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DATE AUG.17.2019
Table of Contents
List of Tables............................................................................................................................... 2
List of Figure ............................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 3
1. Literature................................................................................................................................ 4
1.1 Little about Concrete .................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Little about Statistical quality control ......................................................................................... 11
2.Analysis of data ..................................................................................................................... 13
2.1Definitions ................................................................................................................................... 13
2.2 Statistical Functions .................................................................................................................... 13
3.Research Purpose .................................................................................................................. 18
3.1Application................................................................................................................................... 18
4.EVALUATION OF DATA .......................................................................................................... 19
4.1Statistical function ....................................................................................................................... 22
5.Conclusion ............................................................................................................................. 23
References ................................................................................................................................ 24

List of Tables
Table 1 Sources of Variation ..................................................................................................... 11
Table 2 Given Test Results ....................................................................................................... 19
Table 3 Central Tendency Values.............................................................................................. 20
Table 4 Normal Distribution Table............................................................................................ 21
Table 5 Distribution Out of the Total Percentage....................................................................... 22

List of Figure
Figure 1Slump Test..................................................................................................................... 5
Figure 2 Slump Test Proceedure ................................................................................................. 6
Figure 3Compacting Factor Test ................................................................................................. 7
Figure 4Flexural Testing Machine............................................................................................... 8
Figure 5Tensile Strength Testing ................................................................................................ 9
Figure 6Compressive Strength Testing ...................................................................................... 10
Figure 7Normal Distribution Curve........................................................................................... 16
Figure 8 Frequency Chart.......................................................................................................... 20
Figure 9 Area Graph ................................................................................................................. 20
Figure 10 Normal Distribution Curve ........................................................................................ 21


Statistical analysis could help in having a better understanding of the material used in many
structural and pavement constructions and interfere the durability and viability of these pieces of
construction. For that, we consider the laboratory test of a certain company where specimens were
casted in cylinders’ molds. Statistical analysis and probability theory are used for the purpose of
controlling the compressive strength at 28 days.

Here by, controlling is all about variation that occur among those specimen final output during the
test. The result that is the compressive strength of a concrete of those specimens should be to the
limit of that one can control and able to find where the potential sources of variation is located.

Variation could be anything that exists between the targeted characteristics of the element that we
are investing in the laboratory in this case. When we come to this characteristic it will give a raise
to a compressive strength of a concrete.


• Conduct a statistical analysis of the compressive strength of a structural concrete in the

laboratory. This is all about extensive numerical calculations and analysis that we are going
to do in the appropriate platform and it could be a digital tool like that of Excel or hand
• To know how the concrete quality is under control and have a good quality. And this part
is based on the previous outputs.

1. Literature
1.1 Little about Concrete

What is concrete?
Concrete is a most widely used construction material, commonly made by mixing of Cement with
Fine Aggregate, Coarse Aggregate, Water and Admixture.

What is quality of concrete?

For the building structure to be durable, more strength and also for aesthetic, accomplishing a
quality concrete is of supreme importance. This is because the vital factor which determines or
makes a building look elegant, gives a building more strength and durability the concrete’s quality.

Low strength and low durable concrete structures have damaged millions of lives and properties
in past decades. So, in order to achieve a quality and a durable building structure, maintaining the
quality and standard of concrete is paramount.

Quality is perceived differently by different people. Yet, everyone understands what is meant by
“quality”. In a manufactured product, the customer as a user recognizes the quality of fit, finish,
appearance, function, and performance.

The quality of service may be rated based on the degree of satisfaction by the customer receiving
the service. The relevant dictionary meaning of quality is “the degree of Excellence

Where does quality control begin?

It begins in the production of material used in concrete (Sampling and Testing):
• Portland Cement
• Pozzolana
• Coarse and Fine Aggregate
Uniformity of concrete production will be no greater than the uniformity of materials used in the

How does quality control continue?

• Handling and stockpiling
• Batching and Mixing
• Sampling and testing fresh concrete
o Slump
o Air Content
o Unit weight
o Temperature
• Transporting and placing the freshly mixed concrete.

To know the quality of concrete, we can do the several tests.
(1) Tests on Fresh Concrete

a) The Slump test

b) The Compacting Factor Test

(2) Tests on Hardened Concrete

a) Compression Test
b) Tensile Strength Test (Split Cylinder Test)
c) Flexural Strength Test

(1) Tests on Fresh Concrete

The mound for the slump test has the shape of frustum of a cone, 300mm high, The Diameter of
the base is 200 mm and at the top is 100mm. If the slump is:

• 25-50 =Low Workability

• 50-100 =Medium Workability
• 100-150 = High Workability

Figure 1Slump Test

Figure 2 Slump Test Proceedure

(b)The Compacting Factor Test

• Compacting factor is less than 0.75 = low workability concrete.

• Compacting factor is less than 0.92 = High workability concrete.

Figure 3Compacting Factor Test

(2) Tests on Hardened Concrete

a) Flexural Strength Test

Test to determine the tensile strength of concrete in flexure have been largely superseded
by the indirect tensile strength test, although it is still specified occasionally on pavement
and other similar projects where the strength of concrete in flexure, or bending, is of prime

Figure 4Flexural Testing Machine

b) Tensile Strength Test (Split Cylinder Test)

When the cylinder split the tensile strength of concrete is determined. This test not common
for construction purpose as this property of concrete is not very important to be considered as a
benefit. For this reason, we use reinforcement bars to replace the function of concrete of tensile
strength and we mainly focus on the other big characteristics of concrete which is its compressive

Figure 5Tensile Strength Testing

c) Compression Test

To determine the characteristic strength of the concrete. Size of concrete cylinder is 150mm dia
300mm long.

This test is the most common type of test of concrete as we are looking for this compressive
efficiency of concrete for our design and construction purpose. Concrete is preferred for its
compressive capacity and always we need to make sure this characteristic is under control when
we mix the materials.

Figure 6Compressive Strength Testing

1.2 Little about Statistical quality control

Statistical quality control refers to the use of statistical methods in the monitoring and maintaining
of the quality of products and services. One method, referred to as acceptance sampling, can be
used when a decision must be made to accept or reject a group of parts or items based on the quality
found in a sample. A second method, referred to as statistical process control, uses graphical
displays known as control charts to determine whether a process should be continued or should be
adjusted to achieve the desired quality.

It is customary to evaluate, according to the laws of mathematical statistics, the results of related
researches and to express them by means of characteristic values that allow to classify certain
properties of the samples taken at random. The conclusion that is obtained refers to the whole and
thus an image of the state of the material to be judged is obtained

In the statistical elaboration of the test results it is best to proceed according to ACI 214R-11, In
this case, the standard deviation s and the coefficient of variation are mainly of our interest. Based
on those findings we will try to discuss the status of the concrete quality.
So what are those are variations, what is exactly mean by variation for concrete compressive
strength. What are the reasons for the occurrence?

Variation in strength of concrete

The strength of concrete produced in sites is varied between mixes and even in in the same mix
due to the following reasons:

Table 1 Sources of Variation

Variation due to the properties of concrete Variation due to testing

Changes in w/cm caused by: Improper sampling procedures

• Poor control of water Variation due to fabrication:

• Excessive variation of variation in aggregate
or variable aggregate moisture measurement • Handling, storing, and curing of
• Retendering newly made cylinders.
• Poor quality, damaged, or distorted

Variation in water requirement caused by: Changes in curing

• Changes in aggregate grading, absorption, • Temperature variation

particle shape. • Variable moisture control
• Changes in cementitious and admixture • Delays in bringing cylinders to the

properties laboratory
• Changes in air content • Delays in beginning standard curing
• Delivery time and temperature changes
Poor testing procedures

• Specimen preparation
• Test procedure
• Uncalibrated tested equipment

Variation in characteristics and proportion of


• Aggregates
• Cementitious material, including pozzolans
• admixtures

Variation in mixing, transporting, placing, and


Variation in concrete temperature and curing

2.Analysis of data


• Concrete sample—a portion of concrete, taken at one time, from a single batch or single
truck load of concrete.
• Single cylinder (cube) strength or individual strength—the strength of a single cylinder; a
single cylinder strength doesn’t constitute a test result.
• Companion cylinders—cylinders made from the same sample of concrete.
• Strength test or strength test result—the average of two or more single-cylinder strengths
of specimens made from the same concrete sample (companion cylinders) and tested at the
same age.
• Range or within-test range—the difference between the maximum and minimum strengths
of individual concrete specimens comprising one strength test result.
• Test record—a collection of strength test results of a single concrete mixture.

2.2 Statistical Functions

A sufficient number of tests are needed to indicate accurately the variation in the concrete produced
and to permit appropriate statistical procedures for interpreting the test results. Statistical
procedures provide a sound basis for determining from such results the potential quality and
strength of the concrete and for expressing results in the most useful form.

A strength test result is defined as the average strength of all specimens of the same age, fabricated
from a sample taken from a single batch of concrete. A strength test cannot be based on only one
cylinder; a minimum of two cylinders is required for each test.

Concrete tests for strength are typically treated as if they fall into a distribution pattern similar to
the normal frequency distribution curve illustrated in Fig. below

When there is good control, the strength test values will tend to cluster near to the average value,
that is, the histogram of test results is tall and narrow. As variation in strength results increases,
the spread in the data increases and the normal distribution curve becomes lower and wider.

Normal Distribution

The normal distribution can be fully defined mathematically by two statistical parameters: the
mean and standard deviation. These statistical parameters of the strength can be calculated as
shown below:
Mean 𝑋: The average strength tests result is calculated using the following equation
( (
𝑋 = ∑%&'( 𝑋𝑖 = % ∑ 𝑥𝑖 = % (𝑋1 + 𝑋2 + 𝑋3 + ⋯ + 𝑋𝑛)

where Xi - individual strength test results.

Standard deviations, the standard deviation is the most generally recognized measure of dispersion
of the individual test data from their average.

% ∑ 𝑋𝑖 –[∑ 𝑋𝑖] ∑
𝑠= 4 %(%8() = 4%(%8()
𝑛 2 𝑛 2 𝑛 2 2
𝑖=1 𝑖=1 𝑖=1
𝑋𝑖 –𝑛𝑋

where s is the sample standard deviation; n is the number of strength test results in the
record; X is the sample mean, or average strength test result; and ΣX is the sum of strength
test results.

Coefficient of variation V - the sample standard deviation expressed as a percentage of the average
strength is called the coefficient of variation

𝑉= × 100
where V is the coefficient of variation, s is the sample standard deviation, and X is the
average strength test result

Range R - Range is the statistic found by subtracting the lowest value in a data set from the highest
value in that data set.
In evaluation of concrete test results, the within-test range R of a strength test result is found by
subtracting the lowest single cylinder strength from the highest single cylinder strength of the two
or more cylinders used to comprise a strength test result.

Interpretation of statistical parameters

Once the statistical parameters have been computed, and with the assumption or verification that
the results follow a normal frequency distribution curve, additional analysis of the test results is
possible. below indicates an approximate division of the area under the normal frequency
distribution curve. For example, approximately 68% of the area (equivalent to 68% of the results)
lies within ±1σof the average, and 95% lies within ±2σ.

This permits an estimate of the portion of the test results expected to fall within given multiples z
of σ of the average or of any other specific value.

Figure 7Normal Distribution Curve

Standards of Control
One of the primary purposes of statistical evaluation of concrete data is to identify sources of
variability. This knowledge can then be used to help determine appropriate steps to maintain the
desired level of control. Several different techniques can be used to detect variations in concrete
production, materials processing and handling, and contractor and testing agency operations. One
simple approach is to compare overall variability and within-test variability, using either standard
deviation or coefficient of variation, as appropriate, with previous performance.

The strength of concrete in a structure and the strength of test cylinders cast from a sample of that
concrete are not necessarily the same. The strength of the cylinders obtained from that sample of
concrete and used for contractual acceptance are to be cured and tested under tightly controlled
conditions. The strengths of these cylinders are generally the primary evidence of the quality of
concrete used in the structure. The engineer specifies the desired strength, the testing frequency,
and the permitted tolerance in compressive strength.

Data used to establish the minimum required average strength

To establish the required average strength fcr′ (target strength), an estimate of the variability of the
concrete to be supplied for construction is needed. The strength test record used to estimate the
standard deviation or coefficient of variation should represent a group of at least 30 consecutive

The requirement for 30 consecutive strength tests can be satisfied by using a test record of 30
consecutive batches of the same class of concrete or the statistical average of two test records
totaling 30 or more tests. If the number of test results available is less than 30, a more conservative
approach is needed. But in our case we will take 100 tests for a maximum accuracy of the result.

Test records with as few as 15 tests can be used to estimate the standard deviation; however, the
calculated standard deviation should be increased by as much as 15% to account for the uncertainty
in the estimate of the standard deviation. In the absence of sufficient information, a very
conservative approach is required and the concrete is proportioned to produce relatively high
average strengths.

Criteria for strength requirements

The minimum required average strength fcr′ can be computed using Eq. (a), (b), depending on
whether the coefficient of variation or standard deviation is used. The value of fcr′ will be the same
for a given set of strength test results regardless of whether the coefficient of variation or standard
deviation is used.
f’cr = f’c/(1-zV)---------Eq.(a)
f’cr= f’c+zS-------------Eq(b)

3.Research Purpose
One of the primary purposes of statistical evaluation of concrete data is to identify sources of
variability. This knowledge can then be used to help determine appropriate steps to maintain the
desired level of control. Several different techniques can be used to detect variations in concrete
production, materials processing and handling, and contractor and testing agency operations. One
simple approach is to compare overall variability and within-test variability, using either standard
deviation or coefficient of variation, as appropriate, with previous performance.

1. Calculate the required average strength (fcr') for a mix design if the specified compressive
strength (characteristic strength) is 24 MPa. Assume sufficient data exist for which a
standard deviation of 1.957 MPa has been calculated. Assume 10% of the normal
probability distribution lies below the average compressive strength (i.e. 10 % of the results
below the average strength, 90% confidence)

𝑓𝑐𝑟 @ = 𝑓𝑐 @ + 𝑧𝑆
From probability Table 10 % probability corresponds to z=1.28 , therefore,
Fcr' = 24 + 1.28*1.957 = 32.2 MPa

2. it is required to comment on the quality of a concrete for a raft foundation, the

measurement of compressive strength of some test results. What is the actual
compressive strength if the degree of confidence is 95% and do approve or
disapprove this concrete, knowing that the specified (characteristic strength is
24 MPa). Variation is about 8.18% and the average values for tests id 24 mpa.

𝑓𝑐′ = 𝑓𝑐𝑟 @ (1 − 𝑧𝑉)

Fc' = 24*(1 – 1.64*0.0818) = 20.78 MPa

Table 2 Given Test Results

test test test test test

number mpa number mpa number mpa number mpa number mpa
1 23 21 25 41 24 61 24 81 24
2 22 22 26 42 24 62 24 82 24
3 24 23 24 43 24 63 24 83 24
4 24 24 24 44 22 64 22 84 23
5 24 25 22 45 23 65 23 85 23
6 25 26 23 46 24 66 24 86 25
7 24 27 23 47 21 67 24 87 25
8 26 28 24 48 20 68 24 88 25
9 26 29 24 49 19 69 25 89 23
10 24 30 24 50 28 70 25 90 24
11 24 31 24 51 29 71 24 91 24
12 24 32 27 52 24 72 24 92 24
13 21 33 28 53 24 73 24 93 24
14 21 34 25 54 24 74 24 94 19
15 22 35 27 55 22 75 29 95 19
16 22 36 27 56 23 76 19 96 29
17 24 37 24 57 25 77 22 97 30
18 23 38 24 58 24 78 24 98 24
19 23 39 24 59 24 79 24 99 23
20 25 40 25 60 24 80 24 100 22


18.5-19.4 4 3.6
19.5-20.4 1 0.9
20.5-21.4 3 2.7
21.5-22.4 9 8.1
22.5-23.4 12 10.8
23.5-24.4 48 43.2
24.5-25.4 11 9.9
25.5-26.4 3 2.7
26.5-27.4 3 2.7
27.5-28.4 2 1.8
28.5-29.4 3 2.7
29.5-30.4 1 0.9 Total = 90

Chart Title






0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Figure 8 Frequency Chart

Chart Title














































Figure 9 Area Graph

Table 3 Central Tendency Values MEDIAN 24

MEAN 23.92
S.D 1.95795812
C.V% 8.18544365

Table 4 Normal Distribution Table

MPA Norm.dist
19 0.00866034
20 0.02744438
21 0.06699493
22 0.12597968
23 0.1824858
24 0.20362339
25 0.17502347
26 0.11588705
27 0.05910763
28 0.02322321
29 0.00702863
30 0.00163866
sum 0.99709716

Chart Title





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Figure 10 Normal Distribution Curve

4.1Statistical function
For 68.27 % of conformance or service - single sigma evaluation z=1

1. 𝑓𝑐′ = 𝑓𝑐𝑟 @ (1 − 𝑧𝑉)

𝑓𝑐′ = 23.92(1 − 1 ∗ 0.0818)

𝑓𝑐′ = 21.96𝑚𝑝𝑎

2. 𝑓𝑐𝑟 @ = 𝑓𝑐 @ + 𝑧𝑆

𝑓𝑐𝑟 @ = 23.92 + 1 ∗ 1.957

𝑓𝑐𝑟 @ = 25.877𝑚𝑝𝑎

For 95.45% of conformance or service – double signa evaluation z= 2

1. 𝑓𝑐′ = 𝑓𝑐𝑟 @ (1 − 𝑧𝑉)

𝑓𝑐′ = 23.92(1 − 2 ∗ 0.0818)

𝑓𝑐′ = 20.006𝑚𝑝𝑎

2. 𝑓𝑐𝑟 @ = 𝑓𝑐 @ + 𝑧𝑆

𝑓𝑐𝑟 @ = 23.92 + 1 ∗ 1.957

𝑓𝑐𝑟 @ = 27.834𝑚𝑝𝑎

Table 5 Distribution Out of the Total Percentage

MPA Norm.dist
19 0.00866034
20 0.02744438
21 0.06699493
22 0.12597968
23 0.1824858
24 0.20362339 0.8/0.997or 80%
25 0.17502347
26 0.11588705 0.97/0.9977or 97%
27 0.05910763
28 0.02322321
29 0.00702863
30 0.00163866
sum 0.99709716

From those 100 concrete compressive test samples having an average value of 23.92, standard
deviation of 1.957 and coefficient of variation 8.18% ,the results to be included are 20.006 mpa
and 27.834 mpa for 95.45 of level service and it with in the permissible limit to go ahead approval.

Having this result we can say that the concrete mix and the concrete quality is under control for
these expressive results. Further more the normal distribution curve indicates that the test values
are located more in center or the mean area and looks like it is narrower rather flatter, this tells us
most of the values are very close to the mean value of 23.93 mpa. This can another justification to
prove the concrete quality is close to our desire.

1. ACI 214R-11 Guide to Evaluation of Strength Test Results of Concrete
2. Lecture Notes, Unity University by Dr.Girmay
3., for general notes on concrete


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