
2) It sets goals and expectations
3) It establishes a process for praise and recognition
4) It defines and clarifies roles
5) It establishes and standardizes processes and procedures
6) It creates discipline, develops tenacity, and helps you be persistent

A change agent helps implement changes successfully. Change agents have the clout,
conviction, charisma, and resourcefulness to make things happen and keep others engaged
in implementing change.

The best qualified individual is a senior management person who has respect for and the
trust of the people.

1) MRO Inventory Value

2) Item transactions - receipts and issues
3) Percentage of inactive inventory
4) Percentage of ABC Classification
5) Inventory Variance
6) Service Level
7) Percentage of inventory cost to plant value
8) Percentage Kit accuracy
9) Inventory shrinkage rate
10) Percentage vendor-managed inventory
11) The inventory growth rate in a number of items and suppliers
12) percentage of stockouts (SO)
13) Inventory turnover ratio… 110/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 127 of 249

Why is configuration management important?

The SIPOC tool is particularly useful to clarify or understand a process, new or existing.

The SWOT tool is intended to specify the objectives of the project or business and identify
internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieving those

It assures consumers that the businesses they buy from are operating in a safe way,
producing reliable goods without unduly harming the environment.

It also is in our everyday life. From the height of stairs to the the height of chairs, to shoe

Configuration management focuses on establishing and maintaining the consistency of

product performance as well as its functional and physical attributes within its
requirements, design, and operational information throughout its life.

This is done by updating changes and documents thru the CMMS system. Equipment
continues to change in design and parts.

It's important for:

1) Customer satisfaction - Reliable assets will perform to the meet the customers needs on
time every time.
2) Reputation - An organization's reputation is very closely related to the reliability of it's
3) O&M costs - Poor assets performance will cost more to operate and maintain
4) Repeat Business - Reliable assets and plant will ensure that the customer's needs are
being met in a timely manner
5) Competitive advantage - If you achieve better performance, reliability, and reduction in
total cost of ownership (TOC) and gain advantage over their competition.… 111/211
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Term 128 of 249

The failure rate of a component/asset can be calculated by knowing.

Failure rate is the inverse of MTBF

Hidden Failure

product of severity (S), occurrence (O), and detection (D)

Safety performance - OSHA injuries.

Recordable Incident Rate

Term 129 of 249

What is meant by CBM and PdM.

How well we listen has a major impact on our job effectiveness and on the quality of our
relationship with others.

The purpose of job task analysis is to establish and document the skills required for
performing the job effectively.

1) Maintenance Cost Percent of ERV

2) Production Loss - Breakdowns

3) Reactive - CM unscheduled

4) Planned Maintenance

5) Overtime

6) Rework - maintenance quality

Maintenance based on the actual condition (health) of assets obtained from in place non
invasive measurements and tests.… 112/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 130 of 249

What are the standard seven wastes or wasteful activities in the workplace?

Vision statements are important because it is a declaration of what the organization intends
to become or to achieve at some point in the future. It is a pronouncement of what the
organization wants to become

Mission statements are important for 3 reasons:

1) The help companies focus their strategy by defining some boundaries within which to
2) The define the dimensions along which an organizations performance is measured and
3) The suggest standards for individual ethical behavior

1) Industry 1.0 - Mechanization and the introduction of steam and water power

2) Industry 2.0 - Mass production assembly lines using electric power

3) Industry 3.0 - Automated production, computers, IT-systems, and robotics

4) Industry 4.0 - The smart factory, autonomous systems, loT, and machine learning

1) Economic Benefits -
*Increase in sales - higher profits
*Increase in international trade and higher GDP for countries

2) Business/organization benefits -
*Costs cut thru improvement in systems and processes
*Increase in customer satisfaction with improvements in quality, safety, and productivity
*Ability to access new markets
*Reduction in the impact on the environment
*Continuous assessment and improvement
*Positive message to all stakeholders

3) Consumer Benefits -
*Increased consumer confidence, trusting that the product or service is safe and reliable, as
well as good quality.
*Increased confidence when it comes to other aspects of products such as toy safety
*Inclusion of consumers in the process of creating and writing standards that are as broad
as possible… 113/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

4) Government benefits -
*Expert opinion (best practices) of standard teams and groups with opinions and skills that
can be relied upon when regulations are created
*Opening up global markets; compatibility of movement of goods, services, and logistical
technologies, making trading easier and safer

1) Transportation - Moving materials and parts that are not actually required for the process

2) Inventory - Extra inventory in the system. All components, work in progress, and the
finished product not being processed are waste

3) Motion - People or equipment moving or walking more than required to perform the

4) Waiting - Waiting for the next step or the next thing.

5) Overproduction - Production ahead of demand or need

6) Inappropriate processing - Not producing what is needed or when needed because of

poorly designed processes and assets.

7) Defects - Components or products that do not meet the specification

Term 131 of 249

RCM methodology can't be used effectively on new systems being designed. T or F

Lagging indicators are the results.

Failure rate is the inverse of MTBF

RCM can be used on new or "in-use" systems.

In the P-F interval curve, F stand for failure, and the P stands for potential failure.… 114/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 132 of 249

Explain leading and lagging metrics?

The difference is that in 5S plus they also emphasize safety in their program. Also called 6S

Benefits of the RFID technology are:

1) Gives you up to the minute live tracking
2) Offers a long-read range
3) They have a larger more durable tags

SDO's are Standards Development Organizations.

They are professional societies or not-for-profit organizations. Their role is to develop
mandatory codes, rules, and regulations containing standards developed and adopted at
federal, state and local levels.

Leading indicators are forward-thinking and help manage the performance of the asset,
system, or process.

Lagging indicators tell how well we have managed. Lagging indicators are results.

Term 133 of 249

Best practices are practices that are defined and applied by an organization to improve its
operations. These practices may or may not be proven, but results are found to be acceptable.
True or False

MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure) is calculated by dividing operating time by the number
of failures, or downtime events.

A best practice is a business function, a practice, or a process that is considered superior to
all other known methods.

Planned and scheduled work costs much less, and work gets accomplished in a timely

Reliability and maintainability are design attributes. An asset's performance depends upon
how it is designed for reliability and maintainability.… 115/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 134 of 249

Explain the benefits of using RFID technology to label stock items/materials

People in organizations spend 75% of their time in interpersonal situations to get work
done. Effective communication is an essential component of organizational success.

Benefits of the RFID technology are:

1) Gives you up to the minute live tracking
2) Offers a long-read range
3) They have a larger more durable tags

The benefits of a PM program is you take a look at the asset to determine if there are any
telltale signs of failure or imminent failure. You can then correct the abnormalities before
they turn into failures.

The benefits of standardizing is that it makes good practices simpler and easier to

Term 135 of 249

It is common practice for operators to perform PM's? T or F

This is true assuming the organization is deploying TPM as one of the best practices.

Operations and Maintenance account for a majority of Life Cycle Costs (LCC). Typically 60-

The PM frequency should be less than the P-F interval

The objective of RCM is to preserve function and optimize maintenance needs.… 116/211
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Term 136 of 249

Explain the inventory turnover ratio. What are the benefits of tracking this ratio

The objectives of Autonomous Maintenance are:

1) Uninterrupted operation of equipment
2) Operators to operate and maintain the equipment
3) Elimination of the defects and potential failures at the source quickly
4) Involvement of all employees to solve problems through active participation

The benefits of a PM program is you take a look at the asset to determine if there are any
telltale signs of failure or imminent failure. You can then correct the abnormalities before
they turn into failures.

The ability to maintain a certain status or process in existing systems. Focuses on meeting
the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet
their needs.

Inventory turnover ratio is the number of times an organizations investment in inventory is

recouped during an accounting period.

It is calculated by Value of issued Inventory / an average of inventory value in an

accounting period… 117/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 137 of 249

What are the quality issues in maintenance? Discuss what we could improve.

1) Damage during the inspection, repair adjustment, or installation of a replacement part

2) Installation of material or a part that is defective
3) Incorrect installation of a replacement part or incorrect reassembly
4) Reintroduction of infant mortality by installing new parts that have not been tested
5) Damage due to an error in reinstalling as asset into its original location
6) Damage to an adjacent asset or component during a maintenance task

To Improve:
1) Provide training in maintenance best practices and procedures for maintenance on
specific tasks
2) Provide appropriate tools to perform the tasks effectively
3) Get personnel involved in performing FMEA and RCA/RCFA and in developing
maintenance procedures
4) Follow up to assure quality performance and to show everyone that management does
care about quality work
5) Publicize reduced costs with improved uptime, which is the result of effective
maintenance practices.

The 4 categories are:

1) Finished goods
2) Work in Process
3) Raw Materials
4) Maintenance and operating items such as spare parts and operating supplies, including

1) Accountability - Well defined performance measures document progress toward the

achievement of goals and objectives. Thereby motivating organizations to fulfill their
obligations to their employees and stakeholders

2) Resources / Budget Justification - Performance measurement becomes a long term

planning tool to justify proper resource or budget allocation

3) Ownership and Teamwork - It provides more employees participation and ownership in

problem solving, goal setting, and process improvements. It helps set priorities and
promotes collaboration among departments and business area.

4) Communication - a Common Language - Metrics give employees a common language to… 118/211
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communicate, alert them to potential problem areas, and encourage them to share

It is the difference in age and beliefs in your work force. It affects and organization because
there are differences in perspective and goals as a result of generational differences.

Term 138 of 249

Explain what is meant by the visual workplace

It is when you are measuring yourself against what is considered the best in the world
performance. It is also where you use a practice of what industry or organizations consider
"world class" or best of the best

Operator driven reliability (ODR) helps improve reliability by identifying potential

equipment problems and failures early. The operator then fixes them if minor and if major ,
the operator gets them repaired by maintenance.

The operators involvement is important because it creates asset ownership and also helps
to address problems before they become major breakdowns.

A visual workplace uses visual displays to relay information to employees and guide their
actions. The workplace is set-up with signs, labels, color-coded markings, etc.. so that
anyone unfamiliar with the assets ro processes can readily identify what is going on,
understand the process, and know both what is being done correctly and out of place.

Generally there are two different types of benchmarking:

1) Internal
2) External
a) Similar industry
b) Best practice… 119/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 139 of 249

Should planners help schedulers or craft supervisors during an emergency?

All maint personnel time should be recorded in CMMS to ensure all maint costs are

It is the difference in age and beliefs in your work force. It affects and organization because
there are differences in perspective and goals as a result of generational differences.

Yes, but only in the case of an emergency. All emergency work should go thru the craft
supervisors or the OMC.

Operations and Maintenance account for a majority of Life Cycle Costs (LCC). Typically 60-

Term 140 of 249

Maintainability is measured by PM schedule compliance. T or F

In the P-F interval curve, F stand for failure, and the P stands for potential failure.

Operations and Maintenance account for a majority of Life Cycle Costs (LCC). Typically 60-

A new name could be Capacity Assurance. With proper maintenance, the capacity of an
asset can be realized at the designed level.

Maintainability is the ease of maintenance, it's primary measure is MTTR ( Mean time to
Repair)… 120/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 141 of 249

Why would an organization support operators who get involved in maintenance?

Deming is a world renowned expert in the field of quality.

They are individuals who oversee the execution of all work within a facility, including
maintenance. They are accountable to the asset or process owner for ensuring that the
asset or process is available to perform its function in a safe and efficient manner and to
help prioritize the work according to operations needs.

Well informed, trained, and responsible operators will ensure that assets are being kept in
good working order. Operators are the first line of defense against unplanned asset
downtime. Operators who are in daily contact with assets can use their knowledge and skills
to predict and prevent breakdowns and other losses.

Reliability is a design attribute. A maint plan cannot change the basic reliability unless the
components are changed or redesigned with more reliable, higher MTBF parts.

Term 142 of 249

What is the Karl Fischer method used to identify? With which CBM technology is it associated.

Karl Fischer's method is used to for determining water content in an oil sample.

It is the difference in age and beliefs in your work force. It affects and organization because
there are differences in perspective and goals as a result of generational differences.

The Karl Fischer method is used to test for water in oil.

The CBM technology is is associate with is (water moisture test) Lubrication and oil analysis

1) iGen are less focused

2) iGen are better multitaskers
3) iGen are early starters. Entering the workforce sooner
4) iGen are more entrepreneurial
5) iGen have higher expectations than Millennials
6) iGen are big on individuality
7) iGen are more global… 121/211
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Term 143 of 249

What is the largest expense for an organization?





Term 144 of 249

What categories are inventories in a plant generally classified

The objectives of Autonomous Maintenance are:

1) Uninterrupted operation of equipment
2) Operators to operate and maintain the equipment
3) Elimination of the defects and potential failures at the source quickly
4) Involvement of all employees to solve problems through active participation

1) Planning and preparation

2) Structure analysis
3) Function analysis
4) Failure analysis
5) Risk analysis
6) Optimization
7) Results documentation

The 4 categories are:

1) Finished goods
2) Work in Process
3) Raw Materials
4) Maintenance and operating items such as spare parts and operating supplies, including

The SIPOC tool is particularly useful to clarify or understand a process, new or existing.

The SWOT tool is intended to specify the objectives of the project or business and identify
internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieving those
objectives… 122/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 145 of 249

Who is Tom Peters, and what is his message and beliefs regarding people in an organization?

The key players are:

Asset/Resource Coordinator - Helps to prioritize the work, ensure required resources are in
the budget, and to schedule asset outages if necessary

Planner - Plan the job and create a work plan which consists of what work needs to be
done, how it will be done, what materials, tools, or special equipment is needed, estimated
time and skills required

Scheduler - Work with the craft supervisor, coordinator, and other support staff to develop
weekly, monthly, and rolling annual long range plans to execute maintenance work.

Configuration specialist/systems engineer - Provide technical support to ensure that work

plan is feasible.

Craft Supervisor - Take the weekly schedule and assign who will do the job on a daily basis.
They also review work plans from an execution point of view and recommend necessary
changes in work plans to the planner and scheduler.
Work Performer

A person or organization that can affect, be effected by, or believe to be affected by a

decision or activity

Tom Peters is a management guru and his message is that "People, the right people, with
appropriate skills, are the key in the success of any organization.

Peters 3 key points are:

1) Every leader has the obligation to develop people so that when they leave, the people in
the organization are better prepared for tomorrow.
2) There is no excuse for not making any organization of any size, in any business, a great
place to work
3) In any organization, people are the most important stakeholders and need to be taken
care of and prepared for the future

Reliability is a design attribute. A maint plan cannot change the basic reliability unless the
components are changed or redesigned with more reliable, higher MTBF parts.… 123/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 146 of 249

A rule of thumb is that on average, an experienced planner can plan work for how many

purpose - what the organization wants to do

The mission statement should tell us about the organization's purpose and what the
organization does and how it does it.


Asset ID
The asset ID is the key element (field) on a work order to ensure that work related
information is going to go to the right asset


Term 147 of 249

Explain the different types of benchmarking?

Generally there are two different types of benchmarking:

1) Internal
2) External
a) Similar industry
b) Best practice

The purpose of job task analysis is to establish and document the skills required for
performing the job effectively.

Leading indicators are forward-thinking and help manage the performance of the asset,
system, or process.

Lagging indicators tell how well we have managed. Lagging indicators are results.

OEE measures effectiveness based on scheduled hours, TEEP measures effectiveness

against 24 hours per day, 365 days per year operation.

OEE = availability X performance X quality

TEEP = utilization X availability X performance X quality or utilization X OEE… 124/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 148 of 249

Define an organizational culture

The beliefs and values that define how people interpret experiences and how they behave,
both individually and in groups within an organization.

A type of energy that is considered to be environmentally friendly and non polluting, such
as hydro, geothermal, wind, and solar power

With an increase in reliability or a reduction in number of failures, assets become more
available to perform their function, and maint costs decrease

The primary objective of an inspection is to detect a fault, or to find the start of one, and to
correct it before it fails.… 125/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 149 of 249

Which factor is most influential in developing the skills of the M&R team members

The time interval between potential failure (P) and failure (F) is called the P-F interval.

The relationship is that the PM should be less than the P-F interval to catch potential
failures and correct them in time.

They planners shouldn't be:

1) Be a supervisor
2) Be a quality inspector
3) Be a material expeditor
4) Perform administrative/clerical activities
5) React to emergencies
6) Be the "Help Desk"

The 4 categories are:

1) Finished goods
2) Work in Process
3) Raw Materials
4) Maintenance and operating items such as spare parts and operating supplies, including

Future plant performance requirements

The needs of the future (the next few months, 1-3 years, etc..) plant should determine what
assets and skills will be required to perform M&R tasks effectively.… 126/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 150 of 249

What is the difference between transformational and transactional in leadership styles

RTF stands for Run to Failure. It is a maintenance strategy where the organizations decides
to allow specific assets/systems to fail without any PM or CBM performed against them.

The guideline that are given for this strategy is that the asset where the cost and impact of
the failure are less than the cost of PM and CBM actions. It is a deliberate decision based
on economic effectiveness. It is imperative that we document that RTF was chosen on
purpose and what the criteria was for this decision. We must also plan to repair the failure, if
and when it happens.

Transformational leadership uses the ability to motivate and inspire followers. They want to
help the organization achieve its goals but also help group members fulfill their potential

Transactional leadership starts with the idea that team members agree to obey their leader
when accepting the job. The leader has the right to punish team members if their work
doesn't meet and appropriate standard.

Certification - The result of meeting the established criteria set by an accrediting or

certified-granting organization

Qualified - People who because of their knowledge, training, qualifications, certification, or

experience, are competent to perform the duties of their job

The SIPOC tool is particularly useful to clarify or understand a process, new or existing.

The SWOT tool is intended to specify the objectives of the project or business and identify
internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieving those
objectives… 127/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 151 of 249

If a process is performing at Fifth sigma level, what percentage of defective parts can be

99.993 or 233 defects per million opportunities

production and maintenance

leading indicators

104.993 or 233 defects per million opportunities

Term 152 of 249

How can VSM (Value Stream Mapping) be used to improve maintenance activities?

It can help by identifying non-value-added and wasteful activities the need to be


Planned and scheduled work costs much less, and work gets accomplished in a timely

85% or more
Proactive work is defined as all work minus unscheduled work/unplanned work.

1) It's not what we say but how we say it. Generational clashes often stem from
miscommunication in tone or style. Understand how each generation prefers to be
communicated too.

2) Understand the different generational motivations.

3) Look beyond appearances. Benefit form diverse opinions.… 128/211
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Term 153 of 249

Explain the employee life cycle?

The life cycle consists of four steps:

1) Hire
2) Inspire
3) Admire
4) Retire

1) Displacement - The actual physical movement of a vibrating object.

2) Velocity - The measure of the speed at which the mass is moving, in other words, the
changing rate of displacement to time.
3) Accelerations - The changing rate of velocity to time

The rule implies that time based PM must be accomplished with 10% of the time frequency,
or it is out of compliance. It means quarterly (90 day) PM must be done within +- 9 days of
the due date.

The difference is that in 5S plus they also emphasize safety in their program. Also called 6S… 129/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 154 of 249

What performance measures can we use to track workforce development?

Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems AS/RS

The disadvantages of a AS/RS is the high initial cost

The advantages are it is good in high volume processes where storage density is important
and where accuracy is critical because of potential expensive damages to the load.

1) MRO Inventory Value

2) Item transactions - receipts and issues
3) Percentage of inactive inventory
4) Percentage of ABC Classification
5) Inventory Variance
6) Service Level
7) Percentage of inventory cost to plant value
8) Percentage Kit accuracy
9) Inventory shrinkage rate
10) Percentage vendor-managed inventory
11) The inventory growth rate in a number of items and suppliers
12) percentage of stockouts (SO)
13) Inventory turnover ratio

1) Maintenance people standing around waiting for parts

2) High rework
3) Poor work performance
4) High stockout in the storeroom
5) Planners being used to expedite parts
6) Maintenance personnel arriving at the job site and waiting for the asset/system to be
shut down (wait is over 15 mins)
7) Frequent trips to the storeroom by maintenance personnel
8) Production downtime always more than estimated

1) The percentage of training budget ($ and labor hrs per employee)

2) The number (or percentage) of certified professionals of the total workforce
3) The number of papers being presented or published at conferences on maintenance,
reliability, and asset management
4) The number of people among M&R personnel supporting / involved with industry
sponsored standardization teams or professional society's teams… 130/211
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5) Employee (maintenance, reliability, and asset management personnel) turnover ratio or

attrition rate.… 131/211
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Term 155 of 249

What are Deming's 14 principles?

1) Create constancy of purpose toward improvement

*Replace the short-term reaction with long-term planning

2) Adopt the new philosophy

*Those in management must take on leadership for change rather than merely expect the
workforce to do so.

3) Cease dependence on inspection

*If the variation is reduced, there is no need for inspect manufactured items for defects,
because there won't be any. Inspection is not a value added activity.

4) End the practice of awarding business on the basis of the price tag.
*Move towards a single supplier for any one item. Multiple suppliers mean variation in
feedstocks. Buy products and services based on best value not the lowest cost.

5) Improve constantly and forever

*Strive constantly to improve the system of production and service, to improve quality and
productivity, and thus constantly to decrease costs.

6) Institute training on the job

*If the people are not adequately trained to do the job right, they will introduce variation
and defects.

7) Institute leadership
*There is a distinction between leadership and mere supervision. Supervision is target

8) Drive out fear

*Deming sees management by fear as counterproductive in the long term because it
prevents people from acting in the organizations best interests

9) Break down barriers between departments

*The organization should build the concept of the internal customer that each department
serves. Not the management, but the other departments that receive its outputs

10) Eliminate slogans and exhortations

*It's not people that make mistakes, it's the process they are working within. Eliminate the
use of slogans, posters, and exhortations demanding new levels of productivity without… 132/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

improving methods.

11) Eliminate arbitrary numerical targets

*Eliminate work standards that prescribe quotas for the workforce and numerical goals for
people in management. Substitute aids and helpful leadership in order to achieve continual
improvement of quality and productivity.

12) Permit pride of workmanship

*Remove the barriers that rob people of the pride of workmanship. Allow employees to see
their end product. Doing so creates ownership and helps to generate new ideas for

13) Institute education and self-improvement

*Institute a vigorous program that provides education and training and encourages self-
improvement for everyone.

14) The transformation is everyone's job

*Take action in order to accomplish the transformation. Support is not enough. Action is
required of everyone.

1) Industry 1.0 - Mechanization and the introduction of steam and water power

2) Industry 2.0 - Mass production assembly lines using electric power

3) Industry 3.0 - Automated production, computers, IT-systems, and robotics

4) Industry 4.0 - The smart factory, autonomous systems, loT, and machine learning

1) Provide and be able to demonstrate a safety program with defined responsibilities

2) Establish shock and flash protection boundaries
3) Provide protective clothing and personal protective equipment that meet ANSI
4) Train workers on the hazards of ard flash
5) Use appropriate tools for safe working
6) Post warning labels on equipment

SDO's are Standards Development Organizations.

They are professional societies or not-for-profit organizations. Their role is to develop
mandatory codes, rules, and regulations containing standards developed and adopted at
federal, state and local levels.… 133/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 156 of 249

What is the primary objective of Pareto analysis?

The purpose of job task analysis is to establish and document the skills required for
performing the job effectively.

The objective of the Pareto Analysis is to help us focus on a vital few issues to maximize
gains with limited resources.

1) The help companies focus their strategy by defining some boundaries within which to
2) The define the dimensions along which an organization's performance is measured
3) They suggest standards for individual ethical behavior

How well we listen has a major impact on our job effectiveness and on the quality of our
relationship with others.… 134/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 157 of 249

What are the 4 industrial revolutions

It allows you to measure yourself against other companies or other departments to see how
they are performing. It also allows you to see best practices and copy them to improve
your performance.

They planners shouldn't be:

1) Be a supervisor
2) Be a quality inspector
3) Be a material expeditor
4) Perform administrative/clerical activities
5) React to emergencies
6) Be the "Help Desk"

1) iGen are less focused

2) iGen are better multitaskers
3) iGen are early starters. Entering the workforce sooner
4) iGen are more entrepreneurial
5) iGen have higher expectations than Millennials
6) iGen are big on individuality
7) iGen are more global

1) Industry 1.0 - Mechanization and the introduction of steam and water power

2) Industry 2.0 - Mass production assembly lines using electric power

3) Industry 3.0 - Automated production, computers, IT-systems, and robotics

4) Industry 4.0 - The smart factory, autonomous systems, loT, and machine learning… 135/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 158 of 249

MTBF is measured by operating time divided by the number of failures of an asset. T or F

All PM/PdM tasks should be developed using FMEA/RCM methodology. This ensures cost-
effective and correct tasks to mitigate certain risks and to find potential failures before
they fail.

MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure) is calculated by dividing operating time by the number
of failures, or downtime events.

It is a good practice to have 90% or more work planned. Planned work costs two to three
times less than reactive work

Planned and scheduled work costs much less, and work gets accomplished in a timely

Term 159 of 249

The objective of RCM is to preserve function. T or F

The objective of RCM is to preserve function and optimize maintenance needs.

Lagging indicators are the results.

Schedule compliance analysis should provide opportunity to reduce/eliminate waste and
improve productivity

The difference is that in 5S plus they also emphasize safety in their program. Also called 6S… 136/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 160 of 249

What does "Certified in ISO 9001" mean?

Tom Peters is a management guru and his message is that "People, the right people, with
appropriate skills, are the key in the success of any organization.

Peters 3 key points are:

1) Every leader has the obligation to develop people so that when they leave, the people in
the organization are better prepared for tomorrow.
2) There is no excuse for not making any organization of any size, in any business, a great
place to work
3) In any organization, people are the most important stakeholders and need to be taken
care of and prepared for the future

This is a best practice and means a time based PM must be accomplished within 10% of the
time frequency to remain in compliance.

Yes it does. Organizations that have implemented the 10% rule have been found to have
increased reliability of their assets due to a consistent and disciplined approach.

The life cycle consists of four steps:

1) Hire
2) Inspire
3) Admire
4) Retire

It shows that the organization has a robust system to ensure all processes are working to
produce or deliver quality services.. Furthermore, the certification means that the
organization is meeting the requirements of all clauses specified in the standard and can
be trusted.… 137/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 161 of 249

What process do we need to ensure that we have the right people available when we need them.

1) Should have a list of screened potential employees ready to call when the opportunity is
2) Succession planning for all positions and training of identified employees need to be
3) Internships, cooperative programs, and similar tools can be used to recruit and evaluate

The objectives of Autonomous Maintenance are:

1) Uninterrupted operation of equipment
2) Operators to operate and maintain the equipment
3) Elimination of the defects and potential failures at the source quickly
4) Involvement of all employees to solve problems through active participation

1) Industry 1.0 - Mechanization and the introduction of steam and water power

2) Industry 2.0 - Mass production assembly lines using electric power

3) Industry 3.0 - Automated production, computers, IT-systems, and robotics

4) Industry 4.0 - The smart factory, autonomous systems, loT, and machine learning

RTF stands for Run to Failure. It is a maintenance strategy where the organizations decides
to allow specific assets/systems to fail without any PM or CBM performed against them.

The guideline that are given for this strategy is that the asset where the cost and impact of
the failure are less than the cost of PM and CBM actions. It is a deliberate decision based
on economic effectiveness. It is imperative that we document that RTF was chosen on
purpose and what the criteria was for this decision. We must also plan to repair the failure, if
and when it happens.… 138/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 162 of 249

What new name can be given to the Maintenance function? Discuss the benefits

In the P-F interval curve, F stand for failure, and the P stands for potential failure.

A new name could be Capacity Assurance. With proper maintenance, the capacity of an
asset can be realized at the designed level.

The Karl Fischer method is used to test for water in oil.

The CBM technology is is associate with is (water moisture test) Lubrication and oil analysis

The time interval between potential failure (P) and failure (F) is called the P-F interval.

The relationship is that the PM should be less than the P-F interval to catch potential
failures and correct them in time.… 139/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 163 of 249

What's the difference between a certified and qualified employees?

Certification - The result of meeting the established criteria set by an accrediting or

certified-granting organization

Qualified - People who because of their knowledge, training, qualifications, certification, or

experience, are competent to perform the duties of their job

OEE measures effectiveness based on scheduled hours, TEEP measures effectiveness

against 24 hours per day, 365 days per year operation.

OEE = availability X performance X quality

TEEP = utilization X availability X performance X quality or utilization X OEE

1) Define the problem - failure

2) Collect data/evidence about issues that contributed to the problem
3) Identify possible causal factors
4) Develop solutions and recommendations
5) Implement the recommendations
6) Track the recommended solutions to ensure effectiveness.

The purpose of the FMEA is to take actions to eliminate or reduce failures, starting with the
highest - priority ones.… 140/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 164 of 249

What's the difference between Maintenance and maintainability?

Maintenance is the act of maintaining. The work of keeping an asset in proper operating

Maintainability reflects the ease of maintenance. It's to ensure maintenance tasks can be
performed easily, safely, and effectively.

OEE measures effectiveness based on scheduled hours, TEEP measures effectiveness

against 24 hours per day, 365 days per year operation.

OEE = availability X performance X quality

TEEP = utilization X availability X performance X quality or utilization X OEE

Inclusion is the deliberate act of welcoming diversity and creating an environment where all
different kinds of people can thrive and succeed.

Diversity reflects equal employment opportunity laws, defining diversity in terms of race,
gender, ethnicity, age, national origin, religion, and disability

They planners shouldn't be:

1) Be a supervisor
2) Be a quality inspector
3) Be a material expeditor
4) Perform administrative/clerical activities
5) React to emergencies
6) Be the "Help Desk"… 141/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 165 of 249

What are the activities the planner shouldn't be doing

They planners shouldn't be:

1) Be a supervisor
2) Be a quality inspector
3) Be a material expeditor
4) Perform administrative/clerical activities
5) React to emergencies
6) Be the "Help Desk"

The objectives of Autonomous Maintenance are:

1) Uninterrupted operation of equipment
2) Operators to operate and maintain the equipment
3) Elimination of the defects and potential failures at the source quickly
4) Involvement of all employees to solve problems through active participation

Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems AS/RS

The disadvantages of a AS/RS is the high initial cost

The advantages are it is good in high volume processes where storage density is important
and where accuracy is critical because of potential expensive damages to the load.

1) The help companies focus their strategy by defining some boundaries within which to
2) The define the dimensions along which an organization's performance is measured
3) They suggest standards for individual ethical behavior… 142/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 166 of 249

Why is the communication process important to us

The SIPOC tool is particularly useful to clarify or understand a process, new or existing.

The SWOT tool is intended to specify the objectives of the project or business and identify
internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieving those

People in organizations spend 75% of their time in interpersonal situations to get work
done. Effective communication is an essential component of organizational success.

Less than 2
It should be less than 2 for maint related spares. The long lead items and "A" type inventory
are expensive to keep but needed for catastrophic failures

Planning is the WHAT and HOW - what and how work will be performed

Scheduling is the WHEN and WHO - when the work will be done and who will do the work.

Term 167 of 249

TPM is a type of maintenance performed by the operators. T or F

All maint personnel time should be recorded in CMMS to ensure all maint costs are

OEE is calculated a Availability X Performance X Quality. Operations and maintenance both
impact this metric.

It is a good and cost effective practice to do more run/cycle based and condition based
PM. It is also good practice to have calendar based PM's 30% or less.

True… 143/211
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Term 168 of 249

What percentage of maintenance work should be proactive?

Operations and Maintenance account for a majority of Life Cycle Costs (LCC). Typically 60-

The difference is that in 5S plus they also emphasize safety in their program. Also called 6S

85% or more
Proactive work is defined as all work minus unscheduled work/unplanned work.

The purpose of job task analysis is to establish and document the skills required for
performing the job effectively.

Term 169 of 249


Hidden Failure

Vendor Relationship Management

Failure Mode and Effects Analysis

Scenario Analysis… 144/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 170 of 249

Define the role of a change agent. Who is best qualified to perform this role?

Planning is the WHAT and HOW - what and how work will be performed

Scheduling is the WHEN and WHO - when the work will be done and who will do the work.

1) Safety Risk
An expression of the possibility of a mishap that can cause death, injury, occupational
illness or damage to the environment, in terms of hazard severity categories and hazard
probability levels

2) Performance Risk
The degree to which the proposed system or process design is capable of meeting the
operational requirements.

3) Cost Risk
The ability of the system to achieve the programs life cycle costs objectives.

4) Schedule Risk
The adequacy of the time allotted for performing the specific tasks.

5) Technology Risk
The degree to which the technology proposed for the system has been demonstrated as
capable of meeting all the projects objectives

6) Product data access and protection risk

A new area of risk that provides for the protection of proprietary data regarding processes
and products.

1) iGen are less focused

2) iGen are better multitaskers
3) iGen are early starters. Entering the workforce sooner
4) iGen are more entrepreneurial
5) iGen have higher expectations than Millennials
6) iGen are big on individuality
7) iGen are more global

A change agent helps implement changes successfully. Change agents have the clout,
conviction, charisma, and resourcefulness to make things happen and keep others engaged
in implementing change.… 145/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

The best qualified individual is a senior management person who has respect for and the
trust of the people.

Term 171 of 249

Lagging KPI's are the results of a process. T or F

The Person who did the work

Lagging metrics

Not Having adequate preparation and leadership.

Lagging indicators are the results.… 146/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 172 of 249

Who is a stakeholder?

A servant leader is someone regardless of level who leads simply by meeting the needs of
the team.

A participative leader involves team members while making critical decisions

The key players are:

Asset/Resource Coordinator - Helps to prioritize the work, ensure required resources are in
the budget, and to schedule asset outages if necessary

Planner - Plan the job and create a work plan which consists of what work needs to be
done, how it will be done, what materials, tools, or special equipment is needed, estimated
time and skills required

Scheduler - Work with the craft supervisor, coordinator, and other support staff to develop
weekly, monthly, and rolling annual long range plans to execute maintenance work.

Configuration specialist/systems engineer - Provide technical support to ensure that work

plan is feasible.

Craft Supervisor - Take the weekly schedule and assign who will do the job on a daily basis.
They also review work plans from an execution point of view and recommend necessary
changes in work plans to the planner and scheduler.
Work Performer

A person or organization that can affect, be effected by, or believe to be affected by a

decision or activity

Reliability is a design attribute. A maint plan cannot change the basic reliability unless the
components are changed or redesigned with more reliable, higher MTBF parts.… 147/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 173 of 249

What are the key factors used in calculating EOQ?

Planning is the WHAT and HOW - what and how work will be performed

Scheduling is the WHEN and WHO - when the work will be done and who will do the work.

The key factors are:

1) Annual demand - The number of units of an item used per year. May be explained as
annual usage

2) Ordering Cost - Also known as purchase cost, this is the sum of the fixed costs that are
incurred each time an item is ordered

3) Carrying Cost - Also call holding costs, carrying cost is the cost associated with having
inventory on hand

Formula for EOQ: Annual Usage D

Ordering Cost S
Annual Carrying Cost H

2 X D X S/H (H = carrying cost % X Item Cost)

The difference is that in 5S plus they also emphasize safety in their program. Also called 6S

It is a internationally recognized green building certification system, providing 3rd party

verification that a building or community was designed and built using strategies intended
to improve performance in metrics such as energy savings, water efficiency, and
stewardship of resources and sensitivity to their impacts.

LEED ( Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)… 148/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 174 of 249

What can we do to leverage different generations employees to our advantage?

1) It's not what we say but how we say it. Generational clashes often stem from
miscommunication in tone or style. Understand how each generation prefers to be
communicated too.

2) Understand the different generational motivations.

3) Look beyond appearances. Benefit form diverse opinions.

The Process Bottleneck Analysis tool helps a team identify process steps where flow is
constrained, find the root causes of those constraints, and address the root causes that
have been identified. It can be used when processes are not meeting expectations, not
keeping up with demand, or customers are dissatisfied.

1) Should have a list of screened potential employees ready to call when the opportunity is
2) Succession planning for all positions and training of identified employees need to be
3) Internships, cooperative programs, and similar tools can be used to recruit and evaluate

The emphasis of 5s is the elimination of bad habits and the constant practice of good ones.
You must continue to educate people about maintaining standards.. As changes occur such
as new equipment, new products, and new work rules, adjustments will need to be made to
accommodate these. So changes to standards and training will to address these changes.… 149/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 175 of 249

Why is change management an important part of creating the right reliability culture

Transformational leadership uses the ability to motivate and inspire followers. They want to
help the organization achieve its goals but also help group members fulfill their potential

Transactional leadership starts with the idea that team members agree to obey their leader
when accepting the job. The leader has the right to punish team members if their work
doesn't meet and appropriate standard.

Because it:
1) Helps to create understanding (i.e. why the change is needed and how it relates to vision)
2) It sets goals and expectations
3) It establishes a process for praise and recognition
4) It defines and clarifies roles
5) It establishes and standardizes processes and procedures
6) It creates discipline, develops tenacity, and helps you be persistent

Operator driven reliability (ODR) helps improve reliability by identifying potential

equipment problems and failures early. The operator then fixes them if minor and if major ,
the operator gets them repaired by maintenance.

The operators involvement is important because it creates asset ownership and also helps
to address problems before they become major breakdowns.

The objectives of Autonomous Maintenance are:

1) Uninterrupted operation of equipment
2) Operators to operate and maintain the equipment
3) Elimination of the defects and potential failures at the source quickly
4) Involvement of all employees to solve problems through active participation… 150/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 176 of 249

Maintenance costs will decrease as reliability increases. T or F

The beliefs and values that define how people interpret experiences and how they behave,
both individually and in groups within an organization.

Digitalization will increase the agility of output, which will in turn give crucial competitive
benefits for advance manufacturing organizations.

Training the workforce in the application of new tools/techniques will reduce repair time,
resulting in higher availability.

With an increase in reliability or a reduction in number of failures, assets become more
available to perform their function, and maint costs decrease

Term 177 of 249

PM schedule compliance should be equal to or greater than 95%. T or F



Failure rate is the inverse of MTBF

It should be treated as an investment.… 151/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 178 of 249

What strategies are used to reduce the impact of arc flash hazards?

1) iGen are less focused

2) iGen are better multitaskers
3) iGen are early starters. Entering the workforce sooner
4) iGen are more entrepreneurial
5) iGen have higher expectations than Millennials
6) iGen are big on individuality
7) iGen are more global

1) Maintenance people standing around waiting for parts

2) High rework
3) Poor work performance
4) High stockout in the storeroom
5) Planners being used to expedite parts
6) Maintenance personnel arriving at the job site and waiting for the asset/system to be
shut down (wait is over 15 mins)
7) Frequent trips to the storeroom by maintenance personnel
8) Production downtime always more than estimated

1) Provide and be able to demonstrate a safety program with defined responsibilities

2) Establish shock and flash protection boundaries
3) Provide protective clothing and personal protective equipment that meet ANSI
4) Train workers on the hazards of ard flash
5) Use appropriate tools for safe working
6) Post warning labels on equipment

Succession planning is a key element of the workforce development process. It is the

process of identifying and preparing suitable employees - thru mentoring, training, job
rotation - to replace (or prepare) for key positions in the organization.

It's important because it often takes years of grooming to develop effective managers and
leaders.… 152/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 179 of 249

How is the fishbone diagram constructed. Explain the steps that are needed?

1) Transportation - Moving materials and parts that are not actually required for the process

2) Inventory - Extra inventory in the system. All components, work in progress, and the
finished product not being processed are waste

3) Motion - People or equipment moving or walking more than required to perform the

4) Waiting - Waiting for the next step or the next thing.

5) Overproduction - Production ahead of demand or need

6) Inappropriate processing - Not producing what is needed or when needed because of

poorly designed processes and assets.

7) Defects - Components or products that do not meet the specification

the design phase

FMEA should be performed during the design phase to identify failure mode, these modes
could be eliminated or their impact reduced or mitigated cost effectively.

A change agent helps implement changes successfully. Change agents have the clout,
conviction, charisma, and resourcefulness to make things happen and keep others engaged
in implementing change.

The best qualified individual is a senior management person who has respect for and the
trust of the people.

1) Define the problem (head of the fish)

2) Brainstorm causes of failures
*Label each bone of the fish. Typically includes
*Methods, machine, materials, and manpower
*Place, procedure, people and policies
*Surroundings, suppliers, systems, and skills
*Machine, method, materials, measurement, man, and mother nature
*Equipment/asset, process, people, materials, environment, and management
3) Identify / document all causes by major category (bone)
4) Select any causes that may be at the root of the problem… 153/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

5) Develop a corrective action plan to eliminate or reduce the impact of the causes
selected in step 4

Term 180 of 249

What do we need to do to implement 5S and sustain it.

Operators can use four sensory tool to predict failures.

1) Look for abnormalities - clean, in place, accessible
2) Listen for abnormal noises, vibrations, leaks.
3) Feel for abnormal hot or cold surfaces
4) Smell abnormal burning or unusual odors.

The key factors are:

1) Annual demand - The number of units of an item used per year. May be explained as
annual usage

2) Ordering Cost - Also known as purchase cost, this is the sum of the fixed costs that are
incurred each time an item is ordered

3) Carrying Cost - Also call holding costs, carrying cost is the cost associated with having
inventory on hand

Formula for EOQ: Annual Usage D

Ordering Cost S
Annual Carrying Cost H

2 X D X S/H (H = carrying cost % X Item Cost)

Certification - The result of meeting the established criteria set by an accrediting or

certified-granting organization

Qualified - People who because of their knowledge, training, qualifications, certification, or

experience, are competent to perform the duties of their job

The emphasis of 5s is the elimination of bad habits and the constant practice of good ones.
You must continue to educate people about maintaining standards.. As changes occur such
as new equipment, new products, and new work rules, adjustments will need to be made to
accommodate these. So changes to standards and training will to address these changes.… 154/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 181 of 249

What is a digital twin?

Planning is the WHAT and HOW - what and how work will be performed

Scheduling is the WHEN and WHO - when the work will be done and who will do the work.

OEE is a measure of equipment or process effectiveness based on actual availability,

performance, and quality of product or output.

OEE is calculate by:

OEE = availability X performance X quality

It is a internationally recognized green building certification system, providing 3rd party

verification that a building or community was designed and built using strategies intended
to improve performance in metrics such as energy savings, water efficiency, and
stewardship of resources and sensitivity to their impacts.

LEED ( Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)

"A digital twin is a virtual representation of an object or system that spans its lifecycle, is
updated from real-time data, and uses simulation, machine learning and reasoning to help

Term 182 of 249

Which process ensures that resources, material, and equipment are available before a job is




Controlling… 155/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 183 of 249

Optimizing inventory levels by ordering the right quantity at a specific time interval in order to
minimize inventory cost, but still meet customer needs, is called:

Fixed Order Quantity

Economic Order Quantity

Safety Stock

Reorder Point

Term 184 of 249

What is the purpose of the FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis)?

The Karl Fischer method is used to test for water in oil.

The CBM technology is is associate with is (water moisture test) Lubrication and oil analysis

1) iGen are less focused

2) iGen are better multitaskers
3) iGen are early starters. Entering the workforce sooner
4) iGen are more entrepreneurial
5) iGen have higher expectations than Millennials
6) iGen are big on individuality
7) iGen are more global

The purpose of the FMEA is to take actions to eliminate or reduce failures, starting with the
highest - priority ones.

* Muri - Overburden
* Mura - Unevenness
* Muda - Waste, non-value-added work… 156/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 185 of 249

RCM provides the best results when used when?

uptime and downtime

Availability is calculated by uptime divided by uptime plus downtime

The goal is to get all work completed as scheduled to minimize waiting time (waste)

* Muri - Overburden
* Mura - Unevenness
* Muda - Waste, non-value-added work

During design / development

RCM should be used during the design phase to get maximum benefits… 157/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 186 of 249

What do we need to do to retain talent?

1) Create a friendly and safe work environment

2) Acknowledge employee achievements
3) Take care of physical and mental health
4) Be clear on social media policies
5) Have meaningful and worthwhile goals
6) Encourage teamwork
7) Encourage friendly competition
8) Encourage creativity and welcome all ideas
9) Challenge employees to achieve higher goals. Don't let them get bored
10) Communicate, communicate. Have positive communication all the time.

1) The percentage of training budget ($ and labor hrs per employee)

2) The number (or percentage) of certified professionals of the total workforce
3) The number of papers being presented or published at conferences on maintenance,
reliability, and asset management
4) The number of people among M&R personnel supporting / involved with industry
sponsored standardization teams or professional society's teams
5) Employee (maintenance, reliability, and asset management personnel) turnover ratio or
attrition rate.

You measure effectiveness by a series of qualities:

1) Discusses future trends regarding how they can change their work
2) Provides feedback on accomplishments
3) Follows thru on promises
4) Treats others with respect
5) Solicits feedback and opinions from others
6) Sets a good personal example
7) Actively listens to other viewpoints
8) Supports others in their decisions
9) Willing to take certain risks and experiment

1) To stimulate thinking during a brainstorming session

2) To ensure all causes are identified
3) To evaluate all the possible reasons that a process is beginning to have difficulties,
problems, or breakdowns
4) To investigate why an asset or process is not performing properly or producing the
desired results
5) To analyze and find the root cause of a complicated problem and to understand… 158/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

relationships between potential causes

6) To dissect problems into smaller pieces… 159/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 187 of 249

Why are the mission and vision statements important for an organization?

The key factors are:

1) Annual demand - The number of units of an item used per year. May be explained as
annual usage

2) Ordering Cost - Also known as purchase cost, this is the sum of the fixed costs that are
incurred each time an item is ordered

3) Carrying Cost - Also call holding costs, carrying cost is the cost associated with having
inventory on hand

Formula for EOQ: Annual Usage D

Ordering Cost S
Annual Carrying Cost H

2 X D X S/H (H = carrying cost % X Item Cost)

Vision statements are important because it is a declaration of what the organization intends
to become or to achieve at some point in the future. It is a pronouncement of what the
organization wants to become

Mission statements are important for 3 reasons:

1) The help companies focus their strategy by defining some boundaries within which to
2) The define the dimensions along which an organizations performance is measured and
3) The suggest standards for individual ethical behavior

A change agent helps implement changes successfully. Change agents have the clout,
conviction, charisma, and resourcefulness to make things happen and keep others engaged
in implementing change.

The best qualified individual is a senior management person who has respect for and the
trust of the people.

1) iGen are less focused

2) iGen are better multitaskers
3) iGen are early starters. Entering the workforce sooner
4) iGen are more entrepreneurial… 160/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

5) iGen have higher expectations than Millennials

6) iGen are big on individuality
7) iGen are more global

Term 188 of 249

The "F" on the P-F interval indicates that equipment is still functioning. T or F

Reliability is measured by MTBF, which is operating time divided by failures, or downtime

In the P-F interval curve, F stand for failure, and the P stands for potential failure.

RCM can be used on new or "in-use" systems.

FMEA can be used for any asset, whether in use or not.

Term 189 of 249

All maintenance personnels time should be covered by work orders. T or F

All maint personnel time should be recorded in CMMS to ensure all maint costs are

Training the workforce in the application of new tools/techniques will reduce repair time,
resulting in higher availability.

Operations and Maintenance account for a majority of Life Cycle Costs (LCC). Typically 60-

operate and maintain

The operate and maintain phase has the highest life cycle cost, about 70-80%… 161/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 190 of 249

The last step in a basic communication model is to:

Production and maintenance

Provide feedback / response

Hidden failure

Leading indicators… 162/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 191 of 249

How do we measure leadership effectiveness?

1) Define the problem (head of the fish)

2) Brainstorm causes of failures
*Label each bone of the fish. Typically includes
*Methods, machine, materials, and manpower
*Place, procedure, people and policies
*Surroundings, suppliers, systems, and skills
*Machine, method, materials, measurement, man, and mother nature
*Equipment/asset, process, people, materials, environment, and management
3) Identify / document all causes by major category (bone)
4) Select any causes that may be at the root of the problem
5) Develop a corrective action plan to eliminate or reduce the impact of the causes
selected in step 4

You measure effectiveness by a series of qualities:

1) Discusses future trends regarding how they can change their work
2) Provides feedback on accomplishments
3) Follows thru on promises
4) Treats others with respect
5) Solicits feedback and opinions from others
6) Sets a good personal example
7) Actively listens to other viewpoints
8) Supports others in their decisions
9) Willing to take certain risks and experiment

1) iGen are less focused

2) iGen are better multitaskers
3) iGen are early starters. Entering the workforce sooner
4) iGen are more entrepreneurial
5) iGen have higher expectations than Millennials
6) iGen are big on individuality
7) iGen are more global

The basic function of Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) is to develop an efficient and
effective maintenance plan for assets to minimize the probability of failures.… 163/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 192 of 249

Define TPM. What are the pillars of TPM

A visual workplace uses visual displays to relay information to employees and guide their
actions. The workplace is set-up with signs, labels, color-coded markings, etc.. so that
anyone unfamiliar with the assets ro processes can readily identify what is going on,
understand the process, and know both what is being done correctly and out of place.

Reliability - The probability that an asset or item will perform its intended functions for a
specific period of time under stated conditions. It is usually expressed as a percentage and
measured by the mean time between failure.

Maintainability - The ease and speed with which a maintenance repair activity can be
carried out on an asset. Maintainability is a function of equipment design and usually is
measured by mean time between repair.

The sum of all maintenance work that is completed to avoid failures or to identify defects
that could lead to failures. It includes routine preventive and predictive maintenance
activities and work tasks identified from them.

TPM is a maintenance strategy that originated in Japan; it emphasizes operations and

maintenance cooperation. It's goals include zero defects, zero accidents, zero breakdowns,
and effective workplace design to reduce overall operations and maintenance costs.

The 8 pillars of TPM are:

1) Autonomous Maintenance
2) Focused Improvement
3) Planned Maintenance
4) Quality Maintenance
5) Training and Development
6) Design and early equipment Management
7) Office Improvement
8) Safety, health, and environment… 164/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 193 of 249

TPM has the potential of providing almost a seamless integration between:

production and maintenance

quality and maintenance

production and quality


Term 194 of 249

Who is a work coordinator and what is their role?

Operate and Maintain phase has the highest cost in an assets life cycle.

Maintenance is the act of maintaining. The work of keeping an asset in proper operating

Maintainability reflects the ease of maintenance. It's to ensure maintenance tasks can be
performed easily, safely, and effectively.

EOQ calculates the optimum order quantity to optimize inventory cost. It does not impact
inventory turn ratio

They are individuals who oversee the execution of all work within a facility, including
maintenance. They are accountable to the asset or process owner for ensuring that the
asset or process is available to perform its function in a safe and efficient manner and to
help prioritize the work according to operations needs.… 165/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 195 of 249

What approaches could we apply during the design phase of an asset to improve its reliability.

purpose - what the organization wants to do

The mission statement should tell us about the organization's purpose and what the
organization does and how it does it.

1) Designed to be easy to operate and maintain

2) Designed for fault tolerance
3) Design to fail safely
4) Design with early warning of failure to the user
5) Design with a built in diagnostic system to identify the fault location
6) Design to eliminate all or critical failure modes cost effectively, if possible
7) Design for ease of use and to provide the best value to build, install, and operate
8) Design, build, and installed to reduce the total cost of ownership during the asset's life

1) The organization is too small for a system

2) The project payback or savings is inadequate
3) The MIS (management information system) or IT doesn't give CMMS high enough priority.
4) MIS and maintenance speak different technology languages
5) Participants fail to reach consensus

This is true assuming the organization is deploying TPM as one of the best practices.… 166/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 196 of 249

What are the key benefits of having a mission statement

The Process Bottleneck Analysis tool helps a team identify process steps where flow is
constrained, find the root causes of those constraints, and address the root causes that
have been identified. It can be used when processes are not meeting expectations, not
keeping up with demand, or customers are dissatisfied.

The key factors are:

1) Annual demand - The number of units of an item used per year. May be explained as
annual usage

2) Ordering Cost - Also known as purchase cost, this is the sum of the fixed costs that are
incurred each time an item is ordered

3) Carrying Cost - Also call holding costs, carrying cost is the cost associated with having
inventory on hand

Formula for EOQ: Annual Usage D

Ordering Cost S
Annual Carrying Cost H

2 X D X S/H (H = carrying cost % X Item Cost)

1) The help companies focus their strategy by defining some boundaries within which to
2) The define the dimensions along which an organization's performance is measured
3) They suggest standards for individual ethical behavior

1) Industry 1.0 - Mechanization and the introduction of steam and water power

2) Industry 2.0 - Mass production assembly lines using electric power

3) Industry 3.0 - Automated production, computers, IT-systems, and robotics

4) Industry 4.0 - The smart factory, autonomous systems, loT, and machine learning… 167/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 197 of 249

State the differences between a manager and a leader


EOQ calculates the optimum order quantity to optimize inventory cost. It does not impact
inventory turn ratio

Deming is a world renowned expert in the field of quality.

Managers are concerned about today and leaders are concerned about tomorrow

Term 198 of 249

What are the 3 types of waste defined in lean TPS (Toyota Production system)?

1) Steam
2) Process Heat
3) Motors, pumps, and fans
4) Compressed air
5) HVAC systems

1. Charisma
2. Competence
3. Communication
4. Energizing People
5. Vision (in creating)

* Muri - Overburden
* Mura - Unevenness
* Muda - Waste, non-value-added work

It can help by identifying non-value-added and wasteful activities the need to be

eliminated.… 168/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 199 of 249

Explain the concept of aligning the workforce with the business strategy?

1) The organization is too small for a system

2) The project payback or savings is inadequate
3) The MIS (management information system) or IT doesn't give CMMS high enough priority.
4) MIS and maintenance speak different technology languages
5) Participants fail to reach consensus

1) Charisma
2) Competence
3) Communication
4) Energizing People
5) Vision (in creating)

Employees need to know why the organization is in business. Involve employees in creating
or confirming the organization's mission. People support what they help create.

purpose - what the organization wants to do

The mission statement should tell us about the organization's purpose and what the
organization does and how it does it.… 169/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 200 of 249

What are the benefits of having a PM program

It allows you to measure yourself against other companies or other departments to see how
they are performing. It also allows you to see best practices and copy them to improve
your performance.

They planners shouldn't be:

1) Be a supervisor
2) Be a quality inspector
3) Be a material expeditor
4) Perform administrative/clerical activities
5) React to emergencies
6) Be the "Help Desk"

The benefits of a PM program is you take a look at the asset to determine if there are any
telltale signs of failure or imminent failure. You can then correct the abnormalities before
they turn into failures.

Key elements are:

1) Safety
2) Environmental
3) Quality Risks
4) Operational Impact
5) Maintenance and Reliability Impact
6) Single Point of Failure
7) Asset Replacement Cost
8) Spares Lead Time… 170/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 201 of 249

Define digitalization and its impact on the industry in general?

A change agent helps implement changes successfully. Change agents have the clout,
conviction, charisma, and resourcefulness to make things happen and keep others engaged
in implementing change.

The best qualified individual is a senior management person who has respect for and the
trust of the people.

Assets cost money to procure, operate, and maintain. They should be utilized 85% or better
to get high ROI.

Digitalization will increase the agility of output, which will in turn give crucial competitive
benefits for advance manufacturing organizations.

"A digital twin is a virtual representation of an object or system that spans its lifecycle, is
updated from real-time data, and uses simulation, machine learning and reasoning to help

Term 202 of 249

The first stage of team development is known as:

In the P-F interval curve, F stand for failure, and the P stands for potential failure.

85% or more
Proactive work is defined as all work minus unscheduled work/unplanned work.

job analysis can be used to identify the required knowledge and skills and to develop
appropriate training.

The team development goes through four stages: Forming, storming, norming and
performing.… 171/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 203 of 249

What's the basic function of an RCM program?

Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems AS/RS

The disadvantages of a AS/RS is the high initial cost

The advantages are it is good in high volume processes where storage density is important
and where accuracy is critical because of potential expensive damages to the load.

The basic function of Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) is to develop an efficient and
effective maintenance plan for assets to minimize the probability of failures.

The SIPOC tool is particularly useful to clarify or understand a process, new or existing.

The SWOT tool is intended to specify the objectives of the project or business and identify
internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieving those

The benefits of standardizing is that it makes good practices simpler and easier to
accomplish.… 172/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 204 of 249

Explain 5S. What benefits do we derive from implementing 5S.

Benefits of the RFID technology are:

1) Gives you up to the minute live tracking
2) Offers a long-read range
3) They have a larger more durable tags

Kitting is a material management strategy used to create prepackaged and prelabeled

components and material in one place, in a bin or container for efficient maintenance or
repair job.

Kitting benefits in the form of reduced inventory investments, more efficient utilization of
maintenance technicians and storeroom employees, and overall equipment/asset

5S is a technique to reduce waste and optimize productivity by maintaining an orderly

workplace and using visual cues to achieve more consistent operational results.

The benefits of 5S are it results in a safer, more efficient , and more productive operation. It
boosts morale of the employees , promoting a sense of pride in their work and responsible
ownership of their equipment.

1) iGen are less focused

2) iGen are better multitaskers
3) iGen are early starters. Entering the workforce sooner
4) iGen are more entrepreneurial
5) iGen have higher expectations than Millennials
6) iGen are big on individuality
7) iGen are more global… 173/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 205 of 249

What is meant by ABC classification as related to inventory

Capital projects are:

1) Well defined and static-drawings available
2) Can be planned and scheduled well in advance
3) Safety permits are fixed, weekly or monthly basis
4) Manpower staffing is fixed, usually doesn't change
5) Schedule update weekly or bimonthly

Turnarounds are:
1) Loosely defined, dynamic-changes as inspections made
2) Planning and scheduling can't be finalized until scope is approved
3) Safety permits required on a shiftly or daily basis due to scope fluctuations
4) Manpower staffing is variable. It changes a lot during execution due to scope
5) Schedule update on a shiftly or daily basis

Emissivity is the ratio of the rate of radiant energy emission at a given wavelength from a
body with an optically smooth surface, as a consequence of its temperature only, to the
corresponding rate of emission from a blackbody at the same temperature and wavelength.

It is associate with the CBM technology Infrared Thermography.

1) Accountability - Well defined performance measures document progress toward the

achievement of goals and objectives. Thereby motivating organizations to fulfill their
obligations to their employees and stakeholders

2) Resources / Budget Justification - Performance measurement becomes a long term

planning tool to justify proper resource or budget allocation

3) Ownership and Teamwork - It provides more employees participation and ownership in

problem solving, goal setting, and process improvements. It helps set priorities and
promotes collaboration among departments and business area.

4) Communication - a Common Language - Metrics give employees a common language to

communicate, alert them to potential problem areas, and encourage them to share

ABC classification is based on an items value and usage rate. This classification system us
used to distinguish between the trivial many and vital few.… 174/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

A - are the one of a kind parts with long delivery, high cost and low demand - Averages 15%
of all inventory items but accounts for 60-80% of total inventory costs.

B - are standard parts that may be stored in the vendor's warehouses and made available
by a local distributor in a few days or a couple weeks. - Averages 25% of all inventory items
but accounts for 15 to 25% of all costs.

C - are standard parts, consumable or commodity items that can be delivered by the
vendor on a regular schedule or made available by local distributors in a few hours or a
couple of days. - Averages 65% of all inventory items but accounts for 5 to 15% of all costs.… 175/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 206 of 249

What is the difference between codes, standards, and specifications?

They planners shouldn't be:

1) Be a supervisor
2) Be a quality inspector
3) Be a material expeditor
4) Perform administrative/clerical activities
5) React to emergencies
6) Be the "Help Desk"

Simply stated, a code tells us what we need to do, and a standard tells us how to do it.
Specifications provide explicit requirements for the materials, components, or services that
are beyond the code or standard requirements.

Principle 1: Preserve System Function - We want to know what the expected output should
be and understand that preserving that output is our primary task at hand.

Principle 2: Identify failure modes that can defeat the functions - Key point is to identify the
specific failure modes in a specific component that can potentially produce those
unwanted functional failures.

Principle 3: Prioritize function needs (failure modes) - A systematic approach is taken to

prioritize all functional failures and failure modes using a risk based priority assignment

Principle 4: Select applicable and effective tasks - Applicable means that if the task is
performed it will 1) prevent or mitigate failure, 2) detect the onset of failure, 3) discover a
hidden failure.

We are going thru a Industrial revolution called Industry 4.0, also known as digitalization.
Fundamentally maintenance practices have not changed but rapid changes in technology
introduce new tools everyday. Clear evidence also indicates that the corporate world has
recognized good maintenance programs as a valuable part of total asset management.… 176/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 207 of 249

Define MBWA. Why is it considered one of the key leadership practices?

It allows ranking of work orders to get work accomplished in order of importance. It will
eliminate tasks being done on a whim and instead allow work to proceed according to its
true impact on the overall operations of the plant

MBWA: Is Management by Walking Around

It is considered a key leadership tactic because you interact with the people and allows you
to get in touch with their world. It also allows you to build alliances and to build trust with
your workforce.

1) Maintenance Cost Percent of ERV

2) Production Loss - Breakdowns

3) Reactive - CM unscheduled

4) Planned Maintenance

5) Overtime

6) Rework - maintenance quality

Maintenance prevents an asset or item from failing and repairs it after it has failed.

It's role is capacity assurance meaning that maintenance assures asset capacity as designed
or to an acceptable level… 177/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 208 of 249

Understanding the known and likely causes of failures can help design a maintenance strategy for
an asset to prevent or predict failure. T or F

It is a good practice to have 90% or more work planned. Planned work costs two to three
times less than reactive work

preventative maintenance
The objective of preventative maintenance inspection and servicing at specific intervals is
to find problems and fix them before they fail

A best practice is a business function, a practice, or a process that is considered superior to
all other known methods.

If we understand the failure mechanism, how a part or component can fail, we can develop
a mitigating maint strategy to prevent failure.

Term 209 of 249

State 5 key attributes of a leader.

Mean Time To Repair is a measure of how soon we can bring an asset back to operations.

1) Charisma
2) Competence
3) Communication
4) Energizing People
5) Vision (in creating)

The leading indicators are process indicators, and they lead to the results.

Asset ID
The asset ID is the key element (field) on a work order to ensure that work related
information is going to go to the right asset… 178/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 210 of 249

Which analysis identifies a cost effective approach to reduce maintenance and operational

Reliability and maintainability are design attributes. An asset's performance depends upon
how it is designed for reliability and maintainability.

* Muri - Overburden
* Mura - Unevenness
* Muda - Waste, non-value-added work

Pareto analysis
Pareto analysis identifies what few vital assets need to be taken care of first to get
maximum benefit.

Passive tags are powered by energy from the RFID interrogating radio waves.

Active tags are powered by a battery and thus can be read at greater distances.… 179/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 211 of 249

What is the 10% rule of PM? Does it provide any benefit?

Simply stated, a code tells us what we need to do, and a standard tells us how to do it.
Specifications provide explicit requirements for the materials, components, or services that
are beyond the code or standard requirements.

Maintenance is the act of maintaining. The work of keeping an asset in proper operating

Maintainability reflects the ease of maintenance. It's to ensure maintenance tasks can be
performed easily, safely, and effectively.

Well informed, trained, and responsible operators will ensure that assets are being kept in
good working order. Operators are the first line of defense against unplanned asset
downtime. Operators who are in daily contact with assets can use their knowledge and skills
to predict and prevent breakdowns and other losses.

This is a best practice and means a time based PM must be accomplished within 10% of the
time frequency to remain in compliance.

Yes it does. Organizations that have implemented the 10% rule have been found to have
increased reliability of their assets due to a consistent and disciplined approach.

Term 212 of 249

Operations and Maintenance must work as a team to achieve improved OEE? T or F

If we understand the failure mechanism, how a part or component can fail, we can develop
a mitigating maint strategy to prevent failure.

operate and maintain

The operate and maintain phase has the highest life cycle cost, about 70-80%

* Muri - Overburden
* Mura - Unevenness
* Muda - Waste, non-value-added work

OEE is calculated a Availability X Performance X Quality. Operations and maintenance both
impact this metric.… 180/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 213 of 249

Define proactive maintenance

The ability to maintain a certain status or process in existing systems. Focuses on meeting
the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet
their needs.

RPN stands for Risk Priority Number.

A risk priority number is the mathematical product of the numerical severity, probability,
and detection ratings.

RPN = Severity X Probability X Detection

The sum of all maintenance work that is completed to avoid failures or to identify defects
that could lead to failures. It includes routine preventive and predictive maintenance
activities and work tasks identified from them.

The benefits of a PM program is you take a look at the asset to determine if there are any
telltale signs of failure or imminent failure. You can then correct the abnormalities before
they turn into failures.

Term 214 of 249

Which maintenance strategy has a goal of zero defects, zero breakdowns, and an effective
workplace design..




HSM… 181/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 215 of 249

New incoming oil from the supplier is always clean and ready to be used. T or F

FMEA can be used for any asset, whether in use or not.

Hidden Failure

OSHA - 90 dba
NIOSH - 85 dba


Term 216 of 249

What are the benefits of standardizing

The benefits of standardizing is that it makes good practices simpler and easier to

1. Charisma
2. Competence
3. Communication
4. Energizing People
5. Vision (in creating)

The difference is that in 5S plus they also emphasize safety in their program. Also called 6S

The benefits of a PM program is you take a look at the asset to determine if there are any
telltale signs of failure or imminent failure. You can then correct the abnormalities before
they turn into failures.… 182/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 217 of 249

What are the advantages and disadvantages of an AS/RS?

It assures consumers that the businesses they buy from are operating in a safe way,
producing reliable goods without unduly harming the environment.

It also is in our everyday life. From the height of stairs to the the height of chairs, to shoe

Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems AS/RS

The disadvantages of a AS/RS is the high initial cost

The advantages are it is good in high volume processes where storage density is important
and where accuracy is critical because of potential expensive damages to the load.

The objectives of Autonomous Maintenance are:

1) Uninterrupted operation of equipment
2) Operators to operate and maintain the equipment
3) Elimination of the defects and potential failures at the source quickly
4) Involvement of all employees to solve problems through active participation

Passive tags are powered by energy from the RFID interrogating radio waves.

Active tags are powered by a battery and thus can be read at greater distances.… 183/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 218 of 249

Maintainability is measured by:

Achieving Six Sigma means that the process is delivering only 3.4 defects per million

The probability that an asset is capable of performing its intended function satisfactorily ,
when needed, in a stated environment. Availability is a function of reliability and

All maint personnel time should be recorded in CMMS to ensure all maint costs are

The average time required to restore the equipment to production capability

Maintainability is ease of maintenance

Term 219 of 249

The inventory turnover ratio for an MRO store should be?

With an increase in reliability or a reduction in number of failures, assets become more
available to perform their function, and maint costs decrease

It is a good and cost effective practice to do more run/cycle based and condition based
PM. It is also good practice to have calendar based PM's 30% or less.

Classified into 4 broadly defined categories:

1) Safety based
2) Production based
3) Process based
4) Asset-failure based

Less than 2
It should be less than 2 for maint related spares. The long lead items and "A" type inventory
are expensive to keep but needed for catastrophic failures… 184/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 220 of 249

The 10% rule of PM should be applied on critical assets. T or F

EOQ calculates the optimum order quantity to optimize inventory cost. It does not impact
inventory turn ratio

Deming is a world renowned expert in the field of quality.

The person who did the work

The rule implies that time based PM must be accomplished with 10% of the time frequency,
or it is out of compliance. It means quarterly (90 day) PM must be done within +- 9 days of
the due date.

Term 221 of 249

Define Maintenance and its role

OEE measures effectiveness based on scheduled hours, TEEP measures effectiveness

against 24 hours per day, 365 days per year operation.

OEE = availability X performance X quality

TEEP = utilization X availability X performance X quality or utilization X OEE

How well we listen has a major impact on our job effectiveness and on the quality of our
relationship with others.

MBWA: Is Management by Walking Around

It is considered a key leadership tactic because you interact with the people and allows you
to get in touch with their world. It also allows you to build alliances and to build trust with
your workforce.

Maintenance prevents an asset or item from failing and repairs it after it has failed.

It's role is capacity assurance meaning that maintenance assures asset capacity as designed
or to an acceptable level… 185/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 222 of 249

What are the benefits of a structured maintenance program?

they are important because:

Standards provide a workable basis for acceptance and rejection of goods or
consequential disputes if any. They help minimize delays, correspondence, , etc..

Standards standardize the manufacturing process. They eliminate or reduce wasteful
material or labor. They contribute toward a reduction in inventories of both raw materials
and finished products. Standards also contribute to the reduction in the cost of
manufacturing or provide a service.

Vision statements are important because it is a declaration of what the organization intends
to become or to achieve at some point in the future. It is a pronouncement of what the
organization wants to become

Mission statements are important for 3 reasons:

1) The help companies focus their strategy by defining some boundaries within which to
2) The define the dimensions along which an organizations performance is measured and
3) The suggest standards for individual ethical behavior

1) Reducing production downtime - the results of fewer asset failures

2) Increasing life expectancy of assets, thereby eliminating premature replacement of
machinery and assets.
3) Reducing overtime costs and providing more economical use of maintenance personnel
due to working on a scheduled basis.
4) Reducing the cost of repairs by reducing secondary failures.
5) Reducing product rejects, rework, and scrap due to better overall asset condition
6) Identifying assets with excessive maintenance costs, indicating the need for corrective
maintenance, operating training, or replacement of obsolete assets
7) Improving safety and quality conditions

1) Maintenance people standing around waiting for parts

2) High rework
3) Poor work performance
4) High stockout in the storeroom… 186/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

5) Planners being used to expedite parts

6) Maintenance personnel arriving at the job site and waiting for the asset/system to be
shut down (wait is over 15 mins)
7) Frequent trips to the storeroom by maintenance personnel
8) Production downtime always more than estimated

Term 223 of 249

Define availability. What strategies can be used to improve it.

The probability that an asset is capable of performing its intended function satisfactorily ,
when needed, in a stated environment. Availability is a function of reliability and

The emphasis of 5s is the elimination of bad habits and the constant practice of good ones.
You must continue to educate people about maintaining standards.. As changes occur such
as new equipment, new products, and new work rules, adjustments will need to be made to
accommodate these. So changes to standards and training will to address these changes.

The SIPOC tool is particularly useful to clarify or understand a process, new or existing.

The SWOT tool is intended to specify the objectives of the project or business and identify
internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieving those

Maintainability is the ease of maintenance, it's primary measure is MTTR ( Mean time to
Repair)… 187/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 224 of 249

Explain the balance scorecard model?

The balanced scorecard model identifies four perspectives from which to view a process or
organization. These are:
1) Learning and growth perspective
2) Business process perspective
3) Customer perspective
4) Financial perspective

It provides a balance view of organizational performance.

1) The help companies focus their strategy by defining some boundaries within which to
2) The define the dimensions along which an organization's performance is measured
3) They suggest standards for individual ethical behavior

Leading indicators are forward-thinking and help manage the performance of the asset,
system, or process.

Lagging indicators tell how well we have managed. Lagging indicators are results.

The key factors are:

1) Annual demand - The number of units of an item used per year. May be explained as
annual usage

2) Ordering Cost - Also known as purchase cost, this is the sum of the fixed costs that are
incurred each time an item is ordered

3) Carrying Cost - Also call holding costs, carrying cost is the cost associated with having
inventory on hand

Formula for EOQ: Annual Usage D

Ordering Cost S
Annual Carrying Cost H

2 X D X S/H (H = carrying cost % X Item Cost)… 188/211
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Term 225 of 249

Which phase of the asset life cycle has the highest cost.

It shows that the organization has a robust system to ensure all processes are working to
produce or deliver quality services.. Furthermore, the certification means that the
organization is meeting the requirements of all clauses specified in the standard and can
be trusted.

Operate and Maintain phase has the highest cost in an assets life cycle.

They are individuals who oversee the execution of all work within a facility, including
maintenance. They are accountable to the asset or process owner for ensuring that the
asset or process is available to perform its function in a safe and efficient manner and to
help prioritize the work according to operations needs.

Tom Peters is a management guru and his message is that "People, the right people, with
appropriate skills, are the key in the success of any organization.

Peters 3 key points are:

1) Every leader has the obligation to develop people so that when they leave, the people in
the organization are better prepared for tomorrow.
2) There is no excuse for not making any organization of any size, in any business, a great
place to work
3) In any organization, people are the most important stakeholders and need to be taken
care of and prepared for the future

Term 226 of 249

When a task is completed, who should close out the work order in CMMS system?


Economic order quantity

Leading indicators

The person who did the work… 189/211
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Term 227 of 249

Which standard is used to establish oil cleanliness targets.

ISO 4406:99 is the international industry standard for oil cleanliness.

It assures consumers that the businesses they buy from are operating in a safe way,
producing reliable goods without unduly harming the environment.

It also is in our everyday life. From the height of stairs to the the height of chairs, to shoe

1. Charisma
2. Competence
3. Communication
4. Energizing People
5. Vision (in creating)

operate and maintain

The operate and maintain phase has the highest life cycle cost, about 70-80%

Term 228 of 249

Define OEE. How do we measure it.

Leading indicators are forward-thinking and help manage the performance of the asset,
system, or process.

Lagging indicators tell how well we have managed. Lagging indicators are results.

The average time required to restore the equipment to production capability

Maintainability is ease of maintenance

The leading indicators are process indicators, and they lead to the results.

OEE is a measure of equipment or process effectiveness based on actual availability,

performance, and quality of product or output.

OEE is calculate by:

OEE = availability X performance X quality… 190/211
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Term 229 of 249

How soon we can restore an asset is measured by:

The average time required to restore the equipment to production capability

Maintainability is ease of maintenance

Mean Time To Repair is a measure of how soon we can bring an asset back to operations.

job analysis can be used to identify the required knowledge and skills and to develop
appropriate training.

It can help by identifying non-value-added and wasteful activities the need to be

eliminated.… 191/211
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Term 230 of 249

List key standards related to managing assets?

1) ISO 4406 - This standard covers a hydraulic power method for coding the level of
contamination by solid particles. Simply stated, it is an oil/fluid cleanliness standard.
2) ISO 26000 - This standard makes it clear that organizations should proceed in good faith,
applying the 7 principles of socially responsible behavior
*Ethical Behavior
*Respect for stakeholder interest
*Respect for the rule of the law
*Respect for international norms or behavior
*Respect for human rights
3) ISO 27000 - This is a part of a growing family of ISO/IEC information security
management system standards of best practices to help organizations improve their
security systems.
4) ISO 45001 - This standard specifies requirements for an occupational health and safety
management system and gives guidance for its use.
5) ISO 14224 - This standard provides a standard format for collecting reliability and
maintenance data throughout the operational life cycle of an asset

The emphasis of 5s is the elimination of bad habits and the constant practice of good ones.
You must continue to educate people about maintaining standards.. As changes occur such
as new equipment, new products, and new work rules, adjustments will need to be made to
accommodate these. So changes to standards and training will to address these changes.

S = Specific. Be clear and focused on avoiding misinterpretation.
M= Measurable. This metric can be quantified and compared with other data
A= Attainable. This metric is achievable, reasonable and credible under conditions
R = Realistic. It fits into the organizations constraints and is cost effective
T = Timely. It's doable, data is available with the time needed to act if a course correction is

It's important for:

1) Customer satisfaction - Reliable assets will perform to the meet the customers needs on
time every time.
2) Reputation - An organization's reputation is very closely related to the reliability of it's
services.… 192/211
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3) O&M costs - Poor assets performance will cost more to operate and maintain
4) Repeat Business - Reliable assets and plant will ensure that the customer's needs are
being met in a timely manner
5) Competitive advantage - If you achieve better performance, reliability, and reduction in
total cost of ownership (TOC) and gain advantage over their competition.… 193/211
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Term 231 of 249

At what range of frequency can humans hear equipment noise? When is an instrument needed to
detect equipment noise.

1) iGen are less focused

2) iGen are better multitaskers
3) iGen are early starters. Entering the workforce sooner
4) iGen are more entrepreneurial
5) iGen have higher expectations than Millennials
6) iGen are big on individuality
7) iGen are more global

Human hearing range is 20 - 20,000 Hz

Ultrasonic testing is often used for evaluation at voltages exceeding 2000 volts, especially
in enclosed switchgear. This is especially useful in identifying corona problems. (Corona -
when the voltage on an electrical conductor, such as an antenna or high voltage
transmission line, exceeds the threshold value, the air around it begins to ionize to form a
blue or purple glow.

1) Transportation - Moving materials and parts that are not actually required for the process

2) Inventory - Extra inventory in the system. All components, work in progress, and the
finished product not being processed are waste

3) Motion - People or equipment moving or walking more than required to perform the

4) Waiting - Waiting for the next step or the next thing.

5) Overproduction - Production ahead of demand or need

6) Inappropriate processing - Not producing what is needed or when needed because of

poorly designed processes and assets.

7) Defects - Components or products that do not meet the specification

1) Should have a list of screened potential employees ready to call when the opportunity is
2) Succession planning for all positions and training of identified employees need to be
developed… 194/211
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3) Internships, cooperative programs, and similar tools can be used to recruit and evaluate

Term 232 of 249

What 5 major categories of equipment/systems use most of the energy in the industry, as defined
fy DOE?

1) Should have a list of screened potential employees ready to call when the opportunity is
2) Succession planning for all positions and training of identified employees need to be
3) Internships, cooperative programs, and similar tools can be used to recruit and evaluate

1) Steam
2) Process Heat
3) Motors, pumps, and fans
4) Compressed air
5) HVAC systems

Less than 30%

We need to make sure that all critical assets are being maintained adequately before we
get to other or noncritical assets.

1) Value
2) Alignment
3) Leadership
4) Assurance… 195/211
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Term 233 of 249

What steps are needed to perform and RCA?

1) To stimulate thinking during a brainstorming session

2) To ensure all causes are identified
3) To evaluate all the possible reasons that a process is beginning to have difficulties,
problems, or breakdowns
4) To investigate why an asset or process is not performing properly or producing the
desired results
5) To analyze and find the root cause of a complicated problem and to understand
relationships between potential causes
6) To dissect problems into smaller pieces

1) Define the problem - failure

2) Collect data/evidence about issues that contributed to the problem
3) Identify possible causal factors
4) Develop solutions and recommendations
5) Implement the recommendations
6) Track the recommended solutions to ensure effectiveness.

Maintenance rework is any WO that has to be done again because: It was reassembled
wrong, a bad part was installed, a part was broken while being installed. WO call 5 to 7 days
after a PM. Maint Rework percentage is calculated by number of rework WO's divided by
total number of WO's. The benchmark is less than 2%

S = Specific. Be clear and focused on avoiding misinterpretation.
M= Measurable. This metric can be quantified and compared with other data
A= Attainable. This metric is achievable, reasonable and credible under conditions
R = Realistic. It fits into the organizations constraints and is cost effective
T = Timely. It's doable, data is available with the time needed to act if a course correction is
needed.… 196/211
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Term 234 of 249

What are the key differences between planning and scheduling processes

Planning is the WHAT and HOW - what and how work will be performed

Scheduling is the WHEN and WHO - when the work will be done and who will do the work.

Less than 30%

We need to make sure that all critical assets are being maintained adequately before we
get to other or noncritical assets.

Benefits of the RFID technology are:

1) Gives you up to the minute live tracking
2) Offers a long-read range
3) They have a larger more durable tags

1) Transportation - Moving materials and parts that are not actually required for the process

2) Inventory - Extra inventory in the system. All components, work in progress, and the
finished product not being processed are waste

3) Motion - People or equipment moving or walking more than required to perform the

4) Waiting - Waiting for the next step or the next thing.

5) Overproduction - Production ahead of demand or need

6) Inappropriate processing - Not producing what is needed or when needed because of

poorly designed processes and assets.

7) Defects - Components or products that do not meet the specification… 197/211
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Term 235 of 249

Utilization of assets in a world class facility should be above 85%? T or F

Pareto analysis
Pareto analysis identifies what few vital assets need to be taken care of first to get
maximum benefit.

Schedule compliance analysis should provide opportunity to reduce/eliminate waste and
improve productivity

The purpose of the FMEA is to take actions to eliminate or reduce failures, starting with the
highest - priority ones.

Assets cost money to procure, operate, and maintain. They should be utilized 85% or better
to get high ROI.

Term 236 of 249

Explain muda, mura, and muri

The sum of all maintenance work that is completed to avoid failures or to identify defects
that could lead to failures. It includes routine preventive and predictive maintenance
activities and work tasks identified from them.

Maintenance based on the actual condition (health) of assets obtained from in place non
invasive measurements and tests.

Maintenance prevents an asset or item from failing and repairs it after it has failed.

It's role is capacity assurance meaning that maintenance assures asset capacity as designed
or to an acceptable level

Muda, mura and muri are the 3 M's of Japanese lean terms. Muda is waste, non-value added
work, mura is unevenness, inconsistencies, and muri is overburden or unreasonable work.… 198/211
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Term 237 of 249

What is the purpose of job task analysis?

The purpose of job task analysis is to establish and document the skills required for
performing the job effectively.

The purpose of the FMEA is to take actions to eliminate or reduce failures, starting with the
highest - priority ones.

The basic function of Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) is to develop an efficient and
effective maintenance plan for assets to minimize the probability of failures.

It allows you to measure yourself against other companies or other departments to see how
they are performing. It also allows you to see best practices and copy them to improve
your performance.

Term 238 of 249

Understanding of a P-F curve should help in optimizing PM frequency? T or F

Failure rate is the inverse of MTBF

The PM frequency should be less than the P-F interval

FMEA can be used for any asset, whether in use or not.

MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure) is calculated by dividing operating time by the number
of failures, or downtime events.… 199/211
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Term 239 of 249

What are the job requirements for a planner

they are important because:

Standards provide a workable basis for acceptance and rejection of goods or
consequential disputes if any. They help minimize delays, correspondence, , etc..

Standards standardize the manufacturing process. They eliminate or reduce wasteful
material or labor. They contribute toward a reduction in inventories of both raw materials
and finished products. Standards also contribute to the reduction in the cost of
manufacturing or provide a service.

The benefits of standardizing is that it makes good practices simpler and easier to

1) Plan the job
2) Create a work plan or job package that consists of what work needs to be done, how it
will be done; what materials, tools, or special equipment is needed; estimated time and
skills required.
3) Need to identify long delivery items and work with stores and purchasing personnel to
ensure timely delivery
4) May need to work with maintenance/systems engineers and craft supervisors for
technical support to ensure that the work plan is feasible with sufficient technical details.

Vision statements are important because it is a declaration of what the organization intends
to become or to achieve at some point in the future. It is a pronouncement of what the
organization wants to become

Mission statements are important for 3 reasons:

1) The help companies focus their strategy by defining some boundaries within which to
2) The define the dimensions along which an organizations performance is measured and
3) The suggest standards for individual ethical behavior… 200/211
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Term 240 of 249

What is a key measure to assess the safety performance of an organization.

Safety performance - OSHA injuries.

Recordable Incident Rate

operate and maintain

The operate and maintain phase has the highest life cycle cost, about 70-80%

Planning is the WHAT and HOW - what and how work will be performed

Scheduling is the WHEN and WHO - when the work will be done and who will do the work.

The primary objective of an inspection is to detect a fault, or to find the start of one, and to
correct it before it fails.

Term 241 of 249

Which standards development organization developed the RCMJA1011

Employees need to know why the organization is in business. Involve employees in creating
or confirming the organization's mission. People support what they help create.

The Society of Automotive Industry.

It describes a minimum criteria to which a process must comply to be called RCM

Tom Peters is a management guru and his message is that "People, the right people, with
appropriate skills, are the key in the success of any organization.

Peters 3 key points are:

1) Every leader has the obligation to develop people so that when they leave, the people in
the organization are better prepared for tomorrow.
2) There is no excuse for not making any organization of any size, in any business, a great
place to work
3) In any organization, people are the most important stakeholders and need to be taken
care of and prepared for the future

Managers are concerned about today and leaders are concerned about tomorrow… 201/211
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Term 242 of 249

How should we determine training needs?

job analysis can be used to identify the required knowledge and skills and to develop
appropriate training.

The benefits of standardizing is that it makes good practices simpler and easier to

1. Charisma
2. Competence
3. Communication
4. Energizing People
5. Vision (in creating)

Mean Time To Repair is a measure of how soon we can bring an asset back to operations.

Term 243 of 249

What is green energy?

The objective of the Pareto Analysis is to help us focus on a vital few issues to maximize
gains with limited resources.

The difference is that in 5S plus they also emphasize safety in their program. Also called 6S

A type of energy that is considered to be environmentally friendly and non polluting, such
as hydro, geothermal, wind, and solar power

The purpose of job task analysis is to establish and document the skills required for
performing the job effectively.… 202/211
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Term 244 of 249

The primary purpose of scheduling is to coordinate maintenance jobs for the greatest utilization
of the maintenance resources. T or F

The objective of RCM is to preserve function and optimize maintenance needs.

The goal is to get all work completed as scheduled to minimize waiting time (waste)

All maint personnel time should be recorded in CMMS to ensure all maint costs are

If we understand the failure mechanism, how a part or component can fail, we can develop
a mitigating maint strategy to prevent failure.… 203/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 245 of 249

What are the key elements of an M&R organization?

1) Provide and be able to demonstrate a safety program with defined responsibilities

2) Establish shock and flash protection boundaries
3) Provide protective clothing and personal protective equipment that meet ANSI
4) Train workers on the hazards of ard flash
5) Use appropriate tools for safe working
6) Post warning labels on equipment

The key factors are:

1) Annual demand - The number of units of an item used per year. May be explained as
annual usage

2) Ordering Cost - Also known as purchase cost, this is the sum of the fixed costs that are
incurred each time an item is ordered

3) Carrying Cost - Also call holding costs, carrying cost is the cost associated with having
inventory on hand

Formula for EOQ: Annual Usage D

Ordering Cost S
Annual Carrying Cost H

2 X D X S/H (H = carrying cost % X Item Cost)

1) PM program development and optimization

2) Execution of PM and CM tasks
3) Planning and scheduling
4) MRO store - material, spares including tools availability
5) CBM/PdM and specialized skills, e.g. laser alignment, oil/lub management
6) Failure elimination and reliability planning
7) Data analytics
8) Digitalization
9) Designing for reliability support
10) Resource management and budgeting
11) Workforce development and training

1. Charisma
2. Competence… 204/211
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3. Communication
4. Energizing People
5. Vision (in creating)

Term 246 of 249

What are the benefits of benchmarking?

The benefits of a PM program is you take a look at the asset to determine if there are any
telltale signs of failure or imminent failure. You can then correct the abnormalities before
they turn into failures.

1) iGen are less focused

2) iGen are better multitaskers
3) iGen are early starters. Entering the workforce sooner
4) iGen are more entrepreneurial
5) iGen have higher expectations than Millennials
6) iGen are big on individuality
7) iGen are more global

OEE measures effectiveness based on scheduled hours, TEEP measures effectiveness

against 24 hours per day, 365 days per year operation.

OEE = availability X performance X quality

TEEP = utilization X availability X performance X quality or utilization X OEE

It allows you to measure yourself against other companies or other departments to see how
they are performing. It also allows you to see best practices and copy them to improve
your performance.… 205/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 247 of 249

Benefits of FMEA

TPM is a maintenance strategy that originated in Japan; it emphasizes operations and

maintenance cooperation. It's goals include zero defects, zero accidents, zero breakdowns,
and effective workplace design to reduce overall operations and maintenance costs.

The 8 pillars of TPM are:

1) Autonomous Maintenance
2) Focused Improvement
3) Planned Maintenance
4) Quality Maintenance
5) Training and Development
6) Design and early equipment Management
7) Office Improvement
8) Safety, health, and environment

1) Early identification and elimination of potential asset/ process failure modes

2) Prioritization of asset/process deficiencies
3) Documentation of risk and actions that are taken to reduce risk
4) Minimization of late changes and associated costs
5) Improved asset(product)/process reliability and quality
6) Reduction of life cycle costs
7) The catalyst for teamwork among design, operations, and maintenance

In a reliability culture the prevention of failures becomes an emphasis at every level of the
organization. The entire workforce is focused on asset reliability. Everyone in the workforce
- operators, maintainers, engineers - think and act to ensure:
*Assets are available to produce when needed
*Assets are maintained at a reasonable cost
*An optimized maintenance plan (FMEA-/RCM-/CBM-based) is in place that includes:
*All assets identified with criticality and having documented maintenance plan
*A defect elimination program
*80/20 principle applied to prioritized work
*Most of the work planned and scheduled

Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) is a systematic and structured process to develop

an efficient and effective maintenance plan for an asset to minimize the probability of
functional failures. The process ensures safety and mission compliance.… 206/211
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It got started in 1960 in the commercial aviation industry to optimize maintenance and
operations activities.… 207/211
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Term 248 of 249

Describe the 9 step RCM analysis process

Economic Order Quantity

1) Transportation - Plan and provide materials and tools to reduce the number of extra trips
to the storeroom to hunt for the right parts

2) Inventory - Eliminate or minimize extra inventory in the system. Keep only the right
materials, parts, and tools in the storeroom

3) Motion - Minimize people's movement through improved planning

4) Waiting - Minimize waiting for the next step - another skilled person or part - by
improved planning and scheduling.

5) Overproduction - develop optimized PM's, an FMEA/RCM- based approach

6) Inappropriate processing - Use the tools and fixtures to improve maintenance processes

7) Defects - Eliminate rework and poor workmanship. Educate/train maintenance personnel


1) Plan the job
2) Create a work plan or job package that consists of what work needs to be done, how it
will be done; what materials, tools, or special equipment is needed; estimated time and
skills required.
3) Need to identify long delivery items and work with stores and purchasing personnel to
ensure timely delivery
4) May need to work with maintenance/systems engineers and craft supervisors for
technical support to ensure that the work plan is feasible with sufficient technical details.

1) System Selection and Information Collection - The purpose of step 1 is to assure that the
RCM team has sufficiently evaluated its area to know which systems are the problems or so
called bad actors. You can use a Pareto Analysis to determine the list of problems using the
criteria of highest total maint costs, downtime hours, and number of corrective actions.
2) System Boundary Definition - The next step is to define its boundaries. Understand the
system as a whole and its functional subsystems. This step assures that there are no
overlaps or gaps between adjacent systems.
3) System Description and functional block diagram - Step 3 requires identifying and… 208/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

documenting the essential details of the system. It includes the following information -
Functional block diagram, IN/OUT interfaces - utilities and controls, sequence of operation,
system work breakdown structure, equipment/component history
4) System functions (primary and secondary) and functional failures - You need to define a
complete list of system functions and functional failures. The function statement should
describe what it does. Next you need to specify how much each function can be lost.
5) Failure mode and effects analysis - Step 5 is the heart of the RCM process. You use FMEA
to determine the specific component failures that could lead to one or more of the
functional failures.
6) Logic (decision) tree analysis - The logic tree poses 3 simple questions that require a yes
or no answer. 1) Under normal conditions, do the operators know that something has
occurred? 2) Does this failure mode cause a safety or environmental problem? 3) Does this
failure mode result in a full or partial outage of the plant.
7) Selection of maintenance tasks -In this step, all team knowledge is applied to determine
the most applicable and cost effective tasks that will determine, mitigate, or warn us of the
failure modes and causes that we assigned to each component or piece of equipment in
Step 5. It is comprised of 3 steps. 1) Task selection, 2) Sanity Check, 3) Task comparison
8) Task packaging and implementation - This is a crucial step in RCM analysis. The final
implementation action is to write task procedures that communicate the analysis results of
the actionable instructions to the operations and maintenance team.
9) Making the program a living one --continuous improvements - A living RCM program
consists of 1) Validating the existing program - ensuring that the maintenance decisions
made are appropriate. 2) Making adjustments in the maintenance program if needed.… 209/211
6/1/24, 8:32 AM CMRP Exam | Quizlet

Term 249 of 249

Identify 3 key performance measures that can be used to manage the MRO store effectively

1) PM program development and optimization

2) Execution of PM and CM tasks
3) Planning and scheduling
4) MRO store - material, spares including tools availability
5) CBM/PdM and specialized skills, e.g. laser alignment, oil/lub management
6) Failure elimination and reliability planning
7) Data analytics
8) Digitalization
9) Designing for reliability support
10) Resource management and budgeting
11) Workforce development and training

1) MRO Inventory Value

2) Item transactions - receipts and issues
3) Percentage of inactive inventory
4) Percentage of ABC Classification
5) Inventory Variance
6) Service Level
7) Percentage of inventory cost to plant value
8) Percentage Kit accuracy
9) Inventory shrinkage rate
10) Percentage vendor-managed inventory
11) The inventory growth rate in a number of items and suppliers
12) percentage of stockouts (SO)
13) Inventory turnover ratio

Capital projects are:

1) Well defined and static-drawings available
2) Can be planned and scheduled well in advance
3) Safety permits are fixed, weekly or monthly basis
4) Manpower staffing is fixed, usually doesn't change
5) Schedule update weekly or bimonthly

Turnarounds are:
1) Loosely defined, dynamic-changes as inspections made
2) Planning and scheduling can't be finalized until scope is approved
3) Safety permits required on a shiftly or daily basis due to scope fluctuations
4) Manpower staffing is variable. It changes a lot during execution due to scope… 210/211
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5) Schedule update on a shiftly or daily basis

1) Early identification and elimination of potential asset/ process failure modes

2) Prioritization of asset/process deficiencies
3) Documentation of risk and actions that are taken to reduce risk
4) Minimization of late changes and associated costs
5) Improved asset(product)/process reliability and quality
6) Reduction of life cycle costs
7) The catalyst for teamwork among design, operations, and maintenance

Privacy Terms English (USA)… 211/211

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