Chapter IV

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Design and Methodology

This chapter delves into the design and methodologies. employed to bring the “Smart

Waste Management System: Income Generating IoT Project” to life. This comprehensive chapter

lays the foundation for understanding the development process, data gathering approach, and

evaluation strategies employed in this research project. Methodology.

Software Development Cycle (SDLC)

Considering the potential for evolving requirements and the Importance of user Feedback

in this research. Agile Methodology appears to be the most suitable and potential Software

Development Cycle (SDLC) for this research project. It offers flexibility, adaptability, and user-

centric approach, allowing for ongoing refinement based on research findings & user feedback.

Diagram 4.1 Agile Methodology

Planning & Design

During this phase the researchers are expected to define research objectives and clearly

outline the research goals related to optimizing waste collection, promoting responsible disposal,

and generating income. Researchers will form a cross-functional team with developers, co-

researchers, and potential stakeholders like the government representatives. In addition, it is

expected to list all project features and functionality as user stories, prioritizing them based on

importance and user needs. Moreover, researchers will conduct early user testing with prototypes

or mockups to gather feedback and refine the design before the development begins. Finally,
finalize the design elements and system’s design, including user interface, functionality

specifications, and technical architecture, ensuring alignment with research objectives and user


Development and Testing (with Iteration)

During this phase the researchers break down the design elements and divide the

functionalities into smaller, achievable tasks for iterative development. During the short

development cycles (iterations), the team focuses on building specific functionalities based on

the design plan. To ensure user satisfaction, the researchers integrate user feedback through

various methods to continuously test and fine the system during iterations. Lastly, conduct unit

testing and integration testing throughout development to ensure individual components and their

integration function as intended.

Development & Review

After the testing phase is completed, the researchers proceed to the development phase

and initially deploy a Minimum Viable Product with core functionalities in a designated area

within the Provincial Capitol Compound. The researchers must gather feedback from the

stakeholders and users through various methods. Finally, the researchers must analyze the

gathered feedback to identify areas for important and potential new features.

Analysis and Launch

Based on the analysis of user feedback and research findings, the researchers must

prioritize new features or improvements in the product. In addition, based on the feedback and

analysis, plan for future development cycles (iterations) to address identified needs and

opportunities. After the refinement and further user testing, the researchers may launch the

finalize system within the Provincial Capitol Compound for broader use.


Once all the previous phases are completed, the researchers will continuously monitor the

system’s performance, including data collection, functionality, and user engagement. The

researchers must address any identified issues, bugs, or performance problems promptly. Lastly,

based on ongoing user feedback and research insights, the researchers must consider

incorporating new features or functionalities through subsequent iterations.

Context Diagram

A context diagram provides a high-level view of a system and its interactions with

external entities, it is a visual representation that depicts the interactions between a system and its

external entities, providing a high-level overview of the system's boundaries and its relationships

with outside elements. In the study " Smart Waste Management System: Income Generating IoT

Project," the context diagram is used to illustrate the Smart Waste Management System as the

central component, interacting with various stakeholders such as system administrators, waste

management service providers, and waste generators. This diagram helps clarify the flow of

information and actions, highlighting how commands, updates, notifications, and waste disposal

activities are managed within the system. By presenting these interactions clearly, the context

diagram aids in understanding the system's architecture and operational dynamics, facilitating

better communication among stakeholders and supporting effective implementation of waste-to-

energy initiatives.

Diagram 4.2 Context Diagram

Here is an explanation of the provided context diagram for the "Smart Waste Management

System: Income Generating IoT Project":

Key Components:

Smart Waste Management System: Income Generating IoT Project: This is the central system

that manages waste disposal and provides income-generating opportunities through IoT (Internet

of Things) technologies.
External Entities:

System Administrator:

 Sends Commands to the System: The administrator can control and manage the system

by sending various commands.

 Receives Data on System Performance: The system provides performance data back to

the administrator for monitoring and maintenance purposes.

Waste Management Service Provider:

 Updates Waste Generator’s Accounts & Points: The service provider updates the

accounts and points of waste generators based on their waste disposal activities.

 Provides Notifications and Updates: The system sends notifications and updates to the

service provider regarding the status of waste management operations.

Waste Generators:

 Dispose Waste: Waste generators (likely individuals or businesses) dispose of their waste

through the system.

 Receive Notification & Coupon: Waste generators receive notifications and possibly

coupons as part of the incentives for proper waste disposal.


System Administrator ↔ Smart Waste Management System:

Commands to the System: The administrator sends operational commands to the system.

System Performance Data: The system sends back performance metrics to the administrator for


Waste Management Service Provider ↔ Smart Waste Management System:

Notifications and Updates: The system provides real-time updates and notifications to the service

provider about waste management activities.

Account Updates: The provider updates the waste generators' accounts and points in the system.

Waste Generators ↔ Smart Waste Management System:

Waste Disposal: Generators dispose of their waste into the system.

Notifications and Coupons: The system sends notifications and possibly coupons to encourage

and reward proper waste disposal practices.


The diagram illustrates the interactions between the smart waste management system and its

primary stakeholders. It highlights the flow of information and actions among system

administrators, waste management service providers, and waste generators, showing how the

system operates to manage waste effectively and incentivize participation through IoT


Entity Relationship Diagram

ERD stands for Entity-Relationship Diagram. It's a visual representation of a system's

data model, showing entities (like waste bins, users), their attributes (like bin fullness, location),

and the relationships between them (like a bin belonging to a specific location). This research

likely doesn't directly use an ERD, as its focus is on revenue models and citizen engagement, but

an ERD could be a helpful tool during development to design the system's data structure and

ensure efficient data flow.

Diagram 4.3 Entity Relationship Diagram

An Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) visually represents the relationships between

different entities in a database. In this ERD for a Smart Waste Management System, there are

four main entities: Bin, WasteGenerators, Wastedisposal_event, and Coupon. Each entity has

specific attributes and relationships with other entities. Below is a detailed explanation of each


Entities and Attributes


 BinID (INT, PK): Primary Key, unique identifier for each bin.

 Location (VarChar 50): The location of the bin.

 Type (VarChar 50): The type of bin (e.g., recycling, general waste).

 FillLevel (INT 10): The current fill level of the bin.

 LastCollDate (DATE): The last collection date of the bin.


 WasteGenID (INT, PK): Primary Key, unique identifier for each waste generator.

 Name (VarChar 250): Name of the waste generator (e.g., individual or business).

 AccountID (INT 10): Account ID associated with the waste generator.


 EventID (INT, PK): Primary Key, unique identifier for each waste disposal event.

 BinID (INT, FK): Foreign Key, links to BinID in the Bin entity.

 WasteGenID (INT, FK): Foreign Key, links to WasteGenID in the WasteGenerators


 TimeStamp (DATETIME): Date and time of the waste disposal event.

 WasteType (VARBINARY): Type of waste disposed.

 Segregation (BOOLEAN): Indicates whether the waste was segregated.


 CouponID (INT, PK): Primary Key, unique identifier for each coupon.

 EventID (INT, FK): Foreign Key, links to EventID in the Wastedisposal_event entity.

 ValuePts (INT 10): Value points of the coupon.

 ExpiryDate (DATE): Expiry date of the coupon.

 QRCode (VARBINARY): QR code associated with the coupon.


 Bin and Wastedisposal_event: Each bin can be associated with multiple waste disposal

events. This relationship is represented by the Foreign Key BinID in the

Wastedisposal_event entity, linking back to the Bin entity.

 WasteGenerators and Wastedisposal_event: Each waste generator can have multiple

waste disposal events. This relationship is represented by the Foreign Key WasteGenID

in the Wastedisposal_event entity, linking back to the WasteGenerators entity.

 Wastedisposal_event and Coupon: Each waste disposal event can generate multiple

coupons. This relationship is represented by the Foreign Key EventID in the Coupon

entity, linking back to the Wastedisposal_event entity.


This ERD is used to design and understand the database structure for a Smart Waste

Management System. By clearly defining the entities and their relationships, it helps in the

efficient organization and retrieval of data related to waste management activities. This structure

supports various functions such as tracking waste disposal events, managing bins, and rewarding

waste generators with coupons, thereby facilitating effective waste management and

incentivizing proper waste disposal practices.

Data Flow Diagram

DFD stands for Data Flow Diagram. It maps out the flow of data within a system,

focusing on the processes that transform data and the data stores involved. While this research on

revenue models doesn't directly utilize a DFD, creating one during system development would

be beneficial. It would help visualize how data on waste levels, collection routes, and user

behavior would be processed within the smart waste management system to generate revenue

reports or optimize collection schedules.

Diagram 4.4 Data Flow Diagram

Below is a detailed explanation of the provided DFD for the "Smart Waste Management System:

Income Generating IoT Project".

Key Components:

External Entities:

 Waste Generators: Individuals or businesses that dispose of waste.

 Waste Management Service Provider: The entity responsible for managing and collecting



Smart Waste Management System: Income Generating IoT Project (Level 0): The central

system that manages waste disposal events, coupon issuance, and data related to bins and waste


Data Stores:

 Bin: Stores data related to bins such as location, type, fill level, and last collection date.

 Wastedisposal_event: Stores data on each waste disposal event, including timestamps,

types of waste, and segregation status.

 WasteGenerators: Stores data about waste generators, including their identification and

account details.

 Coupon: Stores information on issued coupons, including their value points, expiry dates,

and QR codes.

Data Flows:

Waste Disposal Event (Red):

 Waste Generators dispose of waste.

 The system stores data on this event in the Wastedisposal_event data store.

 The system retrieves data from the Wastedisposal_event and Bin data stores as needed.

Points Redemption Event (Blue):

 The system provides and updates details for coupon points redemption to Waste


 Waste Generators receive coupons.

 The system stores data about issued coupons in the Coupon data store.

 The system retrieves data from the Coupon and WasteGenerators data stores to manage

points and rewards.

Waste Collection Event (Green):

 The Waste Management Service Provider sends notifications about bin fill levels.

 The system retrieves bin fill level data from the Bin data store.

 The system stores updated bin data after waste collection.


This DFD provides a clear and concise overview of the interactions and data flow within

the Smart Waste Management System. It helps stakeholders understand how waste disposal

events are tracked, how points and rewards are managed for waste generators, and how the

system interfaces with waste management service providers. By detailing the processes and data

stores, the DFD facilitates the design, analysis, and improvement of the system, ensuring

efficient and effective waste management operations.

Use Case Diagram

A use case diagram is a visual representation of the interactions between users (waste

generators, waste management service) and a system (smart waste management system). It

shows the functionalities the system offers and how users interact with it to achieve specific

goals (like reporting a full bin or receiving a coupon). This research on revenue models likely

wouldn't directly use a use case diagram, but it would be helpful during system development to

identify user interactions and functionalities relevant to features like generating revenue reports

or offering incentives.
Diagram 4.4 Use Case Diagram

A use case diagram is a visual representation that depicts the interactions between various

actors and a system, illustrating the different ways the system can be used to achieve specific

goals. The provided use case diagram is for a "Smart Waste Management System: Income

Generating IoT Project." Here's an explanation of the components and their interactions:


System Administrator:

 Responsible for overseeing and managing the system's operations.

 Interacts with various functionalities to ensure smooth operation and maintenance of

the system.

Waste Management Service Provider:

 The entity responsible for the actual waste collection and management.

 Uses the system to optimize routes, report issues, and generate reports.

Waste Generators:

 Individuals or entities that produce waste.

 They interact with the system to dispose of waste.

Use Cases:

Monitor Bin Fill Levels:

 The system monitors the fill levels of waste bins to ensure timely collection.

 Actors involved: System Administrator, Waste Management Service Provider.

Manage Users:

 Managing user accounts, roles, and access within the system.

 Actors involved: System Administrator.

Dispose Waste:

 Process for waste generators to dispose of their waste.

 Actors involved: Waste Generators, Waste Management Service Provider.

Optimized Collection Routes:

 The system generates optimized routes for waste collection to improve efficiency.

 Actors involved: System Administrator, Waste Management Service Provider.

Generate Reports:

 Generating various reports related to waste management for analysis and decision-


 Actors involved: System Administrator, Waste Management Service Provider.

Report System Issues:

 Reporting any issues or problems with the system to ensure they are addressed promptly.

 Actors involved: System Administrator, Waste Management Service Provider.

Interaction Summary:

 The System Administrator plays a crucial role in monitoring bin fill levels, managing

users, generating reports, optimizing collection routes, and reporting system issues.

 The Waste Management Service Provider focuses on operational aspects like monitoring

bin levels, disposing of waste, optimizing collection routes, generating reports, and

reporting issues.

 Waste Generators primarily interact with the system for the purpose of disposing of


The diagram effectively outlines the responsibilities and interactions of each actor with the

smart waste management system, highlighting the system's functionalities and the roles required

to maintain its operations.

Activity Diagram

An activity diagram illustrates the flow of activities within a system, showing the

sequential steps involved in a specific process. It depicts actions, decisions, and potential

alternate paths. While the revenue model research likely doesn't directly utilize an activity

diagram, creating one during development could be beneficial. It would help visualize the step-

by-step processes involved in generating revenue reports, like data collection, processing, and

report generation, or how waste collection routes are optimized based on real-time bin fill data.
An activity diagram is a type of UML diagram that represents the workflow of activities

and actions in a system. It is used to illustrate the dynamic aspects of a system by modeling the

sequence of activities and their flow of control. The provided activity diagram below for a

"Smart Waste Management System: Income Generating IoT Project" illustrates the process from

waste disposal to the collection and rewards mechanism. Here's an explanation of the diagram



Waste Generators:

 Individuals or entities that produce waste and use the system to dispose of it.

 They are also rewarded for their participation in waste disposal.

Diagram 4.5 Activity Diagram

Smart Waste Management System:

 The central system that handles waste management processes, including detection,

analysis, and rewards.

Waste Management Service Provider:

 The entity responsible for collecting and managing the waste.

 They receive notifications from the system to optimize waste collection.


 The waste generator's actions are focused on disposing of waste and receiving rewards.

 The smart system handles real-time monitoring, analysis, and updating of waste data.

 The waste management service provider responds to notifications for waste collection.

This activity diagram efficiently maps out the workflow and interactions between the waste

generators, the smart waste management system, and the waste management service provider,

demonstrating how the system manages waste collection and rewards participants.

Hierarchy, Input, Process, Output

HIPO (Hierarchy, Input, Process, Output) is a structured analysis and design technique

used in software development. It focuses on decomposing a system into smaller, manageable

parts and documenting their functionalities.

The research on revenue models likely wouldn't directly use HIPO, as it's more

concerned with the economic aspects of the system. However, during system development,

HIPO could be a valuable tool to define the functionality of different modules within the smart

waste management system. It would help break down complex processes like data processing for

revenue generation or optimizing collection routes into smaller, clearly defined steps.
Diagram 4.6 HIPO (Waste Management Service Provider)

Diagram 4.7 HIPO (Waste Disposal Conceptual Prototype)

The provided image above shows a Hierarchy Input Process Output (HIPO) diagram for the

"Smart Waste Management System: Income Generating IoT Project." The HIPO diagram

illustrates the structure and functionality of the system by breaking down its components into

inputs, processes, and outputs. This diagram is divided into two main sections: the admin

webpage and the waste disposal conceptual prototype. Each section demonstrates the hierarchical

relationship between different components and their interactions.

Section 1: Admin Webpage


 Login: The entry point for administrators to access the system.

 Smart Waste Management System: The main system interface after login.


 Input: Add, Edit

 Process: Delete

 Output: View


 Input: Add

 Process: Delete


 Input: Update

 Process: Delete


 Output: View


 Input: Add, Update

 Process: Redeem, Delete

 Output: View

Waste Collection Routes

Collection Vehicle:

 Input: Add

 Process: Delete

Section 2: Waste Disposal Conceptual Prototype


 Smart Waste Management System: The main system interface for waste disposal.


Waste Disposal: Input

Sensor Data:

 Input: Add

 Process: Real-time fill level calculation, Collect

Waste Analyzation: Process

Waste Segregation: Process

Display Notifications: View

Color Legend:

 Input (Blue): Represents the actions or data that are entered into the system.

 Process (Red): Represents the operations or computations performed within the system.

 Output (Yellow): Represents the information or results produced by the system.

Admin Webpage:

 Login is the initial step for administrators to access the system.

 Once logged in, the admin can manage various components such as Waste Generators,

Wastedisposal Events, Bins, Reports, Coupons, Waste Collection Routes, and Collection


 Each component has specific input, process, and output actions. For example, Waste

Generators can be added, edited, viewed, or deleted.

Waste Disposal Conceptual Prototype:

 The main system interface involves several subprocesses related to waste disposal.

 Sensor Data is added and used for real-time fill level calculations, which then trigger the

collection process.

 Waste Analyzation involves segregating waste, which is an internal process.

 Display Notifications are an output process to inform relevant parties about the system


This HIPO diagram provides a detailed breakdown of the system's hierarchical structure,

depicting how different components interact through inputs, processes, and outputs. It helps in

understanding the workflow and functionality of the smart waste management system from both

an administrative and operational perspective.

Gantt Chart

A Gantt chart is a bar chart that visually depicts project tasks, their durations, and

scheduling. It's useful for project planning and tracking progress. A Gantt chart could be used to

plan and schedule the development tasks, such as designing the system architecture, coding

different functionalities, and testing the system. This helps ensure the project stays on track and

meets deadlines.
Diagram 4.7 Gantt Chart

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