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2.(a): Write the basis of hypothesis formulation .

Ans- The basis of hypothesis formulation is as follows:-

1.Observation: Researchers start by observing phenomena or patterns in the

World around them. These observations spark questions about why things

Happen the way they do.

2.Curiosity: The natural inclination of researchers to question and understand

The world drives them to explore the underlying reasons behind observed


3.Previous Knowledge: Existing theories, literature, and past research findings

Serve as a starting point. Researchers build upon this foundation to generate

Hypotheses that address unanswered questions or gaps in understanding.

4.Testability: Hypotheses must be formulated in a way that allows them to be

Tested empirically. This means they should be framed in a manner that enables
Researchers to collect data and analyze results to either support or refute the


5.Falsifiability: A hypothesis must be capable of being proven false. It should

Make predictions that, if not borne out by empirical evidence, would lead to its

Rejection. This is essential for ensuring the rigor and validity of scientific inquiry.

6.Logic and Reasoning: Hypotheses are often based on logical reasoning and

Deduction. Researchers use their understanding of relevant theories and

Principles to propose explanations for observed phenomena.

7.Specificity: Hypotheses should be clear and specific, stating the expected

Relationship or outcome between variables. This clarity enables researchers to

Design experiments or studies that directly test the hypothesis.

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