04 Chapter 6

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The ultimate purpose of the study is to check which single and double planets
conjunction/combination with different zodiac signs as per Vedic astrology have
significant influence on daily price movement of Indian equity market, and, how it
generates any bullish or bearish effect on stock market. The findings of research show
that which different conjunctions are significantly related with price movement and how
bullish or bearish impact they have on price movement. The findings also established the
intensity of bullishness or bearishness, ranging between moderate, highly significant and
excessively significant. To check whether planetary conjunctions(s) are statistically
significant or not, P Value of T-Test and Chi-Square Test is taken into consideration. The
value of Strike Rate and Average Gain to Average Loss Ratio (AGAL) consider
profitability with moderate risk level.

Following parameters are used from the outcome statistical analysis and its
inteipretations to decide influence of single and double planetary conjunctions with
zodiac signs on price movement of Indian equity market.

1. To decide the trend, those planetary conjunctions which are giving average
positive return are categorized under bullish and those that are giving average
negative return are categorized under bearish.
2. To decide the different level of intensity of bullish or bearish trend ranging
between moderate, highly significant and excessively significant, following
conditions are set:
a. For excessively significant bullish or bearish trend,
i. The P Value of T Test/MW - U Testmust be significant (less than
or equal to 0.05), and,
ii. The P Value of Chi-Square Test must be significant (less than or
equal to 0.05), and,

iii. AGAL and Strike Rate must be higher than or equal to 1 and 50%
respectively and multiple of AGAL & Strike rate must be higher
than or equal to 90. *
b. For highly significant bullish or bearish trend,
i. The P Value of T Test/ MW - U Test must be significant (less than
or equal to 0.05), and,
ii. AGAL and Strike Rate must be higher than or equal to 1 and 50%
respectively and multiple of AGAL & Strike rate must be higher
than or equal to 90.
i. The P Value of Chi-Square Test must be significant (less than or
equal to 0.05), and,
ii. AGAL and Strike Rate must be higher than or equal to 1 and
50% respectively and multiple of AGAL & Strike rate must be
higher than or equal to 90.
c. For moderate bullish or bearish trend,
i. AGAL and Strike Rate must be higher than or equal to 1 and 50%
respectively and multiple of AGAL & Strike rate must be higher
than or equal to 90.

Both, excessively significant bullish or bearish trend & highly significant bullish or
bearish trend are statistically significant. But moderate bullish or bearish trend is not
statistically significant. However, its findings should not be ignored as it is based on
healthy result of AGAL & Strike Rate conditions.

As per the above conditions, following findings are drawn based on statistical outcome of
data analysis.

1. The return of BSE SENSEX in different intensity of bullish and bearish trend is
significantly affected by following conjunction(s) of single and double planets
conjunctions from zodiac signs as per Vedic astrology.

A. Excessively significant bullish
Conjunction of Moon & Mars with Taums sign
B. Highly significant bullish
Based on P Value of T - Test/MW - U Test and AGAL & Strike Rate
No conjimction(s) found
Based on P Value of Chi Square Test and AGAL & Strike Rate
Conjunction of Moon & Venus with Sagittarius sign
Conjunction of Moon & Venus with Virgo sign
Conjunction of Moon & Venus with Libra sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Saturn with Virgo sign
- Conjunction of Mercury & Venus with Gemini sign
C. Moderately bullish
- Conjunction of Sun & Moon with Virgo sign
Conjunction of Sun & Moon with Pisces sign
- Conjunction of Sun & Moon with Leo sign
Conjunction of Sun & Moon with Scorpio sign
- Conjunction of Sun & Moon with Taurus sign
- Conjunction of Sun & Saturn with Virgo sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Mars with Virgo sign
Conjunction of Moon & Mars with Pisces sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Mercury with Cancer sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Jupiter with Aquarius sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Venus with Sagittarius sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Venus with Virgo sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Venus with Scorpio sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Rahu with Taurus sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Ketu with Sagittarius sign
A. Excessively significant bearish
No conjimction(s) found

B. Highly significant bearish

Based on P Value of T - Test/MW - U Test and AGAL & Strike Rate

Conjunction of Saturn with Capricorn sign
- Conjunction of Sun & Venus with Gemini sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Mars with Libra sign
- Conjunction of Mars & Mercury with Virgo sign
- Conjunction of Mercury & Venus •with Scorpio sign
Based on P Value of Chi Square Test and AGAL & Strike Rate
No conjunction(s) found
C. Moderately bearish
Conjunction of Sun & Ketu with Libra sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Mars with Sagittarius sign
Conjunction of Moon & Mars with Capricorn sign
Conjunction of Moon & Mercury with Libra sign
Conjunction of Moon & Mercury with Taurus sign
- Conjunction of Mercury & Rahu with Gemini sign
Conjunction of Venus & Rahu with Aquarius sign

2. The return of Banking Sector in different intensity of bullish and bearish trend is
significantly affected by following conjunction(s) of smgle and double planets
conjunctions from zodiac signs as per Vedic astrology.
A. Excessively significant bullish

No conjunction(s) found

B. Highly significant bullish

Based on P Value of T - Test/MW - U Test and AGAL & Strike Rate

- Conjunction of Sun & Moon with Sagittarius sign
Conjunction of Sun & Mercury with Sagittarius sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Venus with Libra sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Rahu with Taurus sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Ketu with Sagittarius sign

Conjunction of Mercury & Venus with Aries sign
Based on P Value of Chi Square Test and AGAL & Strike Rate
- Conjunction of Moon & Mars with Taurus sign
C. Moderately bullish
Conjunction of Sun & Moon with Pisces sign
Conjunction of Sun & Moon with Taurus sign
Conjunction of Moon & Mars with Virgo sign
Conjunction of Moon & Jupiter with Cancer sign
Conjunction of Moon & Jupiter with Aquarius sign
Conjunction of Moon & Jupiter with Scorpio sign
Conjunction of Moon & Venus with Sagittarius sign
Conjunction of Moon & Venus with Aquarius sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Saturn with Virgo sign
A. Excessively significant bearish
- Conjunction of Mercury & Venus with Scorpio sign
B. Highly significant bearish
Based on P Value of T - Test/MW - U Test and AGAL & Strike Rate
Conjunction of Moon & Mars with Sagittarius sign
Conjunction of Moon & Mercury with Cancer sign
Based on P Value of Chi Square Test and AGAL & Strike Rate
Conjunction of Moon & Mercury with Capricorn sign
C. Moderately bearish
- Conjunction of Sun & Mooirwith Aquarius sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Mars with Scorpio sign
Conjunction of Moon & Mercury with Virgo sign
Conjunction of Moon & Mercury with Aquarius sign
Conjunction of Moon & Mercury with Libra sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Mercury with Taurus sign
- Conjunction of Mar & Venus with Sagittarius sign
Conjunction of Venus & Rahu with Aquarius sign

The return of Automobile Sector in different intensity of bullish and bearish trend
is significantly affected by following conjunction(s) of single and double planets
conjunctions from zodiac signs as per Vedic astrology.
A. Excessively significant bullish
Conjunction of Moon & Mars with Taurus
Conjunction of Moon & Venus with Libra
B. Highly significant bullish
Based on P Value of T-Test and AGAL & Strike Rate
Conjunction of Mercury with Aries sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Venus with Sagittarius sign
Conjunction of Moon & Venus with Aries sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Rahu with Virgo sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Ketu with Sagittarius sign
- Conjunction of Jupiter & Rahu with Capricorn sign
Based on P Value of Chi Square Test and AGAL & Strike Rate
No conjunction(s) found
C. Moderately bullish
Conjunction of Mercury with Leo sign
- Conjunction of Jupiter with Aquarius sign
Conjunction of Sun & Moon with Virgo sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Mars with Virgo sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Mars with Aries sign
Conjunction of Moon & Mercury with Virgo sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Jupiter with Aquarius sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Saturn with Virgo sign
Conjunction of Mercury & Venus with Gemini sign
- Conjunction of Jupiter & Rahu with Capricorn sign
- Conjunction of Venus & Ketu with Taurus sign
- Conjunction of Saturn & Rahu with Taurus sign

A. Excessively significant bearish
No conjimction(s) found
B. Highly significant bearish

Based on P Value of T - Test/MW - U Test and AGAL & Strike Rate

Conjunction of Mars & Venus with Aries sign
- Conjunction of Venus & Rahu with Aquarius sign
Based on P Value of Chi Square Test and AGAL & Strike Rate
Conjunction of Moon & Saturn with Pisces sign
C. Moderately bearish
- Conjunction of Sun & Moon with Libra sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Mercury with Sagittarius sign
Conjunction of Moon & Mercury with Aquarius sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Mercury with Gemini sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Mercury with Taurus sign
Conjunction of Moon & Rahu with Cancer sign
Conjunction of Moon & Rahu with Aquarius sign
Conjunction of Moon & Rahu with Capricorn sign
Conjunction of Moon & Ketu with Gemini sign
- Conjunction of Mercury & Venus with Leo sign
Conjunction of Mercury & Venus with Scorpio sign

4. The return of IT Sector in different intensity of bullish and bearish trend is

significantly affected by following conjunction(s) of single and double planets ^
conjunctions from zodiac signs as per Vedic astrology.
A. Excessively significant bullish
No conjunction(s) found

B. Highly significant bullish

Based on P Value of T-Test and AGAL & Strike Rate

- Conjunction of Mars & Rahu with Virgo sign

Based on P Value of Chi Square Test and AGAL & Strike Rate
- Conjunction of Mercury with Scorpio sign
Conjunction of Moon & Mars with Taurus sign
C. Moderately bullish
Conjunction of Sun with Sagittarius sign
Conjunction of Sun with Gemini sign
Conjunction of Venus with Sagittarius sign
Conjunction of Sun & Moon with Aries sign
Conjunction of Sun & Moon with Scorpio sign
Conjunction of Sun & Mar with Aries sign •• -
Conjunction of Sun & Venus with Virgo sign
- Conjunction of Sun & Saturn with Gemini sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Mars with Virgo sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Mercury with Virgo sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Mercury with Cancer sign
Conjunction of Moon & Mercury with Aquarius sign
Conjunction of Moon & Mercury with Scorpio sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Jupiter with Aries sign
Conjunction of Moon & Venus with Sagittarius sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Venus with Gemini sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Venus with Libra sign
Conjunction of Moon & Venus with Scorpio sign
Conjunction of Moon & Rahu with Virgo sign
Conjunction of Moon & Rahu with Taurus sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Ketu with Sagittarius sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Ketu with Gemini sign
Conjunction of Mercury & Jupiter with Libra sign
- Conjunction of Mercury & Rahu with Leo sign

A. Excessively significant bearish

No conjunction(s) found

B. Highly significant bearish
Based on P Value of T - Test/MW - U Test and AGAL & Strike Rate
No conjunction(s) found
Based on P Value of Chi Square Test and AGAL & Strike Rate
Conjunction of Mercury & Venus with Scorpio sign
C. Moderately bearish
Conjunction of Sun & Moon with Cancer sign
Conjunction of Sun & Moon with Libra sign
Conjunction of Sun & Mar with Scorpio sign
Conjunction of Sun & Venus with Capricorn sign
- Conjunction of Sun & Ketu with Libra sign
Conjunction of Moon & Mars with Sagittarius sign
Conjunction of Moon & Mars with Libra sign
Conjunction of Moon & Mercury with Libra sign
Conjunction of Moon & Jupiter with Cancer sign
- Conjunctionof Moon & Venus with Cancer sign
Conjunction of Venus & Rahu with Aquarius sign

5. The return of Metal Sector in different intensity of bullish and bearish trend is
significantly affected by following conjunction(s) of single and double planets
conjunctions from zodiac signs as per Vedic astrology.
A. Excessively significant bullish
No conjunction(s) found
B. Highly significant bullish

Based on P Value of T - Test/MW - U Test and AGAL & Strike Rate

Conjunction of Saturn with Capricorn sign
- Conjunction of Sun & Moon with Scorpio sigh
- Conjunction of Sun & Venus with Cancer sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Mars with Taurus sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Rahu with Taurus sign

Based on P Value of Chi Square Test and AGAL & Strike Rate
- Conjunction of Moon & Mars with Virgo sign
C. Moderately bullish
Conjunction of Sun with Aiies sign
Conjunction of Venus with Gemini sign
Conjunction of Sun & Moon with Virgo sign
Conjunction of Sun & Moon with Pisces sign
Conjunction of Sun & Moon with Taurus sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Mercury with Aquarius sign
Conjunction of Moon & Mercury with Libra sign
Conjunction of Moon & Jupiter with Aquarius sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Jupiter with Gemini sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Venus with Sagittarius sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Venus with Aquarius sign
Conjunction of Moon & Venus with Aries sign
Conjunction of Moon & Venus with Scorpio sign
Conjunction of Moon & Saturn with Virgo sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Saturn with Aries sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Rahu with Virgo sign
Conjunction of Mercury & Jupiter with Leo sign
Conjunction of Mercury & Venus with Aquarius sign
Conjunction of Mercury & Venus with Aries sign
Conjunction of Mercury & Venus with Gemini sign
- Conjunction of Jupiter & Rahu with Libra sign


A. Excessively significant bearish
No conjunction(s) found
B. Highly significant bearish

Based on P Value of T - TestMW - U Test and AGAL & Strike Rate

No conjiinction(s) found

Based on P Value of Chi Square Test and AGAL & Strike Rate .
- Conjunction of Moon & Rahu with Capricorn sign
C. Moderately bearish
Conjunction of Sun & Moon with Cancer sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Mars with Sagittarius sign
Conjunction of Moon & Mercury with Scorpio sign
Conjunction of Moon & Mercury with Taurus sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Rahu with Cancer sign
Conjunction of Mar & Mercuiy with Virgo sign
Conjunction of Venus & Ketu with Capricorn sign
Conjunction of Saturn & Rahu with Capricorn sign

6. The return of FMCG/Retail Sector in different intensity of bullish and bearish

trend is significantly affected by following conjunction(s) of single and double
planets conjunctions from zodiac signs as per Vedic astrology.
A. Excessively significant bullish
NG conjunction(s) found
B. Highly significant bullish

Based on P Value of T - Test/MW - U Test and AGAL & Strike Rate

Conjunction of Venus with Gemini sign
Conjunction of Moon & Mars with Pisces sign
Conjunction of Moon & Jupiter with Capricorn sign
Based on P Value of Chi Square Test and AGAL & Strike Rate
No conjunction(s) found

C. Moderately bullish
Conjunction of Sun & Venus with Cancer sign
- Conjunction of Sun & Saturn with Gemini sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Mars with Virgo sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Mars with Taurus sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Mercury with Aquarius sign

- Conjunction of Moon & Mercury with Aries sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Mercury with Scorpio sign
Conjunction of Moon & Jupiter with Scorpio sign
Conjunction of Moon & Venus with Virgo sign
Conjunction of Moon & Venus with Cancer sign
Conjunction of Moon & Venus with Leo sign
Conjunction of Moon & Saturn with Virgo sign
Conjunction of Moon & Rahu with Virgo sign
Conjunction of Mar & Mercury with Cancer sign
Conjunction of Mar & Venus with Cancer sign
Conjunction of Mercury & Venus with Gemini sign
Conjunction of Mercury & Venus with Libra sign
Conjunction of Jupiter & Rahu with Libra sign
A. Excessively significant bearish
No conjunction(s) found
B. Highly significant bearish
Based on P Value of T - Test/MW - U Test and AGAL & Strike Rate
No conjunction(s) found
Based on P Value of Chi Square Test and AGAL & Strike Rate
No conjunction(s) found

C. Moderately bearish
Conjunction of Sun & Moon with Capricorn sign
- Conjunction of Sun & Moon with Taurus sign
- Conjunction of Sun & Ketu Niih. Libra sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Rahu with Gemini sign
- Conjunction of Mar & Mercury with Virgo sign
- Conjunction of Mercury & Venus with Scorpio sign

7. The return of Healthcare Sector in different intensity of bullish and bearish trend
is significantly affected by following conjunction(s) of single and double planets
conjunctions from zodiac signs as per Vedic astrology.
A. Excessively significant bullish
No conjunction(s) found
B. Highly significant bullish
Based on P Value of T - Test/MW - U Test and AGAL & Strike Rate
- Conjunction of Moon & Mars with Taurus sign
Based on P Value of Chi Square Test and AGAL & Strike Rate
No conjunction(s) found

C. Moderately bullish
Conjunction of Mercury with Cancer sign
- Conjunction of Sun & Moon with Libra sign
Conjunction of Sun & Mercury with Sagittarius sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Mars with Virgo sign
Conjunction of Moon & Mars with Capricorn sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Mercury with Cancer sign
Conjunction of Moon & Mercury with Scorpio sign
Conjunction of Moon & Jupiter with Capricorn sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Venus with Virgo sign
Conjunction of Moon & Venus with Aquarius sign
Conjunction of Moon & Venus with Leo sign
Conjunction of Moon & Venus with Libra sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Venus with Scorpio sign
Conjunction of Moon & Saturn with Aries sign
Conjunction of Moon & Ketu with Capricorn sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Ketu with Leo sign
- Conjunction of Mar & Rahu with Virgo sign
- Conjunction of Mercury & Venus with Gemini sign

- Conjunction of Mercury & Rahu with Gemini sign
A. Excessively significant bearish
No conjunction(s) found
B. Highly significant bearish

Based on P Value of T - Test/MW - U Test and AGAL & Strike Rate

No conjiinction(s) found
Based on P Value of Chi Square Test and AGAL & Strike Rate
Conjunction of Sun & Moon with Cancer sign
C. Moderately bearish
- Conjunction of Sun & Moon with Pisces sign
- Conjunction_of Sun & Venus with Cancer sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Mars with Cancer sign
Conjunction of Moon & Mercury with Aquarius sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Jupiter with Sagittarius sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Jupiter with Leo sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Saturn with Gemini sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Rahu with Gemini sign
Conjunction of Moon & Rahu with Libra sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Ketu with Libra sign

The return of Energy Sector in different intensity of bullish and bearish trend is
significantly affected by following conjunction(s) of single and double planets
conjunctions from zodiac signs as per Vedic astrology.
A. Excessively significant bullish
No conjunction(s) found
B. Highly significant bullish

Based on P Value of T - Test/MW - U Test and AGAL & Strike Rate

No conjunction(s) found

Based on P Value of Chi Square Test and AGAL & Strike Rate
- Conjunction of Moon & Venus with Leo sign
Conjunction of Moon & Saturn with Virgo sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Ketu with Scorpio sign
Conjunction of Mar & Rahu with Virgo sign
C. Moderately bullish
- Conjunction of Sun & Moon with Cancer sign
- Conjunction of Sun & Moon witli Gemini sign
Conjunction of Sun & Moon with Scoipio sign
Conjunction of Sun & Moon with Taurus sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Mars with Capricorn sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Mercury with Libra sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Jupiter with Virgo sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Jupiter with Gemini sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Venus with Virgo sign
,- Conjunction of Moon & Venus with Capricorn sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Venus with Aries sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Venus with Scorpio sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Venus with Taurus sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Saturn with Aries sign
Conjunction of Mercury & Venus witlr Aries sign
- Conjunction of Mercury & Venus with Gemini sign
A. Excessively significant bearish
No conjunction(s) found
B. Highly significant bearish
Based on P Value of T - Test/MW - U Test and AGAL & Strike Rate
No conjunction(s) found
Based on P Value of Chi Square Test and AGAL & Strike Rate
- Conjunction of Moon & Rahu with Cancer sign

C. Moderately bearish
Conjunction of Mercury with Leo sign
- Conjunction of Sun & Moon with Libra sign
- Conjunction of Sun & Mar with Leo sign
Conjunction of Sun & Venus with Aries sign
Conjunction of Moon & Mars with Scorpio sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Mercury with Virgo sign
Conjunction of Moon & Mercury with Gemini sign
Conjunction of Moon & Venus with Cancer sign
Conjunction of Moon & Saturn with Leo sign
Conjunction of Moon & Ketu with Aries sign
Conjunction of Moon & Ketu with Leo sign
Conjunction of Mar & Venus with Cancer sign
- Conjunction of Mercury & Venus with Leo sign
Conjunction of Mercury & Venus with Libra sign

9. The return of Capital Good & Infrastructure Sector in different intensity of bullish
and bearish trend is significantly affected by following conjunction(s) of single
and double planets conjunctions from zodiac signs as per Vedic astrology.
A. Excessively significant bullish
No conjunction(s) found
B. Highly significant bullish
Based on P Value of T - Test/MW - U Test and AGAL & Strike Rate
No conjunction(s) found
Based on P Value of Chi Square Test and AUAL & Strike Rate
- Conjunction of Moon & Mars with Taurus sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Venus with Sagittarius sign
C. Moderately bullish
- Conjunction of Sun & Moon with Virgo sign
- Conjunction of Sun & Moon with Gemini sign

Conjunction of Sun & Moon with Leo sign
Conjunction of Sun & Moon witli Scorpio sign
Conjunction of Moon & Mars witli Virgo sign
Conjunction of Moon & Mercuiy with Cancer sign
Conjunction of Moon & Mercury with Aquarius sign
Conjunction of Moon & Jupiter with Aquarius sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Venus with Aquarius sign
Conjunction of Moon & Venus with Pisces sign
Conjunction of Moon & Venus with Libra sign
Conjunction of Moon & Venus with Scorpio sign
Conjunction of Moon & Saturn with Virgo sign
Conjunction of Moon & Ketu with Gemini sign
Conjunction of Mercury & Venus with Gemini sign
A. Excessively significant bearish
No conjunction(s) found
B. Highly significant bearish

Based on P Value of T - Test/MW - U Test and AGAL & Strike Rate

No conjunction(s) found
Based on P Value of Chi Square Test and AGAL & Strike Rate
Conjunction of Moon & Rahu with Cancer sign
C. Moderately bearish
Conjunction of Sun & Moon with Libra sign
Conjunction of Sun & Venus with Gemini sign
Conjunction of Sun & Ketu with Libra sign
Conjunction of Moon & Mercury with Sagittarius sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Mercury with Scorpio sign
- Conjunction of Moon & Rahu with Pisces sign
- Conjunction of Mars & Venus with Cancer sign
- Conjunction of Venus & Rahu with Aquarius sign

10. There are total 256 planetary conjunctions with zodiac signs whose P - Value of
ANOVA is higher than 0.05. It shows that the effect of these conjunctions on the
movement of prices of all eight selected sector are alike. However, out of these
256 conjunctions, there are only two conjunctions which are having significant on
the price movement of all eight sectors. These combinations are:
Conjunction of Moon & Mars with Virgo sign
Conjunction of Moon & Mars with Taurus sign
It should be noted that all above mentioned combinations are having bullish effect
on different sectors of economy. There is not a single combination which is
having significant bearish effect on different sectors of economy.

All of the above findings are useful to traders and/or investors who want to park money
for short term and long term time period. By using above findings of the research, one
can take a view on future trend of the market for any specified period of time. The
findings are useful to take decisions to buy or sell or hold particular equity share of
respective sectors. These findings enable investors to take a stand on Timing of Entry and
Exit in the stock market. They are also helpful to filter calls of buying or selling
generated by flmdamental analysis and/or technical analysis or any other approach of
security analysis.


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