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Quaternion feedback regulator for spacecraft eigenaxis rotation

Article in Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics · May 1989

DOI: 10.2514/3.20418

524 6,272

3 authors:

Bong Wie Haim Weiss

Iowa State University 56 PUBLICATIONS 1,348 CITATIONS

Ari Arapostathis
University of Texas at Austin


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VOL. 12, NO. 3, MAY-JUNE 1989 J. GUIDANCE 375

Quaternion Feedback Regulator for Spacecraft

Eigenaxis Rotations
B. Wie,* H. Weiss,t and A. Arapostathis$
University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas

A quaternion feedback regulator is developed for spacecraft eigenaxis rotational maneuvers. The Euler's eigenaxis
rotation that provides the shortest angular path between two orientations is considered as an "optimal" maneuver.
The control algorithm basically consists of linear feedback of error quaternions and body rates, and includes
decoupling control torque that counteracts the natural gyroscopic coupling torque. But, in some cases with small
angular rates, the gyroscopic decoupling control is not necessary for eigenaxis rotations. It is shown that large-angle,
rest-to-rest maneuver about the Euler's eigenaxis can be simply achieved by a proper selection of feedback gain
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matrices of the quaternion feedback regulator. Furthermore, previous results in quaternion feedback stability analysis
based on the Lyapunov method are significantly extended. Robustness of the globally stable, quaternion feedback
regulator to spacecraft inertia matrix uncertainty is also discussed. Simulation results show that a proper selection
of the quaternion feedback regulator gains provides near-eigenaxis rotation, even in the presence of initial body rate
and inertia matrix uncertainty.

I. Introduction natural approach to a rapid, rotational maneuver.3 5 From a

fuel-optimal control viewpoint, however, Redding and Adams6
S OME future spacecraft will need an attitude control system
that provides rapid multitarget acquisition, pointing, and
tracking capabilities. Many spacecraft control systems are cur-
have developed a noneigenaxis rotational maneuver for the
Shuttle with significant cross-axis jet couplings. Nonlinear op-
rently based on a sequence of rotational maneuvers about each timal feedback control schemes,7-8 a sliding mode concept,9
control axis. The maneuver time of such successive rotations is and a general nonlinear feedback control theory10 have also
longer (by a factor of 2 or 3) than that of a single maneuver been applied to the spacecraft attitude control problems.
about the eigenaxis. Because the overall cost of a space-based A simple concept using Cayley-Rodrigues parameters
laser system is greatly affected by the average retargeting time, (Gibbs' vector) or quaternions as attitude feedback signals was
the development of control algorithms for rapid retargeting is first studied by Mortensen11'12 in mid-1960. Meyer13 has stud-
crucial. It also may be necessary to maintain rotation about an ied similar three-axis control using direction cosine matrices.
inertially fixed axis during an acquisition mode so that a partic- Hrastar14 has applied Mortensen's concept11 to the large-angle
ular sensor will pick up a particular target. slew control of the OAO spacecraft. The use of quaternions as
In this paper, various quaternion feedback control al- a measure of attitude errors was also suggested by Ickes.15
gorithms are investigated for large-angle retargeting maneu- Recently, Wie and Barba16 have extended the quaternion feed-
vers (possibly about the eigenaxis). Different gain matrices for back concept to a spacecraft equipped with pulse-width pulse-
the quaternion feedback regulator are studied from both math- frequency modulated reaction jets. A similar quaternion
ematical and practical viewpoints. Previous results in the use of feedback scheme was also studied by Vadali and Junkins7 for
quaternions for large-angle maneuver controls are significantly a spacecraft equipped with reaction wheels.
extended. The concept and mathematical results presented in Mortensen12 has chosen the quaternion feedback gain in
this paper do not appear to have been published previously each axis to be inversely proportional to its principal moment
in the open literature. In order to distinguish the new results of inertia. Thus, his scheme requires an exact knowledge of the
of this paper from the previous studies by many other re- inertia matrix in order to be globally stable. In Refs. 7 and 16,
searchers, we briefly review the literature in three-axis, large- the quaternion gains are restricted to be identical in each axis.
angle maneuver control of a rigid spacecraft. The reason behind such special selections of quaternion feed-
Many open-loop control schemes have been studied for back gains is to facilitate determination of a Lyapunov func-
large-angle maneuvers (Refs. 1 and 2). The open-loop schemes, tion for the proof of global stability.
however, are sensitive to spacecraft parameter uncertainty, un- Expanding on these previous studies, we present new results,
expected disturbances, and initial attitude rates. In general, a which are summarized as follows:
combination of feedforward (open-loop) and feedback 1) For the ideal case of an exactly known inertia matrix, a
(closed-loop) controls is desirable. The eigenaxis rotation via rest-to-rest maneuver about the eigenaxis can be simply
feedforward command has been used in maneuvering control achieved by use of the quaternion feedback regulator with a
of Apollo, Skylab, and Shuttle. It has been considered as a proper selection of the feedback gain matrices.
2) The quaternion feedback controllers studied by Vadali
and Junkins7 and Wie and Barba16 are shown to be globally
stable regardless of spacecraft inertial property uncertainty;
Received Nov. 3, 1987; revision received March 8, 1988. Copyright hence, they are globally stable and robust. It is also shown that
© American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., 1988. the gain selection in Refs. 7 and 16, however, does not result in
All rights reserved. the eigenaxis rotation, even with perfect gyroscopic decoupling
*Assistant Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering and
Engineering Mechanics. Member AIAA. control.
tVisiting Scholar, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engi- 3) A Lyapunov function that provides a sufficient condition
neering Mechanics. for the global stability of the proposed controller is derived.
{Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer The new result includes all previous results7'12-16 as special
Engineering. cases. Furthermore, the new result allows a proper gain selec-

tion, which provides near-eigenaxis rotation with guaranteed where q = [q\,q2,q?\T and Q is defined by Eq. (2). Using Eqs.
global stability. (3), one can show that the quaternion satisfies the relation
4) For the first time, the qt vs qj(i ^j) plot is introduced,
where qt is the ith quaternion element. This plot clearly illus- ? 7 7 7 1 / ^\
01 +02 + 03 + 0 4 = * (5)
trates an "optimal" maneuver with the shortest angular path
(a straight line between two points). Using digital simulation, Equations (4) were first published by Robinson19 in 1958
performance and stability of four different gain matrices are and derived independently by Mortensen,11 Margulies,20 and
compared for a 160-deg (eigenangle) rotational maneuver con- Harding,21 in mid-1960. Similar equations, where the angular
trol of a rigid spacecraft with initial body rate and 10% inertia rates are expressed in terms of quaternions and quaternion
matrix uncertainty. rates, can be found in Whittaker.22 It is interesting to note that
Eqs. (4) were not derived by Hamilton, Euler, or Whittaker.
Various strapdown attitude determination algorithms based on
II. Eigenaxis Rotation via Quaternion Feedback Eqs. (4) can be found in Refs. 23-25. A semianalytical solution
In this section, the general case of a rigid spacecraft rotating, of the quaternion kinematical equation can be found in Ref.
under the influence of body-fixed torquing devices is consid- 26.
ered. For simplicity, an ideal control torquer is assumed; how-
ever, as can be found in Refs. 5, 7, 14, and 16, reaction wheels, Quaternion as a Measure of Attitude Errors
control moment gyros, or pulse-modulated jets must be prop- The initial quaternion [#i(0),#2(0),#3(0),#4(0)] defines the ini-
erly accommodated for more detailed analysis. tial orientation of the spacecraft body axis at t = 0. The com-
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Euler's Equations of Motion

manded quaternion [tfic>02o03c>04c] defines the desired orien-
tation. The error quaternion that represents the attitude error
Euler's equations describe the rotational motion of a rigid between the current orientation and the desired one is then
body about body-fixed axes with origin at the center of mass. given by
The equations that follow are associated with the general case
in which the body-fixed control axes do not coincide with the "01e" 04c 03c ~02c -01c" "01~
principal axes of inertia: 02* ~03c 04c 01c -02c 02
03* 02c ~01c 04c ~03c 03
Jcb = +u (D
04* 01c 02c 03c 04c 04

where CD = [col9co29co3]T is the angular velocity vector,

u = [ui,u2,u3]T the control torque vector, / the inertia matrix, The equation is the result of successive quaternion rotations
and Q a skew-symmetric matrix defined by using the quaternion multiplication and inversion rules.22
For the special case of attitude regulation with respect to the
reference frame specified at t — 0, the commanded quaternion
0 — o>3 a>2 is [0,0,0,1]. In this case, the error quaternion coincides with the
C03 0 — COl current attitude quaternion; i.e., qe = q and q4e = q4.
— C02 COi 0 For the case with [tfic,tf2c>03c>04c] =[0,0,0,1] and small atti-
tude changes from the reference frame, we can approximate the
The subscripts 1, 2, and 3 denote the body-fixed control axes. error quaternion by
It is assumed that the angular velocity components along the
body-fixed control axes are measured by rate gyros and used to i = 1,2,3 (7)
calculate the orientation. Since quaternions are well suited for
onboard real-time computation, spacecraft orientation is now where the Qt are the conventional Euler angles. For this case,
commonly described in terms of quaternions (e.g., HEAO, the error quaternion rate also can be approximated as
Space Shuttle, and Galileo17).
20,* = 20/ = i = 1,2,3 (8)
Quaternion Kinematics
Euler's rotational theorem states that a rigid-body attitude Quaternion Feedback Regulator
can be changed from any given orientation to any other orien- The proposed feedback controller for eigenaxis rotations
tation by rotating the body about an axis called Euler axis or consists of linear error-quaternion feedback, linear body-rate
eigenaxis. A simple kinematic relation between the eigenaxis feedback, and a nonlinear body-rate feedback term that simply
rotation and conventional body-axis and space-axis rotations counteracts the gyroscopic coupling torque. Following Eq. (1),
was studied by Wie.18 The quaternion defines the rigid-body the control torque vector u is, in general, represented as
attitude as a Euler-axis rotation. The vector part of the quater-
nion (the first three components) indicates the direction of the u = -QJo -Do- Kqe (9)
Euler axis. The scalar part of the quaternion (the fourth com-
ponent) is related to the rotation angle about the Euler axis. where D and K are 3 x 3 constant gain matrices to be properly
The four elements of the quaternion are defined as determined. For simplicity, we shall consider the case of qe = q.
The gyroscopic decoupling feedback control is not necessary
(3a) for slow rotational maneuvers. But, in some cases (e.g., see
Refs. 27 and 28), it may be desirable to counteract the natural
(3b) gyroscopic coupling by control torque.
where 0 is the magnitude of the Euler axis rotation, and Eigenaxis Rotation
(Ci,c2,c3) are the direction cosines of the Euler axis relative to a In this section, we show that a large-angle, rest-to-rest reori-
reference frame. entation maneuver about the eigenaxis can be achieved by a
The quaternion kinematic differential equation is described proper selection of the gain matrices of the quaternion feed-
by back regulator. An ideal case of o(0) = 0 is considered here.
According to Euler's rotation theorem, the angle </> of Eqs.
(4a) (3) is always smaller than the algebraic sum of three successive
Euler angles and represents the shortest angular path between
(4bj two orientations. For certain cases, it may be desirable to ro-

tate the spacecraft about the Euler axis to perform a minimum quaternion feedback and linear rate feedback are used. For
angular path maneuver. This can be achieved by using a simplicity, we assume that the commanded quaternion is
quaternion feedback of the form kJq, where k is a scalar, / the [0,0,0,1] and, therefore, the error quaternion can be replaced by
inertia matrix, and q the vector part of the quaternion. Since the current attitude quaternion.
the vector q coincides with the spacecraft eigenaxis, the control Assuming that K~ 1 exists and that K~ l / is positive definite,
torque kjq causes the Euler axis rotation to occur. Notice that, we define the following Lyapunov function
unless the principal inertias are all equal, the eigenaxis rotation
cannot be accomplished if the control torque vector lies along
the Euler axis or eigenaxis.
Consider a gain selection D = dJ and K = kJ for the eigen- (15)
axis rotation (d and k are scalars). The closed-loop equations of
motion then become Note that V is positive definite and asymptotically unbounded
in to. This particular form of Lyapunov function is a general-
(b = — dto —kq (lOa). ization of Lyapunov functions used in Refs. 7, 12, and 16.
The time derivative of V is given by
J<b - 2q4
Assuming that K~1J = (K~lJ)T,wQ can calculate V along the
Instead of solving the preceding equations directly, we assume
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system trajectories as
that the solution is the eigenaxis rotation
where cq(f) is a scalar function of time with cq(Q) = 1 and #(0)
is the initial quaternion vector. The second term in Eq. (16) is identically zero under the fol-
Substituting Eq. (11) into Eq. (1 Oa) gives lowing conditions: 1) precise cancellation of the gyroscopic
coupling torque, i.e. /i = 1, or 2) no cancellation of the gyro-
= 0] scopic coupling torque and selection of the quaternion feed-
back gain matrix K such that
which has the solution
where a and /? are nonnegative scalars and / is a 3 x 3 unit
where matrix.
Using Eq. (17), we obtain
= -* ['

Substituting Eq. (12) into Eq. (lOb) gives (18)

Since Q = — QT, the first term in Eq. (18) is identically zero.

q= (13)
Since Q is defined by Eq. (2), Qco = coTQ == 0, and the second
where Qq = 0 since both q and « have the same direction as term of Eq. (18) is identically zero. Equation (17) guarantees
0(0). Equation (13) has the solution
that A'"1 exists and that K~1J is symmetric and positive
Under condition 1 or 2, we find that

where V= -a)TK-lDa> (19)

1 29 30
Global stability is guaranteed if K~ D > O. ' A natural se-
lection D that guarantees this is

This shows that if the applied control torque vector is along = dJ (20)
the direction of /A, where A is a unit vector along the eigenaxis,
the eigenaxis rotation can be achieved for the ideal case of where d is a positive scalar.
o(0) = 0. A more rigorous proof can be done by showing that,
if and only if Qq = 0, co is collinear with q and the rotation is Remark 1
about the eigenaxis. In the case where the body-fixed axes coincide with the prin-
cipal axes, the inertia matrix is given as
III. Stability Analysis
In this section, we discuss the stability of the closed-loop / = diag[Jr1,/2,/3] (21)
system with general D and K matrices
For this case, Eq. (17) can be reduced to
J(b = CUco - -Dct)-Kq (14a)
(14b) (22)
and Eq. (20) can be relaxed to
where \i = 1 means that the control torque exactly counteracts
the gyroscopic coupling torque, and p = 0 means that only (23)

Observe that a =0 implies K = (!//?)/, which indicates an Remark 6

identical gain in each axis. The stability result for the case was Selection of K and D as K~l = a/ + £/, D = dJ leads to the
derived in Refs. 7 and 16. Also, observe that /? = 0 implies following Lyapunov function and its decay rate
K — (l/oC)J~l. This case was studied by Mortensen.12 Hence,
previous results for the feedback gains can be derived as special 2(1 (30a)
cases of the matrix K defined in this paper.
Remark 2
The following constraint for the global stability can be ob- where 1 — q4 indicates negative quaternion feedback and 1 + q4
tained from Eq. (22): indicates positive quaternion feedback.
a> > - + 2(1 + q4)]
This equation indicates that only two gains can be selected then
independently. The third gain is related to the first and second
gains via the principal moments of inertia. V> -2dV
Remark 3
and therefore
Because we want an eigenaxis rotation, and because this can
Downloaded by IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY on February 27, 2017 | | DOI: 10.2514/3.20418

be achieved only by a quaternion gain matrix proportional to V(t)>V(t0)exp[-2d(t-to)]

the inertia matrix, the selection of a and /? in Eq. (17) should (3.1)
minimize some measure of the distance between the gain ma- Equation (31) defines the maximal decay rate of the selected
trix and the inertia matrix. A natural selection of a perfor- Lyapunov function. Observe that the maximal decay rate is
mance index is independent of the quaternion feedback gain.
Remark 7
The constraints on the quaternion feedback gain matrix are
imposed only if the gyroscopic coupling torque is not canceled
Minimization of Eq. (25) with respect to a and ($ leads to the by the control torque. In the case of precise cancellation of the
following results: gyroscopic torque, the quaternion feedback gain matrix is un-
r /3 v 3 M iv ( 3 \ / 3 \2i constrained. Simulation results show that the closed-loop sys-
tem is still (globally) stable even when the quaternion feedback
« = \9- I W,Y I J.) / 3( I /?)-( I J,) (26a) gain is proportional to the inertia matrix, and the control
L v=i / v = i /J/-L v-i / v-i / J
torque does not counteract the gyroscopic torque via the gyro-
scopic decoupling.
/ » L\/-i
- z v // \i--i
i ^ ?/ - 31
r / 3 \ / 3 \2-i
3(1 /? - (i/,)
L \;-i / v = i / J
(26b) IV. Selection of the Quaternion Feedback Gain and
the Damping Gain Matrices
As discussed in Sec. II, the quaternion feedback gain matrix
Remark 4 K should satisfy K = kJ and D .= dJ, where k and d are positive
The equilibrium points associated with the system described scalars, in order to achieve eigenaxis rotation.
by Eqs. (14) are CD = 0, q = 0, q4 = 1 or en = 0, q = 0, q4 — — 1. Let A be a unit vector along the eigenaxis; we then have
The selection of the quaternion gain matrix sign determines the q = sin(4>/2)L Assuming that the angular rate CD is small
convergent equilibrium point. The Lyapunov function defined enough to allow the gyroscopic term to be neglected (or that
in Eq. (15) considers the negative quaternion feedback gain and the gyroscopic torque can be counteracted if its effect is signifi-
the equilibrium point o = 0 , # = 0, # 4 =1. The Lyapunov cant), Eq. (14a) can be approximated by
function associated with the positive quaternion feedback gain
and the equilibrium point a> = 0, q = 0, q4 = — 1 is described (32)
As we assume the eigenaxis rotation, the angular rate satisfies
co = ([>L
With /A 7^ 0, Eq. (32) is reduced to
sin</>/2 = (33)
In this case, Eq. (14a) is replaced by
For the purpose of selecting gains, we may approximate
M = (1 - i^QJa) - Do + Kq (28) sin</>/2 by 0/2, for </> < 90 deg. We then have the well-known
linear second-order equation
Using Eqs. (27), the stability analysis is identical to the one
discussed previously. (34)

Remark 5 where the damping ratio ( and the natural frequency a>n satisfy
In order to guarantee the shortest angular path, the sign of
the quaternion feedback gain is defined by the initial value of
q4. The corresponding control torque is then
Proper selection of ( and a)n defines d and k. For
u =- -Do - sign[q4(V)]Kq (29) 0(0) ^ 180 deg, however, a modified settling time relation of
8/Ccow should be used (instead of the standard 4/(con relation) to
where \i may take the values 0 or 1 and K > 0. account for the nonlinear effect of sin(0/2).

V. Global Stability with Robustness to Inertia as 50 s. For a critically damped response, we have
con =0.158 rad/s, which results in k = 0.05 and d = 0.316.
Uncertainty Four different cases are considered here, but each case has
Let Jn denote the nominal value of the inertia matrix and A/- the same rate gain matrix of D = 0.316 diag( 1200,2200,3100).
the uncertainty. Then, Eq. (14a) has the following form: All of the quaternion feedback gain matrices are normalized
with respect to K2 — 110.
(/„ + A/ )(b = Q(Jn + -Dco-Kq (35) Case 1
where the gyroscopic torque is not precisely canceled because Kt = k/Jf by Mortensen:12
of inertial property uncertainty.
Equation (35) may be rewritten as K = diag( 201,110,78)

Jet) = QAJco — Dco — Kq (36) Case 2

where / = /„ + A/. K = klby Vadali/Junkins7 and Wie/Barba:16
Using the results of Sec. Ill, we realize that K~l = f!I (or,
equivalently, K — kl) can guarantee global stability even Ar = diag(110,110,110)
though we do not know the value of A/. The price we pay for Case 3
robustness is that the rotation is not performed about the
eigenaxis. K = (otJ + pI)~l of Eqs. (26):
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In Refs. 7 and 16, the stability result was derived for the case
of identical gains for all axes; however, robustness issues were tf = diag(72,l 10,204)
not considered.
Case 4
Remark 1
Consider the case in which we have a perfect cancellation of K = kJ of Sec. IV:
the gyroscopic torque. For this case, minimization of the fol-
lowing performance index # = diag(60,110,155)
fo In simulation, we assume 10% mismatching of// (i = 1,2,3)
H and an initial body rate of 0.01 rad/s in each axis; hence,
Jo \JL = 0.9 for the cancellation of the gyroscopic coupling term in
+ uTJ~lu] dt (37) Eq. (14a). Figure 1 shows time histories of the quaternions and
control torques. We notice that all four cases have similar q4
with respect to u and subject to histories and that cases 3 and 4 are nearly identical in all the

Jcb — u (38a) 0.6

(38b) 0.4
0.4 l\
(38c) -\'-\_

leads to the optimal control torque

0 -0.2 - \,/'
50 100 0 50 1C
a2ct) (39) TIME (SEC) TIME (SEC)

The preceding result is derived when we assume that the

adjoint vector has the form A = [ A j , ^ , ] ^ , where 0.6 0.8 - /"" '
and const. 0.4 0.6 -1
Equation (39) indicates that the optimal control associated 0.2 0.4
with Eq. (37) consists of identical quaternion feedback gain for 0 0.2 1
all the axes. This globally stable, optimal control is also robust -0.2
to inertia matrix uncertainty. ) 50 1C 0 50 1C
VI. Design Example
In this section, we present a control design example and
simulation results. An asymmetric rigid spacecraft with the
following inertia matrix is considered: •>—•-«*————————————

f 1200 100
100 2200
L-200 300
300 K g - m 2

) 50 K)0 () 50 1C
The nominal values of the principal moments of inertia are
assumed as Jl = 1200, J2 = 2200, and J3 = 3100 for controller - Case 1 : K - M"1
design. The products of inertia or the control-axis misalign- >£^_
ment relative to the principal axes are assumed to be quite , , Case 2 : K = KI
_________ -- Case 3 : K = ( aj + p
uncertain; hence, they are not used in controller gain selection. -50 f
The initial quaternion elements at t = 0 are assumed as -100
Case H : K - M
toi»fo03»04] = [0.57,0.57,0.57,0.159] -150(
) 50 KX)
which corresponds to an initial eigenangle-to-go of 161.7 deg. TIME (SEC)
The desired reorientation time or settling time is assumed Fig. 1 Time histories of quaternions and control torques.

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