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Innovation By
The learners
Team members Roll No.

Nikhil Kumar Behera 3231030

Manas Ranjan Lenka 3231027
Nitesh Das 3231032
Rakesha Tripathy 3231041
Mahadev Ekka 3231026
Om Prakash Sahoo 3231033

Under Guidance of,

Mr. Pradyumna Kumar Sahoo
(Trainer, Employability & Life Skills)
World Skill Center, Bhubaneswar
Smart Poultry Farm is a adv ance solution to increase productivity
and efficiency in poultry farming, in order to monitoring the health
about the birds & climate control system, feeding control & automatic
egg collecting system & water monitoring.
Overall, the goal of a smart poultry farm is to improve productivity, reduce
costs, and minimize risks by providing real-time monitoring and management
of the poultry operation.
Steps we took to find best solutions
Why it needed!
• To control climate change.
• To, maintain PH level of the water.
• Proper ventilation system.
• To solve cleaning issue.
• Auto egg collecting & Feeding controlling (according to age of the birds)
• Real time Health monitoring(including medicine doses according their growth & age).

Moral of the idea is to maintain little caring thing that helps to improving in productivity,
cost friendly and profitable one.
Where this idea comes ?
After seeing the farmers, they are facing loss in their poultry business by lack of knowledge and in this
sector there aren’t any technology developed where farmers work with proper parameter where they able
to make their farming efficient and profitable. By lack of the technique farmer didn’t able to generate profit
and they facing losses and unable to fill the market demand. Now day most of the people aren’t interest in
farming. For less profit and caring issues. But we know agriculture (food) is first necessary/need of human.
By seeing all of this problem this idea comes in mind in order to
develop the technique that help in increase the productivity,
generate good amount of profit & fulfil the market demand.
Journey to overcome this issue!
In order to solve this issue, we use design thinking process. Where , we follow the 5 phases of
design thinking to find out our innovation idea. They are ;
1. Empathize
2. Define
3. Ideate
4. Prototype
5. Test
Empathize refers to the ability to understand and share the
feelings and experiences of others. It involves putting oneself
in someone else's shoes and trying to see the world from their
perspective, in order to better connect with and support them .

In this phase, we use the “Deep user interview” strategies to

find out the need & actual pain point of farmers.

By applying these strategy, we able to gain the real time

experience & deep understanding of the user because of
asking open ended questions And can able to build positive
relationship & trust.

It’s time to accumulate the information gathered during the

Empathize stage. Then analyze our observations and synthesize them
to define the core problems we and our team have identified. These
definitions are called problem statements.

After completing the empathize process, we found many issue

related it and after completing the define process, finally we got the
root of problem that is called “Problem Statement”.

Problem statement found by using POV(point of view), HMW(how

might we)strategies.
The third stage is to ideate possible solutions to the defined
problem. This involves brainstorming and generating wide range
of ideas, from low-tech to high-tech solutions. .

We have ideate the solution by using;

Brainstorming & SCAMPER Technique

We use these technics to find the best solutions

For our costumers.
The fourth stage is to prototype the most promising ideas. This
involves creating a physical or digital prototype of the solution,
which can be tested and refined before Test.

For demonstrating our prototype, we used “sketching method”.

The Fifth & final stage is to test the prototype in real-world conditions. This
involves collecting data and feedback from farmers and birds, and using this

After completing the prototype phase, we implement the prototype in test

1- After work with a team we learn implementation of little idea of members in order to create a
path for solutions.
2- we learn when we empathize and finding a pain point of consumer/Customer how a little
things create a major issue and how we solve that problem.
3- Fighting together for a major challenges.
4- Learn to lead individual for team.
5- Learn how we can able to such a minor and major issues of the
6- How to Represent the Solution to The Society and World.
7- How to win trust of farmers about the product/ Solution.
smart poultry farming is a promising approach to
modernizing the poultry industry, improving
sustainability, and meeting the increasing demand for
poultry products.

The Learners
Do you have a n y questions?

T he Learners
T eam-03
WS C, B hubanes war
+91 8658730942

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