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Standard Take Off Briefing

The following is the Standard Take Off Briefing. This must be memorized.

● Briefing by PF – Left Hand Seat

Handling Pilot Brief – RHS

● "This will be a Left Seat Take Off for Runway/Intersection ..... Flaps ..... , TOGA/Flex take off
thrust , Eng Anti Ice/ Continuous Ignition ON/OFF"
● I will advance the Thrust Levers to 40% you will call “Stabilised”, I will select Take Off Thrust and
call “Set Thrust”, you will adjust the Thrust Levers and guard them and call “Thrust Set”.
● You will maintain the centerline, I will take control at 80kts
● At your 80kts call I will call “I have control”
● You will call “Thrust Set, 80kts, V1, Rotate”. You will monitor the flight and engine instruments
through out the take off”.

Emergency Brief – RHS

● "Up to 80 kts either pilot may call STOP for any reason affecting the safety of the aircraft."
● "Between 80kts and V1, you will call STOP for Engine failure, Fire, Major Instrument Failure,
Aircraft unable to fly and Imminent Danger.”
● On the call of “STOP”, you will take control, close the Thrust levers, apply maximum braking and
select Spoilers , Reverse Thrust and bring the aircraft to a stop, once stopped cancel the Reverse
Thrust and set the parking break.

Pilot's Actions During Emergency

I will:

● "Verify your actions and call any omissions,
● Call 100kts, 80kts,
● Once the Park Brake is set, I will select Flap 30
● and advise ATC"

Procedure After Discontinued Take Off

● "In the event of a continued take off you will call “Go” I will complete the Take Off, you will identify
any failure after V1 and cancel the visual and aural warnings; Above 400ft AAL I will order the
appropriate emergency drill and you will carry out the Memory items with each item confirmed by
challenge and response”
● Be alert for pilot incapacitation.

Note at the End of the Document

● Threats & Error identification and mitigations to be included at this point

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