Import Foreign Movies and TV Programmes

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[12/03/2016]: Some people think that it is good for a country's culture to import

foreign movies and TV programmes. Others think that it is better to produce

these locally. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

ANSWER: (collected & edited)

There have been divided opinions regarding the merits of foreign movies and TV
channels to the culture of a country as people believe domestic products would be
better. From my perspective, both of those categories are equally important.

On the one hand, it is reasonable to believe foreign films and TV telecasts can
contribute to the cultural diversity of a nation. Fascinating social norms and practices,
such as public hugging which is common in the US, can follow the wave to other
nations as Hollywood blockbusters (phim, truyện bom tấn) are enjoying worldwide
popularity. Such an ongoing phenomenon is believed to benefit the richness of the
host country’s traditional backgrounds. Moreover, the import of international movies
and TV shows could perfect the flaws of the country’s sets of beliefs. In Vietnam, for
example, the ceremony of funerals is often perpetuated (continued) with depraved
customs (hủ tục) such as gambling and drinking. Since the arrival of TV shows from
more developed nations, which triggers a new and civilized way of thinking, such
practices have been gradually aborted. (stopped)
On the other hand, it seems to me that producing local movies and TV programs
has the same importance. Citizens of a country would be able to acquire
knowledge about their own culture. Apparently, profound insights into traditional
values can be vividly conveyed in cinemas and on the media if the content is made by
local people. The second point to be considered is that this way can relieve the
worry of cultural assimilation (sự hoà tan văn hoá) which has emerged as a detriment
to (a threat) the existence of a country’s traditional beliefs and customs. In fact,
if exotic practices are absorbed thoughtlessly, it might lead to the oblivion (sự lãng
quên) of the long-standing ethics, which emphasizes the necessity for domestic
In conclusion, I would argue that both types of films and TV telecasts play an equal
role in a country’s culture
● Exotic (a): mới lạ, interesting (thường từ nước ngoài)


People have divided opinions about whether it is better for a country to purchase
foreign movies or to create domestic ones. While importing movies from other
countries can have some advantages, I would argue that producing local movies is a
much better option.

On the one hand, there are some clear benefits of buying movies from other
countries. Firstly, when a country imports movies that are produced overseas, it can
help its people learn about other cultures in a much easier and more effective way,
thus enhancing their cultural understanding without the need of exorbitant foreign
trips. Secondly, individuals can learn from the decent practices of other more civilised
societies and alter the way they behave. For example, the habit of queuing is a
desirable thing in many Western countries, and people from Vietnam can learn and
copy this action when watching foreign movies.

On the other hand, I believe it is better for countries to produce movies domestically
because of some reasons. The first one is that movies made by local people would
help to preserve the traditions and customs of their own cultures. For instance, many
Vietnamese TV programmes remind young generations of how people celebrate Lunar
New Year, which is the most important public holiday in some Asian countries. If
young people only watch foreign movies, the traditional values might be gradually
forgotten. Another reason is that the film industry often create jobs such as actors,
directors or cameramen, placing importance on the investment in producing movies in
order to provide more employment opportunities for local people.

In conclusion, while purchasing foreign movies is beneficial for a nation's culture to

some extent, I am more convinced that making local ones is a much better choice,
given the benefits related to local employment and culture preservation.
● (to) place emphasis, importance, etc. on st: (C2) to give something emphasis,

importance, etc.:

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