C - Chemistry - Summer Vacation - HHW - 2024-25

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Title: "Exploring Environmental Concerns: Understanding Ozone Layer Depletion, the Wonders of Water, and
Combatting Water Pollution"

Project Overview:

This project aims to deepen student’s understanding of critical environmental issues, focusing on three key topics:
Ozone Layer Depletion, the Significance of Water, and Water Pollution. Through research, analysis, and creative
expression, students will develop a comprehensive understanding of these topics and propose solutions to address
associated challenges.


❑ To comprehend the causes and consequences of Ozone Layer Depletion.

❑ To recognize the importance of water as a vital natural resource.
❑ To investigate various sources and impacts of water pollution.
❑ To develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills in proposing solutions to environmental challenges.

Assessment Framework:
I. Research and Understanding (30%)

✓ Depth of research conducted on Ozone Layer Depletion, Water Properties, and Water Pollution.
✓ Clarity and accuracy in explaining key concepts and phenomena.
✓ Integration of relevant scientific principles and data to support understanding.

II. Creativity and Expression (25%)

➢ Originality and creativity in presenting information (e.g., infographics, illustrations, multimedia presentations).
➢ Clarity and coherence of the narrative in explaining complex environmental concepts.

III. Analysis and Critical Thinking (25%)

• Identification and analysis of factors contributing to Ozone Layer Depletion and Water Pollution.
• Evaluation of the significance of water as a resource and the potential consequences of its mismanagement.
• Critical examination of existing solutions and proposals for addressing environmental challenges.

IV. Solution Proposals (20%)

✓ Development of innovative and feasible solutions to mitigate Ozone Layer Depletion and Water Pollution.
✓ Justification of proposed solutions based on scientific evidence and environmental principles.
✓ Consideration of potential challenges and implementation strategies.
Project Guidelines:
Research Phase:
✓ Conduct thorough research on Ozone Layer Depletion, the properties of water, and various sources and impacts
of water pollution.
✓ Utilize diverse resources such as textbooks, scientific journals, reputable websites, and documentaries.
Presentation Preparation:
 Choose a format for presenting findings (e.g., PowerPoint presentation, poster/scrapbook, video documentary).
 Ensure clarity, coherence, and creativity in the presentation design and content.
Analysis and Proposal Development:
❑ Analyze the gathered information to identify patterns, causes, and potential solutions.
❑ Brainstorm innovative and feasible solutions to address Ozone Layer Depletion and Water Pollution.
Drafting the Portfolio:
✓ Write a comprehensive write-up covering the key concepts, research findings, analysis, and proposed solutions.
✓ Include visuals, diagrams, and statistical data to enhance understanding and engagement.
Review and Feedback:
 Seek feedback from peers, teachers, and experts to refine the portfolio.
 Revise and edit the content for clarity, coherence, and accuracy.
Submission and Evaluation:
❖ Submit the final portfolio according to the specified deadline.
❖ Evaluation will be based on the assessment framework provided, considering the quality of research, creativity,
critical analysis, and proposed solutions.


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