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pt. No. Page No.

Aim Choose bes_method of Openinq of Opencas1 mine

Opening Lp at open pits is done by an Dpenin9 Cul for the develpmeni
oft h e first_wo1king bench Ihe opening Cut is Called he box
aut and the Slope o fSuitable gLaclieni (steepest is advisable_both
technicaland economical point of View for transporfs holding
Space and minimizin9 the Cost of excaation for deep pts is

Ihe boxcut mas_be internal located on the bench floor on
One Side of the pit) Saves cos/ofexcavation and Suitable
tor deep _pits Since _Dumber_of_benches in_this ase is_maxe
Kemember that excavation by eXternal means it extemely
large and expensie and extenal bx ut is Saitable f
Bax Cutis exavaBed initially_down to the tloor evel ot the
first benchfom ihe Surface
here after an opening leve hench is _Extended frem this
pening Cut to fom 1he fist bench
Opening9 irench is namowKeeping due Iegads of the funine
of themachineies uSed excavation and extends
OY aoss the quariable limif depencing on 1he fype of

Teacher's Signature

Expt. No. Page No..

alben the lirsl bench s Sufliciendy_adanced_1he bux Cut

Oniented and extended tothe nex lower bench keeping dlue
Yegaldingol he Sufficieni ameun)_cfIOoms_for fhe appieath
ead to ihe top SI bench and for Opening ench forlhe 20
Thisuny cf a nunber of wuking benches_are deeluped and the
Luidth of he box ut Should he Suffizient entugh to divesits
lhe appioach Ioadfeall the benches
fDumber of benches aie dereloped frum_cne Opening Cui,the
Cul Sheuld be Stated enough_away tiom the piflimil So ihat
hoffono bencb Can be Ieachecl at the desired Slope 0F the_pit
his type o£_OPening Cut may be Very Jonq and may be Cved
lependingupan 1heShape 0nd extenf cE ihe depasit
FOY CPEning up in billy deposit,a_Central bench Cuf s qiven
across he top Ieyel for the benth oy fzum_cnE Side in the Same
Contour leyel turming at lengih Ct tace which _eill give 1he Ieguird

Location_oF box Cut

The location of ihe bexCul depends Lpen the follewing tacteIs
lheminimum CoSt of houlag_within 1he Open plt and Cufsicle
he pii o the desired place e9 preparatien plani, Siding e
OY mineral _and Oveybureden dump toweverif the place ct
minera Siding Oyetburden is f apotSe
pezafecpcning Cut is
onefo mineia anc the othey one f Ove hurden isHc be

Expt. No.. Page No. ***

IE Shifting ot box cuB is Doi necessary it is to_be located af the

beundazyaf ihe nmineal depesil_puperly-_In_lpping_depesit_this
baundaxy Sheuld be fhe mineal out Crops orohere1atio_dE buuden
OYe is least location of ibe box Lut Should be in _the middle ct
be boundary of the reserve fox minimizing he haulage Cost
The Site of the box cut should he Stable to gaurd againsi 1he
flooding OF lhe minc
The SHe Should be at the Ise to 9uad against the tlocdling CF
the mine
The Site Should be Selcted where the Construchicn of apprcach
Toad is Yery ConYenient
The Site shoud be Selected pieferably_where Ihe depasit_has bigh
ghade mineral to Compensafe the development Costt
locationof the box Lut should be Such a Lway ihat it Seves
ThebuYppse OEmaximium mining alea
By 4his expeimeni wE Siudied abeut b0x Cut method in opening
of Open Cast mine

Teacher's SIgnature :
Expt. No.03.
Pagc No

Aim-Selecl excavalion machinery for Vavious productions
Various eXcavction machineryy
1) Shovel
a)dippey Shovel
b)10Pe Shove
C)hydhaulic Shove d) Hydiaulie back hoel shovel
a) Dragline
3) Buckei wbeelexcavalar
) Sutace miney
5) Front end loader

Selection of excavators depends _on following

Method of Stuipping and disposal of Cve buurden
Horizentaland Vertial Teath and 1eachbelau the grads
Opero ting Conditino and pit geomeby
Maneou10bi lity_
Tonnage equited (Capaity to be handled per unid move
load bearing apability of the fleor aock
Power Suppo1ding System and anangemenfs
Blending 1equirement
CondinuausOpeadicno shszete _opexation Suufae topcqnaphy
Nature dype ond Size of 1he maierials do be handled
flexibility of opeiation.
Teacher's Signature :,

Expt. No.. Pagc No0

Cost of the machine and availability of he Capital

Ease o maintenance
Ease ot maintenance
Staticsand mathine eliability
Operaiion and mainlenance Cos
ClimaticCondiins_affected by bea cold ain etc
OVEall Safety.

Mlachine1y LISedfor VauioulS excayation purposes

Excavation of Ovebuvden
D Dragline
Excava tioD of Coal:
D BuLke uheel eKcarator
) Shovel_
3) Fronend lccder

By thisexperiment we Sludied aboui excaration machinery fo
Yavius preductionS
Expt. No.04
Page No

Differeni iansportafion Systems UStd in Surface
Iypes of dransporting Sustem
The folloLwing ave 1he Vanious
transportation System uSed in mining
ORope Haulage
i)Direct z0pe haulage
iiTailL ope haulage
i ) Endless rope baulage
i ) Main_and tail aope haulage
Y) Guavity haulage
Vi)_Aeial rope haulage
Conveyor Sustem of haulage
i)Belt Conveuor
ii) Chain onveyo
ii)Cable belt Conveyor
Dis Conveyoy
V) SCvaperChain ConveyoY
Vi)_plate lonveyor
Yi)_Armoured Chain onveyor
Vi) Gale end Joader
ix)Mebile stage lecder
x) PiLkback Conveyo

Teacher's Slgnature:
Page No.
Expt. No.

3 Dumper/truck fransporta tion System

4 Rail tanspon tatian Sustem
pipe line anspoajation System
6 Road transpoutationSystem

lypes of dumpers
Haulfrucks aie ofE-bighuway,_Iigiad dump tucks Spetially
tor 1Se in_high-production mining and heaxy duty

)onthe _basts ofdumping
Rear_discharoe dumper
a) Keay end tractor trailey
b) Krar end tractor fype dumper
Side_discharge dumper
Bottom discharae dumpel-
i )onthe basis_of frame
a) Kigid frame dumper
b)_Aticulated dumper
ii)On the basis of Capacity :
a)Small Capaclty dumper upto 50 tonnes
b)MediumCapacily dumper 50-loo tonnes
large apatily dumpe7100-50 foones
d )Giaiot dumper :moeIhan R50 fonnes

xpt. No..
Page No. *****

DUferentypes of Conveyors are uStd in Oc

fransportaticn System
) Beltonveyers
Bucket Conveyors
3) ScrEw CODVeyor
) Pneumatic Conveyor
5) Gnavty Conyeyor
6) Pawered olleY (onveyoY
1) Pallet Conveyor
S) Over head (onyeyor
9) Magnetic Slide_Conveyor
lo) Chain_onveyOr
) Scrqper Chain_lonveyor
12) Armcured Chain ConvEyoY
13) plate Conveyor
14 Disc Conyeyor
5) Cable belt Conveyor
16) Sandwich belt lonveyor

Gieneral ioformation abul Demper

A dumper is Vehicle desiqped for Canying he bulk material often_cn

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