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Early years

Around the time of Prophet Muhammad's birth, extraordinary events occurred. Great fires
burned in the temples of Persia, 14 arches of Qisra's palace collapsed, and statues and deities
inside the Kaaba fell.

Prophet Muhammad was born on the 12th of Rabi-ul-Awwal, Monday, in the year 570 AD,
during the Year of the Elephant.
Prophet Muhammad's father, Hazrat Abdullah, had passed away before his birth, and his mother,
Aminah Bibi, named him Ahmed and his grandfather named him Muhammad.

As per the Arabian custom, Prophet Muhammad was entrusted to the desert Bedouin tribe. He
was fostered by Halima Sadia bin Zuhaib, who lovingly cared for him and became his foster
mother. During his time with the Bedouin tribe of Banu Saad bin Bakar, Prophet Muhammad's
fortunes increased. At the age of two, his heart was opened, a black clot was removed, and his
heart was washed with snow. It was put back in his chest, and his complexion turned pale.
Prophet Muhammad later said, "Verily, I am the most perfect Arab amongst you; my descent
is from Quraish, and my tongue is the tongue of Banu Saad."

At the age of four, Prophet Muhammad accompanied his mother on a visit to Yasrib. However,
his mother, Bibi Amina, passed away at Abwa during their return journey. Umm e Ayman, a
slave girl, took care of Prophet Muhammad after his mother's death. Hazrat Mutallib, his
grandfather, then took charge of his upbringing for the next two years until he also passed away
during Prophet Muhammad's eighth year. “Did He not find you an orphan and give you
shelter” (Quran)
The foster father from now till Prophet’s marriage was his uncle Hazrat Abu Talib. At the age of
twelve, Prophet Muhammad embarked on a journey to Syria. During this journey, he
encountered the monk Bahira, who recognized his divine significance and advised his uncle to
guard him against the enmity of the Jews. He said “return with this boy and guard him
against the hatred of the Jews, for a great career awaits your nephew”

In his early teens, Prophet Muhammad worked as a shepherd and developed a love for solitude
and meditation. He was known for his peaceful nature and disliked fights.

At the age of fifteen, Prophet Muhammad accompanied his uncles in the sacrilegious war Harb
ul Fijar between the tribes of Quraish and Hawazin. The war broke because of a conflict that rose
at the fair of Ukaz. Prophet did not take active part in the fight, however he collected arrows for
his uncles. This experience had a profound impact on him, reinforcing his dislike for bloodshed
and violence. He developed a distaste for the conflicts and wars prevailing in society. However,
the experience of war made Prophet familiar to war / military strategies.
During this period, a truce and league were formed by the name of Half ul Fudul among the
tribes to establish peace and justice. Leaders of the tribes pledged to stand on the side of the
oppressed against oppressors and remove injustice from the land. Prophet Muhammad
participated in the formation of this league and later said “I was present in the house of
Abdullah bin Judan at so excellent a pact that I would not exchange my part in it for a
herd of red camels. And if now in Islam I would be summoned onto it I would gladly
Prophet Muhammad's early life was marked by miraculous signs, losses, support from caring
individuals, and exposure to societal challenges. These experiences shaped his character, instilled
a sense of justice, and developed his aversion to violence.

Youth / Profession of Prophet pbuh

During his youth, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was a tradesman. He participated in
trade with caravans that traveled outside of Makkah and throughout Arabia. His business
ventures provided him with valuable experiences and interactions with people from different
backgrounds and cultures.
One of his business partners, Hazrat Saad, testified to the Prophet's impeccable character. Saad
reported, "I was a partner of Muhammad in Business. I always found him very honest in his
dealings. He never picked quarrels, nor made any false statements." This highlights the
Prophet's integrity and his commitment to fairness and justice in his trade transactions. His
reputation for honesty and fairness was well-known among those who knew him.
Due to his unwavering honesty, truthfulness, and straightforwardness, Prophet Muhammad was
given the title "Al Sadiq" (the truthful). His character traits shone through in his business
dealings, and people recognized him as someone who could be trusted. His ethical conduct and
adherence to truthfulness set him apart and earned him the respect and admiration of those
around him.
Furthermore, the people of Quraish, a prominent tribe in Makkah, entrusted their valuable
possessions to the Prophet for safekeeping. They had full confidence in his reliability and
trustworthiness. Because of this, he was referred to as "Amin" (the trustworthy). The Prophet's
reputation for fulfilling his responsibilities and safeguarding the belongings of others further
reinforced his image as a person of integrity.

Marriage to Khadija RA

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was a young man of 25 years when he married Hazrat Khadija. She
was a noble widow, who had been married twice before and was 40 years old at the time. Due to
Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) reputation and his titles, Hazrat Khadija chose him as her agent to
lead her trade caravan to Syria. Hazrat Khadija’s slave Maisera who accompanied the Prophet
reported that Muhammad (pbuh) conducted the trade extremely honestly and successfully, which
impressed Hazrat Khadija.
Nafeesa, a friend of Hazrat Khadija, took the idea of marriage between Prophet Muhammad
(pbuh) and Hazrat Khadija. The marriage ceremony was performed by Hazrat Abu Talib,
Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) uncle. The dowry (mehr) for the marriage was 500 silver coins and
25 she-camels.
Throughout their marriage, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and Hazrat Khadija had several children,
except for Hazrat Ibrahim. They enjoyed a happy and exemplary life together for approximately
25 years. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) never remarried during her lifetime. She held a special
place in his heart for Hazrat Khadija and valued their relationship greatlY

Fixing of the Black Stone / Arbitration

The Kaaba, was a place of great importance and prestige for Quraish. During the time of the
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) it faced damage due to heavy rains. Quraish decided to rebuild the
Kaaba. The walls were made / rebuilt collaboratively (turn by turn) by all different tribes. But
when it was time to place the black stone a problem regarding it’s placement on Kaaba’s wall
arose. A dispute arose among the tribes and leaders about who should have the honor of fixing it.
An elderly person suggested a fair solution i.e., the first person to entering Haram next day
should place the Black Stone. Coincidently Prophet entered Haram first and solved the problem.
He took a sheet and placed the Black Stone on it. Inviting the tribal leaders, he asked them to
hold the corners of the sheet, ensuring their direct involvement. The black stone was fixed on the
wall by Prophet himself. By doing so, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) allowed all eleven chiefs
to participate in the ceremony, resolving the dispute in an inclusive manner.
The fixing of the Black Stone in the Kaaba stands as a testament to the Prophet Muhammad's
(pbuh) exceptional leadership, influential nature, and wisdom. It showcases his commitment to
peace, unity, and finding practical solutions in challenging circumstances, leaving a profound
impact on the history of Islam.

Q: Write an account of the Prophet Muhammad’s life from his birth until he received

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was born in the year of the elephant 570 AD, Monday 12th Rabiul
awwal, in the clan Banu Hashim of Tribe Quraish of Makkah. At his birth his father Hazrat
Abdullah had already passed away.
Prophet pbuh was sent to the desert (as it was the custom of Arabia) to live with a wet nurse
Halima Sa’adia of Banu Saad. Prophet said later “Verily I am the most perfect Arab amongst
you, my decent is from Quraish and my tongue is the tongue of Banu Saad” Bibi Haleema
narrated that they had good fortune with the arrival of the Prophet (pbuh) in their household, and
asked Bibi amina to let him stay with them another two years. During this time the angel Jibril
came to clean the Prophet’s heart while he was playing with his friends. Halima then returned
him to his mother.
His mother died at Abwa on her way back from visiting family in Yathrib when he was six. He
was brought back by Um e Aiman a slave girl of Bibi Amina. His grandfather Abdul Muttalib
looked after him for the next two years. “Did He not find you an orphan and give you
shelter” Quran
After Hazrat Abdul Mutallib died the Prophet (pbuh), aged eight, came under the care of his
uncle Abu Talib. Abu Talib would take the Prophet (pbuh) on trade journeys with him, and this
is where Bahira the monk saw him and told Abu Talib that “return with this boy and guard
him against the hatred of the Jews, for a great career awaits your nephew” The Prophet
worked as a shepherd in his teens. He was of peaceful nature and liked solitude.
At the age of 15 sacrilegious wars “Harb al Fijar” broke where he picked up arrows for his
Uncles. He was very pleased on the formation of “Half ul fudul” and reported later “I was
present in the house of Abdullah bin Judan at so excellent a pact that I would not exchange
my part in it for a herd of red camels. And if now in Islam I would be summoned onto it I
would gladly respond”
In his youth he was a tradesman and was given the title of “Al Sadiq” and “Al Amin” for his
honesty and integrity. “I was a partner of Muhammad in Business. I always found him very
honest in his dealings. He never picked quarrels, nor made any false statements”
He was employed by Bibi Khadija a rich and noble lady of Quraish to go on a trade journey to
Syria. After the Prophet (pbuh) returned with profits, her servant, Maysara, spoke about his good
character, Khadija sent a marriage proposal to him which he accepted after consulting his uncle.
They had six children together.
At the age of 35 he helped resolve the issue of the fixing of the black stone, this prevented the
Makkan tribes from fighting with each other.
At age of 40 in year 610 AD the angel Jibril came to the cave of Hira where Prophet used to
meditate for days. The first revelation “Read! In the name of your Lord, who created, created
man out of a clot of congealed blood: Proclaim! And your Lord is most bountiful, He who
taught by the pen, Taught man what he did not know” marked the beginning of Prophet hood
and a new religion which was to spread in Makkah, Arabia and more than half the world soon.

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