Listen To The Audio and Do The Exercise

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Listen to the audio and do the exercise

A. Fill in the gaps in the following statements with the right words.

1- She went from being a ………………………………………….. to being next in line to

the ………….., aged only …. years old.
2- In 1952, after ……years on the …………., her father died of a …………………….(a mass of
cells that interfere with the circulation of blood, also known as thrombosis) when ………… was only
a couple of months away from her … birthday.
3- At her ……………., in 19…., she became the most famous woman in the country, and one of the
most famous women in the entire world.
4- When …………….was ……………………., the ….., its ……………, and the wider world was in
a ………………………….., a difficult situation.
5- If she makes it to February 6th of 2022, when she will only be a couple of months away from her
… birthday, she will become the first……………to celebrate her ………………………, the
celebration of 70 years on the…………………..
6- She has had over …. different ………. over the course of her life. They are, reportedly, not very
well behaved, and run all over ……………………, sitting on the sofas and generally causing trouble.
7- There’s been a national………. (a study in which people are asked for their opinions about
someone) in America of the public’s most admired man and women every year. Since 19…, the
…………. has been in the ………. ………….. times, more than any other woman in history. The
second, by the way, is …………………, who has appeared…. times.

8- In 19… …………………… was killed, and the ……….’s reaction to her death was considered by
many to be ......................and ……... Indeed, her popularity reduced dramatically in the period after
……….'s death, and a record …...% of ………. said that the ………….. should be ………………...

9- …………and his wife, ………………………., decided that they would ………..…. themselves
from the …………………………., and did several high profile interviews directly and
indirectly ……………………….. members of the ………………………..
10- The ………….. also, as part of her plan to make the ……………………..more approachable, has
answered more than ……………………….different letters from members of the ………….., and
sent more than……………………. cards to people in …………… who have either turned 100 years
old or celebrated their 60th……………………...
11- …………………………is already the …………..-serving …………………………
…………... history, and at the time of making this episode the ………….. …………… serving
………….. in ……………. history.
12- She has lived through a ………... ………, there have been …. different ……………………….
that have ……….. under her, and 4 out of 5 people in …………, including myself I should add,
weren’t ………. when she was ………… ………….
13- So, the vast majority of people in ……………, everyone under the age of …. to be precise, has
only lived under one …………. …………….:………… …………….
14- One of the great ……………(disagreements between what is expected and what actually
happens), however, is that although she is one of the most recognisable people on the planet, and
she exists on ……………….(pieces of printed paper that are used as money), coins,
and …………… …………. (labels or printings on items of mail as evidence of the payment for
the service) all over the world there will be very few people who will ever be able to say that they
have really known the true…………. ……………….

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