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Critical Reading

3. Analyze how the text is organized. The

Strategies for Effective Critical Reading way the text is organized is called rhetorical
Aside from employing strategies, you have move. You may use the following questions
to read the text with an open mind. From when analyzing the rhetorical moves of the
here, you can see how ideas are developed text:
and organized. Remember to think critically • How does the author break down the
all throughout the reading process and ask ideas?
higher-order questions whenever possible. • How is language used?
The statements in the text must also be • What text type is used?
evaluated. Examine the facts and examples;
try to check if there are gaps and 4. Assess the context of the text. Do this by
inconsistencies. Check for the accuracy and addressing the following questions:
reliability of the sources and distinguish • Who is the audience of the text?
facts from opinions. Aside from evaluating, • What is the historical context in which the
look for what is not presented as well. Based text is written?
on all the facts presented, assess if the • What is the persona used or perspective
conclusions are acceptable. taken by the writer?

Critical Reading as Looking for Ways of 5. Link the reasoning contained in the text to
Thinking and as Reasoning other available texts.
• How do other texts confirm or refute the
The key element in critical reading is evidence provided in the text?
treating it as looking for ways of thinking • Are there theories, concepts, or methods
and as reasoning. It can be done through the that support the evidence in the text?
following steps:
Hypertext vs Intertext
1. Determine the purpose or central claim of
the text and how it is developed and argued. Among the many factors that contribute to
2. Assess the evidence used to support the the context of reading is whether they are
claim. Evidence may be in the form of classified as intertext or hypertext.
supporting details and examples.
An intertext refers to a work whose
You may use the following questions when meaning is shaped by referencing or calling
assessing the evidence: to mind other texts. Basically, other texts
• Which evidence is essential? help add meaning to the current text. The
• What type of evidence is used (e.g., reader gets to understand the context of the
statistical, historical)? piece through other texts which parallel it in
• What is the quality of sources used? terms of plot, characters, premise, and the
• Are the sources primary or secondary? like.
A claim of value argues whether something
Hypertext is characterized by the external is good or bad. It is based on judgment and
links embedded in a text by the writer. In a evaluation on a philosophical, aesthetic, or
hypertext, the reader can read the text in a moral standpoint. However, note that it is
non-linear way, because he/she is led to not merely a statement of subjective
other links outside the main text. judgment; a claim of value is also assessed
based on accurate information.
Types of Claim
A claim of policy is an argument which
When reading a text critically, it is asserts the implementation of a certain
imperative that you identify the types of policy.
claim or the approach to the topic it uses to This is driven by the need to present a
see the main argument. Although we focus solution to problems that have arisen;
on critical reading, it is useful to note that sometimes it is given as a response to claims
these types of claim may also be used when of fact. It generally states solutions and
you write your own paper. plans that are procedural and organized. A
claim of policy also incorporates judgment
To identify the claims, focus on the first and coupled with supporting information.
last sentences of a paragraph. The details in
each paragraph will also guide you as to Logical Fallacies
whether a text supports or opposes a certain
claim or argument. Take note of the False Dilemma
transitional devices used. ● occurs when an arguer presents
his/her argument as one of only two
The three general types of claims are options despite the presence of
claim of fact, claim of policy, and claim of multiple possibilities
value. Appeal to ignorance
● occurs when something is instantly
A claim of fact is an argument about a concluded to be true just because it is
quantifiable topic. Note that a claim of fact not proven to be false, and vice versa
is not fact; it only asserts a stand regarding a Slippery Slope
debatable topic. For example, a claim of fact ● occurs when a series of increasingly
may argue that climate change does not superficial and unacceptable
exist, because these are simply natural consequences is drawn
cycles of weather change. In this case, you Complex Questions
cannot easily check whether this is indeed a ● occurs when two or more points are
universally accepted and undisputable fact, rolled into one and the reader is
as there are other evidences and arguments expected to either accept or reject
which disagree with it. both at the same time, when one
point may be satisfactory while the ● occurs when a general rule is applied
other is not to a situation, even when it should be
Appeal to force an exception
● occurs when a threat, instead of Post Hoc
reasoning, is used to argue ● occurs when the arguer claims that
Appeal to pity since event A happened before event
● occurs when the element of pity is B, A is the cause of B
used instead of logical reasoning Wrong direction
Appeal to consequences ● occurs when the direction between
● occurs when unpleasant cause and effect is reversed
consequences of believing something Complex cause
are pointed out to show that the ● occurs when the explanation for an
belief is false event is reduced to one thing when
Bandwagon there are other factors which also
● occurs when an argument is contributed to the event
considered to be valid because it is Irrelevant conclusion
what the majority thinks ● occurs when an argument which is
Attacking the person supposed to prove something
● occurs when someone tries to refute concludes something else instead
an argument by attacking the Straw man
character of a person instead of ● occurs when the position of the
attacking the ideas of the argument opposition is twisted so that it is
Appeal to authority easier to refute
● occurs when the argument quotes an Affirming the consequent
expert who is not qualified in the ● any argument of the form: If A is
particular subject matter true then B is true; If B is true,
Anonymous authority therefore A is true
● the authority in question is not Denying the antecedent
mentioned or named ● any argument of the form: If A is
Hasty generalization true then B is true; If A is not true
● occurs when a sample is not then B is not true
significant or enough to support a Inconsistency
generalization ● occurs when arguments contradict
False analogy one another
● occurs when it is assumed that two
concepts that are similar in some Principles of Effective Writing
ways are also similar in other ways
Accident A composition can either be a paragraph or
an essay. A paragraph is a group of
interrelated sentences that talk about one
main idea while an essay is a group of general parts, namely the introduction, body,
paragraphs that talk about one central idea. and conclusion. Below are the specific parts
Below are the differences between the two. of an essay.

Paragraph I. Introduction
- Organized around a topic sentence A. Lead or Attention-getter
- Contains an introductory sentence B. Transitional Statement
- Uses sentences to explain major C. Thesis Statement
- May use a concluding sentence II. Body
A. Major Point 1
Essay 1. Minor Detail 1
- Organized around the thesis 2. Minor Detail 2
statement B. Major Point 2
- Contains an introductory paragraph 1. Minor Detail 1
- Uses paragraphs to explain major 2. Minor Detail 2
points C. Major Point 3
- Always uses a concluding paragraph 1. Minor Detail 1
2. Minor Detail 2
A paragraph is composed of three major
parts: the topic sentence, the body which III. Conclusion
consists of the supporting details, and the A. Reiteration of the thesis statement
closing sentence. B. Transitional statement/Reiteration of the
purpose, benefit, and recommendation
Topic Sentence - contains the main idea of C. Closing statement
the paragraph; it may present a stand, a
question, or a statement Since the essay is made up of individual
Closing Sentence - concludes the paragraphs, the rules of writing a paragraph
information or arguments presented in the still apply.
Supporting Sentences - provide additional Introduction
information or details that prove or explain A lead or attention-getter is the first
the main idea statement in the essay, and it aims to hook
Cohesive Devices - words such as pronouns, the readers. A composition can have an
conjunctions, and other transitional devices effective lead through the use of a
that show how the parts of the text are provocative rhetorical question, statistics, a
connected startling statement, an anecdote, a quotation,
humor, or analogy. This is followed by a
Unlike a paragraph, an essay has a more transitional statement or the sentence
elaborate structure. It is divided into three which links the lead to the thesis statement.
Generally, a transitional statement provides Knowing the parts of a paragraph and an
a background on the topic. In an essay will help you form the framework of
argumentative essay, it includes the your composition and knowledge of the
statement of the case and the arguments that aspects that make a well-written text will
will be refuted. The last part of the enable you to ensure the quality of your
introduction is the thesis statement which work and effectively communicate your
states the central idea or argument of the message.
Transitional Paragraph In some cases, a - is achieved when a composition
paragraph that does not directly provide focuses on one idea. In unified text,
support to a thesis statement is included in all the supporting ideas are relevant
an essay. It is called a transitional to the main thought. without unity,
paragraph. Its major function is to bridge the text will be confusing.
one paragraph to another.
Coherence and Cohesion
Body Coherence and cohesion are achieved when
The body is the meat of the essay. It ideas are logically, clearly, and smoothly
discusses the thesis statement in detail linked to one another; without it, the reader
through its paragraphs. This is where the may not be able to comprehend your
topic is developed and where the arguments composition. Although these two concepts
are laid out and discussed. are interrelated, they are distinct.

Conclusion Coherence occurs when ideas are

The concluding paragraph begins with the connected at the conceptual or idea
restatement of the thesis statement using a level. It can be seen through
different structure and wording from the well-defended arguments and
original thesis statement while still organized points.
upholding the language style of the essay. Cohesion, on the other hand, is the
This part is followed by a transitional connection of ideas at the sentence
statement that talks about the level. It can be readily seen in a
recommendations, the benefits of ideas text through the smooth flow of the
presented, or the purpose of writing the sentences and the connection of the
essay. Finally, a closing statement is used to ideas. Cohesion can be applied using
wrap up the essay. One strategy used for three techniques. One is the use of
ending an essay with a bang is to link it to pronouns to refrain from using a
the attention-getter in the introduction. specific word repeatedly. Another is
the use of transitional devices to
Properties of a Well-written Text connect sentences with linked ideas.
The last is the repetition of keywords 5. Spell out numbers from zero to ten and
to tie up the paragraphs subtly. write in figures those that are higher than
Organization 6. Use proper citations when writing texts.
is achieved when ideas are logically Typically, more citations are used in
and accurately arranged. academic texts than in business texts.
Knowledge of the parts of a
composition is a great help in The Writing Process
adhering to the correct organization
of ideas. The sentences within a Preparation
paragraph must also be organized During this stage, you have to establish
logically. your purpose first. Ask yourself: "Why do
I want to inform, entertain, or persuade the
Language Use audience about my topic?" Once you
The way language is used is one of the identify your purpose, you need to specify
clearest indicators of a well-written text. It your persona as a writer. Will you be a
enables the writer to effectively magazine columnist, an activist, a politician,
communicate ideas without confusing the or a lawyer? This will set the tone, language,
reader. Effective language use is achieved and level of formality in your paper.
by observing the following time-tested
principles in writing. Modeling
is the process by which you, the writer, look
Mechanics at different works which are similar in
The technical aspect of writing, nature with the paper you are about to
also known a, should not be write. For instance, if you will write an
overlooked when writing. It is argumentative paper, you can check at least
characterized as a set of conventions two samples of argumentative essays.
on how to spell, abbreviate, Analyze the features such as the
punctuate, and capitalize a organization, structure, and language use of
composition. In academic and formal the sample texts to determine how they
texts, the following achieved their purpose. Be sure that the
should be observed. model papers that you will use are of
1. Always use standard English. excellent quality.
2. Avoid contractions (e.g., shouldn't).
3. Avoid exclamation marks unless they are Generating Ideas
part of a direct quotation. To come up with ideas, you can do any of
4. Mention the full name of an institution or these prewriting activities: brainstorming,
organization with the abbreviation in clustering, or freewriting. As you already
parenthesis during the first mention. know, brainstorming is the process in
Thereafter, use the abbreviation.
which you list as many ideas as you can You can use various outlines based on the
think of without censoring them. structure you prefer: you can use a topic
outline (using words and phrases as entries),
In freewriting, you let the ideas flow freely a sentence outline (using complete sentences
by writing them down in sentences. Note as entries), or a paragraph outline (using
that there is little need to pay attention to paragraphs as entries).
grammar and logic at this point; simply let
the ideas run. Drafting
Also known as mapping, clustering is a Once you have outlined your ideas, it is time
technique that uses visual representations to write your first draft. At this stage, you
to show connections between ideas. The need to focus on the content and
process of clustering uses the same steps in organization not on the grammar and
making an idea map: start by writing a main mechanics. Build the credibility of your
thought inside a circle, and then link related paper by using reliable and valid sources.
concepts to it until you create a cluster of When using the Internet, you should check
interrelated ideas. the website address and look at the Uniform
Resource Locator (URL). The last part in
Focusing on a Topic its domain name is known as the top-level
The next thing you do with the general topic domain, and it indicates who owns the site.
you came up with is to narrow it down.
Focus on a topic by thinking of a question Top-level Domain Owner
related to your specific purpose. .com Company
Afterwards, answer the question with at .org Nonprofit
least two details. The answer to your organization
question will most probably lead to your .edu Educational
initial thesis statement. institution
.gov Government
Organizing Ideas agency
The next step in writing is organizing your
idea in an outline. Feedback
In preparing an outline, begin by answering is an important component of the writing
the question that leads to your thesis process. It is a response to the written work
statement. Two or three main ideas can be which focuses on all aspects of writing.
generated using this technique. Use these During the drafting stage, the feedback
main ideas as your main heading (level 1). focuses more on the content, structure,
Then, write the subtopics for each main idea organization, and clarity of the message.
(level Feedback can be classified into three:
2). Finally, write the supporting details for self-feedback, peer feedback, and teacher
each of the subtopics (level 3). feedback.
Revision is the act of improving the
original paper by applying changes based
on the feedback. You also need to apply
critical thinking and evaluation skills when
considering the comments on your paper.
You do not have to accept all the comments
as long as there are valid reasons for doing
so. If time permits, give yourself two to
three days before starting your revision
because having a break allows you to have a
fresher look at your paper.

The finishing stages of writing are editing
and proofreading. While editing focuses on
grammar and language use, proofreading
focuses on typography and mechanics.
During this stage, you need to use
standardized editing symbols to note the

After exerting effort in writing a good paper,
you can showcase your work to other
people. This stage is known as publishing.
One way to publish your work is by
posting it on social networking sites such as
blogs, Facebook, and other more reputable
research-sharing websites such as You can also publish your
work collectively with your classmates by
coming up with a book or magazine out of
your essays or by creating a class blog
which will feature everyone's works.

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