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African Bible College

Master of Arts in Christian Leadership

Leadership in Action


Samuel Kalopa


Dr Maggie Madimbo

Date: 2nd, February, 2015.



(1) Introduction------------------------------------------------3

(2) Description of the problem-------------------------------3

(3) General history of disunity in the church---------------4

(4) Disunity of the CCAP Synod of Livingstonia ----------5

(5) General causes of disunities in Livingstonia Synod-----6

(6) Major causes of disunities----------------------------------7-10

(7) Recommendations ------------------------------------------11

(8) Conclusion----------------------------------------------------12

(9) References-----------------------------------------------------13




This paper examines the current trends on disunity within the CCAP Synod of Livingstonia. The

historical background of this synod reveals that the challenge of disunity has been in existence

since the birth of this church. This is a cause for serious concern because it negatively affects the

daily running of the Synod. The paper will identify the various causes of disunity and suggest

what the leaders should put in place in order to redeem the escalating situation.

Description of the Problem all this is part of the introduction

This analysis considers the issue of disunity and separations within the CCAP synod of

Livingstonia as an organization. This organization is faced with many challenging issues. One of

the oldest of these challenges is the challenge of disunity. Initially I used the metaphor of the

body of Christ to represent this organization. This metaphor does convey well a number of things

regarding the daily life of the church. Some of these things include: Unity depicted by the

connection of individual parts to the main body who is Christ; Interdependent reality in the

church as each part has its own unique function; dependence on Christ as each part depends on

the main body for all necessary supplies; and the fact that there is a place for everyone in the

church in accordance with their gifts.

Although the metaphor succeeded in correctly representing the aforementioned things, there are

some shortfalls in it. One of its weakest areas is the focus of this analysis. By just looking at the

metaphor of the body of Christ, it is very easy for someone to take it for granted that the church

is a unified body. However, when one takes a closer look at it, one wonders why it is the case

that there are so numerous churches if indeed the church is the unified body of Christ.

There are eminent divisions which cause many people, both inside and outside to doubt and

question the reality of the gospel message due to perceived disharmony and disunity in the

church. The question which bothers them is that if all really follow Christ as their Lord, how

could they be so divided? Disunity and divisions are a cause for worry and deep sadness to other

Christians within and without the Christian body. If there is one God, one Christ and one Spirit,

why does the body of Christ tear itself apart? Divisions and separations within the church are

both undesirable and scandalous. This problem needs serious attention by church leaders today.

General History of Disunities in the Church

According to the literature which has been reviewed, there is evidence that the problem of

disunity is an age old one. In fact, disunity and separations can also be traced in the life and

ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ. Two of his disciples came to him secretly seeking for positions

of honor without the knowledge of the other disciples. The intercessory prayer of Jesus Christ for

his disciples in John17:11, 21 obviously reveal that Jesus noted some disunity within the circle of

his followers.

As if that is not enough, the Apostle Paul in his letters to Corinthians, Colossians, Ephesians and

Philippians plainly shows that he was dealing with the challenge of divisions. For example, in

the first four chapters of his first letter to the Corinthians he is addressing the problem of

disunity. Most of his letters were directed at attempting to resolve particular problems and the

most frequent issue which he was confronted with is the challenge of disunity.

The problem of disunities kept on reappearing as the church grew and expanded its horizons.

During the first thousand years of its existence, there were minor divisions such as the

breakaway of Montanists and Donatists in North Africa (Grudem, 1994). However, the first

major division came in AD 1054, when the Eastern Church separated from the western over the

issue of papacy. This is what has been termed the “great schism.” The ugly scenes of divisions

and separations worsened around sixteenth century in the era of reformation.

During this time, the world saw the birth of Protestantism as many churches came into being and

separated from the Roman Catholic Church. What was more worrying was the fact that those

churches which broke away also kept on experiencing break aways. For example Pentecostals

are a break away from the Protestants. According to Warrington (2009), the Pentecostals are

even experiencing more break aways compared to the mainline churches from whom they

separated. According to him disunities amongst the Pentecostals has become a hot issue

requiring immediate attention.

Disunity in CCAP Synod of Livingstonia

The CCAP synod of Livingstonia as a church came into existence from a movement called the

Livingstonia mission which was set up in memory of Dr. David Livingstone. This movement

was led by Dr Robert Laws as an ordained minister. As the church began growing it started

experiencing tensions and later divisions and separations. The sad part of the story of disunities

in this synod is that the heart breaking experiences of breaking away of individuals has continued

in this synod to the present day (Moyo, 2014).

What is more shocking according to the literature which has been reviewed is the fact that the

situation has kept on increasing much to the displeasure of many members. This explains why

this analysis seeks to discover the chief causes of continued disunities leading to formation of

new Churches or seeing members leave for other denominations. Due to the exodus of some key

people from this synod, effectiveness in its services been negatively affected. More harm has

been done than good. The image of God has also been severely dented.

The outcome of these divisions and break aways are far reaching and threatens the very fabric of

the good news which the church, propagates. Due to the divisions within the church, some

people have reached the point of willingly staying away from church. And to add insult to injury,

some members do leave churches because of the factions and divisions. The internal fighting

hurts and cuts so deep leaving painful wounds so much so that some members have made up

their minds never to step their feet at the door steps of our churches.

The literature revealed that the CCAP synod of Livingstonia has lost some of its very influential

young men, men and women through internal fighting sad. Regrettably, most of the people who

break away from this synod have founded churches and ministries which are very vibrant and

healthy, for example all the eight churches which were started by the rejects of this synod are

still in existence and are flourishing (Moyo, 2014). It is high time that the synod should re-

examine its policies and re-adjust wherever need be.

General Causes for Disunities in the CCAP Synod of Livingstonia

A look at the genesis of disunities in this synod has given me a number of insights. The first

lesson has been that I have discovered that there are a number of causes to the disunities and

separations. Therefore, it means that the issue in question is a complex one requiring a lot of

input in order to successfully arrest it. Through the literature which was examined it was evident

that several factors such as pride, power struggle, jealous, doctrinal teachings, transferring of

ministers, desire to be free from foreign domination, revival movements, teaching on the Holy

spirit, the use of spiritual gifts and lack of prudence in handling disciplinary cases are responsible

for the prevailing divisions and separations (Moyo, 2014, Nyasulu, 2010, Dowley, 1977). Of the

many causes given above, the last four dominated the literature which was reviewed.

Major Causes for Disunities and Separations

(a) Desire to be free from foreign domination

A focus on the desire to be free from foreign domination showed that behind this desire was the

bad treatment which the white missionaries gave to upcoming African leaders. The literature

revealed that the foreign leaders mishandled their African counterparts. A good example in this

regard is the manner in which Rev Yesaya Zerenji Mwase was treated by Dr Robert Laws and

his crew. Nyasulu (2010) noted that African leaders were considered inferior to their white

colleagues. He further explained that Africans were not considered as equals to the whites

regardless of them attaining the same level of education qualifications. For instance, Rev Yesaya

Zerenji Mwase was not allowed to administer Holy Communion while his colleagues, who were

whites, were happily accorded such a chance.

In these circumstances, it comes as no wonder at all that Rev Yesaya Zerenji Mwase eventually

broke away and formed the Blackman’s church which is currently known as Church of Africa

Presbyterian (CAP). It was quite clear that the white missionaries favored the whites over against

black Africans. Although the white missionaries left, but the traits which they exhibited are

traceable in the current leadership of the church as evidenced by nepotism. Previously it was the

white missionaries favoring fellow white leaders but nowadays it has gone tribalistic. The virus

of tribalism has not spared the church. In fact, it is a serious infection which is impeding the

progress of the church. Certainly, tribalism is the “commander-in-chief-of ant-African forces,”

(Adeyemo, 2009, p. 13).

If the church is going to wield great influence, the leaders should cease from showing partiality

but treat all people equally without looking at their places of origin. This would level the ground

for all players and would usher in a competitive spirit which would ensure quality performance.

(b) Revival Movements

Having examined the literature on revival movements has given me the insight that leaders

should not resist change without thoroughly analyzing the source. The revival movements if well

embraced can be a source of great improvement in the operations of the church. I believe that the

more people enjoy freedom, the better their participation and performance. Instead of looking at

the renewal movements negatively, the synod should try to be more accommodative. It can build

on these movements and attain increased growth of its members both numerically and spiritually.

The exodus which MacCullock (1992) talks about would be brought to a standstill.

Of late the synod has started addressing the issues of revivals seriously. Through its strategic

planning, measures have been laid down to help in the spreading of the gospel. This is a move in

the right direction and will ensure that the church remains spiritually alive and more meaningful

to its members. The leadership of the synod must ensure that the strategic plan which is put in

place has to be implemented in order to effect positive change. If this is properly done, chances

are very high that the synod would retain most of its members who are on the verge of going

away. In addition it would win back some of the members who went away in search for spiritual

freedom (Moyo, 2014).

(c) Teaching on the Holy Spirit and Use of Spiritual Gifts

The literature which was reviewed revealed that the greatest challenge which the synod is facing

currently is on the teaching on the Holy Spirit and the use of spiritual gifts in the church. The gist

of the matter is that there are some church leaders who feel it is not proper for Christians to

practice their God given spiritual gifts within the church. According to Moyo (2014), this has

been the main cause of breakaway movements from the synod in modern times. The formation of

such churches as Cornerstone Presbyterian Church, Faith Ministries International, and Bushiri

Ministries are closely connected linked with the teaching on the Holy Spirit and the use of

spiritual gifts.

Through the literature which I consulted, I have gotten the insight that as a synod, there is dire

need to strengthen teachings on the Holy Spirit as the third person of the Godhead. This would

help us to lift the heavy burden which is upon the church in terms of handling issues which come

from the teaching on the Holy Spirit. Furthermore, there is also great need to begin emphasizing

on both the works of the Holy Spirit and the use of spiritual gifts. Opening up on the use of the

spiritual gifts would help to reduce the number of prophetic ministries which are being born

daily and are breaking away from CCAP synod of Livingstonia. What would follow is that we

would have the prophets operating from within the synod and this would ensure that people are

ministered to effectively.

It is high time church leaders within the synod changed their negative attitudes in favor of

positive altitudes. If Christians can start finding all which they are looking for under one roof

within the CCAP synod of Livingstonia, there would be great reduction of breakaway groups and

divisions within the church. This would be a giant step forward in restoring the damaged image

and lost glory of the church as a body of Christ.

(d) Handling Disciplinary Issues.

As I read through the literature on this theme I got the insight that the way leaders handle

disciplinary issues can either help to heal the bleeding wounds or incur further damage to the

body of Christ by way of promoting break away groups. The synod has to exercise great care

when handling disciplinary issues concerning ministers and other people who command

influence in the church. Looking at the number of churches which have come into existence

because of lack of prudence in dealing with cases of discipline, one can agree that this is indeed a

slippery area which calls for utmost care.

It would be of immense help for the synod leaders to thoroughly investigate the accusations

leveled against members before pronouncing either suspension or excommunication. The church

leadership needs to give a chance to the accused to exercise the right to be heard before

pronouncing the verdict. If such a practice would be strictly adhered to, situations would not

escalate and a lot of damage would be avoided. The name of Christ would not be put to shame.

In addition to the above suggested approach, it is also vital that the synod should consider

revising some of its policies from time to time depending on the need of the times. One such

policy regards the procedure of restoration when a church minister has been found guilty. The

policy of the synod demands that fourteen years have to elapse before such a fellow can be

restored back into ministry. This approach has led some of the truly repentant sinners to quit

CCAP due to the long time frame which is a requirement. The basis of this stand is highly

questionable since the Bible gives repentance as the only requirement (Proverbs 28:13). If this

was put in place, the birth of churches like Ekleziya Labanangwa and Cornerstone Presbyterian

would have been impossible (Moyo, 2014).


Having analyzed the performance of the CCAP synod of Livingstonia on the issue of disunity

and separations I make the following recommendations for leadership consideration:

(i) The synod should encourage churches to implement the item of having contemporary

services in all its congregations. This would give room for people to worship God as

they feel led by the Holy Spirit. This would also ensure that members who are

tempted to move out are successfully retained.

(ii) The synod should be more accommodative to people to freely use their spiritual gifts

within the church confines.

(iii) The liturgy of worship should not be limiting but rather it should be more flexible and

dynamic. It needs to be contextual within the area where the church is operating

without necessarily compromising the gospel of Jesus Christ.

(iv) The synod should strive at handling disciplinary issues diplomatically and with

prudence by emphasizing more on counseling than rushing to punishments. The time

limit for cases involving church leaders should be removed and be replaced with the

only Biblical condition of repentance for effecting restoration.


A careful examination of the literature which has been reviewed in this work and the analysis

which has been done clearly shows that disunity is really the scandal of the 21 st century

church (Oden, 2006). It has made many people to hate associating themselves with church.

Consequently, many of them refrain from embracing Christianity and indeed refuse to even

come into our warring churches. To complicate issues, some members have withdrawn their

membership from our churches for other churches or forming new denominations altogether.

According to Moyo (2014) eight independent churches have come into existence as a direct

result of disunity and separations in CCAP synod of Livingstonia only.

In the light of the above discoveries from the analysis, it is imperative for the synod to utilize

all its efforts and resources towards bringing back unity in the body of Christ. It is an

undeniable fact that disunity is a discredit to the cause of Christ hence everyone, must join in

this fight to win the lost glory. As a Christian leader, I will ensure that the recommendations

put forward in this work are put into action. I will also help in advocating for change of

policies where necessary at synod level as a leader in mission and Evangelism Department.

Further research can be done on leadership approaches of the early missionaries in

comparison with the synod leadership of today.

Adeyemo, T (2009). Africa’s Enigma and Leadership Solutions. Nairobi, Kenya: Word Alive.
Dowley, T (1997). A lion handbook: the history of Christianity. England: Lion publishing.
Grudem, W (1994), Systematic Theology. Michigan: Baker Academic.
John, F (1977). Setback and Recovery: (church history 2) AD 500-1500. Cambridge: University
MacCullock, D (1992), Groundwork of Christian history. London: Epworth Press.
MacArthur, J (1990), A plea for unity. Panorama, USA: Master’s communications.
Moyo, L.K.M (2014). An assessment of Christians breaking away from the mainline churches
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Kisanji University (MTh. Dissertation).
Nelson, R.J (1958), One Lord one church. London: Lutterworth Press.
Nyasulu, T.P.K (2010), the History of Livingstonia Mission. Pamphlet: Not published.
Oden, T.C (2006). Turning around the mainline: How renewal movements are changing the
Church. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker books.
Paas, S (2006), A conflict on the church and the sacraments. Zomba, Malawi: Kachere Series.
Peterlin, D (1992), Paul’s letters to the Philippians in the light of disunity in the church.
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Phiri, D.D (1975). Rev Charles Chidongo Chinula. London: Longman.
Polhill, J (1999). Paul and his letters: A church divided. Nashville: Broadman and Holman
Ross, K (1996). Christianity in Malawi: A source Handbook. Gweru: Mambo press.
Warrington, K (2009). Cracked or Broken: Pentecostal Unity. Oxford: Regent Theological


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