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‘by ein agen ast pe rt Religion and Medicine co ty nt nate fa ee Ret A History of the Encounter Between Humanity’ Two Greatest Institutions ape rita nnn mtn Sk Traditions JEFF LEVIN pe geen ia eee eae te Mn ortho) HIPRERTEVORE sn nt et th naga in es th abe ups Linds M, Cates) ol th and Heath: xpi te pray Heng Camecson anal Complement andere Mone cases Wyn Boa) lion gon al Trt odo and Mahl Proton, ‘cate OXFORD nga i pan ner epee eee pin ‘paca ae pepe treremac elongate ‘Scere ee ‘eigen sae Pes ere TT Se uate cant pa ck 9 sean steep an Ss) Coma as as te} DUCA ~dad ‘Enandinpniepmt chckracdente Seyehenkcontnt Polit Sadie ForDr Bron Kaplan oft momey are mentored fend rh enon years espa ofhe nersnntin tc gon ‘nde Contents Paewond by Sphen Pt ‘Acbnoiaiment Cont and Coopertion Healers and Heaicare ‘Misions and Ministries CCongreptionsand Communes Scentiteand Scholes “Teaching nd Training PrescrpiontandProiriptions Poles and Programs (Chalengessnd Choices News Idee ae 18 1s us a 18 a 3 1 Conflict and Cooperation [elgon a men, What do theetwo res scl stuns het doth exchthe? align oc the dra of pr, a gly contented pce that many contemporaries do nt ble ests in jc ei Mele, resus thy the pout of ence ad eon, of empl sus uh vated | tly by abervable fects on human pyc bodes* To sme modern-day ‘earners he reneved encounter betwee eign and mene stand bayer ith ae ass case for ejing a eration ofan ancientali- teeth shoul eer bee orm ander Tome kept an ans, "encounters anton eter ead and hen the tet pant ere the det of modern Wiser emi which presmabiy eel pest: ‘ucusnoons of pay reer fo theses of eal” "A popular tere meet "A Bet History of Mii” Sever ‘seri arelotng around anes sometigl hs 2000 CE: Heaths ot, 100 CE Hees spay M50 CE Here da poten, 1990CE Hee alow ipl 1950 CE Here tke ti ante 200 CE Here thio nd yh pie “nani. thisst presen these with ew ibe ake. ‘he teen fai om ural emesis ‘cite tees and recent back ature) and spa Inverestons Not unespcedy many lar of Western bedi do ak ‘etn tin a 6. 2 nettoiow xp aeDierne ‘he hoy of the encounter between relgon abd media can ete ack thowsods of yas, rom he wlogi Belefe and meio the ncets—East and West—to the elinginty of ey and the work ad wetings of myriad ter Sigs: sil pyc looper ch ‘Alin Miss Rif and Moves Maino, Ealighenmeat ea hikes ie i Wey ar he fh based hers ofthe ate pee movement aoe inetent- and wer canary leader of Werern wale medi ad chiatry. andconteporay pone in esearch oncegon ad belt, nthe whol the starting point fr hee eto centre bere ‘the Common Ea Maal Hal scholar amie eet eens ne ‘re-Chstin eign of therapeatic cs nthe esteemed al eng rcs of ancien mtery shone He entifele rge "eta lng” i the ancient “pit pysn-payeop n the vera, ste ost) who fancened in pata the nea throug lagen. set dscera he pal mer of use tran Gary ' Fengen documented one ot hein tated in Greece Rome, andthe sales ner East! “Hesingin the ancien wo ok erty oor ‘ene “ime secular and some rls omg” Tetley of dose ‘moreover, wa gen various atebtons,ndudingdvne en tu) eon magical adnate sores ofcasaton, “Tes stems of medial ble ad paces snd soe poten ‘ole, eve etre eae ean th pn" They wero dig Bosc and therapeu pllsopis nd raditone event thot he at let wor Theconsrcinafaiguy Chien healing don wasowed in part extng sho of honght reed tom the Greco Reman wed ‘rw ato characterise Jewish teat angers, dese rl meta ‘nah ad wel big dase pevton, and hing bso the Tesh ad ‘eachigs ofthe a Hara Vanderpol horn of medicine sd r= ig, dere fou distinct was that Jes hele Hed so thru ama, cing out den tough yay Beg the acted, th he gency fon ath in Gas yt cy od though ofig Sergiecs of sn and conemtany gun ofthe pycologialy dam ng ec of gull ‘the Et, ual uses of rol ifm healing and med ‘yams ners by sure diparte at Stya, io, and steams af Saddam, kare fouribed fo tocando ye in nda Ayurveda, ‘Tat (Soni) an China (2hng Mo tational Cinee mec). ‘Thee eng phlsopbis have ace rots yt prosper fy n a ea ihe Wonecs omens as ped is indents a gen raced he tobe, Such ndgous ations meine he mad nc in the Ws Pit ofthe bal nd cesclral caret that have stilted the growing pul of tegratie meia terapies. Ti sen in tcendig wi ‘on and evolving coment of poiradnte medi eucaon orca” ‘Western icine intraining may newer incorporate Indan or atonal Chins mens into thi ciel pact but many aor compe tla ‘ergaduate and porated education ten hinged abot se ‘ystems This wuld have been nud generation ag Toreach ofthe Western monethesefath radios cen of thelog- calyinfrmed wring ets on hemes lst ome pce the bowel ‘ealsiences ae pesonl beh nd ween Notable cape may ‘oes Maimonides eases an heal, pulse tthe nd ofthe wlth entry contrite this fame spin which ni day was ch {Source of his enown ath enue a Tani ichola and poser ‘The tress contained discourses and intoatin on various picts, ‘eons atm pions lea nd pharmaceatil drags aden ad “Yherepimenothealhthelaterinancarel-cartertempbainghat tay would be terme ppcowoel nee om el bing awe it an Ualremedis. or example x Chapter o The Reine of Health, Maimonides fers this hc: "Denking we olaing a mel ba. correping the i tin exept when ane acatomed tot Oe shoud ot dk thn, Yehthe med oer as lngas tise stomach, exe parcel water "hould nt be mised with nehing”” This reson cul come mm modern-day etook of matrpathis neice ein Wess Print Ph! pale in 1791 has Ben esrb ‘aogier mel secre uides and founda text forth ab sequent ratrlhygeneorement™ Inna Maines et fom ab unde years eer Wes ota pian, bog beara wel af know ledge on atralremedies ot ecearly rodedin the medal enc he sy Some materal reds he ate ewe centary mana folic heat tn ving "The tao ought hae sate es frees tn to ot thee ours the oe a af this ele dns, the ter below ang ‘bd Some content wahreponal ons tlk metal pace the ‘ine for example ttt audience, "Take halfan cuneate ha tat poered Mic wh throughly by ine beige hal gad sean cra OF pea teaspoon every evening” Se ies sae Person rs downright bizare Inthe st tg of coneuntion, sucka ‘hy wean daly. Te yy Fae” Masi scholarship on heh ahd mci de othe orgs of lar, ring on passages in bth the Quran hai erature fn Peth and Mtn he amie Tration Pakistan cole Fue Rahman eee the ‘ory of mada scence and racic in kn rm iris inthe Mos on othe presen nding acsion of cntemporaty oe ‘sues. hee ince the sl pio ede ti ach ws omtrcpo, sborton, sea nd end-ofifesus,bt lo lsc eching olen, aman iy He alo desribes what he espa mete’ aa estat mbsequen scholars pursued" An important theme fr Reha te “inert of fath and reser and an ‘empha haiti evr a imps that pyc eth ner elated pial or moa heal Avo prominent theme contrat o hell om Wee ste ea ‘una nate fhe san tha ei an ner uni part of en ie ste manl phys ves" Acorn Submit the il of God meh fos ndil gs the ener ofmind aces fe god ah. Ad since the wl of God ‘naman to cate and main jut scl dr in tt very abn ‘numa become itruments or people lh eno ote el al jst without eer ada mal cane ™ Ext few" and Mai folk meditation with medi or at ‘rigs cin be Meta wel a varios Critan fol healing tans, Jocuding contemporary syocretsns mich ae cramer The er the ‘ndigzons fat healing sem of Mexea Mexiu-Amercan comic, And expat Mexican commis of Latin Americ, Sctetic cme in th bel and rast ofcarondas git in ahytrideaton between Ran Cathlcion bought bythe congustadore sidenote end ‘meal tons exiting nthe Ne World, nen nancs fora pric ‘oslo tery maloa malo or speci eit ero, “ormal Roman Casi ceens soo define he il which soe se rote inane spark mel elt alps Discason of elon in Wester bom dates at leat 155, be Amarih igh founder othe American citi Action, ped ‘Oberon onthe lene of Region pont Heth and Psa Wee ‘Mankind Hs measured conclusion was that "lig worhip and he at ‘ato of devotions tng are benef oan when notated toa womb extet" This followed verse dade ase strane ‘ring clrgyand helgins andy pyhogsal physics we solleine wk defnd te emergeacein the fthalofthe tentithcetaryel hutbecancknownatiheeigonandheakhmoreneat™ Reprctatve works associated with the mowmenticide Fico ri Ehood Worcester snd clea Raion and Metin Ueto ‘hip ity possr Charles Halas The Religion of Hesy Mind stor cae ince Carall A Ws Balin ne an Heat pastel ‘helen Sevan Hikers Religion and Hel Lateran tela Pa “ie say "The Rlaion of Religion ad Health" and pastoral poy ‘Bs Wayne Ose Rel Factors n Mel nx Al gc wa ‘ashen ofthe non Pale nt, ounded in 1937; he Acaeny of Religion and Mental Heath founded in 1954 aan academic wagon tute and the peer seine urea of Regn ae Heat funded 1961 by ‘eine The academy sponsored anni spos th publ ced Inghferthenestdecde®™ Modern research and scholarship by academically ceeded experts sth istececton of rligion and edie, roy dtd, has buen ing for oer century The lest work dts tothe Beginning of Western omen rom exemed fgures in medicine and pblabe in the most retgous meal ournals. Nomuter the perceptions i majec ate Dy Iter inthe went century marina unin, entound, and tnseory—specuation ey op about the impact of rigour bles and races of ath, and of he domain fpr on belt an henge by ‘nd mind wasan acceptable peor scolar election ad ata soa be best minds inmedicine ‘onblecnibutosinced John Shaw Bilogss aaj offer, morality, and sociodemographic its on American fewe pblsed in 191 Sir Wiliam Osler ames exay "The Fah Tit Hea publi ‘nthe Brit Medial oun (Hin 1910 and Alice Passes rem she tre par series 08 slg healing, ple Inthe Journal of the Americon dial Association JAMA) a 1925 Other nal ess inclde ontibtions ta special ube f BM) that appeared alongside Ora "dea book seve tat appeared ina eer volume ofthese ore anda eval on vine healing” tha ppsted in Sec in 898° Even the American Medical Asocaton has ben formally wrerting wth his Jeclorsiy years Inrecen decades, nsthrionlalanes hae emerge and ried between the religious and mate sector Thee nce oalhimet fh fd of chic the healthcare caplicy protein congestion disse pees ‘in an heh pom ogra, aadeic tr snd tines dete ‘o mec ech and ection on yl. and much more. spacing this isery=both ancent and mare recent—levoler weighing competing rane about eltins betwee the sons Felon ad medina times character by colic and aber mes by cooperation. Rigen has teen viewed aerate as a makvlet re In mee ad healing as 2 ‘complementary second ealing song prominent yan and our ‘wor ndeying syste of mdi practice and alin. Let eae thaseinone Religion asa Malign Force in Medicine ‘he Chisin popular a acetone aby undated cele ns ‘Another ik epaoe n the eh ‘enero were ted odenroye ‘Sree tee lo death power oid a ene ec ete Acc A en sehr {he mumbo tins as en gh an 1 Fey Sack, ‘iouly ohe Roman an Snes nn tion of hi eine for Brey acading thir Ne oneal tite of odes meena fe ontempoary examples ofthis mes history ca bended othe Inthe cacy ear of ieeyison inthe 150, amongte mot popua a hg aoa ofeingr were postin wrsing and fat healing tenga “Thee two a forms ad more in common than either Uk ser oa Cran rng wth lng minis ated he xen years a, the mor prominent Keng Aimee Semple McPheica Oral Roberts a> Isha vison sence in te 19508 and Kathryn Kalan, socesse toMePheron fut erly scence for Beleen ine bgioningiathe 19608! Othrsjeined them cn thea in subsequent decades with tonal and repo flowing Thee ncloded Lao ee Reverend he, Eve Ange ter Popo and ean Hin, whose beg eases and mode servis Ts [Yow Day TV shox, nd appearances on both Christian and secular newsand ini thowtmadchim etn cer Each of hee names hen soit ith cra. Pop wt expres by step me and a guy of fraud ins hang sevice" jake went £0 pion fr maple nyconitions® and Roberts wa he sujet ‘mous apo by 3 digrud lamer ent ound ely beaten to deh foeming pabiatn of his book Tass lank intent of owe, fear en ho believes that bea sh ae heaing tut het of leery an ices has deen nda thi ocapton howe exes ‘maybe qutond. Outset thera cre aden, TV fath ese on the hole dane mh colar publi perepons of rgonlplacin medicine olinpar naif duet ‘Sc the 170 when dete abortion was derininaed lathe Und States acs of violence hae been commited agus aml planing cis to india abot povier hee nce embing aon, made sau an propery xe, Huns fer tts wee tae ot ced ‘on. des for vec nce peopl and oops inten on making al ‘cal statement apa ovement nding o poutine ah erie at ea via organza ting egos nena fx bee Proie groups on the wha incon ahd organs (FBO), ‘ve unetocalydenouneed such vet act” Bt radia antiaboton| cast aay Randal A Teryef Operation Rte hare rered balls ‘rambialet inthe condemnation” Population daar the 180 showed omer thatthe incidence fin Bombgs was acualilowerinazet where Cats, apis or Mormons ~denasinton with tong po fe views ete proporioaaly more merous” bu this isan eso ler ing ad Inconchse. Other search erence ages tht clin lees eae of oes ensue uation mates only mode and fr ied ne, fl tus 6 ulnaely wesc a obsracting the make! aor (scarce Thi dere at hip of religion on ikence sat reproductive ah pois and 0 subsequent abortion res maybe more ‘complex than how i ofen dep notwthstanding theres ety a | ‘paryindiil erpetors ‘An cagaig concern among hele plcymaers in the Uae Stas isiyoued consumes who subst sketchy New gether fr vale ‘mec tenes. Tie ba been renfre o the meal tert ‘aay yeas AS anton fom maine lg rae coupe wih tac ‘ion tantesishne ves obeut te sol nations iting pl td th enim) 0 te arate ges, th a otis pnel ep "iam maisteam scene ad meine Use faerie herp my ‘course eforatimate eons te "Posphelcngronce” between lisboa spe worlds aerate made") Garda Melon and isasocines ote it the "New Age ad Holt Heath movements heey est ndepenenty bt they ae ned pilovphicaly by one sent ‘conc tht he invdulpena exper oc her ove and et ‘eng ott men esoraton need aches beter gt ‘New Afe bi im combination with abies oficial traning, howe ma inde heighten he Mond of filing fr the a fran wine pc ecowes with tee ly comers and renoces. thir wore A een xml the ators who ope tn munatien spit chee dese sch at meade, cn poco rods ‘etd father being” ant anus ba ppt i 998 Anis Wt sow deen Bsa can who pubes ke aa urpareyinng te MMR cnt ate.” Mei overage of i en cae sigan elie nmin tes thoughot the Une inom andthe Und Sates en fhe cnathors burly ret mame othe pape and wea fen he ural whee ‘spied bt itoak ats ofacie conrge several eto recor Fr sone ofthese xref regions alnc xen int he tne meine or Being pecially accuring trie gh the No. ‘alaceuray ef at coun ay be ition Sark emainally charged ‘contac are bjt engin, bu thee eet wr ad te = ‘le read have een dosent a ch, Acorigh, sce ad mages pr ote ace ryt encode ten lion sd ed en and dominate ule discourse o he ajc They have cote wo he jiutng uae thao mayo fe hen we eno werd chat ‘ion spray th prayer Gad wsdl taptino weds he med ‘in eth ing hace Bo Ba he epi ages only tft Religion and Medicine as Complementary Calings ‘An ei erent marae pst rte region eden encoun, ‘nemor foie andhopefl. Arveceny noted sehen rare "ee otnes hese wong apes bt o's more complete and cate fae theless ofthe wpe that the wold frelon a ah the one hand andofmedcneand beater onthe ohe hate encountredeach ter throughout ison? For sme lh trios elton been people ad Inston acne eth lion and ndnc ve bee character mere by cooperation, uae, and shed los” In cra tens thee “ne fr ample the roa won wih whic am most fam. In Jn, any of epee abi ge wee lo men of men and ‘ace! Tein pralr meeamen the most etl and sass ‘at comsenttrson he sh Serres an bbl canon ‘velit cerry Spi ab, pysclan, and philosophical theaopan™ He sr his es preeminent ect of Torah and Tama wrote etn 09| [ewishlawanon psp tele ad ak ed eater was the msc strate Jorn metial guret hay authorngnumeour tne onthe mea tops" The owing century, Moses ben Nachman fore sel th rom sina profeionl backround sr Maionigs, Ako Moen | ‘ashi and the Ramban be was Catala sb, py a po. phe whose! Toh commentary til nr and widely ed (nde aco horn wasasineet centr lan a psn and biophe™ He wrt wrk ofelgous pilot and Uke the arbi, eatnown fr his popu Tesh commentary “his enomenon can sll observed oda Abram Terk Amarin rib ad princi ded Avatars Sibert earl and ‘noecst" Unie he previous tba efsages men ofboth edie sd r= ign who emp bine alaraip inthe poblahe! wring eth of thee contemporry ews soars ost knows fe ism work ‘hough tee arches iefrmed by lca wh nw) and ewish eligi inser and by thir abiilering ‘Another example, norm medic ut fom cece a het my rae panther Rab Jd Li Levin™ Rorn in 189 in Lita he Sted athe fous Voli Yeshiva and Kom Kollel od recived nico (citinie oriiton) fom beth Rab ae Hchaan Spltor nd Rabi Nip Yeha Bertin nownas the Ne) amongethen Aer mang and coming the Usted Stes Before the turn ofthe centr, i ography enti ery unl dal acomplia 180 be cane ptt H-taonin the les ain oraninton for tadonl hago ie Inthe Une Stead in the ooing ear eed the esto ee pts ‘minaingnnveatn of the ama adnan obercting machi play sine 198 ne perme calecton ofthe Seiten son “Rag andi’ costae whine para iveood othe cacacaplshe pen abl esa ws ot unig nth ga The per eid academic sour BO Tah pblses apts the ysl and bg scene, athena and endo, ching meine an pai ea fom a “Tork tnran perpecve by Orthod Joi se ad pica” ‘The jure spoeared yh rslem Coleg Teshalogy. ada ie hn tog has pblied ret ih ole The mer: gal ‘er inet echoningyox meinem also be accomplished peopl of ‘ath nd sitet elgons lene maybe accompli n mil re tc orechanngal sel, nbereneson why this should oo bee "Theos oi eth etry Crit ner often. ‘ay alingis Alber Setzer pyc, pooper, theologian, minis ran cme misma” Moe even han he abn Spe ‘ksi Shwe as equl elated frie wrk eine and ‘slg. He ws raed tthe Lateran misty eed a Ph nto ‘om the Sonne nia 96 publ bis mous nek onthe sor ‘els That se earn anrvero personal calla evans the gmp ‘rogh lg inary he bun metal chooin Stsborg, Upon rd at. essed asta hora t Lamar a French nor ‘Acne Gatos ch bra it work andor which eae var ‘beable Pin 952, ‘A oute eample fom Iam itary i Jha Mh ai, an sigh and lacemary en Shia sam and deena ofthe Propet “Muband Like Maman hee works of gon ad of medicine” Reece crapeincldes major clleton of Sha hada the mot a ‘et medal texbok ohiserTeforme. Sah id conan 20) ‘arn aeesing «vay of topper tea, good aan, ly ‘murs itary ai, nd mae Theater, ALR Diath [ow as the olen Tete cose het amie medica rk ‘fi tine” Acting wa modern grapes he tenets peal roa neces or ptig ght mai bya peng en es, ‘otis oud a the main Bae of peeve mace a tee ines td * eat mean of impo heath Tis nde maton cathy aed ‘nly and astm, pico ad psthiphyloy of angen and ty ‘sens, om the ep af mor medicine, Dee sane in ‘cine sac swing. a Ris meal wing “omnes to oy he ‘spon tha when fet appeared als concn to ose interest in ‘Shas of Medal Scene” Important Be was notlone ong gat ‘meer conrbtre toa mdi ought “Trough! nd for cere Kiera: oly men and women have ta led the countryside oflering pirtualinstruction, healing the sick and Performing sexing rile, Tete nce ech rom eablabed pe Ful nage, sich ae rosmi (Hinda religious leche) and odaines of toca ender many of whom extblhed mar ison, a well at ‘cate dhs (ase renancant)of Hind orsign and ether mis ‘elincous sin! ParamahansaYopanunda. or etampesbest mown asa tweet cemaryteacer who oop fia yoga tthe West and authored The Antabogaphy ofa Yi Les wily owns that he ao peodaced a volume on tc of Reng ican preventing ad cui ysl Suet which reed ep pital atsiment such sath, couse the eenegy;andebeence to God pyle [te metho for eaing Soak" Eaamination of May Buddhist txts hs sugested that ‘he ais of ndan med, cetrles efor he Caramon Ea mayen ‘the work of heterodox ssc eather hu frm rtm itlected od ‘ha the sgnicane growth of indian mene tok place a earyBadist ‘Bons estahsinet™ This roves thes underscores the vet Ping (nd probably insparsbe) aratives of regan and medicine inthe ‘Ace ome to merous cars, ethnic, langage groups sh ‘nual tations and tes and phlsopies of eligi wag Yo peak fate Aan er 5 sae ater. det the erst af igs {tteedesi athe Bets commutes fo Sabren etal and sober ‘Ace, the ingens healing tron roundel in the es ht "enter ‘cone te eatin df icone misorigenrtrced ace ‘eloure of power (olf) nGodand ature Tissouree ef sme by ‘mle range pts ancetor and consecrated piers who malta cnet sethor recent rom that source" a Kongo sae thistle. {oan eaoie spectrum ncompanng numerous poe cate gets of sexe nam (God, bib oat ond rte spi), bs (seep), oat) ak ancetar shades) nd bone)” “heapetc modal eis, oe multe eosporting wt people nthe Wet ald conser bth reload medi inervetons. The r= aorta Bats he, kre the imeprabty of eset ‘ove hina dienes contr ™ Digs ay be though led aes fcmsousns petpssesion, ot of body expences crn, des, cote inal psec meas be), Medial ueameat a) nl | faith plcehos and dist ang, wel lane and ania tance th row pharmacological rperet” The uty ofa poo uceinsae sing bo pital and medical element cet cnging conic aad ‘enon beeen nave ees ed comentioai matic pactoncs devop- men agencies snd govern reuse a Honoring the Mein, Ken "Beat Hv" Cohen expla tat Nate Ameria heling “is bid on pital plowophy of Ke da ules Tals and ens dierent of sect lig powers in auc ning fn von, tals sacred pues, hes and pla ad he egy that ‘Permeation nce wordy the work ofl anita ‘pra cling Coben makes hs cleain ls deri ofthe stl as misionofeachingsand als elated to heaig which be em iencing| theintie™ He goesen"Many pets ate Aeron bengal ‘lovely guarded or tration Spc eshniue elingscrel songs | alin a serene ct from eres om pts ecard ering vison ques anda el ofitaton int secre cet In many tains trowhout the word dsintly religous and ede ‘a profesional rales cot easly be eee they tre impale Anthoplogst George re coe cual ethnographic each wing

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