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Day 1 – Push 2.

Bench Press 3x8-10

3. Pullups 3x10 MYO
1. Incline BB Press 3x10
4. DB rows 3x8-10
2. Flat DB Press 3x8
5. Cable Lateral Raises 4x10-15
3. Incline Dumbell Flyes 3x12
4. Rear Delt Cable Flyes 3x12
6. Tricep Overhead Extensions (SS)
5. DB Lateral Raises 4x10-15 MYO
7. Pushdowns 3x12
6. Shoulder Press 2x8
8. Cable Curls (SS) Preacher Curls
7. Tricep PushDowns 3x12
8. DB Skull Crushes 2x8 1x10 (2
Heavy 1 Light)
9. Tricep Dips 3x till failure with
controlled negatives
Day 5 – Lower Body and Shoulders
1. Deadlifts 1x6 1x4 1x2
Day 2 – Pull 2. Smith Split Squats 3x8-10
3. Hip Thrust 3x10
1. Pullups 1 full force set till failure
4. Leg Press 3x8-10
reps, 2x8
5. Adductors 3x12
2. BB Rows 3x10
6. DB Lateral Raises 4x10-15 MYO
3. Neutral Grip Pull Down 3x12
7. Front Raises 3x10-12
4. Cable Rows 3x10-15 MYO
8. Shrugs 3x10-15
5. BB curls 3x10-15 MYO
6. Preacher curls 3x10 MYO
7. Incline curls 3x10 MYO

Day 3 – Legs
1. Calve Raises 4x15
2. Leg Curls 3x10-15 MYO
3. Leg Extensions 3x10-15 MYO
4. Smith Squats 3x8-10
5. Stiff Leg Deadlifts 3x8-10
6. Abductors 3x12

Day 4 – Upper Body

1. Pec Dec 3x10 MYO

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