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Task 1:
I. Beginning balance: Acc 155: 10.000.000 (100,000 products A) => unit cost: 100
II.Transactions incurred in 12/N:
1. Put into the warehouse 150,000 product A from factory with total value of 15,750,000
Dr 155 / Cr 154: 15.750.000 => unit cost = 15.750.000 / 150.000 = 105
2. Sold to company X: 50,000 products A. MK received Credit note from bank: 6,600,000
(including 10% VAT)
Dr 632 / Cr 155: 50.000 * 100 = 5.000,000

Dr 112: 6.600.000
Cr 511: 6.000.000 (=6.600,000/1,1)
Cr 3331: 600.000
3. Sold to company K: 40,000 products and received credit notes from bank with value of
5,280,000 (Including 10% VAT)
Dr 632 / Cr 155: 40.000 * 100 = 4.000,000

Dr 112: 5.280.000
Cr 511: 4.800.000 (=5,280.000/1,1)
Cr 3331: 480.000
Dr 632 / Cr 155: 3.100.000 (=10.000 * 100 + 20.000 * 105)

Dr 131 (Z): 3.960.000)

Cr 511: 3.600.000 (=30.000*120)
Cr 3331: 360.000
5. Sold in cash for company H: 60,000 products A, price excluding 10% VAT:
Dr 632 / Cr 155: 60.000 * 105 = 6.300.000

Dr 111,112: 7.920.000
Cr 511: 60.000 * 120 = 7.200.000
Cr 3331: 720.000
No records
7. The company received and put returned goods into warehouse. Bank transfer has been
made to refund to company H.
Dr 155 / Cr 632: 5.000 * 105 = 525.000
Dr 521(2): 5.000 * 120 = 600.000
Dr 333(1): 60.000
Cr 112: 660.000
8. Selling expenses incurred: 150,000
Dr 641 / Cr Related acc: 150.000
9. Administrative expenses incurred: 200,000
Dr 642 / Cr Related acc: 200.000
10. Financial income incurred: 300,000
Dr Related acc / Cr 515: 300.000
11. Financial expenses incurred 150,000
Dr 635 / Cr Related acc: 150.000
12. Calculate business result in December year N.
Closing entries:
Dr 511 / Cr 5212: 600.000|

Dr 511: 21.000.000 (= 6.000.000 + 4.800.000 + 3.600.000 + 7.200.000 - 600.000)|

Dr 515: 300.000
Cr 911: 21.300.000

Dr 911: 18.375.000
Cr 632: 17.875.000 =5.000.000 + 4.000.000 + 3.100.000 + 6.300.000 - 525.000)
Cr 641: 150.000
Cr 642: 200.000
Cr 635: 150.000

Profit before corporate income tax = 21.300.000 - 18.375.000 = 2.925.000

Corporate income tax (CIT) = 2.925.000 * 20% = 585.000 (assume that CIT rate is 20%)
Profit after CIT = 2.925.000 - 585.000 = 2.340.000

Dr 821(1) / Cr 333(4): 585.000

Dr 911 / Cr 8211: 585.000

Dr 911/ Cr 4212: 2.340.000

Requirement: Calculate and make journal entries?

Ví dụ 2:
Công ty A kế toán HTK theo PP KKTX, nộp thuế GTGT theo phương pháp khấu trừ có
nghiệp vụ sau: (ĐVT: 1.000đ)
1/5/N, xuất kho bán 100 TP X cho khách hàng B, giá bán trả góp bao gồm cả thuế GTGT là
18.000/ 1 TP. Khách hàng B đã thanh toán = TGNH số tiền 300.000, số còn lại thanh toán đều
trg vòng 12 tháng = TGNH.
Biết rằng:
- Giá vốn xuất kho: 12.000/TP X
- Giá bán chưa có thuế: 15.000/TP X, thuế suất GTGT 10%.

Dr 112: 300.000 | Tổng = 1.800.000

Dr 131(B): 1.500.000 |
Cr 511: 1.500.000 | Tổng = 1.650.000
Cr 3331: 150.000 |
Cr 3387: 150.000

Dr 632/ Cr 155: 1.200.000 Dr 112: 125.000

Cr 131(B): 125.000
Dr 3387: 12.500
Cr 515: 12.500

Ví dụ 4:
Công ty A và đại lý H kế toán HTK theo PP KKTX, nộp thuế GTGT theo phương pháp khấu
trừ có một số nghiệp vụ sau: (ĐVT: 1.000đ)
1, Xuất kho 500 TP X gửi bán cho đại lý H, giá bán niêm yết chưa thuế: 1.500/1 TP, thuế suất
GTGT 10%. Giá vốn xuất kho: 1.000/ 1 TP. Hoa hồng trả cho đại lý bao gồm cả thuế GTGT là
5% trên tổng giá thanh toán, thuế GTGT hoa hồng đại lý 10%.
Dr 157 (H): 500.000
Cr 155 (X): 500.000
2. Đại lý H bán được số hàng trên thu bằng tiền mặt.
3. Đại lý H thanh toán tiền hàng cho công ty A bằng TGNH sau khi đã giữ lại phân hoa hồng
được hưởng.
Công ty A và đại lý H đã xuất hóa đơn cho nhau.
Dr 112: 783.750 = 825.000 - 41.250
Dr 133: 3.750 | = 825.000 x 5% = 41.250
Dr 641: 37.500 |
Cr 511: 750.000 (= 500 x 1500) | Tổng = 825.000
Cr 3331: 75.000 |

Dr 632/ Cr 157 (H): 500.00

Task 2:
Company HK produces only product A. Company HK applies perpetual inventory system and
deductable VAT method. In quarter II/N, the following information is available: (Unit:
1/ Direct material expenses incurred: 500,000
Dr 621 / Cr Related acc (152, ...): 500.000
2/ Direct labor expenses incurred: 220,000 (including 10% abnormal rate)
Dr 622 / Cr Related acc (334, 338, ...): 220.000
3/ Production overhead expenses incurred: 300,000
Dr 627 / Cr Related acc (214, 153, ...): 300.000
4/ Production result is as follows:
The number of finished goods: 1,900, in which:
- Put into warehouse: 800 products
- Sell directly on credit (not from warehouse) to company T: 500 products, price: 1,000/unit
(excluding VAT), VAT rate: 10%.
- Send on consignment (directly from production process) to agent H: 600 products.
Dr 632 / Cr 622: 220.000 / 110% * 10% = 20.000 |

Dr 154: 1.000.000
Cr 621: 500.000
Cr 622: 220.000 - 20.000 = 200.000
Cr 627: 300.000
Cost of 1.900 finished goods = 130.000 + 1.000.000 - 161.000 = 969.000
Unit cost = 969.000/1.900 = 510

Dr 155 / Cr 154: 800 * 510 = 408.000

Dr 632 / Cr 154: 500 * 510 = 255.000

Dr 131 (company T): 550.000

Cr 511: 500 * 1.000 = 500.000

Dr 157/Cr 154: 600 * 510=306.000

5/ Sell 300 products to company K, price before VAT: 1,000/product. The company received
credit note from bank for this payment.
Unit cost of finished goods issued = (100.000 + 408.000) / (200 + 800) = 508
Dr Acc632 / Cr Acc155: 300 * 508 = 152.400

Dr 112: 330.000
Cr 511: 300 * 1.000 = 300.000
Cr 3331: 30.000
6/ Selling expenses incurred: 30,000
Dr 641 / Cr Related acc: 30.000
7/ Administrative expenses incurred: 100,000
Dr 642 / Cr Related acc: 100.000
8/ Financial expenses incurred: 50,000
Dr 635 / Cr Related acc: 50.000
9/ Financial income incurred: 150,000
Dr Related acc / Cr 515: 150.000
10/ Calculate business result, corporate income tax and profit after tax in quarter II/N
Dr 511: 800.000 (=500.000 + 300.000)
Dr 515: 150.000
Cr 911: 950.000

Dr 911: 607.400
Cr 632: 427.400 (= 20.000 + 255.000 + 152.400)
Cr 641: 30.000
Cr 642: 100.000
Cr 635: 50.000

Profit before corporate income tax = 950.000 - 607.400 = 342.600

Corporate income tax (CIT) = 342.600 * 20% = 68.520 (assume that CIT rate is 20%)
Profit after CIT = 342.600 - 68.520 = 274.080

Dr 821(1) / Cr 333(4): 68.520

Dr 911 / Cr 8211: 68.520

Dr 911 / Cr 4212: 274.080

Task 3:
1/ Direct material expenses incurred: 500,000
Dr 621 / Cr Related acc (152, ...): 500.000
2/ Direct labor expenses incurred: 220,000 (including 10% abnormal rate)
Dr 622 / Cr Related acc (334, 338, ...): 220.000
3/ Production overhead expenses incurred: 300,000
Dr 627 / Cr Related acc (214, 153, ...): 300.000
4/ Production result is as follows:
The number of finished goods: 1,900, in which:
- Put into warehouse: 800 products
- Sell directly on credit (not from warehouse) to company T: 500 products, price: 1,000/unit
(excluding VAT), VAT rate: 10%.
- Send on consignment (directly from production process) to agent H: 600 products.
Dr 632 / Cr 622: 220.000 / 110% * 10% = 20.000 |

Dr 154: 1.000.000
Cr 621: 500.000
Cr 622: 220.000 - 20.000 = 200.000
Cr 627: 300.000

Cost of 1.900 finished goods = 130.000 + 1.000.000 - 161.000 = 969.000

Unit cost = 969.000/1.900 = 510

Dr 155 / Cr 154: 800 * 510 = 408.000

Dr 632 / Cr 154: 500 * 510 = 255.000

Dr 131 (company T): 550.000

Cr 511: 500 * 1.000 = 500.000
Cr 3331: 50.000

Dr 157/Cr 154: 600 * 510 = 306.000

Unit cost of finished goods issued = (100.000 + 408.000) / (200 + 800) = 508
Dr Acc632 / Cr Acc155: 300 * 508 = 152.400

Dr 112: 330.000
Cr 511: 300 * 1.000 = 300.000
Cr 3331: 30.000
Task 4:
A- Balance as at 1/1/N of:
- Acc. 155: 500,000 (5,000 products A)
B/ Several transactions incurred in quarter I
1. Produce 20,000 products A, in which sent to warehouse 15,000 products, sent on
consgiment to agent M 5,000 products, unit cost of finish good: 110/unit.
Dr 155 / Cr 154: 15.000 * 110 = 1.650.000

Dr 157 / Cr 154: 5.000 * 110 = 550.000

2. Sale on credit: 7,000 products A to company Z
Unit cost of finished goods in warehouse = (500.000 + 1.650.000) / (5.000 + 15.000) = 107,5

Dr 632 / Cr 155: 7.000 * 107,5 = 752.500

Dr 131 (Z): 1.155.000
Cr 511: 7.000 * 150 = 1.050.000
Cr 3331: 105.000 = 1.050.000 x 10%
3. Agent M transferred cash at bank regarding 4,000 products after deducting commission fee
Dr 632 / Cr 157: 4.000 * 110 = 440.000

Dr 112: 646.800 (=600.000+60.000 - 12.000 - 1.200)

Dr 641: 12.000 (=2%*600.000)
Dr 133: 1.200 (=12.000*10%)
Cr 511: 4.000 * 150 = 600.000
Cr 3331: 60.000 (=600.000*10%)

Dr 131 (MINA): 660.000

Cr 511:4.000*150=600.000
Cr 3331: 60.000

Dr 641: 2% * 600.000 = 12.000

Dr 1331: 1.200 = 12.000 x 10%
Cr 131 (MINA): 13.200

Dr 112 / Cr 131 (MINA): 646.800 (=660.000 - 13.200)

4. Sale on credit 3,000 products A to YZ Company.

Dr 632 / Cr 155: 3.000 * 107,5 = 322.500

Dr 131 (Y): 495.000

Cr 511: 3.000 * 150 = 450.000
Cr 3331: 45.000
5. Received 500 products A from company Z due to low quality and put them into
Dr 155 / Cr 632: 500 * 107,5 = 53.750

Dr 5212: 500 * 150 = 75.000

Dr 3331: 7.500

Dr 811: 150.000
Dr 214: 50.000
Cr 211, 213: 200.000
Dr 112: 198.000
Cr 711: 180.000
Cr 3331: 18.000
7. Selling expenses incurred: 50,000
Dr 641 / Cr Related: 50.000
8. Administrative expenses incurred: 250,000
Dr 642 / Cr Related: 250.000
9. Financial expenses incurred: 20,000
Dr 635 / Cr Related: 20.000
10. Financial income incurred: 50,000
Dr Related / Cr 515: 50.000
11. Calculate business result, corporate income tax and profit after tax in quarter I/N
Closing entries:
Dr 511 / Cr 5212: 75.000

Dr 511: 2.025.000 (=1.050.000 + 600.000 + 450.000 - 75.000)

Dr 515: 50.000
Dr 711: 180.000
Cr 911: 2.255.000

Dr 911: 1.931.250
Cr 632: 1.461.250 (=752.500 + 440.000 + 322.500 - 53.750)
Cr 641: 50.000
Cr 642: 250.000
Cr 635: 20.000
Cr 811: 150.000

Profit after CIT = 323.750 - 60.750 = 263.000

CIT = (323.750 - 20.000) * 20% = 60.750 (assume that CIT rate is 20%)
Profit after CIT = 323.750 - 60.750 = 263.000

Dr 821(1) / Cr 333(4): 60.750

Dr 911 / Cr 8211: 60.750
Dr 911 / Cr 4212: 263.000

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