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[The scene opens with people going about their daily lives.

Cut to a group of friends hanging out

in a park.]

Jacielo: "It's so boring!"

Monica: I know right, I want to do something!

Daniela: "Like what?"

Kyrvie: Hey guys! You want to do something new? I have something here, TADA!”

[Another friend pulls out a small baggie filled with pills.]

Kyrvie: "I got these from a guy at school. He said they'll make us feel amazing!"

[The friends hesitate, looking unsure. The friend holding the pack waved it and it cuts to a
sequence, showing the consequences of drug use: failing grades, strained relationships, and
legal troubles.]

[The scene returns to the present, where the friends are exchanging nervous glances.]

Jivs: "I don't know man. Maybe we shouldn't. Those are illegal dude"

[Just then, a mentor figure approaches the group.]

Mentor 1: "Hey there. I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. Mind if we join you for a

[The friends nod, intrigued. Kyrvie hid the bag in a hurry]

Mentor 2: "I understand the temptation to try something new, but trust me, drugs are not the

Mentor 1: They might seem like a quick fix, but they can lead to a lifetime of regret."

[Cut to a montage of the friends engaging in positive activities: playing sports, making music,
and spending time with loved ones.]

Mentor 1: "There are so many healthier ways to have fun and feel good about yourself.
Surround yourself with positive influences, and remember, your future is too bright to be dimmed
by drugs."
[The friends smile, feeling empowered by the mentor's words.]

Melisse: "Thank you, Maam, thank you for looking out for us.

Jean Rose: Come on guys! Let's make fun memories!

Yana: Let's go!

Jivs: Right! Come on Kyrvie.

[The friends walk off, Kyrvie leaving the drugs behind.]

[Cut scene]

Jivs: "Don't let drugs control your life.

Kyrvie: Choose a brighter future.

Kaszandra: Say no to drugs."

[The screen fades to black, displaying a message about resources for drug prevention and
addiction support.]

MESSAGE: Drug abuse remains a significant public health concern worldwide, posing a myriad
of challenges to individuals, families, and communities. To effectively address this complex
issue, a comprehensive approach encompassing prevention, treatment, and harm reduction
strategies is imperative.

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