Pegasus 23 DR

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SIGNATORIES:, Japan, UK, Philippines, Israel, republic of Korea, Australia,

Gabonese republic, republic of India, gabon 1 , united kingdom,
 Emphasizing on Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations
which provides the framework within which the Security Council
may take enforcement action, It allows the Council to "determine the
existence of any threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of
aggression" and to make recommendations or to resort to non-
military and military action to "maintain or restore international
peace and security",

Providing Humanitarian and financial Aid-

 Formation of a new squad named as "TES (Taiwanese emergency

squad)" to help the people who are in miserable conditions of living,

 Providing some economic support to the families of the Taiwanese

people whose family members died and have no source of income,
and hence, providing them feasible jobs in order for them to start a new

 Establishing an International Red Cross, UNICEF, sub-branch to be

established in Taiwan to help the people who are in urgent requirement of
food, clothes and shelter
provide both humanitarian and financial aid to THE TAIWANESE

 Suggests the formation of other non-governmental organizations

(NGO’s) and education institutes to increase the literacy rate of the
Taiwanese upcoming generations and simultaneously support the
Taiwanese civilians,

 Suggests the People's Republic of China to retreat their soldiers and naval
fleet from the annexed islands in the Taiwan strait,
Refugee Crisis-

1. Suggests implementation of international reflection periods which

provide a reprieve from deportation to allow identified sexual assault
victims to seek emergency health and aid services while being legally
classified as victims of crime, thereby mitigating any concerns victims
may have regarding reporting their abuse and have the following benefits,
a. Ensures the funding of humanitarian actions through the redirection of
the aid, This redirection is to be done through the financing sections of
the UN (primarily through the UNHRC) along with financial reports
being prepared regarding the expenditure of this aid,
b. For the many victims of trafficking who have irregular immigration
status, the reflection period ensures that they can be provided with
appropriate assistance and support, such as secure housing, psychological
counseling, medical and social services, legal consultation,
c. Offering them jobs feasible for them so that they can earn their
livelihood and establish their life in Taiwan,
d. Conducting regular inspections in refugee camps by UN officials to
ensure that refugees are being given proper care and treatment, as well as
education and opportunities to start a better life
2) Calls upon the UNAMA confirm a proper tally of the number of
refugees in Taiwan and those who have been displaced due to the conflict
thus confirming the requirement for humanitarian aid that needs to be sent;

Other solutions to promote culture, peace & harmony in Taiwan: -

 Encourages the implementation of Taiwanese independence history as a

mandatory subject in all educational institutes to promote Taiwanese
culture and support enthusiasm

 Declares the formation of a community government which will be

responsible to solve regional disputes of individual communities and
further promote Taiwanese history of independence and culture

 Calls upon the United States of America to deploy troops and

weaponry on Taiwanese borders and on the islands of Spratly,
Paracel, Macclesfield Bank and pratas on carry on smooth trade

 Urges the formation of a new UNITED NATIONS authenticated

squad that will be responsible for the moderation of the
Russian surface warships and naval fleet preventing it to
conduct aggressive measures

Formation of the SITF AND THE COIA

The Protection Plan will be focused on but not limited to the following
Phase 1: (Preliminary Planning)
a. acknowledgement of the risk and crisis faced by the public authorities
b. acceptance of the approach of this directive by the public authorities to
provide them
c. the provision of resources to establish a secure protection plan seeing the
current issue

A SMS (Security Management System) can be very helpful when

planning for a security
This SMS will consist of the following sub-divisions:
- Risk-Analysis Team
- Supervising Body
- On-Field Tactical Patrol Teams
Phase 2: (Risk Analysis)
The second phase, risk analysis, is about identifying potential risks faced
by the public
authorities from the mafia during these times of crisis
This is where our Risk Analysis Team of the Security Management System
comes into action
with the following components:
a. The team will comprise of officers and agents from the Intelligence
agency of taiwan(specialized body on internal intelligence of taiwan)
b. Their main job will be to assess and formulate reports of all the risks
posed to the
public authorities which can be based but not limited to the following:
- What types of emergencies can occur?
- What makes the concerned authority vulnerable to such emergencies?
- What is the probability that these emergencies will occur at strategic
known to the authority? For example- house, personal office, regular coffee
shop etc,
c. To evaluate all phases of this system and provide review reports
d. The emergency Analysis Team will pass all valuable information of
potential threats to the
Supervising Team to formulate a counter action plan for the same after:

 - these teams will be the primary source of security for the authorities on
the ground by
 providing them with 24-hour surveillance

 - The teams will be comprised of officers the forces which have

emergency-enforcement agency with capability and provides support
with local policing duties) who will be equipped with all emergency
survival gear and will be ready at all times to neutralize the threat in
case of any emergency,

 - The public authorities, if in distress, may establish contact with these

teams by dialling

 122 (a reserved contact for Patrol Teams) on their respective telephones,

these calls
 will then be directed by the Supervising Team to the nearest patrol team

 - The teams will also conduct welfare checks at the authorities’ houses at
1030 hrs and 2030 hrs respectively to ensure safety
 - These emergency teams will be out in the streets at all given times in
special cars with all emergency equipment loaded in various sections of
the car

 - Each team will consist of 3 members consisting of a lead officer, a

Communications Officer who will be the point of contact of the
Supervising emergency headquarter and an
accompanying officer The teams are made up of only 3 so that daily
proceedings of
the police and law-enforcement and ambulances agencies are not affected

 - The structure:

1x Lead Officer with

1x Officer with
1x Communications Officer



 the funding for the same will be done by the UNHRC (UNITED
NATION HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL) For a period of time till the
TES AND UN SQUAD finds the desired results
 Calls upon the to aid in the funding and financing of the formations and
operations of the TES;
 Directs IMF to provide additional financing for additional operations of
the team through the means of loans to the team at the lower than industry
rate of 6%;
 Undertakes re-routing to the extent of $ 50,000 of the regular aid and
financing provided by other countries to the TAIWANESE population to
the fulfillment of the actions of of TES;
 Suggests the extension of the mandate of the TES beyond that of

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